Japanese Baby Names for Girls Starting With Letter S


Pronunciation doesn't always fix name meaning in Japanese. Meaning depends on other elements . More>>


NameName in JapaneseMeaningGender
Saa紗愛紗 is gauze, gossamer. / 愛 is love, affection, favourite.Girl
Saaya紗彩紗 is gauze, gossamer. / 彩 is coloring, paint, makeup.Girl
Saaya沙彩沙 is sand. / 彩 is coloring, paint, makeup.Girl
Sachi幸 is happiness, blessing, fortune.Girl
Sachi紗愛紗 is gauze, gossamer. / 愛 is love, affection, favourite.Girl
Sachie幸恵幸 is happiness, blessing, fortune. / 恵 is favor, blessing, grace, kindness.Girl
Sachika咲愛咲 is blossom, bloom. / 愛 is love, affection, favourite.Girl
Sachika紗愛紗 is gauze, gossamer. / 愛 is love, affection, favourite.Girl
Sachiko祥子祥 is auspicious, happiness, blessedness, good omen, good fortune. / 子 is child, sign of the rat, 11PM-1AM, first sign of Chinese zodiac.Girl
Sachiko祐子祐 is help. / 子 is child, sign of the rat, 11PM-1AM, first sign of Chinese zodiac.Girl
Sachiko幸子幸 is happiness, blessing, fortune. / 子 is child, sign of the rat, 11PM-1AM, first sign of Chinese zodiac.Girl
Sachiko尚子尚 is esteem, furthermore, still, yet. / 子 is child, sign of the rat, 11PM-1AM, first sign of Chinese zodiac.Girl
Sachina幸奈幸 is happiness, blessing, fortune. / 奈 is Nara, what?.Girl
Sada紗那紗 is gauze, gossamer. / 那 is what?.Girl
Sadako真子真 is true, reality, Buddhist sect. / 子 is child, sign of the rat, 11PM-1AM, first sign of Chinese zodiac.Girl
Sae咲 is blossom, bloom.Girl
Sae幸恵幸 is happiness, blessing, fortune. / 恵 is favor, blessing, grace, kindness.Girl
Sae紗英紗 is gauze, gossamer. / 英 is England, English, hero, outstanding, calyx.Girl
Sae彩愛彩 is coloring, paint, makeup. / 愛 is love, affection, favourite.Girl
Sae紗衣紗 is gauze, gossamer. / 衣 is garment, clothes, dressing.Girl
Sae咲愛咲 is blossom, bloom. / 愛 is love, affection, favourite.Girl
Sae紗愛紗 is gauze, gossamer. / 愛 is love, affection, favourite.Girl
Saeka彩華彩 is coloring, paint, makeup. / 華 is splendor, flower, petal, shine, luster, ostentatious, showy, gay, gorgeous.Girl
Saeko彩子彩 is coloring, paint, makeup. / 子 is child, sign of the rat, 11PM-1AM, first sign of Chinese zodiac.Girl
Saemi彩美彩 is coloring, paint, makeup. / 美 is beauty, beautiful.Girl
Saera彩愛彩 is coloring, paint, makeup. / 愛 is love, affection, favourite.Girl
Sagako祥子祥 is auspicious, happiness, blessedness, good omen, good fortune. / 子 is child, sign of the rat, 11PM-1AM, first sign of Chinese zodiac.Girl
Sahana咲花咲 is blossom, bloom. / 花 is flower.Girl
Saho華穂華 is splendor, flower, petal, shine, luster, ostentatious, showy, gay, gorgeous. / 穂 is ear, ear (grain), head, crest (wave).Girl
Saho咲穂咲 is blossom, bloom. / 穂 is ear, ear (grain), head, crest (wave).Girl
Sai彩 is coloring, paint, makeup.Girl
Sai紗衣紗 is gauze, gossamer. / 衣 is garment, clothes, dressing.Girl
Saia彩愛彩 is coloring, paint, makeup. / 愛 is love, affection, favourite.Girl
Saiha彩華彩 is coloring, paint, makeup. / 華 is splendor, flower, petal, shine, luster, ostentatious, showy, gay, gorgeous.Girl
Saiha彩羽彩 is coloring, paint, makeup. / 羽 is feathers, counter for birds, rabbits.Girl
Saika彩香彩 is coloring, paint, makeup. / 香 is incense, smell, perfume.Girl
Saika彩加彩 is coloring, paint, makeup. / 加 is add, addition, increase, join, include, Canada.Girl
Saika彩夏彩 is coloring, paint, makeup. / 夏 is summer.Girl
Saika彩花彩 is coloring, paint, makeup. / 花 is flower.Girl
Saika彩華彩 is coloring, paint, makeup. / 華 is splendor, flower, petal, shine, luster, ostentatious, showy, gay, gorgeous.Girl
Saika彩佳彩 is coloring, paint, makeup. / 佳 is excellent, beautiful, good, pleasing, skilled.Girl
Saika菜花菜 is vegetable, side dish, greens. / 花 is flower.Girl
Saiko彩子彩 is coloring, paint, makeup. / 子 is child, sign of the rat, 11PM-1AM, first sign of Chinese zodiac.Girl
Saiko咲子咲 is blossom, bloom. / 子 is child, sign of the rat, 11PM-1AM, first sign of Chinese zodiac.Girl
