Japanese Baby Names for Boys Starting With Letter S


Pronunciation doesn't always fix name meaning in Japanese. Meaning depends on other elements . More>>


NameName in JapaneseMeaningGender
Sachio幸大幸 is happiness, blessing, fortune. / 大 is large, big.Boy
Sachita幸太幸 is happiness, blessing, fortune. / 太 is plump, thick, big around.Boy
Sachitaro幸太郎幸 is happiness, blessing, fortune. / 太 is plump, thick, big around. / 郎 is son, counter for sons.Boy
Saito彩人彩 is coloring, paint, makeup. / 人 is person.Boy
Saki未来未 is un-, not yet, hitherto, still, even now, sign of the ram, 1-3PM, eighth sign of Chinese zodiac. / 来 is come, due, next, cause, become.Boy
Saku朔 is conjunction (astronomy), first day of month, north.Boy
Sakutaro朔太郎朔 is conjunction (astronomy), first day of month, north. / 太 is plump, thick, big around. / 郎 is son, counter for sons.Boy
Sakuya朔也朔 is conjunction (astronomy), first day of month, north. / 也 is to be (classical).Boy
San太陽太 is plump, thick, big around. / 陽 is sunshine, yang principle, positive, male, heaven, daytime.Boy
Sana真 is true, reality, Buddhist sect.Boy
Sanato真人真 is true, reality, Buddhist sect. / 人 is person.Boy
Saneyuki真之真 is true, reality, Buddhist sect. / 之 is of, this.Boy
Santa陽太陽 is sunshine, yang principle, positive, male, heaven, daytime. / 太 is plump, thick, big around.Boy
Sara新 is new.Boy
Sato慧 is wise.Boy
Sato聖 is holy, saint, sage, master, priest.Boy
Satofumi智史智 is wisdom, intellect, reason. / 史 is history, chronicle.Boy
Satohiko智彦智 is wisdom, intellect, reason. / 彦 is lad, boy (ancient).Boy
Satoru優 is tenderness, excel, surpass, actor, superiority, gentleness.Boy
Satoru聡 is wise, fast learner.Boy
Satoru学 is study, learning, science.Boy
Satoru悟 is enlightenment, perceive, discern, realize, understand.Boy
Satoru慧 is wise.Boy
Satoru智 is wisdom, intellect, reason.Boy
Satoru賢 is intelligent, wise, wisdom, cleverness.Boy
Satoru聖 is holy, saint, sage, master, priest.Boy
Satoru哲 is philosophy, clear.Boy
Satoru力 is power, strength, strong, strain, bear up, exert.Boy
Satoru諭 is rebuke, admonish, charge, warn, persuade.Boy
Satoru暁 is daybreak, dawn, in the event.Boy
Satoru瞭 is clear.Boy
Satoru衛 is defense, protection.Boy
Satoru魁 is charging ahead of others.Boy
Satoru晶 is sparkle, clear, crystal.Boy
Satoru昴 is the Pleiades.Boy
Satoru侑 is urge to eat.Boy
Satoshi聡 is wise, fast learner.Boy
Satoshi悟 is enlightenment, perceive, discern, realize, understand.Boy
Satoshi慧 is wise.Boy
Satoshi智之智 is wisdom, intellect, reason. / 之 is of, this.Boy
Satoshi智史智 is wisdom, intellect, reason. / 史 is history, chronicle.Boy
Satoshi智 is wisdom, intellect, reason.Boy
Satoshi賢 is intelligent, wise, wisdom, cleverness.Boy
Satoshi聖 is holy, saint, sage, master, priest.Boy
Satoshi啓 is disclose, open, say.Boy
Satoshi哲 is philosophy, clear.Boy
Satoshi怜 is wise.Boy
Satoshi聡志聡 is wise, fast learner. / 志 is intention, plan, resolve, aspire, motive, hopes, shilling.Boy
Satoshi諭 is rebuke, admonish, charge, warn, persuade.Boy
Satoshi暁 is daybreak, dawn, in the event.Boy
