Here are Japanese names, which come from Powerful.
Name | Meaning | Gender |
Akihiro(陽太) | 陽 is sunshine, yang principle, positive, male, heaven, daytime. / 太 is plump, thick, big around. | Boy |
Akihiro(瑛太) | 瑛 is sparkle of jewelry, crystal. / 太 is plump, thick, big around. | Boy |
Akira(将) | 将 is leader, commander, general, admiral, or, and again, soon, from now on, just about. | Boy |
Akira(洸) | 洸 is sparkling water. | Boy |
Anji(柊太) | 柊 is holly. / 太 is plump, thick, big around. | Boy |
Aoshi(雄飛) | 雄 is masculine, male, hero, leader, superiority, excellence. / 飛 is fly, skip (pages), scatter. | Boy |
Aota(蒼太) | 蒼 is blue, pale. / 太 is plump, thick, big around. | Boy |
Arata(新太) | 新 is new. / 太 is plump, thick, big around. | Boy |
Atsushi(剛史) | 剛 is sturdy, strength. / 史 is history, chronicle. | Boy |
Ayumu(歩武) | 歩 is walk, counter for steps. / 武 is warrior, military, chivalry, arms. | Boy |
Chikara(力) | 力 is power, strength, strong, strain, bear up, exert. | Boy |
Daisuke(大将) | 大 is large, big. / 将 is leader, commander, general, admiral, or, and again, soon, from now on, just about. | Boy |
Eita(瑛太) | 瑛 is sparkle of jewelry, crystal. / 太 is plump, thick, big around. | Boy |
Eita(英太) | 英 is England, English, hero, outstanding, calyx. / 太 is plump, thick, big around. | Boy |
Eita(詠太) | 詠 is recitation, poem, song, composing. / 太 is plump, thick, big around. | Boy |
Futoshi(太志) | 太 is plump, thick, big around. / 志 is intention, plan, resolve, aspire, motive, hopes, shilling. | Boy |
Fuuta(楓太) | 楓 is maple. / 太 is plump, thick, big around. | Boy |
Go(剛) | 剛 is sturdy, strength. | Boy |
Goshi(剛史) | 剛 is sturdy, strength. / 史 is history, chronicle. | Boy |
Goshi(剛志) | 剛 is sturdy, strength. / 志 is intention, plan, resolve, aspire, motive, hopes, shilling. | Boy |
Haruta(陽太) | 陽 is sunshine, yang principle, positive, male, heaven, daytime. / 太 is plump, thick, big around. | Boy |
Haruta(晴太) | 晴 is clear up. / 太 is plump, thick, big around. | Boy |
Haya(隼) | 隼 is falcon. | Boy |
Hayashi(隼) | 隼 is falcon. | Boy |
Hayata(勇太) | 勇 is courage, cheer up, be in high spirits, bravery, heroism. / 太 is plump, thick, big around. | Boy |
Hayata(颯太) | 颯 is sudden, quick, sound of the wind. / 太 is plump, thick, big around. | Boy |
Hayata(隼大) | 隼 is falcon. / 大 is large, big. | Boy |
Hayate(隼) | 隼 is falcon. | Boy |
Hayato(隼人) | 隼 is falcon. / 人 is person. | Boy |
Hayato(勇人) | 勇 is courage, cheer up, be in high spirits, bravery, heroism. / 人 is person. | Boy |
Hayato(健人) | 健 is healthy, health, strength, persistence. / 人 is person. | Boy |
Hayato(隼) | 隼 is falcon. | Boy |
Hayato(勇斗) | 勇 is courage, cheer up, be in high spirits, bravery, heroism. / 斗 is Big Dipper, ten sho (vol), sake dipper, dots and cross radical (no. 68). | Boy |
Hayato(隼斗) | 隼 is falcon. / 斗 is Big Dipper, ten sho (vol), sake dipper, dots and cross radical (no. 68). | Boy |
Hayato(勇翔) | 勇 is courage, cheer up, be in high spirits, bravery, heroism. / 翔 is soar, fly. | Boy |
Hayato(隼大) | 隼 is falcon. / 大 is large, big. | Boy |
Hayato(隼翔) | 隼 is falcon. / 翔 is soar, fly. | Boy |
Hayato(勇仁) | 勇 is courage, cheer up, be in high spirits, bravery, heroism. / 仁 is humanity, virtue, benevolence, charity, man, kernel. | Boy |
Hideta(秀太) | 秀 is excel, excellence, beauty, surpass. / 太 is plump, thick, big around. | Boy |
Hideta(英太) | 英 is England, English, hero, outstanding, calyx. / 太 is plump, thick, big around. | Boy |
Hikari(洸) | 洸 is sparkling water. | Boy |
Hikari(太陽) | 太 is plump, thick, big around. / 陽 is sunshine, yang principle, positive, male, heaven, daytime. | Boy |
Hikaru(洸) | 洸 is sparkling water. | Boy |
Hikaru(太陽) | 太 is plump, thick, big around. / 陽 is sunshine, yang principle, positive, male, heaven, daytime. | Boy |
Hinata(陽太) | 陽 is sunshine, yang principle, positive, male, heaven, daytime. / 太 is plump, thick, big around. | Boy |
Hinata(太陽) | 太 is plump, thick, big around. / 陽 is sunshine, yang principle, positive, male, heaven, daytime. | Boy |
Hiro(洸) | 洸 is sparkling water. | Boy |
Hiroaki(太陽) | 太 is plump, thick, big around. / 陽 is sunshine, yang principle, positive, male, heaven, daytime. | Boy |
Hiromasa(大将) | 大 is large, big. / 将 is leader, commander, general, admiral, or, and again, soon, from now on, just about. | Boy |
Hiroshi(洸) | 洸 is sparkling water. | Boy |
Hirota(裕太) | 裕 is abundant, rich, fertile. / 太 is plump, thick, big around. | Boy |
Hirota(浩太) | 浩 is wide expanse, abundance, vigorous. / 太 is plump, thick, big around. | Boy |
Hirota(宏太) | 宏 is wide, large. / 太 is plump, thick, big around. | Boy |
Hitoshi(将) | 将 is leader, commander, general, admiral, or, and again, soon, from now on, just about. | Boy |
Honoka(洸) | 洸 is sparkling water. | Boy |
Isahito(勇人) | 勇 is courage, cheer up, be in high spirits, bravery, heroism. / 人 is person. | Boy |