Saina彩奈彩 is coloring, paint, makeup. / 奈 is Nara, what?.Girl
Saina彩菜彩 is coloring, paint, makeup. / 菜 is vegetable, side dish, greens.Girl
Saina彩那彩 is coloring, paint, makeup. / 那 is what?.Girl
Saine彩音彩 is coloring, paint, makeup. / 音 is sound, noise.Girl
Saino彩乃彩 is coloring, paint, makeup. / 乃 is from, possessive particle, whereupon, accordingly.Girl
Sainon彩音彩 is coloring, paint, makeup. / 音 is sound, noise.Girl
Saira彩愛彩 is coloring, paint, makeup. / 愛 is love, affection, favourite.Girl
Saju沙樹沙 is sand. / 樹 is timber, trees, wood, establish, set up.Girl
Sakako祥子祥 is auspicious, happiness, blessedness, good omen, good fortune. / 子 is child, sign of the rat, 11PM-1AM, first sign of Chinese zodiac.Girl
Sakase咲 is blossom, bloom.Girl
Saki早紀早 is early, fast. / 紀 is chronicle, account, narrative, history, annals, geologic period.Girl
Saki沙紀沙 is sand. / 紀 is chronicle, account, narrative, history, annals, geologic period.Girl
Saki咲 is blossom, bloom.Girl
Saki早希早 is early, fast. / 希 is hope, beg, request, pray, beseech, Greece, dilute (acid), rare, few, phenomenal.Girl
Saki沙希沙 is sand. / 希 is hope, beg, request, pray, beseech, Greece, dilute (acid), rare, few, phenomenal.Girl
Saki紗希紗 is gauze, gossamer. / 希 is hope, beg, request, pray, beseech, Greece, dilute (acid), rare, few, phenomenal.Girl
Saki沙季沙 is sand. / 季 is seasons.Girl
Saki紗季紗 is gauze, gossamer. / 季 is seasons.Girl
Saki沙樹沙 is sand. / 樹 is timber, trees, wood, establish, set up.Girl
Saki咲希咲 is blossom, bloom. / 希 is hope, beg, request, pray, beseech, Greece, dilute (acid), rare, few, phenomenal.Girl
Saki咲紀咲 is blossom, bloom. / 紀 is chronicle, account, narrative, history, annals, geologic period.Girl
Sakiさきさ is Hiragana. / き is Hiragana.Girl
Sakiサキサ is Katakana. / キ is Katakana.Girl
Saki咲季咲 is blossom, bloom. / 季 is seasons.Girl
Saki彩希彩 is coloring, paint, makeup. / 希 is hope, beg, request, pray, beseech, Greece, dilute (acid), rare, few, phenomenal.Girl
Saki咲来咲 is blossom, bloom. / 来 is come, due, next, cause, become.Girl
Saki咲月咲 is blossom, bloom. / 月 is month, moon.Girl
Saki彩葵彩 is coloring, paint, makeup. / 葵 is hollyhock.Girl
Sakia咲空咲 is blossom, bloom. / 空 is empty, sky, void, vacant, vacuum.Girl
Sakia咲愛咲 is blossom, bloom. / 愛 is love, affection, favourite.Girl
Sakie咲愛咲 is blossom, bloom. / 愛 is love, affection, favourite.Girl
Sakiha咲羽咲 is blossom, bloom. / 羽 is feathers, counter for birds, rabbits.Girl
Sakiho咲穂咲 is blossom, bloom. / 穂 is ear, ear (grain), head, crest (wave).Girl
Sakika咲花咲 is blossom, bloom. / 花 is flower.Girl
Sakiko咲子咲 is blossom, bloom. / 子 is child, sign of the rat, 11PM-1AM, first sign of Chinese zodiac.Girl
Sakina咲菜咲 is blossom, bloom. / 菜 is vegetable, side dish, greens.Girl
Sakina咲愛咲 is blossom, bloom. / 愛 is love, affection, favourite.Girl
Sakina咲奈咲 is blossom, bloom. / 奈 is Nara, what?.Girl
Sakina咲那咲 is blossom, bloom. / 那 is what?.Girl
Sakio咲桜咲 is blossom, bloom. / 桜 is cherry.Girl
Sakira咲良咲 is blossom, bloom. / 良 is good, pleasing, skilled.Girl
Sako桜子桜 is cherry. / 子 is child, sign of the rat, 11PM-1AM, first sign of Chinese zodiac.Girl
Sako彩心彩 is coloring, paint, makeup. / 心 is heart, mind, spirit, heart radical (no. 61).Girl
Saku咲 is blossom, bloom.Girl
Saku咲来咲 is blossom, bloom. / 来 is come, due, next, cause, become.Girl
Saku咲空咲 is blossom, bloom. / 空 is empty, sky, void, vacant, vacuum.Girl
Sakua咲空咲 is blossom, bloom. / 空 is empty, sky, void, vacant, vacuum.Girl
Sakuha咲羽咲 is blossom, bloom. / 羽 is feathers, counter for birds, rabbits.Girl
Sakuha咲空咲 is blossom, bloom. / 空 is empty, sky, void, vacant, vacuum.Girl
Sakuho咲穂咲 is blossom, bloom. / 穂 is ear, ear (grain), head, crest (wave).Girl
Sakuko咲子咲 is blossom, bloom. / 子 is child, sign of the rat, 11PM-1AM, first sign of Chinese zodiac.Girl
Sakura美咲美 is beauty, beautiful. / 咲 is blossom, bloom.Girl
Sakura咲 is blossom, bloom.Girl
Sakuraさくらさ is Hiragana. / く is Hiragana. / ら is Hiragana.Girl