Satoshi聡史聡 is wise, fast learner. / 史 is history, chronicle.Boy
Satsuma颯馬颯 is sudden, quick, sound of the wind. / 馬 is horse.Boy
Satsuto颯斗颯 is sudden, quick, sound of the wind. / 斗 is Big Dipper, ten sho (vol), sake dipper, dots and cross radical (no. 68).Boy
Sei誠 is sincerity, admonish, warn, prohibit, truth, fidelity.Boy
Sei聖 is holy, saint, sage, master, priest.Boy
Sei晴 is clear up.Boy
Sei成 is turn into, become, get, grow, elapse, reach.Boy
Seia青空青 is blue, green. / 空 is empty, sky, void, vacant, vacuum.Boy
Seigo省吾省 is focus, government ministry, conserve. / 吾 is I, my, our, one's own.Boy
Seiso正宗正 is correct, justice, righteous, 10**40. / 宗 is religion, sect, denomination, main point, origin, essence.Boy
Seita晴太晴 is clear up. / 太 is plump, thick, big around.Boy
Seito誠人誠 is sincerity, admonish, warn, prohibit, truth, fidelity. / 人 is person.Boy
Seito聖人聖 is holy, saint, sage, master, priest. / 人 is person.Boy
Seiya誠也誠 is sincerity, admonish, warn, prohibit, truth, fidelity. / 也 is to be (classical).Boy
Seiya聖也聖 is holy, saint, sage, master, priest. / 也 is to be (classical).Boy
Seiya聖矢聖 is holy, saint, sage, master, priest. / 矢 is dart, arrow.Boy
Seiya聖弥聖 is holy, saint, sage, master, priest. / 弥 is all the more, increasingly.Boy
Seiya青空青 is blue, green. / 空 is empty, sky, void, vacant, vacuum.Boy
Seiya晴也晴 is clear up. / 也 is to be (classical).Boy
Seiya晴哉晴 is clear up. / 哉 is how, what, alas, question mark, exclamation mark.Boy
Shige成 is turn into, become, get, grow, elapse, reach.Boy
Shigeru秀 is excel, excellence, beauty, surpass.Boy
Shigeru成 is turn into, become, get, grow, elapse, reach.Boy
Shigeyuki秀幸秀 is excel, excellence, beauty, surpass. / 幸 is happiness, blessing, fortune.Boy
Shikato聖人聖 is holy, saint, sage, master, priest. / 人 is person.Boy
Shin真 is true, reality, Buddhist sect.Boy
Shin新 is new.Boy
Shin慎 is humility, be careful, discreet, prudent.Boy
Shin伸 is expand, stretch, extend, lengthen, increase.Boy
Shin心 is heart, mind, spirit, heart radical (no. 61).Boy
Shingo真吾真 is true, reality, Buddhist sect. / 吾 is I, my, our, one's own.Boy
Shingo慎吾慎 is humility, be careful, discreet, prudent. / 吾 is I, my, our, one's own.Boy
Shingo真悟真 is true, reality, Buddhist sect. / 悟 is enlightenment, perceive, discern, realize, understand.Boy
Shinichi真一真 is true, reality, Buddhist sect. / 一 is one, one radical (no.1).Boy
Shinji真司真 is true, reality, Buddhist sect. / 司 is director, official, govt office, rule, administer.Boy
Shinnosuke慎之介慎 is humility, be careful, discreet, prudent. / 之 is of, this. / 介 is jammed in, shellfish, mediate, concern oneself with.Boy
Shinnosuke真之介真 is true, reality, Buddhist sect. / 之 is of, this. / 介 is jammed in, shellfish, mediate, concern oneself with.Boy
Shinnosuke慎之助慎 is humility, be careful, discreet, prudent. / 之 is of, this. / 助 is help, rescue, assist.Boy
Shinobu仁 is humanity, virtue, benevolence, charity, man, kernel.Boy
Shinobu毅 is strong.Boy
Shinogu凌 is endure, keep (rain)out, stave off, tide over, defy, slight, surpass.Boy