Isahito(勇仁) | 勇 is courage, cheer up, be in high spirits, bravery, heroism. / 仁 is humanity, virtue, benevolence, charity, man, kernel. | Boy |
Isami(勇) | 勇 is courage, cheer up, be in high spirits, bravery, heroism. | Boy |
Isamu(勇) | 勇 is courage, cheer up, be in high spirits, bravery, heroism. | Boy |
Isamu(武) | 武 is warrior, military, chivalry, arms. | Boy |
Isamu(力) | 力 is power, strength, strong, strain, bear up, exert. | Boy |
Isamu(雄) | 雄 is masculine, male, hero, leader, superiority, excellence. | Boy |
Isando(勇人) | 勇 is courage, cheer up, be in high spirits, bravery, heroism. / 人 is person. | Boy |
Isao(勇人) | 勇 is courage, cheer up, be in high spirits, bravery, heroism. / 人 is person. | Boy |
Isao(勇) | 勇 is courage, cheer up, be in high spirits, bravery, heroism. | Boy |
Isao(力) | 力 is power, strength, strong, strain, bear up, exert. | Boy |
Isato(勇人) | 勇 is courage, cheer up, be in high spirits, bravery, heroism. / 人 is person. | Boy |
Isaya(勇也) | 勇 is courage, cheer up, be in high spirits, bravery, heroism. / 也 is to be (classical). | Boy |
Isaya(勇哉) | 勇 is courage, cheer up, be in high spirits, bravery, heroism. / 哉 is how, what, alas, question mark, exclamation mark. | Boy |
Jo(丈) | 丈 is length, ten shaku, measure, Mr., Ms., height, stature, all (one has), only, that's all, merely. | Boy |
Jotaro(丈太郎) | 丈 is length, ten shaku, measure, Mr., Ms., height, stature, all (one has), only, that's all, merely. / 太 is plump, thick, big around. / 郎 is son, counter for sons. | Boy |
Jun(隼) | 隼 is falcon. | Boy |
Kanata(奏太) | 奏 is play music, speak to a ruler, complete. / 太 is plump, thick, big around. | Boy |
Kaneta(謙太) | 謙 is self-effacing, humble oneself, condescend, be modest. / 太 is plump, thick, big around. | Boy |
Kanta(幹太) | 幹 is tree trunk, main part, talent, capability. / 太 is plump, thick, big around. | Boy |
Kanta(寛太) | 寛 is tolerant, leniency, generosity, relax, feel at home, be at ease, broadminded. / 太 is plump, thick, big around. | Boy |
Kanta(貫太) | 貫 is pierce, 8 1/3lbs, penetrate, brace. / 太 is plump, thick, big around. | Boy |
Kanta(柑太) | 柑 is citrus, orange. / 太 is plump, thick, big around. | Boy |
Katsu(将) | 将 is leader, commander, general, admiral, or, and again, soon, from now on, just about. | Boy |
Katsuchika(克哉) | 克 is overcome, kindly, skillfully. / 哉 is how, what, alas, question mark, exclamation mark. | Boy |
Katsuhiro(雄大) | 雄 is masculine, male, hero, leader, superiority, excellence. / 大 is large, big. | Boy |
Katsunari(克也) | 克 is overcome, kindly, skillfully. / 也 is to be (classical). | Boy |
Katsunori(雄紀) | 雄 is masculine, male, hero, leader, superiority, excellence. / 紀 is chronicle, account, narrative, history, annals, geologic period. | Boy |
Katsuya(雄也) | 雄 is masculine, male, hero, leader, superiority, excellence. / 也 is to be (classical). | Boy |
Katsuya(克也) | 克 is overcome, kindly, skillfully. / 也 is to be (classical). | Boy |
Katsuya(克哉) | 克 is overcome, kindly, skillfully. / 哉 is how, what, alas, question mark, exclamation mark. | Boy |
Katsuya(雄哉) | 雄 is masculine, male, hero, leader, superiority, excellence. / 哉 is how, what, alas, question mark, exclamation mark. | Boy |
Katsuya(健也) | 健 is healthy, health, strength, persistence. / 也 is to be (classical). | Boy |
Kazuhiro(雄大) | 雄 is masculine, male, hero, leader, superiority, excellence. / 大 is large, big. | Boy |
Kazumasa(勇翔) | 勇 is courage, cheer up, be in high spirits, bravery, heroism. / 翔 is soar, fly. | Boy |
Kazutaka(雄貴) | 雄 is masculine, male, hero, leader, superiority, excellence. / 貴 is precious, value, prize, esteem, honor. | Boy |
Kazuya(雄也) | 雄 is masculine, male, hero, leader, superiority, excellence. / 也 is to be (classical). | Boy |
Kazuya(将也) | 将 is leader, commander, general, admiral, or, and again, soon, from now on, just about. / 也 is to be (classical). | Boy |
Keita(啓太) | 啓 is disclose, open, say. / 太 is plump, thick, big around. | Boy |
Keita(敬太) | 敬 is awe, respect, honor, revere. / 太 is plump, thick, big around. | Boy |
Keita(圭太) | 圭 is square jewel, corner, angle, edge. / 太 is plump, thick, big around. | Boy |
Keita(恵太) | 恵 is favor, blessing, grace, kindness. / 太 is plump, thick, big around. | Boy |
Keita(慶太) | 慶 is jubilation, congratulate, rejoice, be happy. / 太 is plump, thick, big around. | Boy |
Ken(健) | 健 is healthy, health, strength, persistence. | Boy |
Kengo(健吾) | 健 is healthy, health, strength, persistence. / 吾 is I, my, our, one's own. | Boy |
Kengo(健悟) | 健 is healthy, health, strength, persistence. / 悟 is enlightenment, perceive, discern, realize, understand. | Boy |
Kenichi(健一) | 健 is healthy, health, strength, persistence. / 一 is one, one radical (no.1). | Boy |
Kenji(健二) | 健 is healthy, health, strength, persistence. / 二 is two, two radical (no. 7). | Boy |
Kenji(健司) | 健 is healthy, health, strength, persistence. / 司 is director, official, govt office, rule, administer. | Boy |
