Japanese Baby Names for Girls Starting With Letter M


Pronunciation doesn't always fix name meaning in Japanese. Meaning depends on other elements . More>>


NameName in JapaneseMeaningGender
Maa真愛真 is true, reality, Buddhist sect. / 愛 is love, affection, favourite.Girl
Maai真愛真 is true, reality, Buddhist sect. / 愛 is love, affection, favourite.Girl
Maari真愛真 is true, reality, Buddhist sect. / 愛 is love, affection, favourite.Girl
Maaru真歩真 is true, reality, Buddhist sect. / 歩 is walk, counter for steps.Girl
Maasa真彩真 is true, reality, Buddhist sect. / 彩 is coloring, paint, makeup.Girl
Maaya真弥真 is true, reality, Buddhist sect. / 弥 is all the more, increasingly.Girl
Maaya真彩真 is true, reality, Buddhist sect. / 彩 is coloring, paint, makeup.Girl
Maayu真歩真 is true, reality, Buddhist sect. / 歩 is walk, counter for steps.Girl
Machika真愛真 is true, reality, Buddhist sect. / 愛 is love, affection, favourite.Girl
Madoka彩 is coloring, paint, makeup.Girl
Madoka望 is ambition, full moon, hope, desire, aspire to, expect.Girl
Madokaまどかま is Hiragana. / ど is Hiragana. / か is Hiragana.Girl
Madoka円 is circle, yen, round.Girl
Madoka円香円 is circle, yen, round. / 香 is incense, smell, perfume.Girl
Madoka和 is harmony, Japanese style, peace, soften, Japan.Girl
Mae舞 is dance, flit, circle, wheel.Girl
Mae真衣真 is true, reality, Buddhist sect. / 衣 is garment, clothes, dressing.Girl
Mae真愛真 is true, reality, Buddhist sect. / 愛 is love, affection, favourite.Girl
Magoka円香円 is circle, yen, round. / 香 is incense, smell, perfume.Girl
Mahana舞花舞 is dance, flit, circle, wheel. / 花 is flower.Girl
Mahane優羽優 is tenderness, excel, surpass, actor, superiority, gentleness. / 羽 is feathers, counter for birds, rabbits.Girl
Maharu真悠真 is true, reality, Buddhist sect. / 悠 is permanence, distant, long time, leisure.Girl
Mahiro真央真 is true, reality, Buddhist sect. / 央 is center, middle.Girl
Mahiro真優真 is true, reality, Buddhist sect. / 優 is tenderness, excel, surpass, actor, superiority, gentleness.Girl
Mahiro茉央茉 is jasmine. / 央 is center, middle.Girl
Mahiro愛生愛 is love, affection, favourite. / 生 is life, genuine, birth.Girl
Mahiro麻央麻 is hemp, flax, numb. / 央 is center, middle.Girl
Mahiro真尋真 is true, reality, Buddhist sect. / 尋 is inquire, fathom, look for.Girl
Mahiro優心優 is tenderness, excel, surpass, actor, superiority, gentleness. / 心 is heart, mind, spirit, heart radical (no. 61).Girl
Mahiru陽向陽 is sunshine, yang principle, positive, male, heaven, daytime. / 向 is yonder, facing, beyond, confront, defy, tend toward, approach.Girl
Maho真帆真 is true, reality, Buddhist sect. / 帆 is sail.Girl
Maho真穂真 is true, reality, Buddhist sect. / 穂 is ear, ear (grain), head, crest (wave).Girl
Maho真歩真 is true, reality, Buddhist sect. / 歩 is walk, counter for steps.Girl
Mai麻衣麻 is hemp, flax, numb. / 衣 is garment, clothes, dressing.Girl
Mai舞 is dance, flit, circle, wheel.Girl
Mai真衣真 is true, reality, Buddhist sect. / 衣 is garment, clothes, dressing.Girl
Mai真依真 is true, reality, Buddhist sect. / 依 is reliant, depend on, consequently, therefore, due to.Girl
Maiまいま is Hiragana. / い is Hiragana.Girl
Maiマイマ is Katakana. / イ is Katakana.Girl
Mai夢 is dream, vision, illusion.Girl
Mai愛依愛 is love, affection, favourite. / 依 is reliant, depend on, consequently, therefore, due to.Girl
Mai愛唯愛 is love, affection, favourite. / 唯 is solely, only, merely, simply.Girl
Mai真生真 is true, reality, Buddhist sect. / 生 is life, genuine, birth.Girl
Mai舞衣舞 is dance, flit, circle, wheel. / 衣 is garment, clothes, dressing.Girl
Mai真愛真 is true, reality, Buddhist sect. / 愛 is love, affection, favourite.Girl
Mai真唯真 is true, reality, Buddhist sect. / 唯 is solely, only, merely, simply.Girl
Mai真彩真 is true, reality, Buddhist sect. / 彩 is coloring, paint, makeup.Girl
Maika舞香舞 is dance, flit, circle, wheel. / 香 is incense, smell, perfume.Girl
Maika舞花舞 is dance, flit, circle, wheel. / 花 is flower.Girl
Maika苺花苺 is strawberry. / 花 is flower.Girl
Maiko麻衣子麻 is hemp, flax, numb. / 衣 is garment, clothes, dressing. / 子 is child, sign of the rat, 11PM-1AM, first sign of Chinese zodiac.Girl
Maiko舞子舞 is dance, flit, circle, wheel. / 子 is child, sign of the rat, 11PM-1AM, first sign of Chinese zodiac.Girl
Maiko麻子麻 is hemp, flax, numb. / 子 is child, sign of the rat, 11PM-1AM, first sign of Chinese zodiac.Girl
Main心 is heart, mind, spirit, heart radical (no. 61).Girl
Maisa舞桜舞 is dance, flit, circle, wheel. / 桜 is cherry.Girl
Maito真愛真 is true, reality, Buddhist sect. / 愛 is love, affection, favourite.Girl
Maka愛香愛 is love, affection, favourite. / 香 is incense, smell, perfume.Girl
Maka愛華愛 is love, affection, favourite. / 華 is splendor, flower, petal, shine, luster, ostentatious, showy, gay, gorgeous.Girl
Makana真愛真 is true, reality, Buddhist sect. / 愛 is love, affection, favourite.Girl
Maki真希真 is true, reality, Buddhist sect. / 希 is hope, beg, request, pray, beseech, Greece, dilute (acid), rare, few, phenomenal.Girl
Maki真紀真 is true, reality, Buddhist sect. / 紀 is chronicle, account, narrative, history, annals, geologic period.Girl
Maki麻希麻 is hemp, flax, numb. / 希 is hope, beg, request, pray, beseech, Greece, dilute (acid), rare, few, phenomenal.Girl
Maki麻紀麻 is hemp, flax, numb. / 紀 is chronicle, account, narrative, history, annals, geologic period.Girl
Maki真生真 is true, reality, Buddhist sect. / 生 is life, genuine, birth.Girl
Maki愛生愛 is love, affection, favourite. / 生 is life, genuine, birth.Girl
Makiko紀子紀 is chronicle, account, narrative, history, annals, geologic period. / 子 is child, sign of the rat, 11PM-1AM, first sign of Chinese zodiac.Girl
Makiko真子真 is true, reality, Buddhist sect. / 子 is child, sign of the rat, 11PM-1AM, first sign of Chinese zodiac.Girl
Makiko眞子眞 is truth, reality, Buddhist sect. / 子 is child, sign of the rat, 11PM-1AM, first sign of Chinese zodiac.Girl
Mako愛子愛 is love, affection, favourite. / 子 is child, sign of the rat, 11PM-1AM, first sign of Chinese zodiac.Girl
Mako舞子舞 is dance, flit, circle, wheel. / 子 is child, sign of the rat, 11PM-1AM, first sign of Chinese zodiac.Girl
Mako麻子麻 is hemp, flax, numb. / 子 is child, sign of the rat, 11PM-1AM, first sign of Chinese zodiac.Girl
Mako真子真 is true, reality, Buddhist sect. / 子 is child, sign of the rat, 11PM-1AM, first sign of Chinese zodiac.Girl
Mako眞子眞 is truth, reality, Buddhist sect. / 子 is child, sign of the rat, 11PM-1AM, first sign of Chinese zodiac.Girl
Mako優心優 is tenderness, excel, surpass, actor, superiority, gentleness. / 心 is heart, mind, spirit, heart radical (no. 61).Girl
Mako茉子茉 is jasmine. / 子 is child, sign of the rat, 11PM-1AM, first sign of Chinese zodiac.Girl
Makoto真実真 is true, reality, Buddhist sect. / 実 is reality, truth.Girl
Makoto真琴真 is true, reality, Buddhist sect. / 琴 is harp, koto.Girl
Mamana真愛真 is true, reality, Buddhist sect. / 愛 is love, affection, favourite.Girl
Mami麻美麻 is hemp, flax, numb. / 美 is beauty, beautiful.Girl
Mami真美真 is true, reality, Buddhist sect. / 美 is beauty, beautiful.Girl
Mami真実真 is true, reality, Buddhist sect. / 実 is reality, truth.Girl
Mami麻未麻 is hemp, flax, numb. / 未 is un-, not yet, hitherto, still, even now, sign of the ram, 1-3PM, eighth sign of Chinese zodiac.Girl
Mami麻実麻 is hemp, flax, numb. / 実 is reality, truth.Girl
Mami真未真 is true, reality, Buddhist sect. / 未 is un-, not yet, hitherto, still, even now, sign of the ram, 1-3PM, eighth sign of Chinese zodiac.Girl
Mami麻希麻 is hemp, flax, numb. / 希 is hope, beg, request, pray, beseech, Greece, dilute (acid), rare, few, phenomenal.Girl
Mamiまみま is Hiragana. / み is Hiragana.Girl
Mami愛未愛 is love, affection, favourite. / 未 is un-, not yet, hitherto, still, even now, sign of the ram, 1-3PM, eighth sign of Chinese zodiac.Girl
Mami愛海愛 is love, affection, favourite. / 海 is sea, ocean.Girl
Mami愛珠愛 is love, affection, favourite. / 珠 is pearl, gem, jewel.Girl
Mami真弥真 is true, reality, Buddhist sect. / 弥 is all the more, increasingly.Girl
Mana真奈真 is true, reality, Buddhist sect. / 奈 is Nara, what?.Girl
Mana莉奈莉 is jasmine. / 奈 is Nara, what?.Girl
Mana愛梨愛 is love, affection, favourite. / 梨 is pear tree.Girl
Mana真菜真 is true, reality, Buddhist sect. / 菜 is vegetable, side dish, greens.Girl
Mana愛菜愛 is love, affection, favourite. / 菜 is vegetable, side dish, greens.Girl
Mana愛奈愛 is love, affection, favourite. / 奈 is Nara, what?.Girl
Mana愛永愛 is love, affection, favourite. / 永 is eternity, long, lengthy.Girl
Mana茉奈茉 is jasmine. / 奈 is Nara, what?.Girl
Mana真愛真 is true, reality, Buddhist sect. / 愛 is love, affection, favourite.Girl
Mana愛夏愛 is love, affection, favourite. / 夏 is summer.Girl
Manae愛永愛 is love, affection, favourite. / 永 is eternity, long, lengthy.Girl
Manae愛恵愛 is love, affection, favourite. / 恵 is favor, blessing, grace, kindness.Girl
Manae真愛真 is true, reality, Buddhist sect. / 愛 is love, affection, favourite.Girl
Manae愛依愛 is love, affection, favourite. / 依 is reliant, depend on, consequently, therefore, due to.Girl
Manaho真穂真 is true, reality, Buddhist sect. / 穂 is ear, ear (grain), head, crest (wave).Girl
Manai愛乃愛 is love, affection, favourite. / 乃 is from, possessive particle, whereupon, accordingly.Girl
Manaka愛香愛 is love, affection, favourite. / 香 is incense, smell, perfume.Girl
Manaka愛海愛 is love, affection, favourite. / 海 is sea, ocean.Girl
Manaka愛佳愛 is love, affection, favourite. / 佳 is excellent, beautiful, good, pleasing, skilled.Girl
Manaka愛華愛 is love, affection, favourite. / 華 is splendor, flower, petal, shine, luster, ostentatious, showy, gay, gorgeous.Girl