Sakura桜子桜 is cherry. / 子 is child, sign of the rat, 11PM-1AM, first sign of Chinese zodiac.Girl
Sakura春花春 is springtime, spring (season). / 花 is flower.Girl
Sakura桜 is cherry.Girl
Sakura咲良咲 is blossom, bloom. / 良 is good, pleasing, skilled.Girl
Sakura花 is flower.Girl
Sakura咲来咲 is blossom, bloom. / 来 is come, due, next, cause, become.Girl
Sakura咲花咲 is blossom, bloom. / 花 is flower.Girl
Sakura桜花桜 is cherry. / 花 is flower.Girl
Sakura咲空咲 is blossom, bloom. / 空 is empty, sky, void, vacant, vacuum.Girl
Sakura咲愛咲 is blossom, bloom. / 愛 is love, affection, favourite.Girl
Sakura咲耶咲 is blossom, bloom. / 耶 is question mark.Girl
Sakura咲桜咲 is blossom, bloom. / 桜 is cherry.Girl
Sakurako桜子桜 is cherry. / 子 is child, sign of the rat, 11PM-1AM, first sign of Chinese zodiac.Girl
Sakuya咲耶咲 is blossom, bloom. / 耶 is question mark.Girl
Sana彩夏彩 is coloring, paint, makeup. / 夏 is summer.Girl
Sana彩奈彩 is coloring, paint, makeup. / 奈 is Nara, what?.Girl
Sana真奈真 is true, reality, Buddhist sect. / 奈 is Nara, what?.Girl
Sana早苗早 is early, fast. / 苗 is seedling, sapling, shoot.Girl
Sana彩菜彩 is coloring, paint, makeup. / 菜 is vegetable, side dish, greens.Girl
Sana幸奈幸 is happiness, blessing, fortune. / 奈 is Nara, what?.Girl
Sana聖菜聖 is holy, saint, sage, master, priest. / 菜 is vegetable, side dish, greens.Girl
Sana紗奈紗 is gauze, gossamer. / 奈 is Nara, what?.Girl
Sana紗菜紗 is gauze, gossamer. / 菜 is vegetable, side dish, greens.Girl
Sana沙奈沙 is sand. / 奈 is Nara, what?.Girl
Sana結愛結 is tie, bind, contract, join, organize, do up hair, fasten. / 愛 is love, affection, favourite.Girl
Sana彩那彩 is coloring, paint, makeup. / 那 is what?.Girl
Sana咲花咲 is blossom, bloom. / 花 is flower.Girl
Sana紗和紗 is gauze, gossamer. / 和 is harmony, Japanese style, peace, soften, Japan.Girl
Sana咲菜咲 is blossom, bloom. / 菜 is vegetable, side dish, greens.Girl
Sana心那心 is heart, mind, spirit, heart radical (no. 61). / 那 is what?.Girl
Sana紗那紗 is gauze, gossamer. / 那 is what?.Girl
Sana咲愛咲 is blossom, bloom. / 愛 is love, affection, favourite.Girl
Sana咲奈咲 is blossom, bloom. / 奈 is Nara, what?.Girl
Sana紗愛紗 is gauze, gossamer. / 愛 is love, affection, favourite.Girl
Sana咲那咲 is blossom, bloom. / 那 is what?.Girl
Sanae早苗早 is early, fast. / 苗 is seedling, sapling, shoot.Girl
Sanami真美真 is true, reality, Buddhist sect. / 美 is beauty, beautiful.Girl
Sanari真理真 is true, reality, Buddhist sect. / 理 is logic, arrangement, reason, justice, truth.Girl
Sanari真里真 is true, reality, Buddhist sect. / 里 is ri, village, parent's home, league.Girl
Sao彩愛彩 is coloring, paint, makeup. / 愛 is love, affection, favourite.Girl
Sao咲愛咲 is blossom, bloom. / 愛 is love, affection, favourite.Girl
Sao紗愛紗 is gauze, gossamer. / 愛 is love, affection, favourite.Girl
Sao咲桜咲 is blossom, bloom. / 桜 is cherry.Girl
Saon彩音彩 is coloring, paint, makeup. / 音 is sound, noise.Girl
Saori沙織沙 is sand. / 織 is weave, fabric.Girl
Saori早織早 is early, fast. / 織 is weave, fabric.Girl
Saoriさおりさ is Hiragana. / お is Hiragana. / り is Hiragana.Girl
Saori紗織紗 is gauze, gossamer. / 織 is weave, fabric.Girl
Saori彩織彩 is coloring, paint, makeup. / 織 is weave, fabric.Girl
Saoto彩音彩 is coloring, paint, makeup. / 音 is sound, noise.Girl
Sara愛 is love, affection, favourite.Girl
Sara彩 is coloring, paint, makeup.Girl
Sara沙羅沙 is sand. / 羅 is gauze, thin silk, Rome, arrange, spread out.Girl
Sara咲良咲 is blossom, bloom. / 良 is good, pleasing, skilled.Girl
Sara紗良紗 is gauze, gossamer. / 良 is good, pleasing, skilled.Girl
Sara咲来咲 is blossom, bloom. / 来 is come, due, next, cause, become.Girl
Sara咲花咲 is blossom, bloom. / 花 is flower.Girl
Saraさらさ is Hiragana. / ら is Hiragana.Girl
Saraサラサ is Katakana. / ラ is Katakana.Girl
Sara咲愛咲 is blossom, bloom. / 愛 is love, affection, favourite.Girl
Sara咲桜咲 is blossom, bloom. / 桜 is cherry.Girl
Sara咲空咲 is blossom, bloom. / 空 is empty, sky, void, vacant, vacuum.Girl
Saran愛 is love, affection, favourite.Girl