Kenji(健志) | 健 is healthy, health, strength, persistence. / 志 is intention, plan, resolve, aspire, motive, hopes, shilling. | Boy |
Kenkichi(健) | 健 is healthy, health, strength, persistence. | Boy |
Kenshin(健心) | 健 is healthy, health, strength, persistence. / 心 is heart, mind, spirit, heart radical (no. 61). | Boy |
Kensho(健翔) | 健 is healthy, health, strength, persistence. / 翔 is soar, fly. | Boy |
Kensuke(健介) | 健 is healthy, health, strength, persistence. / 介 is jammed in, shellfish, mediate, concern oneself with. | Boy |
Kenta(健太) | 健 is healthy, health, strength, persistence. / 太 is plump, thick, big around. | Boy |
Kenta(賢太) | 賢 is intelligent, wise, wisdom, cleverness. / 太 is plump, thick, big around. | Boy |
Kenta(謙太) | 謙 is self-effacing, humble oneself, condescend, be modest. / 太 is plump, thick, big around. | Boy |
Kenta(健汰) | 健 is healthy, health, strength, persistence. / 汰 is washing, sieving, filtering, weeding out, luxury. | Boy |
Kenta(建太) | 建 is build. / 太 is plump, thick, big around. | Boy |
Kentaro(健太郎) | 健 is healthy, health, strength, persistence. / 太 is plump, thick, big around. / 郎 is son, counter for sons. | Boy |
Kentaro(健太朗) | 健 is healthy, health, strength, persistence. / 太 is plump, thick, big around. / 朗 is melodious, clear, bright, serene, cheerful. | Boy |
Kentaro(賢太郎) | 賢 is intelligent, wise, wisdom, cleverness. / 太 is plump, thick, big around. / 郎 is son, counter for sons. | Boy |
Kento(健人) | 健 is healthy, health, strength, persistence. / 人 is person. | Boy |
Kento(健斗) | 健 is healthy, health, strength, persistence. / 斗 is Big Dipper, ten sho (vol), sake dipper, dots and cross radical (no. 68). | Boy |
Kento(健翔) | 健 is healthy, health, strength, persistence. / 翔 is soar, fly. | Boy |
Kenya(健也) | 健 is healthy, health, strength, persistence. / 也 is to be (classical). | Boy |
Kirata(煌太) | 煌 is glitter, gleam, twinkle. / 太 is plump, thick, big around. | Boy |
Kiyoshi(健) | 健 is healthy, health, strength, persistence. | Boy |
Ko(洸) | 洸 is sparkling water. | Boy |
Koki(洸希) | 洸 is sparkling water. / 希 is hope, beg, request, pray, beseech, Greece, dilute (acid), rare, few, phenomenal. | Boy |
Kota(康太) | 康 is ease, peace. / 太 is plump, thick, big around. | Boy |
Kota(孝太) | 孝 is filial piety, child's respect. / 太 is plump, thick, big around. | Boy |
Kota(幸太) | 幸 is happiness, blessing, fortune. / 太 is plump, thick, big around. | Boy |
Kota(浩太) | 浩 is wide expanse, abundance, vigorous. / 太 is plump, thick, big around. | Boy |
Kota(航太) | 航 is navigate, sail, cruise, fly. / 太 is plump, thick, big around. | Boy |
Kota(宏太) | 宏 is wide, large. / 太 is plump, thick, big around. | Boy |
Kota(洸太) | 洸 is sparkling water. / 太 is plump, thick, big around. | Boy |
Kota(滉太) | 滉 is deep and broad. / 太 is plump, thick, big around. | Boy |
Kota(晃太) | 晃 is clear. / 太 is plump, thick, big around. | Boy |
Kota(皓太) | 皓 is white, clear. / 太 is plump, thick, big around. | Boy |
Kota(煌太) | 煌 is glitter, gleam, twinkle. / 太 is plump, thick, big around. | Boy |
Kotaro(光太郎) | 光 is ray, light. / 太 is plump, thick, big around. / 郎 is son, counter for sons. | Boy |
Kotaro(虎太郎) | 虎 is tiger, drunkard. / 太 is plump, thick, big around. / 郎 is son, counter for sons. | Boy |
Kotaro(虎太朗) | 虎 is tiger, drunkard. / 太 is plump, thick, big around. / 朗 is melodious, clear, bright, serene, cheerful. | Boy |
Kotaro(康太郎) | 康 is ease, peace. / 太 is plump, thick, big around. / 郎 is son, counter for sons. | Boy |
Kotaro(孝太郎) | 孝 is filial piety, child's respect. / 太 is plump, thick, big around. / 郎 is son, counter for sons. | Boy |
Kotaro(幸太郎) | 幸 is happiness, blessing, fortune. / 太 is plump, thick, big around. / 郎 is son, counter for sons. | Boy |
Kotaro(航太郎) | 航 is navigate, sail, cruise, fly. / 太 is plump, thick, big around. / 郎 is son, counter for sons. | Boy |
Kotaro(琥太郎) | 琥 is jewelled utensil. / 太 is plump, thick, big around. / 郎 is son, counter for sons. | Boy |
Kotaro(琥太朗) | 琥 is jewelled utensil. / 太 is plump, thick, big around. / 朗 is melodious, clear, bright, serene, cheerful. | Boy |
Kotaro(晃太郎) | 晃 is clear. / 太 is plump, thick, big around. / 郎 is son, counter for sons. | Boy |
Kotaro(航太朗) | 航 is navigate, sail, cruise, fly. / 太 is plump, thick, big around. / 朗 is melodious, clear, bright, serene, cheerful. | Boy |
Kowashi(剛) | 剛 is sturdy, strength. | Boy |
Masa(将) | 将 is leader, commander, general, admiral, or, and again, soon, from now on, just about. | Boy |
Masafumi(将史) | 将 is leader, commander, general, admiral, or, and again, soon, from now on, just about. / 史 is history, chronicle. | Boy |
Masahira(将平) | 将 is leader, commander, general, admiral, or, and again, soon, from now on, just about. / 平 is even, flat, peace. | Boy |
Masahiro(将大) | 将 is leader, commander, general, admiral, or, and again, soon, from now on, just about. / 大 is large, big. | Boy |