Manaka愛花愛 is love, affection, favourite. / 花 is flower.Girl
Manaka茉央茉 is jasmine. / 央 is center, middle.Girl
Manaka心 is heart, mind, spirit, heart radical (no. 61).Girl
Manaka愛加愛 is love, affection, favourite. / 加 is add, addition, increase, join, include, Canada.Girl
Manaka愛夏愛 is love, affection, favourite. / 夏 is summer.Girl
Manaka愛果愛 is love, affection, favourite. / 果 is fruit, reward, carry out, achieve, complete, end, finish, succeed.Girl
Manaki愛来愛 is love, affection, favourite. / 来 is come, due, next, cause, become.Girl
Manako愛子愛 is love, affection, favourite. / 子 is child, sign of the rat, 11PM-1AM, first sign of Chinese zodiac.Girl
Manako真子真 is true, reality, Buddhist sect. / 子 is child, sign of the rat, 11PM-1AM, first sign of Chinese zodiac.Girl
Manako眞子眞 is truth, reality, Buddhist sect. / 子 is child, sign of the rat, 11PM-1AM, first sign of Chinese zodiac.Girl
Manami愛美愛 is love, affection, favourite. / 美 is beauty, beautiful.Girl
Manami真美真 is true, reality, Buddhist sect. / 美 is beauty, beautiful.Girl
Manami真奈美真 is true, reality, Buddhist sect. / 奈 is Nara, what?. / 美 is beauty, beautiful.Girl
Manami真実真 is true, reality, Buddhist sect. / 実 is reality, truth.Girl
Manami愛実愛 is love, affection, favourite. / 実 is reality, truth.Girl
Manami真未真 is true, reality, Buddhist sect. / 未 is un-, not yet, hitherto, still, even now, sign of the ram, 1-3PM, eighth sign of Chinese zodiac.Girl
Manami麻奈美麻 is hemp, flax, numb. / 奈 is Nara, what?. / 美 is beauty, beautiful.Girl
Manamiまなみま is Hiragana. / な is Hiragana. / み is Hiragana.Girl
Manami愛未愛 is love, affection, favourite. / 未 is un-, not yet, hitherto, still, even now, sign of the ram, 1-3PM, eighth sign of Chinese zodiac.Girl
Manami愛海愛 is love, affection, favourite. / 海 is sea, ocean.Girl
Manami愛生愛 is love, affection, favourite. / 生 is life, genuine, birth.Girl
Manami愛珠愛 is love, affection, favourite. / 珠 is pearl, gem, jewel.Girl
Manana愛菜愛 is love, affection, favourite. / 菜 is vegetable, side dish, greens.Girl
Manano愛乃愛 is love, affection, favourite. / 乃 is from, possessive particle, whereupon, accordingly.Girl
Manari愛里愛 is love, affection, favourite. / 里 is ri, village, parent's home, league.Girl
Manari愛理愛 is love, affection, favourite. / 理 is logic, arrangement, reason, justice, truth.Girl
Manari愛梨愛 is love, affection, favourite. / 梨 is pear tree.Girl
Manari愛莉愛 is love, affection, favourite. / 莉 is jasmine.Girl
Manaru愛琉愛 is love, affection, favourite. / 琉 is precious stone, gem, lapis lazuli.Girl
Manaru愛瑠愛 is love, affection, favourite. / 瑠 is lapis lazuli.Girl
Manase愛彩愛 is love, affection, favourite. / 彩 is coloring, paint, makeup.Girl
Manatsu愛夏愛 is love, affection, favourite. / 夏 is summer.Girl
Mao真央真 is true, reality, Buddhist sect. / 央 is center, middle.Girl
Mao真緒真 is true, reality, Buddhist sect. / 緒 is thong, beginning, inception, end, cord, strap, mental or emotional state.Girl
Mao真生真 is true, reality, Buddhist sect. / 生 is life, genuine, birth.Girl
Mao茉央茉 is jasmine. / 央 is center, middle.Girl
Mao愛生愛 is love, affection, favourite. / 生 is life, genuine, birth.Girl
Mao麻央麻 is hemp, flax, numb. / 央 is center, middle.Girl
Mao舞桜舞 is dance, flit, circle, wheel. / 桜 is cherry.Girl
Mao実桜実 is reality, truth. / 桜 is cherry.Girl
Mao真桜真 is true, reality, Buddhist sect. / 桜 is cherry.Girl
Mao愛桜愛 is love, affection, favourite. / 桜 is cherry.Girl
Maoまおま is Hiragana. / お is Hiragana.Girl
Maremi希美希 is hope, beg, request, pray, beseech, Greece, dilute (acid), rare, few, phenomenal. / 美 is beauty, beautiful.Girl
Mareni希 is hope, beg, request, pray, beseech, Greece, dilute (acid), rare, few, phenomenal.Girl
Mari麻里麻 is hemp, flax, numb. / 里 is ri, village, parent's home, league.Girl
Mari真理真 is true, reality, Buddhist sect. / 理 is logic, arrangement, reason, justice, truth.Girl
Mari愛里愛 is love, affection, favourite. / 里 is ri, village, parent's home, league.Girl
Mari愛理愛 is love, affection, favourite. / 理 is logic, arrangement, reason, justice, truth.Girl
Mari愛梨愛 is love, affection, favourite. / 梨 is pear tree.Girl
Mari真里真 is true, reality, Buddhist sect. / 里 is ri, village, parent's home, league.Girl
Mari茉莉茉 is jasmine. / 莉 is jasmine.Girl
Mari愛莉愛 is love, affection, favourite. / 莉 is jasmine.Girl
Mariまりま is Hiragana. / り is Hiragana.Girl
Mari実里実 is reality, truth. / 里 is ri, village, parent's home, league.Girl
Mari聖 is holy, saint, sage, master, priest.Girl
Mariaまりあま is Hiragana. / り is Hiragana. / あ is Hiragana.Girl
Mariaマリアマ is Katakana. / リ is Katakana. / ア is Katakana.Girl
Maria愛 is love, affection, favourite.Girl
Maria聖 is holy, saint, sage, master, priest.Girl
Maria莉愛莉 is jasmine. / 愛 is love, affection, favourite.Girl
Mariko真理子真 is true, reality, Buddhist sect. / 理 is logic, arrangement, reason, justice, truth. / 子 is child, sign of the rat, 11PM-1AM, first sign of Chinese zodiac.Girl
Mariko真梨子真 is true, reality, Buddhist sect. / 梨 is pear tree. / 子 is child, sign of the rat, 11PM-1AM, first sign of Chinese zodiac.Girl
Mariko麻里子麻 is hemp, flax, numb. / 里 is ri, village, parent's home, league. / 子 is child, sign of the rat, 11PM-1AM, first sign of Chinese zodiac.Girl
Marin夏海夏 is summer. / 海 is sea, ocean.Girl
Marin愛梨愛 is love, affection, favourite. / 梨 is pear tree.Girl
Marin海音海 is sea, ocean. / 音 is sound, noise.Girl
Marin碧海碧 is blue, green. / 海 is sea, ocean.Girl
Marina真里奈真 is true, reality, Buddhist sect. / 里 is ri, village, parent's home, league. / 奈 is Nara, what?.Girl
Marina麻里奈麻 is hemp, flax, numb. / 里 is ri, village, parent's home, league. / 奈 is Nara, what?.Girl
Marina莉奈莉 is jasmine. / 奈 is Nara, what?.Girl
Marina真理奈真 is true, reality, Buddhist sect. / 理 is logic, arrangement, reason, justice, truth. / 奈 is Nara, what?.Girl
Marina満里奈満 is full, fullness, enough, satisfy. / 里 is ri, village, parent's home, league. / 奈 is Nara, what?.Girl
Marinaまりなま is Hiragana. / り is Hiragana. / な is Hiragana.Girl
Marinaマリナマ is Katakana. / リ is Katakana. / ナ is Katakana.Girl
Mario莉桜莉 is jasmine. / 桜 is cherry.Girl
Mariru愛瑠愛 is love, affection, favourite. / 瑠 is lapis lazuli.Girl
Marisa莉沙莉 is jasmine. / 沙 is sand.Girl
Maru円 is circle, yen, round.Girl
Marumi円 is circle, yen, round.Girl
Masa真彩真 is true, reality, Buddhist sect. / 彩 is coloring, paint, makeup.Girl
Masae理恵理 is logic, arrangement, reason, justice, truth. / 恵 is favor, blessing, grace, kindness.Girl
Masae真愛真 is true, reality, Buddhist sect. / 愛 is love, affection, favourite.Girl
Masaha優羽優 is tenderness, excel, surpass, actor, superiority, gentleness. / 羽 is feathers, counter for birds, rabbits.Girl
Masaki優紀優 is tenderness, excel, surpass, actor, superiority, gentleness. / 紀 is chronicle, account, narrative, history, annals, geologic period.Girl
Masaki真生真 is true, reality, Buddhist sect. / 生 is life, genuine, birth.Girl
Masako優子優 is tenderness, excel, surpass, actor, superiority, gentleness. / 子 is child, sign of the rat, 11PM-1AM, first sign of Chinese zodiac.Girl
Masako晶子晶 is sparkle, clear, crystal. / 子 is child, sign of the rat, 11PM-1AM, first sign of Chinese zodiac.Girl
Masako雅子雅 is gracious, elegant, graceful, refined. / 子 is child, sign of the rat, 11PM-1AM, first sign of Chinese zodiac.Girl
Masako真子真 is true, reality, Buddhist sect. / 子 is child, sign of the rat, 11PM-1AM, first sign of Chinese zodiac.Girl
Masako聖子聖 is holy, saint, sage, master, priest. / 子 is child, sign of the rat, 11PM-1AM, first sign of Chinese zodiac.Girl
Masako諒子諒 is fact, reality, understand, appreciate. / 子 is child, sign of the rat, 11PM-1AM, first sign of Chinese zodiac.Girl
Masako理子理 is logic, arrangement, reason, justice, truth. / 子 is child, sign of the rat, 11PM-1AM, first sign of Chinese zodiac.Girl
Masako眞子眞 is truth, reality, Buddhist sect. / 子 is child, sign of the rat, 11PM-1AM, first sign of Chinese zodiac.Girl
Masami成美成 is turn into, become, get, grow, elapse, reach. / 美 is beauty, beautiful.Girl
Masami仁美仁 is humanity, virtue, benevolence, charity, man, kernel. / 美 is beauty, beautiful.Girl
Masami真美真 is true, reality, Buddhist sect. / 美 is beauty, beautiful.Girl
Masami真実真 is true, reality, Buddhist sect. / 実 is reality, truth.Girl
Masami優美優 is tenderness, excel, surpass, actor, superiority, gentleness. / 美 is beauty, beautiful.Girl
Masami雅美雅 is gracious, elegant, graceful, refined. / 美 is beauty, beautiful.Girl
Masami理美理 is logic, arrangement, reason, justice, truth. / 美 is beauty, beautiful.Girl
Masami真弥真 is true, reality, Buddhist sect. / 弥 is all the more, increasingly.Girl
Masami優実優 is tenderness, excel, surpass, actor, superiority, gentleness. / 実 is reality, truth.Girl
Masana真奈真 is true, reality, Buddhist sect. / 奈 is Nara, what?.Girl
Masana優奈優 is tenderness, excel, surpass, actor, superiority, gentleness. / 奈 is Nara, what?.Girl
Masana優菜優 is tenderness, excel, surpass, actor, superiority, gentleness. / 菜 is vegetable, side dish, greens.Girl
Masana優那優 is tenderness, excel, surpass, actor, superiority, gentleness. / 那 is what?.Girl
Masane真実真 is true, reality, Buddhist sect. / 実 is reality, truth.Girl
Masato麻里麻 is hemp, flax, numb. / 里 is ri, village, parent's home, league.Girl
Masato真里真 is true, reality, Buddhist sect. / 里 is ri, village, parent's home, league.Girl
Masawa優羽優 is tenderness, excel, surpass, actor, superiority, gentleness. / 羽 is feathers, counter for birds, rabbits.Girl
Mashiro真白真 is true, reality, Buddhist sect. / 白 is white.Girl