Saran紗愛紗 is gauze, gossamer. / 愛 is love, affection, favourite.Girl
Sarara咲桜咲 is blossom, bloom. / 桜 is cherry.Girl
Sasa咲菜咲 is blossom, bloom. / 菜 is vegetable, side dish, greens.Girl
Sasa咲桜咲 is blossom, bloom. / 桜 is cherry.Girl
Sasaka彩加彩 is coloring, paint, makeup. / 加 is add, addition, increase, join, include, Canada.Girl
Satoe智恵智 is wisdom, intellect, reason. / 恵 is favor, blessing, grace, kindness.Girl
Satoe知恵知 is know, wisdom. / 恵 is favor, blessing, grace, kindness.Girl
Satoe里恵里 is ri, village, parent's home, league. / 恵 is favor, blessing, grace, kindness.Girl
Satoe智絵智 is wisdom, intellect, reason. / 絵 is picture, drawing, painting, sketch.Girl
Satoho里穂里 is ri, village, parent's home, league. / 穂 is ear, ear (grain), head, crest (wave).Girl
Satoho里歩里 is ri, village, parent's home, league. / 歩 is walk, counter for steps.Girl
Satoka里佳里 is ri, village, parent's home, league. / 佳 is excellent, beautiful, good, pleasing, skilled.Girl
Satoka里香里 is ri, village, parent's home, league. / 香 is incense, smell, perfume.Girl
Satoko智子智 is wisdom, intellect, reason. / 子 is child, sign of the rat, 11PM-1AM, first sign of Chinese zodiac.Girl
Satoko恵子恵 is favor, blessing, grace, kindness. / 子 is child, sign of the rat, 11PM-1AM, first sign of Chinese zodiac.Girl
Satoko知子知 is know, wisdom. / 子 is child, sign of the rat, 11PM-1AM, first sign of Chinese zodiac.Girl
Satoko聡子聡 is wise, fast learner. / 子 is child, sign of the rat, 11PM-1AM, first sign of Chinese zodiac.Girl
Satoko聖子聖 is holy, saint, sage, master, priest. / 子 is child, sign of the rat, 11PM-1AM, first sign of Chinese zodiac.Girl
Satoko理子理 is logic, arrangement, reason, justice, truth. / 子 is child, sign of the rat, 11PM-1AM, first sign of Chinese zodiac.Girl
Satomi仁美仁 is humanity, virtue, benevolence, charity, man, kernel. / 美 is beauty, beautiful.Girl
Satomi智美智 is wisdom, intellect, reason. / 美 is beauty, beautiful.Girl
Satomi恵美恵 is favor, blessing, grace, kindness. / 美 is beauty, beautiful.Girl
Satomi里美里 is ri, village, parent's home, league. / 美 is beauty, beautiful.Girl
Satomi知美知 is know, wisdom. / 美 is beauty, beautiful.Girl
Satomi聡美聡 is wise, fast learner. / 美 is beauty, beautiful.Girl
Satomiさとみさ is Hiragana. / と is Hiragana. / み is Hiragana.Girl
Satomi理美理 is logic, arrangement, reason, justice, truth. / 美 is beauty, beautiful.Girl
Satomi里実里 is ri, village, parent's home, league. / 実 is reality, truth.Girl
Satona里奈里 is ri, village, parent's home, league. / 奈 is Nara, what?.Girl
Satona里菜里 is ri, village, parent's home, league. / 菜 is vegetable, side dish, greens.Girl
Satono理乃理 is logic, arrangement, reason, justice, truth. / 乃 is from, possessive particle, whereupon, accordingly.Girl
Satori恵理恵 is favor, blessing, grace, kindness. / 理 is logic, arrangement, reason, justice, truth.Girl
Satsukiさつきさ is Hiragana. / つ is Hiragana. / き is Hiragana.Girl
Satsuki咲希咲 is blossom, bloom. / 希 is hope, beg, request, pray, beseech, Greece, dilute (acid), rare, few, phenomenal.Girl
Satsuki彩希彩 is coloring, paint, makeup. / 希 is hope, beg, request, pray, beseech, Greece, dilute (acid), rare, few, phenomenal.Girl
Satsuki咲月咲 is blossom, bloom. / 月 is month, moon.Girl
Satsuki彩月彩 is coloring, paint, makeup. / 月 is month, moon.Girl
Sau紗羽紗 is gauze, gossamer. / 羽 is feathers, counter for birds, rabbits.Girl
Sau咲愛咲 is blossom, bloom. / 愛 is love, affection, favourite.Girl
Sawa彩葉彩 is coloring, paint, makeup. / 葉 is leaf, plane, lobe, needle, blade, spear, counter for flat things, fragment, piece.Girl
Sawa咲花咲 is blossom, bloom. / 花 is flower.Girl
Sawa彩羽彩 is coloring, paint, makeup. / 羽 is feathers, counter for birds, rabbits.Girl
Sawa紗羽紗 is gauze, gossamer. / 羽 is feathers, counter for birds, rabbits.Girl
Sawa咲羽咲 is blossom, bloom. / 羽 is feathers, counter for birds, rabbits.Girl
Sawa紗和紗 is gauze, gossamer. / 和 is harmony, Japanese style, peace, soften, Japan.Girl
Saya彩 is coloring, paint, makeup.Girl