Masaki(将貴) | 将 is leader, commander, general, admiral, or, and again, soon, from now on, just about. / 貴 is precious, value, prize, esteem, honor. | Boy |
Masaki(将輝) | 将 is leader, commander, general, admiral, or, and again, soon, from now on, just about. / 輝 is radiance, shine, sparkle, gleam, twinkle. | Boy |
Masaki(将希) | 将 is leader, commander, general, admiral, or, and again, soon, from now on, just about. / 希 is hope, beg, request, pray, beseech, Greece, dilute (acid), rare, few, phenomenal. | Boy |
Masanari(将也) | 将 is leader, commander, general, admiral, or, and again, soon, from now on, just about. / 也 is to be (classical). | Boy |
Masaru(健) | 健 is healthy, health, strength, persistence. | Boy |
Masaru(将) | 将 is leader, commander, general, admiral, or, and again, soon, from now on, just about. | Boy |
Masaru(力) | 力 is power, strength, strong, strain, bear up, exert. | Boy |
Masaru(洸) | 洸 is sparkling water. | Boy |
Masashi(将) | 将 is leader, commander, general, admiral, or, and again, soon, from now on, just about. | Boy |
Masashi(将司) | 将 is leader, commander, general, admiral, or, and again, soon, from now on, just about. / 司 is director, official, govt office, rule, administer. | Boy |
Masashi(将史) | 将 is leader, commander, general, admiral, or, and again, soon, from now on, just about. / 史 is history, chronicle. | Boy |
Masashi(将志) | 将 is leader, commander, general, admiral, or, and again, soon, from now on, just about. / 志 is intention, plan, resolve, aspire, motive, hopes, shilling. | Boy |
Masata(将太) | 将 is leader, commander, general, admiral, or, and again, soon, from now on, just about. / 太 is plump, thick, big around. | Boy |
Masata(正太) | 正 is correct, justice, righteous, 10**40. / 太 is plump, thick, big around. | Boy |
Masataka(将貴) | 将 is leader, commander, general, admiral, or, and again, soon, from now on, just about. / 貴 is precious, value, prize, esteem, honor. | Boy |
Masateru(将輝) | 将 is leader, commander, general, admiral, or, and again, soon, from now on, just about. / 輝 is radiance, shine, sparkle, gleam, twinkle. | Boy |
Masato(将人) | 将 is leader, commander, general, admiral, or, and again, soon, from now on, just about. / 人 is person. | Boy |
Masaya(将也) | 将 is leader, commander, general, admiral, or, and again, soon, from now on, just about. / 也 is to be (classical). | Boy |
Masayuki(将之) | 将 is leader, commander, general, admiral, or, and again, soon, from now on, just about. / 之 is of, this. | Boy |
Masuo(丈) | 丈 is length, ten shaku, measure, Mr., Ms., height, stature, all (one has), only, that's all, merely. | Boy |
Mikita(幹太) | 幹 is tree trunk, main part, talent, capability. / 太 is plump, thick, big around. | Boy |
Mitsutaro(光太郎) | 光 is ray, light. / 太 is plump, thick, big around. / 郎 is son, counter for sons. | Boy |
Mochi(将) | 将 is leader, commander, general, admiral, or, and again, soon, from now on, just about. | Boy |
Osakazu(雄一) | 雄 is masculine, male, hero, leader, superiority, excellence. / 一 is one, one radical (no.1). | Boy |
Osamu(将) | 将 is leader, commander, general, admiral, or, and again, soon, from now on, just about. | Boy |
Riki(力) | 力 is power, strength, strong, strain, bear up, exert. | Boy |
Rikishi(力) | 力 is power, strength, strong, strain, bear up, exert. | Boy |
Rikiya(力也) | 力 is power, strength, strong, strain, bear up, exert. / 也 is to be (classical). | Boy |
Rintaro(凛太郎) | 凛 is cold. / 太 is plump, thick, big around. / 郎 is son, counter for sons. | Boy |
Rintaro(麟太郎) | 麟 is Chinese unicorn, genius, giraffe, bright, shining. / 太 is plump, thick, big around. / 郎 is son, counter for sons. | Boy |
Rintaro(倫太郎) | 倫 is ethics, companion. / 太 is plump, thick, big around. / 郎 is son, counter for sons. | Boy |
Rintaro(凜太郎) | 凜 is cold, strict, severe. / 太 is plump, thick, big around. / 郎 is son, counter for sons. | Boy |
Rintaro(凜太朗) | 凜 is cold, strict, severe. / 太 is plump, thick, big around. / 朗 is melodious, clear, bright, serene, cheerful. | Boy |
Rintaro(倫太朗) | 倫 is ethics, companion. / 太 is plump, thick, big around. / 朗 is melodious, clear, bright, serene, cheerful. | Boy |
Rintaro(凛太朗) | 凛 is cold. / 太 is plump, thick, big around. / 朗 is melodious, clear, bright, serene, cheerful. | Boy |
Ryota(亮太) | 亮 is clear, help. / 太 is plump, thick, big around. | Boy |
Ryota(良太) | 良 is good, pleasing, skilled. / 太 is plump, thick, big around. | Boy |
Ryota(涼太) | 涼 is refreshing, nice and cool. / 太 is plump, thick, big around. | Boy |
Ryota(竜太) | 竜 is dragon, imperial. / 太 is plump, thick, big around. | Boy |
Ryota(龍太) | 龍 is dragon, imperial. / 太 is plump, thick, big around. | Boy |
Ryota(遼太) | 遼 is distant. / 太 is plump, thick, big around. | Boy |
Ryota(諒太) | 諒 is fact, reality, understand, appreciate. / 太 is plump, thick, big around. | Boy |