Masuko眞子眞 is truth, reality, Buddhist sect. / 子 is child, sign of the rat, 11PM-1AM, first sign of Chinese zodiac.Girl
Masumi祐美祐 is help. / 美 is beauty, beautiful.Girl
Masumi和美和 is harmony, Japanese style, peace, soften, Japan. / 美 is beauty, beautiful.Girl
Masumi真澄真 is true, reality, Buddhist sect. / 澄 is lucidity, be clear, clear, clarify, settle, strain, look grave.Girl
Masumi愛純愛 is love, affection, favourite. / 純 is genuine, purity, innocence, net (profit).Girl
Matsuko茉子茉 is jasmine. / 子 is child, sign of the rat, 11PM-1AM, first sign of Chinese zodiac.Girl
Matsuna茉奈茉 is jasmine. / 奈 is Nara, what?.Girl
Matsuri茉莉茉 is jasmine. / 莉 is jasmine.Girl
Mau真生真 is true, reality, Buddhist sect. / 生 is life, genuine, birth.Girl
Mau愛生愛 is love, affection, favourite. / 生 is life, genuine, birth.Girl
Mauka舞香舞 is dance, flit, circle, wheel. / 香 is incense, smell, perfume.Girl
Maya麻耶麻 is hemp, flax, numb. / 耶 is question mark.Girl
Maya真弥真 is true, reality, Buddhist sect. / 弥 is all the more, increasingly.Girl
Maya真彩真 is true, reality, Buddhist sect. / 彩 is coloring, paint, makeup.Girl
Maya愛彩愛 is love, affection, favourite. / 彩 is coloring, paint, makeup.Girl
Mayori真依真 is true, reality, Buddhist sect. / 依 is reliant, depend on, consequently, therefore, due to.Girl
Mayori真愛真 is true, reality, Buddhist sect. / 愛 is love, affection, favourite.Girl
Mayu優 is tenderness, excel, surpass, actor, superiority, gentleness.Girl
Mayu真弓真 is true, reality, Buddhist sect. / 弓 is bow, bow (archery, violin).Girl
Mayu真由真 is true, reality, Buddhist sect. / 由 is wherefore, a reason.Girl
Mayu麻由麻 is hemp, flax, numb. / 由 is wherefore, a reason.Girl
Mayu愛弓愛 is love, affection, favourite. / 弓 is bow, bow (archery, violin).Girl
Mayu麻友麻 is hemp, flax, numb. / 友 is friend.Girl
Mayuまゆま is Hiragana. / ゆ is Hiragana.Girl
Mayuマユマ is Katakana. / ユ is Katakana.Girl
Mayu真優真 is true, reality, Buddhist sect. / 優 is tenderness, excel, surpass, actor, superiority, gentleness.Girl
Mayu茉由茉 is jasmine. / 由 is wherefore, a reason.Girl
Mayu茉優茉 is jasmine. / 優 is tenderness, excel, surpass, actor, superiority, gentleness.Girl
Mayu愛結愛 is love, affection, favourite. / 結 is tie, bind, contract, join, organize, do up hair, fasten.Girl
Mayu真唯真 is true, reality, Buddhist sect. / 唯 is solely, only, merely, simply.Girl
Mayu愛唯愛 is love, affection, favourite. / 唯 is solely, only, merely, simply.Girl
Mayu真悠真 is true, reality, Buddhist sect. / 悠 is permanence, distant, long time, leisure.Girl
Mayuko真由子真 is true, reality, Buddhist sect. / 由 is wherefore, a reason. / 子 is child, sign of the rat, 11PM-1AM, first sign of Chinese zodiac.Girl
Mayumi真美真 is true, reality, Buddhist sect. / 美 is beauty, beautiful.Girl
Mayumi真由美真 is true, reality, Buddhist sect. / 由 is wherefore, a reason. / 美 is beauty, beautiful.Girl
Mayumi亜由美亜 is Asia, rank next, come after, -ous. / 由 is wherefore, a reason. / 美 is beauty, beautiful.Girl
Mayumi真弓真 is true, reality, Buddhist sect. / 弓 is bow, bow (archery, violin).Girl
Mayumi愛弓愛 is love, affection, favourite. / 弓 is bow, bow (archery, violin).Girl
Mayumi麻由美麻 is hemp, flax, numb. / 由 is wherefore, a reason. / 美 is beauty, beautiful.Girl
Mayumi愛結愛 is love, affection, favourite. / 結 is tie, bind, contract, join, organize, do up hair, fasten.Girl
Mayuu麻由麻 is hemp, flax, numb. / 由 is wherefore, a reason.Girl
Mayuu麻友麻 is hemp, flax, numb. / 友 is friend.Girl
Mayuu真優真 is true, reality, Buddhist sect. / 優 is tenderness, excel, surpass, actor, superiority, gentleness.Girl
Mayuu茉優茉 is jasmine. / 優 is tenderness, excel, surpass, actor, superiority, gentleness.Girl
Mayuu真愛真 is true, reality, Buddhist sect. / 愛 is love, affection, favourite.Girl
Mayuu真悠真 is true, reality, Buddhist sect. / 悠 is permanence, distant, long time, leisure.Girl
Mebae萌 is show symptoms of, sprout, bud, malt.Girl
Mebae芽生芽 is bud, sprout, spear, germ. / 生 is life, genuine, birth.Girl
Mebae萌絵萌 is show symptoms of, sprout, bud, malt. / 絵 is picture, drawing, painting, sketch.Girl
Mebae萌恵萌 is show symptoms of, sprout, bud, malt. / 恵 is favor, blessing, grace, kindness.Girl
Mebae萌生萌 is show symptoms of, sprout, bud, malt. / 生 is life, genuine, birth.Girl
Mederu愛琉愛 is love, affection, favourite. / 琉 is precious stone, gem, lapis lazuli.Girl
Mederu愛瑠愛 is love, affection, favourite. / 瑠 is lapis lazuli.Girl
Megu恵 is favor, blessing, grace, kindness.Girl
Megu萌 is show symptoms of, sprout, bud, malt.Girl
Megu芽生芽 is bud, sprout, spear, germ. / 生 is life, genuine, birth.Girl
Megui愛依愛 is love, affection, favourite. / 依 is reliant, depend on, consequently, therefore, due to.Girl
Meguka愛加愛 is love, affection, favourite. / 加 is add, addition, increase, join, include, Canada.Girl
Meguko恵子恵 is favor, blessing, grace, kindness. / 子 is child, sign of the rat, 11PM-1AM, first sign of Chinese zodiac.Girl
Megumi恵 is favor, blessing, grace, kindness.Girl
Megumi恵美恵 is favor, blessing, grace, kindness. / 美 is beauty, beautiful.Girl
Megumiめぐみめ is Hiragana. / ぐ is Hiragana. / み is Hiragana.Girl
Megumi仁 is humanity, virtue, benevolence, charity, man, kernel.Girl
Megumi優愛優 is tenderness, excel, surpass, actor, superiority, gentleness. / 愛 is love, affection, favourite.Girl
Megumi光 is ray, light.Girl
Megumi希 is hope, beg, request, pray, beseech, Greece, dilute (acid), rare, few, phenomenal.Girl
Megumi幸 is happiness, blessing, fortune.Girl
Megumi萌 is show symptoms of, sprout, bud, malt.Girl
Megumi愛実愛 is love, affection, favourite. / 実 is reality, truth.Girl
Megumi萌美萌 is show symptoms of, sprout, bud, malt. / 美 is beauty, beautiful.Girl
Megumi恵実恵 is favor, blessing, grace, kindness. / 実 is reality, truth.Girl
Megumi愛未愛 is love, affection, favourite. / 未 is un-, not yet, hitherto, still, even now, sign of the ram, 1-3PM, eighth sign of Chinese zodiac.Girl
Megumi愛海愛 is love, affection, favourite. / 海 is sea, ocean.Girl
Megumi芽生芽 is bud, sprout, spear, germ. / 生 is life, genuine, birth.Girl
Megumi愛恵愛 is love, affection, favourite. / 恵 is favor, blessing, grace, kindness.Girl
Megumi萌愛萌 is show symptoms of, sprout, bud, malt. / 愛 is love, affection, favourite.Girl
Megumi愛乃愛 is love, affection, favourite. / 乃 is from, possessive particle, whereupon, accordingly.Girl
Megumu恵 is favor, blessing, grace, kindness.Girl
Megumu萌 is show symptoms of, sprout, bud, malt.Girl
Megumu萌愛萌 is show symptoms of, sprout, bud, malt. / 愛 is love, affection, favourite.Girl
Meguno萌乃萌 is show symptoms of, sprout, bud, malt. / 乃 is from, possessive particle, whereupon, accordingly.Girl
Meguno愛乃愛 is love, affection, favourite. / 乃 is from, possessive particle, whereupon, accordingly.Girl
Meguri恵里恵 is favor, blessing, grace, kindness. / 里 is ri, village, parent's home, league.Girl
Meguri愛莉愛 is love, affection, favourite. / 莉 is jasmine.Girl
Meguru愛桜愛 is love, affection, favourite. / 桜 is cherry.Girl
Meguru愛来愛 is love, affection, favourite. / 来 is come, due, next, cause, become.Girl
Meguru愛琉愛 is love, affection, favourite. / 琉 is precious stone, gem, lapis lazuli.Girl
Meguru愛瑠愛 is love, affection, favourite. / 瑠 is lapis lazuli.Girl
Mehana愛花愛 is love, affection, favourite. / 花 is flower.Girl
Mei萌 is show symptoms of, sprout, bud, malt.Girl
Mei葵 is hollyhock.Girl
Mei芽衣芽 is bud, sprout, spear, germ. / 衣 is garment, clothes, dressing.Girl
Mei芽生芽 is bud, sprout, spear, germ. / 生 is life, genuine, birth.Girl
Mei夢 is dream, vision, illusion.Girl
Mei芽依芽 is bud, sprout, spear, germ. / 依 is reliant, depend on, consequently, therefore, due to.Girl
Mei萌恵萌 is show symptoms of, sprout, bud, malt. / 恵 is favor, blessing, grace, kindness.Girl
Mei萌衣萌 is show symptoms of, sprout, bud, malt. / 衣 is garment, clothes, dressing.Girl
Mei萌音萌 is show symptoms of, sprout, bud, malt. / 音 is sound, noise.Girl
Mei萌愛萌 is show symptoms of, sprout, bud, malt. / 愛 is love, affection, favourite.Girl
Mei結愛結 is tie, bind, contract, join, organize, do up hair, fasten. / 愛 is love, affection, favourite.Girl
Mei愛唯愛 is love, affection, favourite. / 唯 is solely, only, merely, simply.Girl
Mei愛乃愛 is love, affection, favourite. / 乃 is from, possessive particle, whereupon, accordingly.Girl
Mei萌生萌 is show symptoms of, sprout, bud, malt. / 生 is life, genuine, birth.Girl
Mei愛彩愛 is love, affection, favourite. / 彩 is coloring, paint, makeup.Girl
Meiめいめ is Hiragana. / い is Hiragana.Girl
Meiメイメ is Katakana. / イ is Katakana.Girl
Mei愛来愛 is love, affection, favourite. / 来 is come, due, next, cause, become.Girl
Mei愛依愛 is love, affection, favourite. / 依 is reliant, depend on, consequently, therefore, due to.Girl
Meia結愛結 is tie, bind, contract, join, organize, do up hair, fasten. / 愛 is love, affection, favourite.Girl
Meiho明穂明 is bright, light. / 穂 is ear, ear (grain), head, crest (wave).Girl
Meika明香明 is bright, light. / 香 is incense, smell, perfume.Girl
Meiko明子明 is bright, light. / 子 is child, sign of the rat, 11PM-1AM, first sign of Chinese zodiac.Girl
Meimi明美明 is bright, light. / 美 is beauty, beautiful.Girl
Meina愛菜愛 is love, affection, favourite. / 菜 is vegetable, side dish, greens.Girl
Meina萌愛萌 is show symptoms of, sprout, bud, malt. / 愛 is love, affection, favourite.Girl
Meina愛乃愛 is love, affection, favourite. / 乃 is from, possessive particle, whereupon, accordingly.Girl
Meino萌乃萌 is show symptoms of, sprout, bud, malt. / 乃 is from, possessive particle, whereupon, accordingly.Girl
Meira明咲明 is bright, light. / 咲 is blossom, bloom.Girl