Saya沙耶沙 is sand. / 耶 is question mark.Girl
Saya沙弥沙 is sand. / 弥 is all the more, increasingly.Girl
Saya紗弥紗 is gauze, gossamer. / 弥 is all the more, increasingly.Girl
Saya紗也紗 is gauze, gossamer. / 也 is to be (classical).Girl
Saya紗彩紗 is gauze, gossamer. / 彩 is coloring, paint, makeup.Girl
Saya沙彩沙 is sand. / 彩 is coloring, paint, makeup.Girl
Saya咲耶咲 is blossom, bloom. / 耶 is question mark.Girl
Sayaha彩花彩 is coloring, paint, makeup. / 花 is flower.Girl
Sayaha彩葉彩 is coloring, paint, makeup. / 葉 is leaf, plane, lobe, needle, blade, spear, counter for flat things, fragment, piece.Girl
Sayaka彩 is coloring, paint, makeup.Girl
Sayaka彩香彩 is coloring, paint, makeup. / 香 is incense, smell, perfume.Girl
Sayaka彩加彩 is coloring, paint, makeup. / 加 is add, addition, increase, join, include, Canada.Girl
Sayaka彩夏彩 is coloring, paint, makeup. / 夏 is summer.Girl
Sayaka彩花彩 is coloring, paint, makeup. / 花 is flower.Girl
Sayakaさやかさ is Hiragana. / や is Hiragana. / か is Hiragana.Girl
Sayaka彩華彩 is coloring, paint, makeup. / 華 is splendor, flower, petal, shine, luster, ostentatious, showy, gay, gorgeous.Girl
Sayaka沙也加沙 is sand. / 也 is to be (classical). / 加 is add, addition, increase, join, include, Canada.Girl
Sayaka沙也香沙 is sand. / 也 is to be (classical). / 香 is incense, smell, perfume.Girl
Sayaka明香明 is bright, light. / 香 is incense, smell, perfume.Girl
Sayaka沙耶香沙 is sand. / 耶 is question mark. / 香 is incense, smell, perfume.Girl
Sayaka紗也加紗 is gauze, gossamer. / 也 is to be (classical). / 加 is add, addition, increase, join, include, Canada.Girl
Sayaka清香清 is pure, purify, cleanse, exorcise, Manchu dynasty. / 香 is incense, smell, perfume.Girl
Sayaka涼香涼 is refreshing, nice and cool. / 香 is incense, smell, perfume.Girl
Sayaka涼 is refreshing, nice and cool.Girl
Sayaka咲花咲 is blossom, bloom. / 花 is flower.Girl
Sayaka晴 is clear up.Girl
Sayako彩子彩 is coloring, paint, makeup. / 子 is child, sign of the rat, 11PM-1AM, first sign of Chinese zodiac.Girl
Sayako明子明 is bright, light. / 子 is child, sign of the rat, 11PM-1AM, first sign of Chinese zodiac.Girl
Sayana彩那彩 is coloring, paint, makeup. / 那 is what?.Girl
Sayane彩音彩 is coloring, paint, makeup. / 音 is sound, noise.Girl
Sayano彩乃彩 is coloring, paint, makeup. / 乃 is from, possessive particle, whereupon, accordingly.Girl
Sayo咲良咲 is blossom, bloom. / 良 is good, pleasing, skilled.Girl
Sayo彩葉彩 is coloring, paint, makeup. / 葉 is leaf, plane, lobe, needle, blade, spear, counter for flat things, fragment, piece.Girl
Sayori紗和紗 is gauze, gossamer. / 和 is harmony, Japanese style, peace, soften, Japan.Girl
Sayuki小雪小 is little, small. / 雪 is snow.Girl
Sayuki紗雪紗 is gauze, gossamer. / 雪 is snow.Girl
Sayuna彩奈彩 is coloring, paint, makeup. / 奈 is Nara, what?.Girl
Sayuri小百合小 is little, small. / 百 is hundred. / 合 is fit, suit, join, 0.1.Girl
Sayuriさゆりさ is Hiragana. / ゆ is Hiragana. / り is Hiragana.Girl
Sazuki彩月彩 is coloring, paint, makeup. / 月 is month, moon.Girl
Sea千愛千 is thousand. / 愛 is love, affection, favourite.Girl
Sei静 is quiet.Girl
Sei星 is star, spot, dot, mark.Girl
Sei聖 is holy, saint, sage, master, priest.Girl
Sei晴 is clear up.Girl
Seia青空青 is blue, green. / 空 is empty, sky, void, vacant, vacuum.Girl
Seika晴香晴 is clear up. / 香 is incense, smell, perfume.Girl
Seika清香清 is pure, purify, cleanse, exorcise, Manchu dynasty. / 香 is incense, smell, perfume.Girl
Seiko靖子靖 is peaceful. / 子 is child, sign of the rat, 11PM-1AM, first sign of Chinese zodiac.Girl
Seiko聖子聖 is holy, saint, sage, master, priest. / 子 is child, sign of the rat, 11PM-1AM, first sign of Chinese zodiac.Girl
Seiko成子成 is turn into, become, get, grow, elapse, reach. / 子 is child, sign of the rat, 11PM-1AM, first sign of Chinese zodiac.Girl
Seina晴菜晴 is clear up. / 菜 is vegetable, side dish, greens.Girl
Seina聖奈聖 is holy, saint, sage, master, priest. / 奈 is Nara, what?.Girl
Seina聖菜聖 is holy, saint, sage, master, priest. / 菜 is vegetable, side dish, greens.Girl