Ryota(凌太) | 凌 is endure, keep (rain)out, stave off, tide over, defy, slight, surpass. / 太 is plump, thick, big around. | Boy |
Ryota(稜太) | 稜 is angle, edge, corner, power, majesty. / 太 is plump, thick, big around. | Boy |
Ryotaro(遼太郎) | 遼 is distant. / 太 is plump, thick, big around. / 郎 is son, counter for sons. | Boy |
Ryotaro(涼太郎) | 涼 is refreshing, nice and cool. / 太 is plump, thick, big around. / 郎 is son, counter for sons. | Boy |
Ryu(隆) | 隆 is hump, high, noble, prosperity. | Boy |
Ryuichi(隆一) | 隆 is hump, high, noble, prosperity. / 一 is one, one radical (no.1). | Boy |
Ryuji(隆志) | 隆 is hump, high, noble, prosperity. / 志 is intention, plan, resolve, aspire, motive, hopes, shilling. | Boy |
Ryunosuke(隆之介) | 隆 is hump, high, noble, prosperity. / 之 is of, this. / 介 is jammed in, shellfish, mediate, concern oneself with. | Boy |
Ryusei(隆成) | 隆 is hump, high, noble, prosperity. / 成 is turn into, become, get, grow, elapse, reach. | Boy |
Ryusuke(隆介) | 隆 is hump, high, noble, prosperity. / 介 is jammed in, shellfish, mediate, concern oneself with. | Boy |
Ryuta(隆太) | 隆 is hump, high, noble, prosperity. / 太 is plump, thick, big around. | Boy |
Ryuta(竜太) | 竜 is dragon, imperial. / 太 is plump, thick, big around. | Boy |
Ryuta(龍太) | 龍 is dragon, imperial. / 太 is plump, thick, big around. | Boy |
Ryuta(琉太) | 琉 is precious stone, gem, lapis lazuli. / 太 is plump, thick, big around. | Boy |
Ryutaro(太郎) | 太 is plump, thick, big around. / 郎 is son, counter for sons. | Boy |
Ryutaro(龍太郎) | 龍 is dragon, imperial. / 太 is plump, thick, big around. / 郎 is son, counter for sons. | Boy |
Ryutaro(竜太郎) | 竜 is dragon, imperial. / 太 is plump, thick, big around. / 郎 is son, counter for sons. | Boy |
Ryutaro(隆太郎) | 隆 is hump, high, noble, prosperity. / 太 is plump, thick, big around. / 郎 is son, counter for sons. | Boy |
Sachita(幸太) | 幸 is happiness, blessing, fortune. / 太 is plump, thick, big around. | Boy |
Sachitaro(幸太郎) | 幸 is happiness, blessing, fortune. / 太 is plump, thick, big around. / 郎 is son, counter for sons. | Boy |
Sakutaro(朔太郎) | 朔 is conjunction (astronomy), first day of month, north. / 太 is plump, thick, big around. / 郎 is son, counter for sons. | Boy |
San(太陽) | 太 is plump, thick, big around. / 陽 is sunshine, yang principle, positive, male, heaven, daytime. | Boy |
Santa(陽太) | 陽 is sunshine, yang principle, positive, male, heaven, daytime. / 太 is plump, thick, big around. | Boy |
Satoru(力) | 力 is power, strength, strong, strain, bear up, exert. | Boy |
Seita(晴太) | 晴 is clear up. / 太 is plump, thick, big around. | Boy |
Shinta(新太) | 新 is new. / 太 is plump, thick, big around. | Boy |
Shintaro(慎太郎) | 慎 is humility, be careful, discreet, prudent. / 太 is plump, thick, big around. / 郎 is son, counter for sons. | Boy |
Shintaro(真太郎) | 真 is true, reality, Buddhist sect. / 太 is plump, thick, big around. / 郎 is son, counter for sons. | Boy |
Sho(将) | 将 is leader, commander, general, admiral, or, and again, soon, from now on, just about. | Boy |
Shogo(将吾) | 将 is leader, commander, general, admiral, or, and again, soon, from now on, just about. / 吾 is I, my, our, one's own. | Boy |
Shohei(将平) | 将 is leader, commander, general, admiral, or, and again, soon, from now on, just about. / 平 is even, flat, peace. | Boy |
Shoji(将司) | 将 is leader, commander, general, admiral, or, and again, soon, from now on, just about. / 司 is director, official, govt office, rule, administer. | Boy |
Shoki(将貴) | 将 is leader, commander, general, admiral, or, and again, soon, from now on, just about. / 貴 is precious, value, prize, esteem, honor. | Boy |
Shota(翔太) | 翔 is soar, fly. / 太 is plump, thick, big around. | Boy |
Shota(将太) | 将 is leader, commander, general, admiral, or, and again, soon, from now on, just about. / 太 is plump, thick, big around. | Boy |
Shota(祥太) | 祥 is auspicious, happiness, blessedness, good omen, good fortune. / 太 is plump, thick, big around. | Boy |
Shota(正太) | 正 is correct, justice, righteous, 10**40. / 太 is plump, thick, big around. | Boy |
Shotaro(翔太郎) | 翔 is soar, fly. / 太 is plump, thick, big around. / 郎 is son, counter for sons. | Boy |
Shotaro(将太郎) | 将 is leader, commander, general, admiral, or, and again, soon, from now on, just about. / 太 is plump, thick, big around. / 郎 is son, counter for sons. | Boy |
Shu(将) | 将 is leader, commander, general, admiral, or, and again, soon, from now on, just about. | Boy |
Shun(隼) | 隼 is falcon. | Boy |
Shunji(隼士) | 隼 is falcon. / 士 is gentleman, scholar, samurai, samurai radical (no. 33). | Boy |
Shunsuke(隼輔) | 隼 is falcon. / 輔 is help. | Boy |
Shunta(駿太) | 駿 is a good horse, speed, a fast person. / 太 is plump, thick, big around. | Boy |
Shunta(俊太) | 俊 is sagacious, genius, excellence. / 太 is plump, thick, big around. | Boy |
Shunta(隼大) | 隼 is falcon. / 大 is large, big. | Boy |
Shuntaro(駿太郎) | 駿 is a good horse, speed, a fast person. / 太 is plump, thick, big around. / 郎 is son, counter for sons. | Boy |