Meiri明里明 is bright, light. / 里 is ri, village, parent's home, league.Girl
Meiri明莉明 is bright, light. / 莉 is jasmine.Girl
Meiri萌愛萌 is show symptoms of, sprout, bud, malt. / 愛 is love, affection, favourite.Girl
Meirin美鈴美 is beauty, beautiful. / 鈴 is small bell, buzzer.Girl
Meirin美玲美 is beauty, beautiful. / 玲 is sound of jewels.Girl
Meisa明里明 is bright, light. / 里 is ri, village, parent's home, league.Girl
Meisa明咲明 is bright, light. / 咲 is blossom, bloom.Girl
Meme萌々萌 is show symptoms of, sprout, bud, malt. / 々 is kanji iteration mark​.Girl
Memi萌 is show symptoms of, sprout, bud, malt.Girl
Memi愛実愛 is love, affection, favourite. / 実 is reality, truth.Girl
Memi萌美萌 is show symptoms of, sprout, bud, malt. / 美 is beauty, beautiful.Girl
Memi愛未愛 is love, affection, favourite. / 未 is un-, not yet, hitherto, still, even now, sign of the ram, 1-3PM, eighth sign of Chinese zodiac.Girl
Memi愛海愛 is love, affection, favourite. / 海 is sea, ocean.Girl
Memi芽生芽 is bud, sprout, spear, germ. / 生 is life, genuine, birth.Girl
Memori愛莉愛 is love, affection, favourite. / 莉 is jasmine.Girl
Mena愛菜愛 is love, affection, favourite. / 菜 is vegetable, side dish, greens.Girl
Mena愛奈愛 is love, affection, favourite. / 奈 is Nara, what?.Girl
Mena愛夏愛 is love, affection, favourite. / 夏 is summer.Girl
Mena夢叶夢 is dream, vision, illusion. / 叶 is grant, answer.Girl
Meo芽生芽 is bud, sprout, spear, germ. / 生 is life, genuine, birth.Girl
Mera愛桜愛 is love, affection, favourite. / 桜 is cherry.Girl
Meri愛里愛 is love, affection, favourite. / 里 is ri, village, parent's home, league.Girl
Meri愛理愛 is love, affection, favourite. / 理 is logic, arrangement, reason, justice, truth.Girl
Meri愛莉愛 is love, affection, favourite. / 莉 is jasmine.Girl
Meri-明里明 is bright, light. / 里 is ri, village, parent's home, league.Girl
Merii明里明 is bright, light. / 里 is ri, village, parent's home, league.Girl
Mero愛香愛 is love, affection, favourite. / 香 is incense, smell, perfume.Girl
Mero奏 is play music, speak to a ruler, complete.Girl
Meroa愛香愛 is love, affection, favourite. / 香 is incense, smell, perfume.Girl
Meron萌音萌 is show symptoms of, sprout, bud, malt. / 音 is sound, noise.Girl
Meroto奏音奏 is play music, speak to a ruler, complete. / 音 is sound, noise.Girl
Meru愛琉愛 is love, affection, favourite. / 琉 is precious stone, gem, lapis lazuli.Girl
Meru愛瑠愛 is love, affection, favourite. / 瑠 is lapis lazuli.Girl
Meruru愛琉愛 is love, affection, favourite. / 琉 is precious stone, gem, lapis lazuli.Girl
Meruru愛瑠愛 is love, affection, favourite. / 瑠 is lapis lazuli.Girl
Merusa愛桜愛 is love, affection, favourite. / 桜 is cherry.Girl
Metoro奏音奏 is play music, speak to a ruler, complete. / 音 is sound, noise.Girl
Meyu愛唯愛 is love, affection, favourite. / 唯 is solely, only, merely, simply.Girl
Mia美有美 is beauty, beautiful. / 有 is possess, have, exist, happen, occur, approx.Girl
Mia美空美 is beauty, beautiful. / 空 is empty, sky, void, vacant, vacuum.Girl
Mia望愛望 is ambition, full moon, hope, desire, aspire to, expect. / 愛 is love, affection, favourite.Girl
Mia心愛心 is heart, mind, spirit, heart radical (no. 61). / 愛 is love, affection, favourite.Girl
Mia瑞葵瑞 is congratulations. / 葵 is hollyhock.Girl
Mia心暖心 is heart, mind, spirit, heart radical (no. 61). / 暖 is warmth.Girl
Mia心彩心 is heart, mind, spirit, heart radical (no. 61). / 彩 is coloring, paint, makeup.Girl
Miai心愛心 is heart, mind, spirit, heart radical (no. 61). / 愛 is love, affection, favourite.Girl
Miaki心陽心 is heart, mind, spirit, heart radical (no. 61). / 陽 is sunshine, yang principle, positive, male, heaven, daytime.Girl
Miari美有美 is beauty, beautiful. / 有 is possess, have, exist, happen, occur, approx.Girl
Michi光 is ray, light.Girl
Michika望愛望 is ambition, full moon, hope, desire, aspire to, expect. / 愛 is love, affection, favourite.Girl
Michika美悠美 is beauty, beautiful. / 悠 is permanence, distant, long time, leisure.Girl
Michiko智子智 is wisdom, intellect, reason. / 子 is child, sign of the rat, 11PM-1AM, first sign of Chinese zodiac.Girl
Michiko典子典 is code, ceremony, law, rule. / 子 is child, sign of the rat, 11PM-1AM, first sign of Chinese zodiac.Girl
Michiko紀子紀 is chronicle, account, narrative, history, annals, geologic period. / 子 is child, sign of the rat, 11PM-1AM, first sign of Chinese zodiac.Girl
Michiko慶子慶 is jubilation, congratulate, rejoice, be happy. / 子 is child, sign of the rat, 11PM-1AM, first sign of Chinese zodiac.Girl
Michiko真子真 is true, reality, Buddhist sect. / 子 is child, sign of the rat, 11PM-1AM, first sign of Chinese zodiac.Girl
Michiko法子法 is method, law, rule, principle, model, system. / 子 is child, sign of the rat, 11PM-1AM, first sign of Chinese zodiac.Girl
Michiko美智子美 is beauty, beautiful. / 智 is wisdom, intellect, reason. / 子 is child, sign of the rat, 11PM-1AM, first sign of Chinese zodiac.Girl
Michiko倫子倫 is ethics, companion. / 子 is child, sign of the rat, 11PM-1AM, first sign of Chinese zodiac.Girl
Michiko聖子聖 is holy, saint, sage, master, priest. / 子 is child, sign of the rat, 11PM-1AM, first sign of Chinese zodiac.Girl
Michiko理子理 is logic, arrangement, reason, justice, truth. / 子 is child, sign of the rat, 11PM-1AM, first sign of Chinese zodiac.Girl
Michiru光 is ray, light.Girl
Midoriみどりみ is Hiragana. / ど is Hiragana. / り is Hiragana.Girl
Midori碧 is blue, green.Girl
Midori翠 is green, kingfisher.Girl
Midori緑 is green.Girl
Migiwa渚 is strand, beach, shore.Girl
Migu未来未 is un-, not yet, hitherto, still, even now, sign of the ram, 1-3PM, eighth sign of Chinese zodiac. / 来 is come, due, next, cause, become.Girl
Miha美波美 is beauty, beautiful. / 波 is waves, billows, Poland.Girl
Miha美羽美 is beauty, beautiful. / 羽 is feathers, counter for birds, rabbits.Girl
Miha未羽未 is un-, not yet, hitherto, still, even now, sign of the ram, 1-3PM, eighth sign of Chinese zodiac. / 羽 is feathers, counter for birds, rabbits.Girl
Mihana美羽美 is beauty, beautiful. / 羽 is feathers, counter for birds, rabbits.Girl
Mihana心花心 is heart, mind, spirit, heart radical (no. 61). / 花 is flower.Girl
Mihane美羽美 is beauty, beautiful. / 羽 is feathers, counter for birds, rabbits.Girl
Mihane未羽未 is un-, not yet, hitherto, still, even now, sign of the ram, 1-3PM, eighth sign of Chinese zodiac. / 羽 is feathers, counter for birds, rabbits.Girl
Mihane心羽心 is heart, mind, spirit, heart radical (no. 61). / 羽 is feathers, counter for birds, rabbits.Girl
Mihare美晴美 is beauty, beautiful. / 晴 is clear up.Girl
Miharu美桜美 is beauty, beautiful. / 桜 is cherry.Girl
Miharu美晴美 is beauty, beautiful. / 晴 is clear up.Girl
Miharu未悠未 is un-, not yet, hitherto, still, even now, sign of the ram, 1-3PM, eighth sign of Chinese zodiac. / 悠 is permanence, distant, long time, leisure.Girl
Miharu心美心 is heart, mind, spirit, heart radical (no. 61). / 美 is beauty, beautiful.Girl
Miharu心花心 is heart, mind, spirit, heart radical (no. 61). / 花 is flower.Girl
Miharu心春心 is heart, mind, spirit, heart radical (no. 61). / 春 is springtime, spring (season).Girl
Miharu心晴心 is heart, mind, spirit, heart radical (no. 61). / 晴 is clear up.Girl
Miharu心暖心 is heart, mind, spirit, heart radical (no. 61). / 暖 is warmth.Girl
Miharu美悠美 is beauty, beautiful. / 悠 is permanence, distant, long time, leisure.Girl
Miharu心遥心 is heart, mind, spirit, heart radical (no. 61). / 遥 is far off, distant, long ago.Girl
Miharu心陽心 is heart, mind, spirit, heart radical (no. 61). / 陽 is sunshine, yang principle, positive, male, heaven, daytime.Girl
Miharu美陽美 is beauty, beautiful. / 陽 is sunshine, yang principle, positive, male, heaven, daytime.Girl
Mihi美陽美 is beauty, beautiful. / 陽 is sunshine, yang principle, positive, male, heaven, daytime.Girl
Mihina美陽美 is beauty, beautiful. / 陽 is sunshine, yang principle, positive, male, heaven, daytime.Girl
Mihiro実優実 is reality, truth. / 優 is tenderness, excel, surpass, actor, superiority, gentleness.Girl
Mihiro心優心 is heart, mind, spirit, heart radical (no. 61). / 優 is tenderness, excel, surpass, actor, superiority, gentleness.Girl
Miho美穂美 is beauty, beautiful. / 穂 is ear, ear (grain), head, crest (wave).Girl
Miho美帆美 is beauty, beautiful. / 帆 is sail.Girl
Miho美保美 is beauty, beautiful. / 保 is protect, guarantee, keep, preserve, sustain, support.Girl
Miho実穂実 is reality, truth. / 穂 is ear, ear (grain), head, crest (wave).Girl
Mihoミホミ is Katakana. / ホ is Katakana.Girl
Miho未歩未 is un-, not yet, hitherto, still, even now, sign of the ram, 1-3PM, eighth sign of Chinese zodiac. / 歩 is walk, counter for steps.Girl
Mii弥生弥 is all the more, increasingly. / 生 is life, genuine, birth.Girl
Mii海音海 is sea, ocean. / 音 is sound, noise.Girl
Mii美音美 is beauty, beautiful. / 音 is sound, noise.Girl
Miina未奈未 is un-, not yet, hitherto, still, even now, sign of the ram, 1-3PM, eighth sign of Chinese zodiac. / 奈 is Nara, what?.Girl
Miina心菜心 is heart, mind, spirit, heart radical (no. 61). / 菜 is vegetable, side dish, greens.Girl
Miina心絆心 is heart, mind, spirit, heart radical (no. 61). / 絆 is bonds, fetters.Girl
Miiro心彩心 is heart, mind, spirit, heart radical (no. 61). / 彩 is coloring, paint, makeup.Girl
Miisha美紗美 is beauty, beautiful. / 紗 is gauze, gossamer.Girl
Miju美樹美 is beauty, beautiful. / 樹 is timber, trees, wood, establish, set up.Girl
Mika美香美 is beauty, beautiful. / 香 is incense, smell, perfume.Girl
Mika美佳美 is beauty, beautiful. / 佳 is excellent, beautiful, good, pleasing, skilled.Girl
Mika美加美 is beauty, beautiful. / 加 is add, addition, increase, join, include, Canada.Girl
Mika未佳未 is un-, not yet, hitherto, still, even now, sign of the ram, 1-3PM, eighth sign of Chinese zodiac. / 佳 is excellent, beautiful, good, pleasing, skilled.Girl