Shinpei慎平慎 is humility, be careful, discreet, prudent. / 平 is even, flat, peace.Boy
Shinsei真聖真 is true, reality, Buddhist sect. / 聖 is holy, saint, sage, master, priest.Boy
Shinta新太新 is new. / 太 is plump, thick, big around.Boy
Shintaro慎太郎慎 is humility, be careful, discreet, prudent. / 太 is plump, thick, big around. / 郎 is son, counter for sons.Boy
Shintaro真太郎真 is true, reality, Buddhist sect. / 太 is plump, thick, big around. / 郎 is son, counter for sons.Boy
Shinto真人真 is true, reality, Buddhist sect. / 人 is person.Boy
Shinto真斗真 is true, reality, Buddhist sect. / 斗 is Big Dipper, ten sho (vol), sake dipper, dots and cross radical (no. 68).Boy
Shinya真也真 is true, reality, Buddhist sect. / 也 is to be (classical).Boy
Shinya慎也慎 is humility, be careful, discreet, prudent. / 也 is to be (classical).Boy
Shinya伸也伸 is expand, stretch, extend, lengthen, increase. / 也 is to be (classical).Boy
Shion碧 is blue, green.Boy
Shion海音海 is sea, ocean. / 音 is sound, noise.Boy
Shion志音志 is intention, plan, resolve, aspire, motive, hopes, shilling. / 音 is sound, noise.Boy
Shiyunichi俊一俊 is sagacious, genius, excellence. / 一 is one, one radical (no.1).Boy
Shiyunsuke俊輔俊 is sagacious, genius, excellence. / 輔 is help.Boy
Shiyuu周 is circumference, circuit, lap.Boy
Sho翔 is soar, fly.Boy
Sho匠 is artisan, workman, carpenter.Boy
Sho渉 is ford, go cross, transit, ferry, import, involve.Boy
Sho将 is leader, commander, general, admiral, or, and again, soon, from now on, just about.Boy
Sho聖 is holy, saint, sage, master, priest.Boy
Sho彰 is patent, clear.Boy
Sho祥 is auspicious, happiness, blessedness, good omen, good fortune.Boy
Sho奨 is exhort, urge, encourage.Boy
Sho勝 is victory, win, prevail, excel.Boy
Sho昇 is rise up.Boy
Sho晶 is sparkle, clear, crystal.Boy
Shodai翔大翔 is soar, fly. / 大 is large, big.Boy
Shogo翔吾翔 is soar, fly. / 吾 is I, my, our, one's own.Boy
Shogo将吾将 is leader, commander, general, admiral, or, and again, soon, from now on, just about. / 吾 is I, my, our, one's own.Boy
Shogo省吾省 is focus, government ministry, conserve. / 吾 is I, my, our, one's own.Boy
Shogo祥吾祥 is auspicious, happiness, blessedness, good omen, good fortune. / 吾 is I, my, our, one's own.Boy
Shogo翔悟翔 is soar, fly. / 悟 is enlightenment, perceive, discern, realize, understand.Boy
Shohei翔平翔 is soar, fly. / 平 is even, flat, peace.Boy
Shohei祥平祥 is auspicious, happiness, blessedness, good omen, good fortune. / 平 is even, flat, peace.Boy
Shohei将平将 is leader, commander, general, admiral, or, and again, soon, from now on, just about. / 平 is even, flat, peace.Boy
Shohei昇平昇 is rise up. / 平 is even, flat, peace.Boy
Shohei昌平昌 is prosperous, bright, clear. / 平 is even, flat, peace.Boy
Shoichi翔一翔 is soar, fly. / 一 is one, one radical (no.1).Boy
Shoji将司将 is leader, commander, general, admiral, or, and again, soon, from now on, just about. / 司 is director, official, govt office, rule, administer.Boy
Shoki将貴将 is leader, commander, general, admiral, or, and again, soon, from now on, just about. / 貴 is precious, value, prize, esteem, honor.Boy
Shoma翔馬翔 is soar, fly. / 馬 is horse.Boy