Shunya(隼也) | 隼 is falcon. / 也 is to be (classical). | Boy |
Shuta(秀太) | 秀 is excel, excellence, beauty, surpass. / 太 is plump, thick, big around. | Boy |
Shuta(柊太) | 柊 is holly. / 太 is plump, thick, big around. | Boy |
Sota(颯太) | 颯 is sudden, quick, sound of the wind. / 太 is plump, thick, big around. | Boy |
Sota(壮太) | 壮 is robust, manhood, prosperity. / 太 is plump, thick, big around. | Boy |
Sota(聡太) | 聡 is wise, fast learner. / 太 is plump, thick, big around. | Boy |
Sota(創太) | 創 is genesis, wound, injury, hurt, start, originate. / 太 is plump, thick, big around. | Boy |
Sota(蒼太) | 蒼 is blue, pale. / 太 is plump, thick, big around. | Boy |
Sota(奏太) | 奏 is play music, speak to a ruler, complete. / 太 is plump, thick, big around. | Boy |
Sota(爽太) | 爽 is refreshing, bracing, resonant, sweet, clear. / 太 is plump, thick, big around. | Boy |
Sota(湊太) | 湊 is port, harbor. / 太 is plump, thick, big around. | Boy |
Sotaro(颯太郎) | 颯 is sudden, quick, sound of the wind. / 太 is plump, thick, big around. / 郎 is son, counter for sons. | Boy |
Susumu(将) | 将 is leader, commander, general, admiral, or, and again, soon, from now on, just about. | Boy |
Taichi(太一) | 太 is plump, thick, big around. / 一 is one, one radical (no.1). | Boy |
Taichi(太智) | 太 is plump, thick, big around. / 智 is wisdom, intellect, reason. | Boy |
Taiga(太雅) | 太 is plump, thick, big around. / 雅 is gracious, elegant, graceful, refined. | Boy |
Taiichi(太一) | 太 is plump, thick, big around. / 一 is one, one radical (no.1). | Boy |
Taishi(太志) | 太 is plump, thick, big around. / 志 is intention, plan, resolve, aspire, motive, hopes, shilling. | Boy |
Taisho(大将) | 大 is large, big. / 将 is leader, commander, general, admiral, or, and again, soon, from now on, just about. | Boy |
Taiyou(太陽) | 太 is plump, thick, big around. / 陽 is sunshine, yang principle, positive, male, heaven, daytime. | Boy |
Takafumi(隆史) | 隆 is hump, high, noble, prosperity. / 史 is history, chronicle. | Boy |
Takaharu(太陽) | 太 is plump, thick, big around. / 陽 is sunshine, yang principle, positive, male, heaven, daytime. | Boy |
Takahiro(隆宏) | 隆 is hump, high, noble, prosperity. / 宏 is wide, large. | Boy |
Takahito(隆一) | 隆 is hump, high, noble, prosperity. / 一 is one, one radical (no.1). | Boy |
Takakazu(隆一) | 隆 is hump, high, noble, prosperity. / 一 is one, one radical (no.1). | Boy |
Takamasa(大将) | 大 is large, big. / 将 is leader, commander, general, admiral, or, and again, soon, from now on, just about. | Boy |
Takanari(隆成) | 隆 is hump, high, noble, prosperity. / 成 is turn into, become, get, grow, elapse, reach. | Boy |
Takanosuke(隆之介) | 隆 is hump, high, noble, prosperity. / 之 is of, this. / 介 is jammed in, shellfish, mediate, concern oneself with. | Boy |
Takashi(剛) | 剛 is sturdy, strength. | Boy |
Takashi(隆) | 隆 is hump, high, noble, prosperity. | Boy |
Takashi(剛史) | 剛 is sturdy, strength. / 史 is history, chronicle. | Boy |
Takashi(剛志) | 剛 is sturdy, strength. / 志 is intention, plan, resolve, aspire, motive, hopes, shilling. | Boy |
Takashi(隆史) | 隆 is hump, high, noble, prosperity. / 史 is history, chronicle. | Boy |
Takashi(隆之) | 隆 is hump, high, noble, prosperity. / 之 is of, this. | Boy |
Takashi(隆志) | 隆 is hump, high, noble, prosperity. / 志 is intention, plan, resolve, aspire, motive, hopes, shilling. | Boy |
Takashige(隆成) | 隆 is hump, high, noble, prosperity. / 成 is turn into, become, get, grow, elapse, reach. | Boy |
Takasuke(隆介) | 隆 is hump, high, noble, prosperity. / 介 is jammed in, shellfish, mediate, concern oneself with. | Boy |
Takayasu(太陽) | 太 is plump, thick, big around. / 陽 is sunshine, yang principle, positive, male, heaven, daytime. | Boy |
Takayoshi(隆介) | 隆 is hump, high, noble, prosperity. / 介 is jammed in, shellfish, mediate, concern oneself with. | Boy |
Takayuki(隆之) | 隆 is hump, high, noble, prosperity. / 之 is of, this. | Boy |
Take(武) | 武 is warrior, military, chivalry, arms. | Boy |
Takefumi(剛史) | 剛 is sturdy, strength. / 史 is history, chronicle. | Boy |
Takehiro(雄大) | 雄 is masculine, male, hero, leader, superiority, excellence. / 大 is large, big. | Boy |
Takehito(健人) | 健 is healthy, health, strength, persistence. / 人 is person. | Boy |
Takeichi(健一) | 健 is healthy, health, strength, persistence. / 一 is one, one radical (no.1). | Boy |
Takejo(武蔵) | 武 is warrior, military, chivalry, arms. / 蔵 is storehouse, hide, own, have, possess. | Boy |
Takenari(健也) | 健 is healthy, health, strength, persistence. / 也 is to be (classical). | Boy |
Takeru(健) | 健 is healthy, health, strength, persistence. | Boy |
Takeru(武) | 武 is warrior, military, chivalry, arms. | Boy |
Takeru(健翔) | 健 is healthy, health, strength, persistence. / 翔 is soar, fly. | Boy |
Takeru(丈瑠) | 丈 is length, ten shaku, measure, Mr., Ms., height, stature, all (one has), only, that's all, merely. / 瑠 is lapis lazuli. | Boy |