Mika心花心 is heart, mind, spirit, heart radical (no. 61). / 花 is flower.Girl
Mikai美海美 is beauty, beautiful. / 海 is sea, ocean.Girl
Mikako美香子美 is beauty, beautiful. / 香 is incense, smell, perfume. / 子 is child, sign of the rat, 11PM-1AM, first sign of Chinese zodiac.Girl
Mikana心奏心 is heart, mind, spirit, heart radical (no. 61). / 奏 is play music, speak to a ruler, complete.Girl
Mike美結美 is beauty, beautiful. / 結 is tie, bind, contract, join, organize, do up hair, fasten.Girl
Miki未来未 is un-, not yet, hitherto, still, even now, sign of the ram, 1-3PM, eighth sign of Chinese zodiac. / 来 is come, due, next, cause, become.Girl
Miki美紀美 is beauty, beautiful. / 紀 is chronicle, account, narrative, history, annals, geologic period.Girl
Miki美樹美 is beauty, beautiful. / 樹 is timber, trees, wood, establish, set up.Girl
Miki美希美 is beauty, beautiful. / 希 is hope, beg, request, pray, beseech, Greece, dilute (acid), rare, few, phenomenal.Girl
Miki弥生弥 is all the more, increasingly. / 生 is life, genuine, birth.Girl
Miki美貴美 is beauty, beautiful. / 貴 is precious, value, prize, esteem, honor.Girl
Miki未希未 is un-, not yet, hitherto, still, even now, sign of the ram, 1-3PM, eighth sign of Chinese zodiac. / 希 is hope, beg, request, pray, beseech, Greece, dilute (acid), rare, few, phenomenal.Girl
Miki瑞希瑞 is congratulations. / 希 is hope, beg, request, pray, beseech, Greece, dilute (acid), rare, few, phenomenal.Girl
Miki実希実 is reality, truth. / 希 is hope, beg, request, pray, beseech, Greece, dilute (acid), rare, few, phenomenal.Girl
Miki瑞貴瑞 is congratulations. / 貴 is precious, value, prize, esteem, honor.Girl
Mikiみきみ is Hiragana. / き is Hiragana.Girl
Miki光希光 is ray, light. / 希 is hope, beg, request, pray, beseech, Greece, dilute (acid), rare, few, phenomenal.Girl
Miki真生真 is true, reality, Buddhist sect. / 生 is life, genuine, birth.Girl
Miki樹 is timber, trees, wood, establish, set up.Girl
Miki美来美 is beauty, beautiful. / 来 is come, due, next, cause, become.Girl
Miki美琴美 is beauty, beautiful. / 琴 is harp, koto.Girl
Miki未來未 is un-, not yet, hitherto, still, even now, sign of the ram, 1-3PM, eighth sign of Chinese zodiac. / 來 is come, due, next, cause, become.Girl
Miki瑞葵瑞 is congratulations. / 葵 is hollyhock.Girl
Mikiri樹里樹 is timber, trees, wood, establish, set up. / 里 is ri, village, parent's home, league.Girl
Miko未来未 is un-, not yet, hitherto, still, even now, sign of the ram, 1-3PM, eighth sign of Chinese zodiac. / 来 is come, due, next, cause, become.Girl
Miko美紅美 is beauty, beautiful. / 紅 is crimson, deep red.Girl
Miko美琴美 is beauty, beautiful. / 琴 is harp, koto.Girl
Miko未來未 is un-, not yet, hitherto, still, even now, sign of the ram, 1-3PM, eighth sign of Chinese zodiac. / 來 is come, due, next, cause, become.Girl
Miko美心美 is beauty, beautiful. / 心 is heart, mind, spirit, heart radical (no. 61).Girl
Mikoko美心美 is beauty, beautiful. / 心 is heart, mind, spirit, heart radical (no. 61).Girl
Mikokoro美心美 is beauty, beautiful. / 心 is heart, mind, spirit, heart radical (no. 61).Girl
Mikoro美心美 is beauty, beautiful. / 心 is heart, mind, spirit, heart radical (no. 61).Girl
Mikoto美琴美 is beauty, beautiful. / 琴 is harp, koto.Girl
Mikoto美心美 is beauty, beautiful. / 心 is heart, mind, spirit, heart radical (no. 61).Girl
Miku未来未 is un-, not yet, hitherto, still, even now, sign of the ram, 1-3PM, eighth sign of Chinese zodiac. / 来 is come, due, next, cause, become.Girl
Miku美咲美 is beauty, beautiful. / 咲 is blossom, bloom.Girl
Miku美紅美 is beauty, beautiful. / 紅 is crimson, deep red.Girl
Miku実咲実 is reality, truth. / 咲 is blossom, bloom.Girl
Miku美玖美 is beauty, beautiful. / 玖 is beautiful black jewel, nine.Girl
Miku美空美 is beauty, beautiful. / 空 is empty, sky, void, vacant, vacuum.Girl
Miku美来美 is beauty, beautiful. / 来 is come, due, next, cause, become.Girl
Miku実来実 is reality, truth. / 来 is come, due, next, cause, become.Girl
Miku初音初 is first time, beginning. / 音 is sound, noise.Girl
Miku未空未 is un-, not yet, hitherto, still, even now, sign of the ram, 1-3PM, eighth sign of Chinese zodiac. / 空 is empty, sky, void, vacant, vacuum.Girl
Miku心咲心 is heart, mind, spirit, heart radical (no. 61). / 咲 is blossom, bloom.Girl
Miku未來未 is un-, not yet, hitherto, still, even now, sign of the ram, 1-3PM, eighth sign of Chinese zodiac. / 來 is come, due, next, cause, become.Girl
Mikure美紅美 is beauty, beautiful. / 紅 is crimson, deep red.Girl
Mikuri未来未 is un-, not yet, hitherto, still, even now, sign of the ram, 1-3PM, eighth sign of Chinese zodiac. / 来 is come, due, next, cause, become.Girl
Mikuru未来未 is un-, not yet, hitherto, still, even now, sign of the ram, 1-3PM, eighth sign of Chinese zodiac. / 来 is come, due, next, cause, become.Girl
Mikuru美来美 is beauty, beautiful. / 来 is come, due, next, cause, become.Girl
Mikuru実来実 is reality, truth. / 来 is come, due, next, cause, become.Girl
Mikuru未來未 is un-, not yet, hitherto, still, even now, sign of the ram, 1-3PM, eighth sign of Chinese zodiac. / 來 is come, due, next, cause, become.Girl
Mikuru愛来愛 is love, affection, favourite. / 来 is come, due, next, cause, become.Girl
Mimari実莉実 is reality, truth. / 莉 is jasmine.Girl
Mime実夢実 is reality, truth. / 夢 is dream, vision, illusion.Girl
Mimi美海美 is beauty, beautiful. / 海 is sea, ocean.Girl
Mimi心美心 is heart, mind, spirit, heart radical (no. 61). / 美 is beauty, beautiful.Girl
Mimi心海心 is heart, mind, spirit, heart radical (no. 61). / 海 is sea, ocean.Girl
Mimi美心美 is beauty, beautiful. / 心 is heart, mind, spirit, heart radical (no. 61).Girl
Mimu未夢未 is un-, not yet, hitherto, still, even now, sign of the ram, 1-3PM, eighth sign of Chinese zodiac. / 夢 is dream, vision, illusion.Girl
Mimu美夢美 is beauty, beautiful. / 夢 is dream, vision, illusion.Girl
Mimu実夢実 is reality, truth. / 夢 is dream, vision, illusion.Girl
Mina美奈美 is beauty, beautiful. / 奈 is Nara, what?.Girl
Mina美菜美 is beauty, beautiful. / 菜 is vegetable, side dish, greens.Girl
Mina南 is south.Girl
Mina未奈未 is un-, not yet, hitherto, still, even now, sign of the ram, 1-3PM, eighth sign of Chinese zodiac. / 奈 is Nara, what?.Girl
Mina聖奈聖 is holy, saint, sage, master, priest. / 奈 is Nara, what?.Girl
Mina美南美 is beauty, beautiful. / 南 is south.Girl
Mina心愛心 is heart, mind, spirit, heart radical (no. 61). / 愛 is love, affection, favourite.Girl
Mina心菜心 is heart, mind, spirit, heart radical (no. 61). / 菜 is vegetable, side dish, greens.Girl
Mina心絆心 is heart, mind, spirit, heart radical (no. 61). / 絆 is bonds, fetters.Girl
Minagi美和美 is beauty, beautiful. / 和 is harmony, Japanese style, peace, soften, Japan.Girl
Minako美奈子美 is beauty, beautiful. / 奈 is Nara, what?. / 子 is child, sign of the rat, 11PM-1AM, first sign of Chinese zodiac.Girl
Minako聖子聖 is holy, saint, sage, master, priest. / 子 is child, sign of the rat, 11PM-1AM, first sign of Chinese zodiac.Girl
Minako美菜子美 is beauty, beautiful. / 菜 is vegetable, side dish, greens. / 子 is child, sign of the rat, 11PM-1AM, first sign of Chinese zodiac.Girl
Minako美和子美 is beauty, beautiful. / 和 is harmony, Japanese style, peace, soften, Japan. / 子 is child, sign of the rat, 11PM-1AM, first sign of Chinese zodiac.Girl
Minamiみなみみ is Hiragana. / な is Hiragana. / み is Hiragana.Girl
Minami南 is south.Girl
Minami南美南 is south. / 美 is beauty, beautiful.Girl
Minami美波美 is beauty, beautiful. / 波 is waves, billows, Poland.Girl
Minami穂奈美穂 is ear, ear (grain), head, crest (wave). / 奈 is Nara, what?. / 美 is beauty, beautiful.Girl
Minami美南美 is beauty, beautiful. / 南 is south.Girl
Minami陽 is sunshine, yang principle, positive, male, heaven, daytime.Girl
Minami美海美 is beauty, beautiful. / 海 is sea, ocean.Girl
Minami心海心 is heart, mind, spirit, heart radical (no. 61). / 海 is sea, ocean.Girl
Minan美南美 is beauty, beautiful. / 南 is south.Girl
Minato美音美 is beauty, beautiful. / 音 is sound, noise.Girl
Mine海音海 is sea, ocean. / 音 is sound, noise.Girl
Mine美音美 is beauty, beautiful. / 音 is sound, noise.Girl
Mine心音心 is heart, mind, spirit, heart radical (no. 61). / 音 is sound, noise.Girl
Mine心寧心 is heart, mind, spirit, heart radical (no. 61). / 寧 is rather, preferably, peaceful, quiet, tranquility.Girl
Minmi明美明 is bright, light. / 美 is beauty, beautiful.Girl
Mino海音海 is sea, ocean. / 音 is sound, noise.Girl
Mino美心美 is beauty, beautiful. / 心 is heart, mind, spirit, heart radical (no. 61).Girl
Minon美音美 is beauty, beautiful. / 音 is sound, noise.Girl
Minon心暖心 is heart, mind, spirit, heart radical (no. 61). / 暖 is warmth.Girl
Minori美里美 is beauty, beautiful. / 里 is ri, village, parent's home, league.Girl
Minori美紀美 is beauty, beautiful. / 紀 is chronicle, account, narrative, history, annals, geologic period.Girl
Minoriみのりみ is Hiragana. / の is Hiragana. / り is Hiragana.Girl
Minori実里実 is reality, truth. / 里 is ri, village, parent's home, league.Girl
Minori美乃里美 is beauty, beautiful. / 乃 is from, possessive particle, whereupon, accordingly. / 里 is ri, village, parent's home, league.Girl
Minori萌愛萌 is show symptoms of, sprout, bud, malt. / 愛 is love, affection, favourite.Girl
Minori実莉実 is reality, truth. / 莉 is jasmine.Girl
Minori珠愛珠 is pearl, gem, jewel. / 愛 is love, affection, favourite.Girl
Minto涼香涼 is refreshing, nice and cool. / 香 is incense, smell, perfume.Girl
Minto明音明 is bright, light. / 音 is sound, noise.Girl
Minto海音海 is sea, ocean. / 音 is sound, noise.Girl
Minto美音美 is beauty, beautiful. / 音 is sound, noise.Girl