Shoma翔真翔 is soar, fly. / 真 is true, reality, Buddhist sect.Boy
Shoma匠真匠 is artisan, workman, carpenter. / 真 is true, reality, Buddhist sect.Boy
Shota翔太翔 is soar, fly. / 太 is plump, thick, big around.Boy
Shota将太将 is leader, commander, general, admiral, or, and again, soon, from now on, just about. / 太 is plump, thick, big around.Boy
Shota祥太祥 is auspicious, happiness, blessedness, good omen, good fortune. / 太 is plump, thick, big around.Boy
Shota翔大翔 is soar, fly. / 大 is large, big.Boy
Shota正太正 is correct, justice, righteous, 10**40. / 太 is plump, thick, big around.Boy
Shota祥大祥 is auspicious, happiness, blessedness, good omen, good fortune. / 大 is large, big.Boy
Shota翔汰翔 is soar, fly. / 汰 is washing, sieving, filtering, weeding out, luxury.Boy
Shotaro翔太郎翔 is soar, fly. / 太 is plump, thick, big around. / 郎 is son, counter for sons.Boy
Shotaro将太郎将 is leader, commander, general, admiral, or, and again, soon, from now on, just about. / 太 is plump, thick, big around. / 郎 is son, counter for sons.Boy
Shoto翔斗翔 is soar, fly. / 斗 is Big Dipper, ten sho (vol), sake dipper, dots and cross radical (no. 68).Boy
Shoya勝也勝 is victory, win, prevail, excel. / 也 is to be (classical).Boy
Shoya翔也翔 is soar, fly. / 也 is to be (classical).Boy
Shoya尚哉尚 is esteem, furthermore, still, yet. / 哉 is how, what, alas, question mark, exclamation mark.Boy
Shoya翔哉翔 is soar, fly. / 哉 is how, what, alas, question mark, exclamation mark.Boy
Shu翔 is soar, fly.Boy
Shu駿駿 is a good horse, speed, a fast person.Boy
Shu悠 is permanence, distant, long time, leisure.Boy
Shu将 is leader, commander, general, admiral, or, and again, soon, from now on, just about.Boy
Shu崇 is adore, respect, revere, worship.Boy
Shu修 is discipline, conduct oneself well, study, master.Boy
Shu秀 is excel, excellence, beauty, surpass.Boy
Shu周 is circumference, circuit, lap.Boy
Shu柊 is holly.Boy
Shuhei修平修 is discipline, conduct oneself well, study, master. / 平 is even, flat, peace.Boy
Shuhei周平周 is circumference, circuit, lap. / 平 is even, flat, peace.Boy
Shuhei秀平秀 is excel, excellence, beauty, surpass. / 平 is even, flat, peace.Boy
Shuhei脩平脩 is dried meat. / 平 is even, flat, peace.Boy
Shuichiro宗一郎宗 is religion, sect, denomination, main point, origin, essence. / 一 is one, one radical (no.1). / 郎 is son, counter for sons.Boy
Shukichi周 is circumference, circuit, lap.Boy
Shuma柊真柊 is holly. / 真 is true, reality, Buddhist sect.Boy
Shuma柊馬柊 is holly. / 馬 is horse.Boy
Shun駿駿 is a good horse, speed, a fast person.Boy
Shun俊 is sagacious, genius, excellence.Boy
Shun隼 is falcon.Boy
Shun峻 is high, steep.Boy
Shun瞬 is wink, blink, twinkle.Boy
Shun舜 is type of morning glory, rose of Sharon, althea.Boy
Shun旬 is decameron, ten-day period, season (for specific products).Boy
Shunichi駿一駿 is a good horse, speed, a fast person. / 一 is one, one radical (no.1).Boy
Shunichi俊一俊 is sagacious, genius, excellence. / 一 is one, one radical (no.1).Boy
Shunji隼士隼 is falcon. / 士 is gentleman, scholar, samurai, samurai radical (no. 33).Boy