Seira聖菜聖 is holy, saint, sage, master, priest. / 菜 is vegetable, side dish, greens.Girl
Seira星 is star, spot, dot, mark.Girl
Seira青空青 is blue, green. / 空 is empty, sky, void, vacant, vacuum.Girl
Sen泉 is spring, fountain.Girl
Sena晴菜晴 is clear up. / 菜 is vegetable, side dish, greens.Girl
Sena聖奈聖 is holy, saint, sage, master, priest. / 奈 is Nara, what?.Girl
Sena聖菜聖 is holy, saint, sage, master, priest. / 菜 is vegetable, side dish, greens.Girl
Sena紗奈紗 is gauze, gossamer. / 奈 is Nara, what?.Girl
Sena紗菜紗 is gauze, gossamer. / 菜 is vegetable, side dish, greens.Girl
Sena千愛千 is thousand. / 愛 is love, affection, favourite.Girl
Senha千波千 is thousand. / 波 is waves, billows, Poland.Girl
Senka千佳千 is thousand. / 佳 is excellent, beautiful, good, pleasing, skilled.Girl
Senka千夏千 is thousand. / 夏 is summer.Girl
Senri千里千 is thousand. / 里 is ri, village, parent's home, league.Girl
Sera千愛千 is thousand. / 愛 is love, affection, favourite.Girl
Sera千咲千 is thousand. / 咲 is blossom, bloom.Girl
Setsuho雪穂雪 is snow. / 穂 is ear, ear (grain), head, crest (wave).Girl
Shai紗衣紗 is gauze, gossamer. / 衣 is garment, clothes, dressing.Girl
Shana紗奈紗 is gauze, gossamer. / 奈 is Nara, what?.Girl
Shana沙奈沙 is sand. / 奈 is Nara, what?.Girl
Shara沙羅沙 is sand. / 羅 is gauze, thin silk, Rome, arrange, spread out.Girl
Shau紗羽紗 is gauze, gossamer. / 羽 is feathers, counter for birds, rabbits.Girl
Shia志歩志 is intention, plan, resolve, aspire, motive, hopes, shilling. / 歩 is walk, counter for steps.Girl
Shia心愛心 is heart, mind, spirit, heart radical (no. 61). / 愛 is love, affection, favourite.Girl
Shiana幸奈幸 is happiness, blessing, fortune. / 奈 is Nara, what?.Girl
Shigeko恵子恵 is favor, blessing, grace, kindness. / 子 is child, sign of the rat, 11PM-1AM, first sign of Chinese zodiac.Girl
Shigeko成子成 is turn into, become, get, grow, elapse, reach. / 子 is child, sign of the rat, 11PM-1AM, first sign of Chinese zodiac.Girl
Shigemi成美成 is turn into, become, get, grow, elapse, reach. / 美 is beauty, beautiful.Girl
Shiho志保志 is intention, plan, resolve, aspire, motive, hopes, shilling. / 保 is protect, guarantee, keep, preserve, sustain, support.Girl
Shiho志穂志 is intention, plan, resolve, aspire, motive, hopes, shilling. / 穂 is ear, ear (grain), head, crest (wave).Girl
Shiho志帆志 is intention, plan, resolve, aspire, motive, hopes, shilling. / 帆 is sail.Girl
Shiho志歩志 is intention, plan, resolve, aspire, motive, hopes, shilling. / 歩 is walk, counter for steps.Girl
Shihori汐里汐 is eventide, tide, salt water, opportunity. / 里 is ri, village, parent's home, league.Girl
Shii詩 is poem, poetry.Girl
Shin心 is heart, mind, spirit, heart radical (no. 61).Girl
Shina栞奈栞 is bookmark, guidebook. / 奈 is Nara, what?.Girl
Shinai心愛心 is heart, mind, spirit, heart radical (no. 61). / 愛 is love, affection, favourite.Girl
Shinako倫子倫 is ethics, companion. / 子 is child, sign of the rat, 11PM-1AM, first sign of Chinese zodiac.Girl
Shinka心花心 is heart, mind, spirit, heart radical (no. 61). / 花 is flower.Girl
Shinko真子真 is true, reality, Buddhist sect. / 子 is child, sign of the rat, 11PM-1AM, first sign of Chinese zodiac.Girl
Shinko眞子眞 is truth, reality, Buddhist sect. / 子 is child, sign of the rat, 11PM-1AM, first sign of Chinese zodiac.Girl
Shino詩乃詩 is poem, poetry. / 乃 is from, possessive particle, whereupon, accordingly.Girl
Shinoa心愛心 is heart, mind, spirit, heart radical (no. 61). / 愛 is love, affection, favourite.Girl
Shinobu悠 is permanence, distant, long time, leisure.Girl
Shinomi優花優 is tenderness, excel, surpass, actor, superiority, gentleness. / 花 is flower.Girl
Shinon汐音汐 is eventide, tide, salt water, opportunity. / 音 is sound, noise.Girl
Shinon詩音詩 is poem, poetry. / 音 is sound, noise.Girl
Shinon心暖心 is heart, mind, spirit, heart radical (no. 61). / 暖 is warmth.Girl
Shinri真理真 is true, reality, Buddhist sect. / 理 is logic, arrangement, reason, justice, truth.Girl