Mio美穂美 is beauty, beautiful. / 穂 is ear, ear (grain), head, crest (wave).Girl
Mio美和美 is beauty, beautiful. / 和 is harmony, Japanese style, peace, soften, Japan.Girl
Mio美緒美 is beauty, beautiful. / 緒 is thong, beginning, inception, end, cord, strap, mental or emotional state.Girl
Mio弥生弥 is all the more, increasingly. / 生 is life, genuine, birth.Girl
Mio未央未 is un-, not yet, hitherto, still, even now, sign of the ram, 1-3PM, eighth sign of Chinese zodiac. / 央 is center, middle.Girl
Mio澪 is water route, shipping channel.Girl
Mio真緒真 is true, reality, Buddhist sect. / 緒 is thong, beginning, inception, end, cord, strap, mental or emotional state.Girl
Mio美桜美 is beauty, beautiful. / 桜 is cherry.Girl
Mio美有美 is beauty, beautiful. / 有 is possess, have, exist, happen, occur, approx.Girl
Mio海音海 is sea, ocean. / 音 is sound, noise.Girl
Mio望愛望 is ambition, full moon, hope, desire, aspire to, expect. / 愛 is love, affection, favourite.Girl
Mio美音美 is beauty, beautiful. / 音 is sound, noise.Girl
Mio心愛心 is heart, mind, spirit, heart radical (no. 61). / 愛 is love, affection, favourite.Girl
Mio心音心 is heart, mind, spirit, heart radical (no. 61). / 音 is sound, noise.Girl
Mio実桜実 is reality, truth. / 桜 is cherry.Girl
Mio心暖心 is heart, mind, spirit, heart radical (no. 61). / 暖 is warmth.Girl
Mio未桜未 is un-, not yet, hitherto, still, even now, sign of the ram, 1-3PM, eighth sign of Chinese zodiac. / 桜 is cherry.Girl
Mio美織美 is beauty, beautiful. / 織 is weave, fabric.Girl
Mio心桜心 is heart, mind, spirit, heart radical (no. 61). / 桜 is cherry.Girl
Mion美桜美 is beauty, beautiful. / 桜 is cherry.Girl
Mion海音海 is sea, ocean. / 音 is sound, noise.Girl
Mion美音美 is beauty, beautiful. / 音 is sound, noise.Girl
Mion心音心 is heart, mind, spirit, heart radical (no. 61). / 音 is sound, noise.Girl
Miori美織美 is beauty, beautiful. / 織 is weave, fabric.Girl
Mioto美音美 is beauty, beautiful. / 音 is sound, noise.Girl
Mioto心音心 is heart, mind, spirit, heart radical (no. 61). / 音 is sound, noise.Girl
Miou美桜美 is beauty, beautiful. / 桜 is cherry.Girl
Miou実桜実 is reality, truth. / 桜 is cherry.Girl
Mira未来未 is un-, not yet, hitherto, still, even now, sign of the ram, 1-3PM, eighth sign of Chinese zodiac. / 来 is come, due, next, cause, become.Girl
Mira美咲美 is beauty, beautiful. / 咲 is blossom, bloom.Girl
Mira実咲実 is reality, truth. / 咲 is blossom, bloom.Girl
Mira美来美 is beauty, beautiful. / 来 is come, due, next, cause, become.Girl
Mira実来実 is reality, truth. / 来 is come, due, next, cause, become.Girl
Mira心愛心 is heart, mind, spirit, heart radical (no. 61). / 愛 is love, affection, favourite.Girl
Mirai未来未 is un-, not yet, hitherto, still, even now, sign of the ram, 1-3PM, eighth sign of Chinese zodiac. / 来 is come, due, next, cause, become.Girl
Mirai希望希 is hope, beg, request, pray, beseech, Greece, dilute (acid), rare, few, phenomenal. / 望 is ambition, full moon, hope, desire, aspire to, expect.Girl
Mirai美来美 is beauty, beautiful. / 来 is come, due, next, cause, become.Girl
Mirai星 is star, spot, dot, mark.Girl
Mirai実来実 is reality, truth. / 来 is come, due, next, cause, become.Girl
Mirai望愛望 is ambition, full moon, hope, desire, aspire to, expect. / 愛 is love, affection, favourite.Girl
Mirai未來未 is un-, not yet, hitherto, still, even now, sign of the ram, 1-3PM, eighth sign of Chinese zodiac. / 來 is come, due, next, cause, become.Girl
Mirakuru未来未 is un-, not yet, hitherto, still, even now, sign of the ram, 1-3PM, eighth sign of Chinese zodiac. / 来 is come, due, next, cause, become.Girl
Miran実夢実 is reality, truth. / 夢 is dream, vision, illusion.Girl
Mirei未来未 is un-, not yet, hitherto, still, even now, sign of the ram, 1-3PM, eighth sign of Chinese zodiac. / 来 is come, due, next, cause, become.Girl
Mirei美鈴美 is beauty, beautiful. / 鈴 is small bell, buzzer.Girl
Mirei美怜美 is beauty, beautiful. / 怜 is wise.Girl
Mirei美玲美 is beauty, beautiful. / 玲 is sound of jewels.Girl
Miri美里美 is beauty, beautiful. / 里 is ri, village, parent's home, league.Girl
Miri実里実 is reality, truth. / 里 is ri, village, parent's home, league.Girl
Miri美涼美 is beauty, beautiful. / 涼 is refreshing, nice and cool.Girl
Miri実莉実 is reality, truth. / 莉 is jasmine.Girl
Miri珠莉珠 is pearl, gem, jewel. / 莉 is jasmine.Girl
Miri光莉光 is ray, light. / 莉 is jasmine.Girl
Mirina満里奈満 is full, fullness, enough, satisfy. / 里 is ri, village, parent's home, league. / 奈 is Nara, what?.Girl
Miruku未来未 is un-, not yet, hitherto, still, even now, sign of the ram, 1-3PM, eighth sign of Chinese zodiac. / 来 is come, due, next, cause, become.Girl
Miruku美紅美 is beauty, beautiful. / 紅 is crimson, deep red.Girl
Miruna美月美 is beauty, beautiful. / 月 is month, moon.Girl
Miryo美涼美 is beauty, beautiful. / 涼 is refreshing, nice and cool.Girl
Misa美咲美 is beauty, beautiful. / 咲 is blossom, bloom.Girl
Misa美沙美 is beauty, beautiful. / 沙 is sand.Girl
Misa美菜美 is beauty, beautiful. / 菜 is vegetable, side dish, greens.Girl
Misa美紗美 is beauty, beautiful. / 紗 is gauze, gossamer.Girl
Misa実咲実 is reality, truth. / 咲 is blossom, bloom.Girl
Misa未紗未 is un-, not yet, hitherto, still, even now, sign of the ram, 1-3PM, eighth sign of Chinese zodiac. / 紗 is gauze, gossamer.Girl
Misa美桜美 is beauty, beautiful. / 桜 is cherry.Girl
Misa光咲光 is ray, light. / 咲 is blossom, bloom.Girl
Misa心咲心 is heart, mind, spirit, heart radical (no. 61). / 咲 is blossom, bloom.Girl
Misa実桜実 is reality, truth. / 桜 is cherry.Girl
Misa心彩心 is heart, mind, spirit, heart radical (no. 61). / 彩 is coloring, paint, makeup.Girl
Misa心桜心 is heart, mind, spirit, heart radical (no. 61). / 桜 is cherry.Girl
Misachi美幸美 is beauty, beautiful. / 幸 is happiness, blessing, fortune.Girl
Misaki美咲美 is beauty, beautiful. / 咲 is blossom, bloom.Girl
Misaki美幸美 is beauty, beautiful. / 幸 is happiness, blessing, fortune.Girl
Misaki咲 is blossom, bloom.Girl
Misaki美沙紀美 is beauty, beautiful. / 沙 is sand. / 紀 is chronicle, account, narrative, history, annals, geologic period.Girl
Misakiみさきみ is Hiragana. / さ is Hiragana. / き is Hiragana.Girl
Misaki光咲光 is ray, light. / 咲 is blossom, bloom.Girl
Misaki咲紀咲 is blossom, bloom. / 紀 is chronicle, account, narrative, history, annals, geologic period.Girl
Misaki実咲実 is reality, truth. / 咲 is blossom, bloom.Girl
Misaki美沙希美 is beauty, beautiful. / 沙 is sand. / 希 is hope, beg, request, pray, beseech, Greece, dilute (acid), rare, few, phenomenal.Girl
Misaki美桜美 is beauty, beautiful. / 桜 is cherry.Girl
Misaki心咲心 is heart, mind, spirit, heart radical (no. 61). / 咲 is blossom, bloom.Girl
Misako美沙子美 is beauty, beautiful. / 沙 is sand. / 子 is child, sign of the rat, 11PM-1AM, first sign of Chinese zodiac.Girl
Misako美紗子美 is beauty, beautiful. / 紗 is gauze, gossamer. / 子 is child, sign of the rat, 11PM-1AM, first sign of Chinese zodiac.Girl
Misara美咲美 is beauty, beautiful. / 咲 is blossom, bloom.Girl
Misato美里美 is beauty, beautiful. / 里 is ri, village, parent's home, league.Girl
Misato実里実 is reality, truth. / 里 is ri, village, parent's home, league.Girl
Misato珠里珠 is pearl, gem, jewel. / 里 is ri, village, parent's home, league.Girl
Misato美怜美 is beauty, beautiful. / 怜 is wise.Girl
Misha美沙美 is beauty, beautiful. / 沙 is sand.Girl
Misha美紗美 is beauty, beautiful. / 紗 is gauze, gossamer.Girl
Misha未紗未 is un-, not yet, hitherto, still, even now, sign of the ram, 1-3PM, eighth sign of Chinese zodiac. / 紗 is gauze, gossamer.Girl
Misora美空美 is beauty, beautiful. / 空 is empty, sky, void, vacant, vacuum.Girl
Misora未空未 is un-, not yet, hitherto, still, even now, sign of the ram, 1-3PM, eighth sign of Chinese zodiac. / 空 is empty, sky, void, vacant, vacuum.Girl
Misugu美優美 is beauty, beautiful. / 優 is tenderness, excel, surpass, actor, superiority, gentleness.Girl
Misuzu美紗美 is beauty, beautiful. / 紗 is gauze, gossamer.Girl
Misuzu美鈴美 is beauty, beautiful. / 鈴 is small bell, buzzer.Girl
Misuzu未紗未 is un-, not yet, hitherto, still, even now, sign of the ram, 1-3PM, eighth sign of Chinese zodiac. / 紗 is gauze, gossamer.Girl
Misuzu美涼美 is beauty, beautiful. / 涼 is refreshing, nice and cool.Girl
Mito美音美 is beauty, beautiful. / 音 is sound, noise.Girl
Mito心絆心 is heart, mind, spirit, heart radical (no. 61). / 絆 is bonds, fetters.Girl
Mitomo美友美 is beauty, beautiful. / 友 is friend.Girl
Mitsu光 is ray, light.Girl
Mitsuba美羽美 is beauty, beautiful. / 羽 is feathers, counter for birds, rabbits.Girl
Mitsuki美希美 is beauty, beautiful. / 希 is hope, beg, request, pray, beseech, Greece, dilute (acid), rare, few, phenomenal.Girl
Mitsuki美貴美 is beauty, beautiful. / 貴 is precious, value, prize, esteem, honor.Girl
Mitsuki美月美 is beauty, beautiful. / 月 is month, moon.Girl
Mitsuki光希光 is ray, light. / 希 is hope, beg, request, pray, beseech, Greece, dilute (acid), rare, few, phenomenal.Girl
Mitsuko友子友 is friend. / 子 is child, sign of the rat, 11PM-1AM, first sign of Chinese zodiac.Girl
Mitsuri光莉光 is ray, light. / 莉 is jasmine.Girl
Mitsuru望 is ambition, full moon, hope, desire, aspire to, expect.Girl
Mitsuru光 is ray, light.Girl
Miu美優美 is beauty, beautiful. / 優 is tenderness, excel, surpass, actor, superiority, gentleness.Girl
Miu華 is splendor, flower, petal, shine, luster, ostentatious, showy, gay, gorgeous.Girl
Miu実優実 is reality, truth. / 優 is tenderness, excel, surpass, actor, superiority, gentleness.Girl
Miu美有美 is beauty, beautiful. / 有 is possess, have, exist, happen, occur, approx.Girl
Miu美憂美 is beauty, beautiful. / 憂 is melancholy, grieve, lament, be anxious, sad, unhappy.Girl
Miu美羽美 is beauty, beautiful. / 羽 is feathers, counter for birds, rabbits.Girl