Shunki俊樹俊 is sagacious, genius, excellence. / 樹 is timber, trees, wood, establish, set up.Boy
Shunki俊輝俊 is sagacious, genius, excellence. / 輝 is radiance, shine, sparkle, gleam, twinkle.Boy
Shunpei俊平俊 is sagacious, genius, excellence. / 平 is even, flat, peace.Boy
Shunpei駿平駿 is a good horse, speed, a fast person. / 平 is even, flat, peace.Boy
Shunsuke俊介俊 is sagacious, genius, excellence. / 介 is jammed in, shellfish, mediate, concern oneself with.Boy
Shunsuke俊輔俊 is sagacious, genius, excellence. / 輔 is help.Boy
Shunsuke駿介駿 is a good horse, speed, a fast person. / 介 is jammed in, shellfish, mediate, concern oneself with.Boy
Shunsuke駿佑駿 is a good horse, speed, a fast person. / 佑 is help, assist.Boy
Shunsuke隼輔隼 is falcon. / 輔 is help.Boy
Shunsuke駿輔駿 is a good horse, speed, a fast person. / 輔 is help.Boy
Shunta駿太駿 is a good horse, speed, a fast person. / 太 is plump, thick, big around.Boy
Shunta俊太俊 is sagacious, genius, excellence. / 太 is plump, thick, big around.Boy
Shunta隼大隼 is falcon. / 大 is large, big.Boy
Shuntaro駿太郎駿 is a good horse, speed, a fast person. / 太 is plump, thick, big around. / 郎 is son, counter for sons.Boy
Shunto駿斗駿 is a good horse, speed, a fast person. / 斗 is Big Dipper, ten sho (vol), sake dipper, dots and cross radical (no. 68).Boy
Shunto春翔春 is springtime, spring (season). / 翔 is soar, fly.Boy
Shunya俊也俊 is sagacious, genius, excellence. / 也 is to be (classical).Boy
Shunya俊哉俊 is sagacious, genius, excellence. / 哉 is how, what, alas, question mark, exclamation mark.Boy
Shunya隼也隼 is falcon. / 也 is to be (classical).Boy
Shunya駿也駿 is a good horse, speed, a fast person. / 也 is to be (classical).Boy
Shuta秀太秀 is excel, excellence, beauty, surpass. / 太 is plump, thick, big around.Boy
Shuta柊太柊 is holly. / 太 is plump, thick, big around.Boy
Shuto秀人秀 is excel, excellence, beauty, surpass. / 人 is person.Boy
Shuto秀斗秀 is excel, excellence, beauty, surpass. / 斗 is Big Dipper, ten sho (vol), sake dipper, dots and cross radical (no. 68).Boy
Shuto柊人柊 is holly. / 人 is person.Boy
Shuto柊斗柊 is holly. / 斗 is Big Dipper, ten sho (vol), sake dipper, dots and cross radical (no. 68).Boy
Shuto修斗修 is discipline, conduct oneself well, study, master. / 斗 is Big Dipper, ten sho (vol), sake dipper, dots and cross radical (no. 68).Boy
Shuto翔斗翔 is soar, fly. / 斗 is Big Dipper, ten sho (vol), sake dipper, dots and cross radical (no. 68).Boy
Shuya柊哉柊 is holly. / 哉 is how, what, alas, question mark, exclamation mark.Boy
So聡 is wise, fast learner.Boy
So創 is genesis, wound, injury, hurt, start, originate.Boy
So颯 is sudden, quick, sound of the wind.Boy
So蒼 is blue, pale.Boy
So壮 is robust, manhood, prosperity.Boy
So奏 is play music, speak to a ruler, complete.Boy
So爽 is refreshing, bracing, resonant, sweet, clear.Boy
Soa蒼空蒼 is blue, pale. / 空 is empty, sky, void, vacant, vacuum.Boy
Soa奏和奏 is play music, speak to a ruler, complete. / 和 is harmony, Japanese style, peace, soften, Japan.Boy
Sodai蒼大蒼 is blue, pale. / 大 is large, big.Boy
Sogo壮吾壮 is robust, manhood, prosperity. / 吾 is I, my, our, one's own.Boy