Shio志保志 is intention, plan, resolve, aspire, motive, hopes, shilling. / 保 is protect, guarantee, keep, preserve, sustain, support.Girl
Shion汐音汐 is eventide, tide, salt water, opportunity. / 音 is sound, noise.Girl
Shion初音初 is first time, beginning. / 音 is sound, noise.Girl
Shion詩音詩 is poem, poetry. / 音 is sound, noise.Girl
Shion心音心 is heart, mind, spirit, heart radical (no. 61). / 音 is sound, noise.Girl
Shione汐音汐 is eventide, tide, salt water, opportunity. / 音 is sound, noise.Girl
Shione詩音詩 is poem, poetry. / 音 is sound, noise.Girl
Shiori詩織詩 is poem, poetry. / 織 is weave, fabric.Girl
Shioriしおりし is Hiragana. / お is Hiragana. / り is Hiragana.Girl
Shiori志織志 is intention, plan, resolve, aspire, motive, hopes, shilling. / 織 is weave, fabric.Girl
Shiori史織史 is history, chronicle. / 織 is weave, fabric.Girl
Shiori汐里汐 is eventide, tide, salt water, opportunity. / 里 is ri, village, parent's home, league.Girl
Shiori栞 is bookmark, guidebook.Girl
Shiori栞里栞 is bookmark, guidebook. / 里 is ri, village, parent's home, league.Girl
Shiori汐莉汐 is eventide, tide, salt water, opportunity. / 莉 is jasmine.Girl
Shiorina栞奈栞 is bookmark, guidebook. / 奈 is Nara, what?.Girl
Shioto汐音汐 is eventide, tide, salt water, opportunity. / 音 is sound, noise.Girl
Shioto詩音詩 is poem, poetry. / 音 is sound, noise.Girl
Shirabe詩 is poem, poetry.Girl
Shiyon詩音詩 is poem, poetry. / 音 is sound, noise.Girl
Shiyouko翔子翔 is soar, fly. / 子 is child, sign of the rat, 11PM-1AM, first sign of Chinese zodiac.Girl
Shiyuri朱里朱 is vermilion, cinnabar, scarlet, red, bloody. / 里 is ri, village, parent's home, league.Girl
Shiyuri珠里珠 is pearl, gem, jewel. / 里 is ri, village, parent's home, league.Girl
Shiyuu心優心 is heart, mind, spirit, heart radical (no. 61). / 優 is tenderness, excel, surpass, actor, superiority, gentleness.Girl
Shiyuu心結心 is heart, mind, spirit, heart radical (no. 61). / 結 is tie, bind, contract, join, organize, do up hair, fasten.Girl
Shizu静 is quiet.Girl
Shizuka静香静 is quiet. / 香 is incense, smell, perfume.Girl
Shizuka静 is quiet.Girl
Shizuka和花和 is harmony, Japanese style, peace, soften, Japan. / 花 is flower.Girl
Shizuku澪 is water route, shipping channel.Girl
Shizuku雫 is drop, trickle, dripping, (kokuji).Girl
Shizukuしずくし is Hiragana. / ず is Hiragana. / く is Hiragana.Girl
Shizune寧音寧 is rather, preferably, peaceful, quiet, tranquility. / 音 is sound, noise.Girl
Sho咲 is blossom, bloom.Girl
Sho梢 is treetops, twig.Girl
Sho星 is star, spot, dot, mark.Girl
Sho聖 is holy, saint, sage, master, priest.Girl
Shoka咲花咲 is blossom, bloom. / 花 is flower.Girl
Shoko祥子祥 is auspicious, happiness, blessedness, good omen, good fortune. / 子 is child, sign of the rat, 11PM-1AM, first sign of Chinese zodiac.Girl
Shoko翔子翔 is soar, fly. / 子 is child, sign of the rat, 11PM-1AM, first sign of Chinese zodiac.Girl
Shoko尚子尚 is esteem, furthermore, still, yet. / 子 is child, sign of the rat, 11PM-1AM, first sign of Chinese zodiac.Girl
Shoko晶子晶 is sparkle, clear, crystal. / 子 is child, sign of the rat, 11PM-1AM, first sign of Chinese zodiac.Girl
Shoko咲子咲 is blossom, bloom. / 子 is child, sign of the rat, 11PM-1AM, first sign of Chinese zodiac.Girl
Shoko聖子聖 is holy, saint, sage, master, priest. / 子 is child, sign of the rat, 11PM-1AM, first sign of Chinese zodiac.Girl
Shoko青空青 is blue, green. / 空 is empty, sky, void, vacant, vacuum.Girl
Shu心優心 is heart, mind, spirit, heart radical (no. 61). / 優 is tenderness, excel, surpass, actor, superiority, gentleness.Girl
Shu珠愛珠 is pearl, gem, jewel. / 愛 is love, affection, favourite.Girl
Shua珠愛珠 is pearl, gem, jewel. / 愛 is love, affection, favourite.Girl
Shuka夢叶夢 is dream, vision, illusion. / 叶 is grant, answer.Girl
Shun春 is springtime, spring (season).Girl
Shuna珠愛珠 is pearl, gem, jewel. / 愛 is love, affection, favourite.Girl
Shunka春香春 is springtime, spring (season). / 香 is incense, smell, perfume.Girl
Shunka春花春 is springtime, spring (season). / 花 is flower.Girl
Shunna春奈春 is springtime, spring (season). / 奈 is Nara, what?.Girl