Takeshi(健) | 健 is healthy, health, strength, persistence. | Boy |
Takeshi(剛) | 剛 is sturdy, strength. | Boy |
Takeshi(健司) | 健 is healthy, health, strength, persistence. / 司 is director, official, govt office, rule, administer. | Boy |
Takeshi(剛史) | 剛 is sturdy, strength. / 史 is history, chronicle. | Boy |
Takeshi(剛志) | 剛 is sturdy, strength. / 志 is intention, plan, resolve, aspire, motive, hopes, shilling. | Boy |
Takeshi(武) | 武 is warrior, military, chivalry, arms. | Boy |
Takeshi(健志) | 健 is healthy, health, strength, persistence. / 志 is intention, plan, resolve, aspire, motive, hopes, shilling. | Boy |
Takeshi(雄) | 雄 is masculine, male, hero, leader, superiority, excellence. | Boy |
Takeshi(洸) | 洸 is sparkling water. | Boy |
Takeshi(健也) | 健 is healthy, health, strength, persistence. / 也 is to be (classical). | Boy |
Takeshi(丈) | 丈 is length, ten shaku, measure, Mr., Ms., height, stature, all (one has), only, that's all, merely. | Boy |
Takesuke(健介) | 健 is healthy, health, strength, persistence. / 介 is jammed in, shellfish, mediate, concern oneself with. | Boy |
Taketaro(丈太郎) | 丈 is length, ten shaku, measure, Mr., Ms., height, stature, all (one has), only, that's all, merely. / 太 is plump, thick, big around. / 郎 is son, counter for sons. | Boy |
Taketo(健太) | 健 is healthy, health, strength, persistence. / 太 is plump, thick, big around. | Boy |
Taketo(勇人) | 勇 is courage, cheer up, be in high spirits, bravery, heroism. / 人 is person. | Boy |
Taketo(健人) | 健 is healthy, health, strength, persistence. / 人 is person. | Boy |
Takeya(健也) | 健 is healthy, health, strength, persistence. / 也 is to be (classical). | Boy |
Takezo(武蔵) | 武 is warrior, military, chivalry, arms. / 蔵 is storehouse, hide, own, have, possess. | Boy |
Tamotsu(将) | 将 is leader, commander, general, admiral, or, and again, soon, from now on, just about. | Boy |
Taro(太郎) | 太 is plump, thick, big around. / 郎 is son, counter for sons. | Boy |
Tasuku(将) | 将 is leader, commander, general, admiral, or, and again, soon, from now on, just about. | Boy |
Tatsuta(竜太) | 竜 is dragon, imperial. / 太 is plump, thick, big around. | Boy |
Tatsuta(龍太) | 龍 is dragon, imperial. / 太 is plump, thick, big around. | Boy |
Teruta(瑛太) | 瑛 is sparkle of jewelry, crystal. / 太 is plump, thick, big around. | Boy |
Toranosuke(虎之介) | 虎 is tiger, drunkard. / 之 is of, this. / 介 is jammed in, shellfish, mediate, concern oneself with. | Boy |
Torataro(虎太郎) | 虎 is tiger, drunkard. / 太 is plump, thick, big around. / 郎 is son, counter for sons. | Boy |
Torataro(虎太朗) | 虎 is tiger, drunkard. / 太 is plump, thick, big around. / 朗 is melodious, clear, bright, serene, cheerful. | Boy |
Tsutomu(力) | 力 is power, strength, strong, strain, bear up, exert. | Boy |
Tsuyoshi(健) | 健 is healthy, health, strength, persistence. | Boy |
Tsuyoshi(剛) | 剛 is sturdy, strength. | Boy |
Tsuyoshi(剛史) | 剛 is sturdy, strength. / 史 is history, chronicle. | Boy |
Tsuyoshi(剛志) | 剛 is sturdy, strength. / 志 is intention, plan, resolve, aspire, motive, hopes, shilling. | Boy |
Tsuyoshi(力) | 力 is power, strength, strong, strain, bear up, exert. | Boy |
Wakuta(湧太) | 湧 is boil, ferment, seethe, uproar, breed. / 太 is plump, thick, big around. | Boy |
Yasuta(康太) | 康 is ease, peace. / 太 is plump, thick, big around. | Boy |
Yasutaro(康太郎) | 康 is ease, peace. / 太 is plump, thick, big around. / 郎 is son, counter for sons. | Boy |
Yoshita(良太) | 良 is good, pleasing, skilled. / 太 is plump, thick, big around. | Boy |
Youta(陽太) | 陽 is sunshine, yang principle, positive, male, heaven, daytime. / 太 is plump, thick, big around. | Boy |
Yuita(結太) | 結 is tie, bind, contract, join, organize, do up hair, fasten. / 太 is plump, thick, big around. | Boy |
Yukita(幸太) | 幸 is happiness, blessing, fortune. / 太 is plump, thick, big around. | Boy |
Yukitaro(幸太郎) | 幸 is happiness, blessing, fortune. / 太 is plump, thick, big around. / 郎 is son, counter for sons. | Boy |
Yuta(優太) | 優 is tenderness, excel, surpass, actor, superiority, gentleness. / 太 is plump, thick, big around. | Boy |
Yutaka(隆) | 隆 is hump, high, noble, prosperity. | Boy |
Yuto(勇斗) | 勇 is courage, cheer up, be in high spirits, bravery, heroism. / 斗 is Big Dipper, ten sho (vol), sake dipper, dots and cross radical (no. 68). | Boy |
Yuu(勇) | 勇 is courage, cheer up, be in high spirits, bravery, heroism. | Boy |
Yuu(雄) | 雄 is masculine, male, hero, leader, superiority, excellence. | Boy |
Yuudai(雄太) | 雄 is masculine, male, hero, leader, superiority, excellence. / 太 is plump, thick, big around. | Boy |
Yuudai(雄大) | 雄 is masculine, male, hero, leader, superiority, excellence. / 大 is large, big. | Boy |
Yuuhei(雄平) | 雄 is masculine, male, hero, leader, superiority, excellence. / 平 is even, flat, peace. | Boy |
Yuuhi(雄飛) | 雄 is masculine, male, hero, leader, superiority, excellence. / 飛 is fly, skip (pages), scatter. | Boy |