Miu美空美 is beauty, beautiful. / 空 is empty, sky, void, vacant, vacuum.Girl
Miu美佑美 is beauty, beautiful. / 佑 is help, assist.Girl
Miu未羽未 is un-, not yet, hitherto, still, even now, sign of the ram, 1-3PM, eighth sign of Chinese zodiac. / 羽 is feathers, counter for birds, rabbits.Girl
Miu美海美 is beauty, beautiful. / 海 is sea, ocean.Girl
Miu未悠未 is un-, not yet, hitherto, still, even now, sign of the ram, 1-3PM, eighth sign of Chinese zodiac. / 悠 is permanence, distant, long time, leisure.Girl
Miu愛結愛 is love, affection, favourite. / 結 is tie, bind, contract, join, organize, do up hair, fasten.Girl
Miu美音美 is beauty, beautiful. / 音 is sound, noise.Girl
Miu美夢美 is beauty, beautiful. / 夢 is dream, vision, illusion.Girl
Miu愛生愛 is love, affection, favourite. / 生 is life, genuine, birth.Girl
Miu心優心 is heart, mind, spirit, heart radical (no. 61). / 優 is tenderness, excel, surpass, actor, superiority, gentleness.Girl
Miu碧海碧 is blue, green. / 海 is sea, ocean.Girl
Miu心結心 is heart, mind, spirit, heart radical (no. 61). / 結 is tie, bind, contract, join, organize, do up hair, fasten.Girl
Miu美悠美 is beauty, beautiful. / 悠 is permanence, distant, long time, leisure.Girl
Miu心羽心 is heart, mind, spirit, heart radical (no. 61). / 羽 is feathers, counter for birds, rabbits.Girl
Miu未結未 is un-, not yet, hitherto, still, even now, sign of the ram, 1-3PM, eighth sign of Chinese zodiac. / 結 is tie, bind, contract, join, organize, do up hair, fasten.Girl
Miuみうみ is Hiragana. / う is Hiragana.Girl
Miumi心海心 is heart, mind, spirit, heart radical (no. 61). / 海 is sea, ocean.Girl
Miuna美海美 is beauty, beautiful. / 海 is sea, ocean.Girl
Miwa美和美 is beauty, beautiful. / 和 is harmony, Japanese style, peace, soften, Japan.Girl
Miwa美波美 is beauty, beautiful. / 波 is waves, billows, Poland.Girl
Miwa美羽美 is beauty, beautiful. / 羽 is feathers, counter for birds, rabbits.Girl
Miwa未羽未 is un-, not yet, hitherto, still, even now, sign of the ram, 1-3PM, eighth sign of Chinese zodiac. / 羽 is feathers, counter for birds, rabbits.Girl
Miwa心羽心 is heart, mind, spirit, heart radical (no. 61). / 羽 is feathers, counter for birds, rabbits.Girl
Miwako美和子美 is beauty, beautiful. / 和 is harmony, Japanese style, peace, soften, Japan. / 子 is child, sign of the rat, 11PM-1AM, first sign of Chinese zodiac.Girl
Miya心愛心 is heart, mind, spirit, heart radical (no. 61). / 愛 is love, affection, favourite.Girl
Miyabi雅美雅 is gracious, elegant, graceful, refined. / 美 is beauty, beautiful.Girl
Miyabi雅 is gracious, elegant, graceful, refined.Girl
Miyako雅子雅 is gracious, elegant, graceful, refined. / 子 is child, sign of the rat, 11PM-1AM, first sign of Chinese zodiac.Girl
Miyako京子京 is capital, 10**16. / 子 is child, sign of the rat, 11PM-1AM, first sign of Chinese zodiac.Girl
Miyami雅美雅 is gracious, elegant, graceful, refined. / 美 is beauty, beautiful.Girl
Miyo百合子百 is hundred. / 合 is fit, suit, join, 0.1. / 子 is child, sign of the rat, 11PM-1AM, first sign of Chinese zodiac.Girl
Miyo心葉心 is heart, mind, spirit, heart radical (no. 61). / 葉 is leaf, plane, lobe, needle, blade, spear, counter for flat things, fragment, piece.Girl
Miyo美陽美 is beauty, beautiful. / 陽 is sunshine, yang principle, positive, male, heaven, daytime.Girl
Miyori美和美 is beauty, beautiful. / 和 is harmony, Japanese style, peace, soften, Japan.Girl
Miyoshi美佳美 is beauty, beautiful. / 佳 is excellent, beautiful, good, pleasing, skilled.Girl
Miyou美陽美 is beauty, beautiful. / 陽 is sunshine, yang principle, positive, male, heaven, daytime.Girl
Miyu結 is tie, bind, contract, join, organize, do up hair, fasten.Girl
Miyu美優美 is beauty, beautiful. / 優 is tenderness, excel, surpass, actor, superiority, gentleness.Girl
Miyu美雪美 is beauty, beautiful. / 雪 is snow.Girl
Miyu実優実 is reality, truth. / 優 is tenderness, excel, surpass, actor, superiority, gentleness.Girl
Miyu美有美 is beauty, beautiful. / 有 is possess, have, exist, happen, occur, approx.Girl
Miyu美結美 is beauty, beautiful. / 結 is tie, bind, contract, join, organize, do up hair, fasten.Girl
Miyu美憂美 is beauty, beautiful. / 憂 is melancholy, grieve, lament, be anxious, sad, unhappy.Girl
Miyu美友美 is beauty, beautiful. / 友 is friend.Girl
Miyu美佑美 is beauty, beautiful. / 佑 is help, assist.Girl
Miyu心 is heart, mind, spirit, heart radical (no. 61).Girl
Miyu未夢未 is un-, not yet, hitherto, still, even now, sign of the ram, 1-3PM, eighth sign of Chinese zodiac. / 夢 is dream, vision, illusion.Girl
Miyu未悠未 is un-, not yet, hitherto, still, even now, sign of the ram, 1-3PM, eighth sign of Chinese zodiac. / 悠 is permanence, distant, long time, leisure.Girl
Miyu未優未 is un-, not yet, hitherto, still, even now, sign of the ram, 1-3PM, eighth sign of Chinese zodiac. / 優 is tenderness, excel, surpass, actor, superiority, gentleness.Girl
Miyu未侑未 is un-, not yet, hitherto, still, even now, sign of the ram, 1-3PM, eighth sign of Chinese zodiac. / 侑 is urge to eat.Girl
Miyu美夢美 is beauty, beautiful. / 夢 is dream, vision, illusion.Girl
Miyu実夢実 is reality, truth. / 夢 is dream, vision, illusion.Girl
Miyu美侑美 is beauty, beautiful. / 侑 is urge to eat.Girl
Miyu心優心 is heart, mind, spirit, heart radical (no. 61). / 優 is tenderness, excel, surpass, actor, superiority, gentleness.Girl
Miyu音羽音 is sound, noise. / 羽 is feathers, counter for birds, rabbits.Girl
Miyu心結心 is heart, mind, spirit, heart radical (no. 61). / 結 is tie, bind, contract, join, organize, do up hair, fasten.Girl
Miyu美悠美 is beauty, beautiful. / 悠 is permanence, distant, long time, leisure.Girl
Miyu未結未 is un-, not yet, hitherto, still, even now, sign of the ram, 1-3PM, eighth sign of Chinese zodiac. / 結 is tie, bind, contract, join, organize, do up hair, fasten.Girl
Miyuみゆみ is Hiragana. / ゆ is Hiragana.Girl
Miyua心結心 is heart, mind, spirit, heart radical (no. 61). / 結 is tie, bind, contract, join, organize, do up hair, fasten.Girl
Miyui美結美 is beauty, beautiful. / 結 is tie, bind, contract, join, organize, do up hair, fasten.Girl
Miyui心結心 is heart, mind, spirit, heart radical (no. 61). / 結 is tie, bind, contract, join, organize, do up hair, fasten.Girl
Miyuki美幸美 is beauty, beautiful. / 幸 is happiness, blessing, fortune.Girl
Miyuki由紀由 is wherefore, a reason. / 紀 is chronicle, account, narrative, history, annals, geologic period.Girl
Miyuki美由紀美 is beauty, beautiful. / 由 is wherefore, a reason. / 紀 is chronicle, account, narrative, history, annals, geologic period.Girl
Miyukiみゆきみ is Hiragana. / ゆ is Hiragana. / き is Hiragana.Girl
Miyuki幸 is happiness, blessing, fortune.Girl
Miyuki美雪美 is beauty, beautiful. / 雪 is snow.Girl
Miyume美夢美 is beauty, beautiful. / 夢 is dream, vision, illusion.Girl
Miyuna心優心 is heart, mind, spirit, heart radical (no. 61). / 優 is tenderness, excel, surpass, actor, superiority, gentleness.Girl
Miyuu美優美 is beauty, beautiful. / 優 is tenderness, excel, surpass, actor, superiority, gentleness.Girl
Miyuu実優実 is reality, truth. / 優 is tenderness, excel, surpass, actor, superiority, gentleness.Girl
Miyuu美有美 is beauty, beautiful. / 有 is possess, have, exist, happen, occur, approx.Girl
Miyuu美結美 is beauty, beautiful. / 結 is tie, bind, contract, join, organize, do up hair, fasten.Girl
Miyuu美憂美 is beauty, beautiful. / 憂 is melancholy, grieve, lament, be anxious, sad, unhappy.Girl
Miyuu美友美 is beauty, beautiful. / 友 is friend.Girl
Miyuu美佑美 is beauty, beautiful. / 佑 is help, assist.Girl
Miyuu未羽未 is un-, not yet, hitherto, still, even now, sign of the ram, 1-3PM, eighth sign of Chinese zodiac. / 羽 is feathers, counter for birds, rabbits.Girl
Miyuu未夢未 is un-, not yet, hitherto, still, even now, sign of the ram, 1-3PM, eighth sign of Chinese zodiac. / 夢 is dream, vision, illusion.Girl
Miyuu未悠未 is un-, not yet, hitherto, still, even now, sign of the ram, 1-3PM, eighth sign of Chinese zodiac. / 悠 is permanence, distant, long time, leisure.Girl
Miyuu未侑未 is un-, not yet, hitherto, still, even now, sign of the ram, 1-3PM, eighth sign of Chinese zodiac. / 侑 is urge to eat.Girl
Miyuu美夢美 is beauty, beautiful. / 夢 is dream, vision, illusion.Girl
Miyuu美侑美 is beauty, beautiful. / 侑 is urge to eat.Girl
Miyuu心優心 is heart, mind, spirit, heart radical (no. 61). / 優 is tenderness, excel, surpass, actor, superiority, gentleness.Girl
Miyuu心結心 is heart, mind, spirit, heart radical (no. 61). / 結 is tie, bind, contract, join, organize, do up hair, fasten.Girl
Miyuu美悠美 is beauty, beautiful. / 悠 is permanence, distant, long time, leisure.Girl
Miyuu心羽心 is heart, mind, spirit, heart radical (no. 61). / 羽 is feathers, counter for birds, rabbits.Girl
Miyuu未結未 is un-, not yet, hitherto, still, even now, sign of the ram, 1-3PM, eighth sign of Chinese zodiac. / 結 is tie, bind, contract, join, organize, do up hair, fasten.Girl
Mizue瑞穂瑞 is congratulations. / 穂 is ear, ear (grain), head, crest (wave).Girl
Mizuho瑞穂瑞 is congratulations. / 穂 is ear, ear (grain), head, crest (wave).Girl
Mizuho瑞歩瑞 is congratulations. / 歩 is walk, counter for steps.Girl
Mizuki望 is ambition, full moon, hope, desire, aspire to, expect.Girl
Mizuki瑞希瑞 is congratulations. / 希 is hope, beg, request, pray, beseech, Greece, dilute (acid), rare, few, phenomenal.Girl
Mizuki美月美 is beauty, beautiful. / 月 is month, moon.Girl
Mizuki瑞季瑞 is congratulations. / 季 is seasons.Girl
Mizuki瑞紀瑞 is congratulations. / 紀 is chronicle, account, narrative, history, annals, geologic period.Girl
Mizukiみずきみ is Hiragana. / ず is Hiragana. / き is Hiragana.Girl
Mizukiみづきみ is Hiragana. / づ is Hiragana. / き is Hiragana.Girl