Shunno春乃春 is springtime, spring (season). / 乃 is from, possessive particle, whereupon, accordingly.Girl
Shuri朱里朱 is vermilion, cinnabar, scarlet, red, bloody. / 里 is ri, village, parent's home, league.Girl
Shuri朱莉朱 is vermilion, cinnabar, scarlet, red, bloody. / 莉 is jasmine.Girl
Shuri凜 is cold, strict, severe.Girl
Shuri珠里珠 is pearl, gem, jewel. / 里 is ri, village, parent's home, league.Girl
Shuri珠莉珠 is pearl, gem, jewel. / 莉 is jasmine.Girl
So奏 is play music, speak to a ruler, complete.Girl
So想 is concept, think, idea, thought.Girl
So蒼 is blue, pale.Girl
Soko聡子聡 is wise, fast learner. / 子 is child, sign of the rat, 11PM-1AM, first sign of Chinese zodiac.Girl
Sona咲奈咲 is blossom, bloom. / 奈 is Nara, what?.Girl
Sonata蒼空蒼 is blue, pale. / 空 is empty, sky, void, vacant, vacuum.Girl
Sone奏音奏 is play music, speak to a ruler, complete. / 音 is sound, noise.Girl
Sono奏音奏 is play music, speak to a ruler, complete. / 音 is sound, noise.Girl
Sooto奏音奏 is play music, speak to a ruler, complete. / 音 is sound, noise.Girl
Sora美空美 is beauty, beautiful. / 空 is empty, sky, void, vacant, vacuum.Girl
Sora天音天 is heavens, sky, imperial. / 音 is sound, noise.Girl
Sora空 is empty, sky, void, vacant, vacuum.Girl
Sora咲来咲 is blossom, bloom. / 来 is come, due, next, cause, become.Girl
Sora大空大 is large, big. / 空 is empty, sky, void, vacant, vacuum.Girl
Sora天 is heavens, sky, imperial.Girl
Sora青空青 is blue, green. / 空 is empty, sky, void, vacant, vacuum.Girl
Sora蒼空蒼 is blue, pale. / 空 is empty, sky, void, vacant, vacuum.Girl
Sora奏愛奏 is play music, speak to a ruler, complete. / 愛 is love, affection, favourite.Girl
Soraka空 is empty, sky, void, vacant, vacuum.Girl
Soran蒼空蒼 is blue, pale. / 空 is empty, sky, void, vacant, vacuum.Girl
Sugumi優美優 is tenderness, excel, surpass, actor, superiority, gentleness. / 美 is beauty, beautiful.Girl
Sui翠 is green, kingfisher.Girl
Sumiko恭子恭 is respect, reverent. / 子 is child, sign of the rat, 11PM-1AM, first sign of Chinese zodiac.Girl
Sumiko純子純 is genuine, purity, innocence, net (profit). / 子 is child, sign of the rat, 11PM-1AM, first sign of Chinese zodiac.Girl
Sumina純菜純 is genuine, purity, innocence, net (profit). / 菜 is vegetable, side dish, greens.Girl
Sumina純奈純 is genuine, purity, innocence, net (profit). / 奈 is Nara, what?.Girl
Sumire薫 is send forth fragrance, fragrant, be scented, smoke (tobacco).Girl
Sumireすみれす is Hiragana. / み is Hiragana. / れ is Hiragana.Girl
Sumire菫 is the violet.Girl
Sunao優 is tenderness, excel, surpass, actor, superiority, gentleness.Girl
Sutera星 is star, spot, dot, mark.Girl
Suu雛 is chick, squab, duckling, doll.Girl
Suuko雛子雛 is chick, squab, duckling, doll. / 子 is child, sign of the rat, 11PM-1AM, first sign of Chinese zodiac.Girl
Suzu涼 is refreshing, nice and cool.Girl
Suzu鈴 is small bell, buzzer.Girl
Suzuすずす is Hiragana. / ず is Hiragana.Girl
Suzuha涼花涼 is refreshing, nice and cool. / 花 is flower.Girl
Suzuha涼葉涼 is refreshing, nice and cool. / 葉 is leaf, plane, lobe, needle, blade, spear, counter for flat things, fragment, piece.Girl
Suzuha紗羽紗 is gauze, gossamer. / 羽 is feathers, counter for birds, rabbits.Girl
Suzuka涼香涼 is refreshing, nice and cool. / 香 is incense, smell, perfume.Girl
Suzuka涼花涼 is refreshing, nice and cool. / 花 is flower.Girl
Suzuka涼 is refreshing, nice and cool.Girl
Suzuka涼夏涼 is refreshing, nice and cool. / 夏 is summer.Girl
Suzuko涼子涼 is refreshing, nice and cool. / 子 is child, sign of the rat, 11PM-1AM, first sign of Chinese zodiac.Girl
Suzumi涼 is refreshing, nice and cool.Girl
Suzuna紗奈紗 is gauze, gossamer. / 奈 is Nara, what?.Girl
Suzuna鈴菜鈴 is small bell, buzzer. / 菜 is vegetable, side dish, greens.Girl
Suzuna鈴奈鈴 is small bell, buzzer. / 奈 is Nara, what?.Girl
Suzune鈴音鈴 is small bell, buzzer. / 音 is sound, noise.Girl
Suzune涼音涼 is refreshing, nice and cool. / 音 is sound, noise.Girl


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