Yuuichi(雄一) | 雄 is masculine, male, hero, leader, superiority, excellence. / 一 is one, one radical (no.1). | Boy |
Yuuichiro(雄一郎) | 雄 is masculine, male, hero, leader, superiority, excellence. / 一 is one, one radical (no.1). / 郎 is son, counter for sons. | Boy |
Yuuki(勇樹) | 勇 is courage, cheer up, be in high spirits, bravery, heroism. / 樹 is timber, trees, wood, establish, set up. | Boy |
Yuuki(雄貴) | 雄 is masculine, male, hero, leader, superiority, excellence. / 貴 is precious, value, prize, esteem, honor. | Boy |
Yuuki(勇輝) | 勇 is courage, cheer up, be in high spirits, bravery, heroism. / 輝 is radiance, shine, sparkle, gleam, twinkle. | Boy |
Yuuki(雄基) | 雄 is masculine, male, hero, leader, superiority, excellence. / 基 is fundamentals, radical (chem), counter for machines, foundation. | Boy |
Yuuki(勇気) | 勇 is courage, cheer up, be in high spirits, bravery, heroism. / 気 is spirit, mind, air, atmosphere, mood. | Boy |
Yuuki(雄樹) | 雄 is masculine, male, hero, leader, superiority, excellence. / 樹 is timber, trees, wood, establish, set up. | Boy |
Yuuki(雄紀) | 雄 is masculine, male, hero, leader, superiority, excellence. / 紀 is chronicle, account, narrative, history, annals, geologic period. | Boy |
Yuuki(雄輝) | 雄 is masculine, male, hero, leader, superiority, excellence. / 輝 is radiance, shine, sparkle, gleam, twinkle. | Boy |
Yuuki(勇希) | 勇 is courage, cheer up, be in high spirits, bravery, heroism. / 希 is hope, beg, request, pray, beseech, Greece, dilute (acid), rare, few, phenomenal. | Boy |
Yuusho(勇翔) | 勇 is courage, cheer up, be in high spirits, bravery, heroism. / 翔 is soar, fly. | Boy |
Yuusuke(雄介) | 雄 is masculine, male, hero, leader, superiority, excellence. / 介 is jammed in, shellfish, mediate, concern oneself with. | Boy |
Yuusuke(勇介) | 勇 is courage, cheer up, be in high spirits, bravery, heroism. / 介 is jammed in, shellfish, mediate, concern oneself with. | Boy |
Yuuta(雄太) | 雄 is masculine, male, hero, leader, superiority, excellence. / 太 is plump, thick, big around. | Boy |
Yuuta(裕太) | 裕 is abundant, rich, fertile. / 太 is plump, thick, big around. | Boy |
Yuuta(雄大) | 雄 is masculine, male, hero, leader, superiority, excellence. / 大 is large, big. | Boy |
Yuuta(祐太) | 祐 is help. / 太 is plump, thick, big around. | Boy |
Yuuta(勇太) | 勇 is courage, cheer up, be in high spirits, bravery, heroism. / 太 is plump, thick, big around. | Boy |
Yuuta(優太) | 優 is tenderness, excel, surpass, actor, superiority, gentleness. / 太 is plump, thick, big around. | Boy |
Yuuta(悠太) | 悠 is permanence, distant, long time, leisure. / 太 is plump, thick, big around. | Boy |
Yuuta(佑太) | 佑 is help, assist. / 太 is plump, thick, big around. | Boy |
Yuuta(湧太) | 湧 is boil, ferment, seethe, uproar, breed. / 太 is plump, thick, big around. | Boy |
Yuuta(結太) | 結 is tie, bind, contract, join, organize, do up hair, fasten. / 太 is plump, thick, big around. | Boy |
Yuutaro(裕太郎) | 裕 is abundant, rich, fertile. / 太 is plump, thick, big around. / 郎 is son, counter for sons. | Boy |
Yuutaro(祐太郎) | 祐 is help. / 太 is plump, thick, big around. / 郎 is son, counter for sons. | Boy |
Yuutaro(雄太郎) | 雄 is masculine, male, hero, leader, superiority, excellence. / 太 is plump, thick, big around. / 郎 is son, counter for sons. | Boy |
Yuutaro(悠太郎) | 悠 is permanence, distant, long time, leisure. / 太 is plump, thick, big around. / 郎 is son, counter for sons. | Boy |
Yuuto(勇人) | 勇 is courage, cheer up, be in high spirits, bravery, heroism. / 人 is person. | Boy |
Yuuto(勇) | 勇 is courage, cheer up, be in high spirits, bravery, heroism. | Boy |
Yuuto(雄斗) | 雄 is masculine, male, hero, leader, superiority, excellence. / 斗 is Big Dipper, ten sho (vol), sake dipper, dots and cross radical (no. 68). | Boy |
Yuuto(勇斗) | 勇 is courage, cheer up, be in high spirits, bravery, heroism. / 斗 is Big Dipper, ten sho (vol), sake dipper, dots and cross radical (no. 68). | Boy |
Yuuto(雄飛) | 雄 is masculine, male, hero, leader, superiority, excellence. / 飛 is fly, skip (pages), scatter. | Boy |
Yuuto(雄登) | 雄 is masculine, male, hero, leader, superiority, excellence. / 登 is ascend, climb up. | Boy |
Yuuto(勇翔) | 勇 is courage, cheer up, be in high spirits, bravery, heroism. / 翔 is soar, fly. | Boy |
Yuuto(雄翔) | 雄 is masculine, male, hero, leader, superiority, excellence. / 翔 is soar, fly. | Boy |
Yuuya(雄也) | 雄 is masculine, male, hero, leader, superiority, excellence. / 也 is to be (classical). | Boy |
Yuuya(勇也) | 勇 is courage, cheer up, be in high spirits, bravery, heroism. / 也 is to be (classical). | Boy |
Yuuya(雄哉) | 雄 is masculine, male, hero, leader, superiority, excellence. / 哉 is how, what, alas, question mark, exclamation mark. | Boy |
Yuuya(勇哉) | 勇 is courage, cheer up, be in high spirits, bravery, heroism. / 哉 is how, what, alas, question mark, exclamation mark. | Boy |
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