Mizuki光希光 is ray, light. / 希 is hope, beg, request, pray, beseech, Greece, dilute (acid), rare, few, phenomenal.Girl
Mizuki光貴光 is ray, light. / 貴 is precious, value, prize, esteem, honor.Girl
Mizuki光輝光 is ray, light. / 輝 is radiance, shine, sparkle, gleam, twinkle.Girl
Mizuki瑞貴瑞 is congratulations. / 貴 is precious, value, prize, esteem, honor.Girl
Mizuki瑞生瑞 is congratulations. / 生 is life, genuine, birth.Girl
Mizuki瑞稀瑞 is congratulations. / 稀 is rare, phenomenal, dilute (acid).Girl
Mizuki聖 is holy, saint, sage, master, priest.Girl
Mizuki瑞葵瑞 is congratulations. / 葵 is hollyhock.Girl
Mizuki瑞姫瑞 is congratulations. / 姫 is princess.Girl
Mizuna美沙美 is beauty, beautiful. / 沙 is sand.Girl
Moa萌愛萌 is show symptoms of, sprout, bud, malt. / 愛 is love, affection, favourite.Girl
Moai萌愛萌 is show symptoms of, sprout, bud, malt. / 愛 is love, affection, favourite.Girl
Moe萌 is show symptoms of, sprout, bud, malt.Girl
Moe萌絵萌 is show symptoms of, sprout, bud, malt. / 絵 is picture, drawing, painting, sketch.Girl
Moe愛恵愛 is love, affection, favourite. / 恵 is favor, blessing, grace, kindness.Girl
Moe萌恵萌 is show symptoms of, sprout, bud, malt. / 恵 is favor, blessing, grace, kindness.Girl
Moe萌衣萌 is show symptoms of, sprout, bud, malt. / 衣 is garment, clothes, dressing.Girl
Moe萌愛萌 is show symptoms of, sprout, bud, malt. / 愛 is love, affection, favourite.Girl
Moeもえも is Hiragana. / え is Hiragana.Girl
Moe萌生萌 is show symptoms of, sprout, bud, malt. / 生 is life, genuine, birth.Girl
Moea萌愛萌 is show symptoms of, sprout, bud, malt. / 愛 is love, affection, favourite.Girl
Moeka萌香萌 is show symptoms of, sprout, bud, malt. / 香 is incense, smell, perfume.Girl
Moeka萌花萌 is show symptoms of, sprout, bud, malt. / 花 is flower.Girl
Moeka萌夏萌 is show symptoms of, sprout, bud, malt. / 夏 is summer.Girl
Moeka萌華萌 is show symptoms of, sprout, bud, malt. / 華 is splendor, flower, petal, shine, luster, ostentatious, showy, gay, gorgeous.Girl
Moeko萌子萌 is show symptoms of, sprout, bud, malt. / 子 is child, sign of the rat, 11PM-1AM, first sign of Chinese zodiac.Girl
Moeko萌香萌 is show symptoms of, sprout, bud, malt. / 香 is incense, smell, perfume.Girl
Moemi萌美萌 is show symptoms of, sprout, bud, malt. / 美 is beauty, beautiful.Girl
Moemi萌恵萌 is show symptoms of, sprout, bud, malt. / 恵 is favor, blessing, grace, kindness.Girl
Moemi萌生萌 is show symptoms of, sprout, bud, malt. / 生 is life, genuine, birth.Girl
Moena萌夏萌 is show symptoms of, sprout, bud, malt. / 夏 is summer.Girl
Moena萌愛萌 is show symptoms of, sprout, bud, malt. / 愛 is love, affection, favourite.Girl
Moene萌音萌 is show symptoms of, sprout, bud, malt. / 音 is sound, noise.Girl
Moeno萌乃萌 is show symptoms of, sprout, bud, malt. / 乃 is from, possessive particle, whereupon, accordingly.Girl
Moeru萌 is show symptoms of, sprout, bud, malt.Girl
Moi萌衣萌 is show symptoms of, sprout, bud, malt. / 衣 is garment, clothes, dressing.Girl
Moka萌香萌 is show symptoms of, sprout, bud, malt. / 香 is incense, smell, perfume.Girl
Moka桃香桃 is peach. / 香 is incense, smell, perfume.Girl
Moka桃花桃 is peach. / 花 is flower.Girl
Moka百花百 is hundred. / 花 is flower.Girl
Moka萌花萌 is show symptoms of, sprout, bud, malt. / 花 is flower.Girl
Moka百香百 is hundred. / 香 is incense, smell, perfume.Girl
Moka萌夏萌 is show symptoms of, sprout, bud, malt. / 夏 is summer.Girl
Moka百華百 is hundred. / 華 is splendor, flower, petal, shine, luster, ostentatious, showy, gay, gorgeous.Girl
Moka桃果桃 is peach. / 果 is fruit, reward, carry out, achieve, complete, end, finish, succeed.Girl
Moka桃華桃 is peach. / 華 is splendor, flower, petal, shine, luster, ostentatious, showy, gay, gorgeous.Girl
Moka愛加愛 is love, affection, favourite. / 加 is add, addition, increase, join, include, Canada.Girl
Moka心花心 is heart, mind, spirit, heart radical (no. 61). / 花 is flower.Girl
Moko萌子萌 is show symptoms of, sprout, bud, malt. / 子 is child, sign of the rat, 11PM-1AM, first sign of Chinese zodiac.Girl
Moko萌香萌 is show symptoms of, sprout, bud, malt. / 香 is incense, smell, perfume.Girl
Moko百香百 is hundred. / 香 is incense, smell, perfume.Girl
Momi萌美萌 is show symptoms of, sprout, bud, malt. / 美 is beauty, beautiful.Girl
Momiji紅葉紅 is crimson, deep red. / 葉 is leaf, plane, lobe, needle, blade, spear, counter for flat things, fragment, piece.Girl
Momo桜 is cherry.Girl
Momo桃 is peach.Girl
Momo杏 is apricot.Girl
Momoももも is Hiragana. / も is Hiragana.Girl
Momoモモモ is Katakana. / モ is Katakana.Girl
Momo萌々萌 is show symptoms of, sprout, bud, malt. / 々 is kanji iteration mark​.Girl
Momoe萌恵萌 is show symptoms of, sprout, bud, malt. / 恵 is favor, blessing, grace, kindness.Girl
Momoha桃花桃 is peach. / 花 is flower.Girl
Momoha百華百 is hundred. / 華 is splendor, flower, petal, shine, luster, ostentatious, showy, gay, gorgeous.Girl
Momoha桃華桃 is peach. / 華 is splendor, flower, petal, shine, luster, ostentatious, showy, gay, gorgeous.Girl
Momoka桃香桃 is peach. / 香 is incense, smell, perfume.Girl
Momoka桃花桃 is peach. / 花 is flower.Girl
Momoka百花百 is hundred. / 花 is flower.Girl
Momoka桃佳桃 is peach. / 佳 is excellent, beautiful, good, pleasing, skilled.Girl
Momoka百香百 is hundred. / 香 is incense, smell, perfume.Girl
Momoka杏佳杏 is apricot. / 佳 is excellent, beautiful, good, pleasing, skilled.Girl
Momoka百華百 is hundred. / 華 is splendor, flower, petal, shine, luster, ostentatious, showy, gay, gorgeous.Girl
Momoka杏香杏 is apricot. / 香 is incense, smell, perfume.Girl
Momoka萌華萌 is show symptoms of, sprout, bud, malt. / 華 is splendor, flower, petal, shine, luster, ostentatious, showy, gay, gorgeous.Girl
Momoka桃果桃 is peach. / 果 is fruit, reward, carry out, achieve, complete, end, finish, succeed.Girl
Momoka萌々香萌 is show symptoms of, sprout, bud, malt. / 々 is kanji iteration mark​. / 香 is incense, smell, perfume.Girl
Momoka桃華桃 is peach. / 華 is splendor, flower, petal, shine, luster, ostentatious, showy, gay, gorgeous.Girl
Momoka萌々花萌 is show symptoms of, sprout, bud, malt. / 々 is kanji iteration mark​. / 花 is flower.Girl
Momoka咲花咲 is blossom, bloom. / 花 is flower.Girl
Momoko桃子桃 is peach. / 子 is child, sign of the rat, 11PM-1AM, first sign of Chinese zodiac.Girl
Momokoももこも is Hiragana. / も is Hiragana. / こ is Hiragana.Girl
Momoko百花百 is hundred. / 花 is flower.Girl
Momoko百香百 is hundred. / 香 is incense, smell, perfume.Girl
Momoko萌々子萌 is show symptoms of, sprout, bud, malt. / 々 is kanji iteration mark​. / 子 is child, sign of the rat, 11PM-1AM, first sign of Chinese zodiac.Girl
Momona杏奈杏 is apricot. / 奈 is Nara, what?.Girl
Momona桃奈桃 is peach. / 奈 is Nara, what?.Girl
Momona桃菜桃 is peach. / 菜 is vegetable, side dish, greens.Girl
Momone百音百 is hundred. / 音 is sound, noise.Girl
Momone桃音桃 is peach. / 音 is sound, noise.Girl
Mona杏奈杏 is apricot. / 奈 is Nara, what?.Girl
Mona萌花萌 is show symptoms of, sprout, bud, malt. / 花 is flower.Girl
Mona萌夏萌 is show symptoms of, sprout, bud, malt. / 夏 is summer.Girl
Mona望愛望 is ambition, full moon, hope, desire, aspire to, expect. / 愛 is love, affection, favourite.Girl
Mona萌愛萌 is show symptoms of, sprout, bud, malt. / 愛 is love, affection, favourite.Girl
Mona桃奈桃 is peach. / 奈 is Nara, what?.Girl
Mona桃菜桃 is peach. / 菜 is vegetable, side dish, greens.Girl
Mone百音百 is hundred. / 音 is sound, noise.Girl
Mone萌音萌 is show symptoms of, sprout, bud, malt. / 音 is sound, noise.Girl
Mone桃音桃 is peach. / 音 is sound, noise.Girl
Mono百音百 is hundred. / 音 is sound, noise.Girl
Mono萌音萌 is show symptoms of, sprout, bud, malt. / 音 is sound, noise.Girl
Mora萌愛萌 is show symptoms of, sprout, bud, malt. / 愛 is love, affection, favourite.Girl
Mori彩花彩 is coloring, paint, makeup. / 花 is flower.Girl
Motoko紀子紀 is chronicle, account, narrative, history, annals, geologic period. / 子 is child, sign of the rat, 11PM-1AM, first sign of Chinese zodiac.Girl
Motoko雅子雅 is gracious, elegant, graceful, refined. / 子 is child, sign of the rat, 11PM-1AM, first sign of Chinese zodiac.Girl
Motomi心美心 is heart, mind, spirit, heart radical (no. 61). / 美 is beauty, beautiful.Girl
Moyoko萌子萌 is show symptoms of, sprout, bud, malt. / 子 is child, sign of the rat, 11PM-1AM, first sign of Chinese zodiac.Girl
Mutsu睦 is intimate, friendly, harmonious.Girl
Mutsuko睦美睦 is intimate, friendly, harmonious. / 美 is beauty, beautiful.Girl
Mutsumi睦美睦 is intimate, friendly, harmonious. / 美 is beauty, beautiful.Girl
Mutsumi睦 is intimate, friendly, harmonious.Girl
Myu美優美 is beauty, beautiful. / 優 is tenderness, excel, surpass, actor, superiority, gentleness.Girl
Myu美有美 is beauty, beautiful. / 有 is possess, have, exist, happen, occur, approx.Girl
Myu美結美 is beauty, beautiful. / 結 is tie, bind, contract, join, organize, do up hair, fasten.Girl
Myu美羽美 is beauty, beautiful. / 羽 is feathers, counter for birds, rabbits.Girl
Myu未悠未 is un-, not yet, hitherto, still, even now, sign of the ram, 1-3PM, eighth sign of Chinese zodiac. / 悠 is permanence, distant, long time, leisure.Girl
Myu未優未 is un-, not yet, hitherto, still, even now, sign of the ram, 1-3PM, eighth sign of Chinese zodiac. / 優 is tenderness, excel, surpass, actor, superiority, gentleness.Girl
Myu未侑未 is un-, not yet, hitherto, still, even now, sign of the ram, 1-3PM, eighth sign of Chinese zodiac. / 侑 is urge to eat.Girl
Myu心優心 is heart, mind, spirit, heart radical (no. 61). / 優 is tenderness, excel, surpass, actor, superiority, gentleness.Girl
Myu心結心 is heart, mind, spirit, heart radical (no. 61). / 結 is tie, bind, contract, join, organize, do up hair, fasten.Girl
Myune美音美 is beauty, beautiful. / 音 is sound, noise.Girl


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