Soichiro宗一郎宗 is religion, sect, denomination, main point, origin, essence. / 一 is one, one radical (no.1). / 郎 is son, counter for sons.Boy
Soichiro蒼一郎蒼 is blue, pale. / 一 is one, one radical (no.1). / 郎 is son, counter for sons.Boy
Soki蒼生蒼 is blue, pale. / 生 is life, genuine, birth.Boy
Soma颯馬颯 is sudden, quick, sound of the wind. / 馬 is horse.Boy
Soma颯真颯 is sudden, quick, sound of the wind. / 真 is true, reality, Buddhist sect.Boy
Soma壮馬壮 is robust, manhood, prosperity. / 馬 is horse.Boy
Soma壮真壮 is robust, manhood, prosperity. / 真 is true, reality, Buddhist sect.Boy
Soma蒼真蒼 is blue, pale. / 真 is true, reality, Buddhist sect.Boy
Soma蒼馬蒼 is blue, pale. / 馬 is horse.Boy
Soma聡真聡 is wise, fast learner. / 真 is true, reality, Buddhist sect.Boy
Son尊 is revered, valuable, precious, noble, exalted.Boy
Sonata翔 is soar, fly.Boy
Sonata颯 is sudden, quick, sound of the wind.Boy
Sonata大空大 is large, big. / 空 is empty, sky, void, vacant, vacuum.Boy
Sonata大翔大 is large, big. / 翔 is soar, fly.Boy
Sonata奏翔奏 is play music, speak to a ruler, complete. / 翔 is soar, fly.Boy
Sora颯 is sudden, quick, sound of the wind.Boy
Sora空 is empty, sky, void, vacant, vacuum.Boy
Sora大空大 is large, big. / 空 is empty, sky, void, vacant, vacuum.Boy
Sora蒼 is blue, pale.Boy
Sora宙 is mid-air, air, space, sky, memorization, interval of time.Boy
Sora青空青 is blue, green. / 空 is empty, sky, void, vacant, vacuum.Boy
Sora天翔天 is heavens, sky, imperial. / 翔 is soar, fly.Boy
Sora蒼空蒼 is blue, pale. / 空 is empty, sky, void, vacant, vacuum.Boy
Sora空良空 is empty, sky, void, vacant, vacuum. / 良 is good, pleasing, skilled.Boy
Sora天 is heavens, sky, imperial.Boy
Sora颯良颯 is sudden, quick, sound of the wind. / 良 is good, pleasing, skilled.Boy
Sora空翔空 is empty, sky, void, vacant, vacuum. / 翔 is soar, fly.Boy
Sora昊 is sky, big.Boy
Sora奏良奏 is play music, speak to a ruler, complete. / 良 is good, pleasing, skilled.Boy
Sorara空良空 is empty, sky, void, vacant, vacuum. / 良 is good, pleasing, skilled.Boy
Sorashi空 is empty, sky, void, vacant, vacuum.Boy
Sorato蒼空蒼 is blue, pale. / 空 is empty, sky, void, vacant, vacuum.Boy
Sorato空翔空 is empty, sky, void, vacant, vacuum. / 翔 is soar, fly.Boy
Soru心 is heart, mind, spirit, heart radical (no. 61).Boy
Sosei蒼生蒼 is blue, pale. / 生 is life, genuine, birth.Boy
Soshi蒼士蒼 is blue, pale. / 士 is gentleman, scholar, samurai, samurai radical (no. 33).Boy
Soshi颯志颯 is sudden, quick, sound of the wind. / 志 is intention, plan, resolve, aspire, motive, hopes, shilling.Boy
Sosuke蒼空蒼 is blue, pale. / 空 is empty, sky, void, vacant, vacuum.Boy
Sosuke颯介颯 is sudden, quick, sound of the wind. / 介 is jammed in, shellfish, mediate, concern oneself with.Boy
Sosuke蒼介蒼 is blue, pale. / 介 is jammed in, shellfish, mediate, concern oneself with.Boy
Sosuke聡介聡 is wise, fast learner. / 介 is jammed in, shellfish, mediate, concern oneself with.Boy
Sosuke奏介奏 is play music, speak to a ruler, complete. / 介 is jammed in, shellfish, mediate, concern oneself with.Boy
Sosuke颯佑颯 is sudden, quick, sound of the wind. / 佑 is help, assist.Boy
Sosuke壮佑壮 is robust, manhood, prosperity. / 佑 is help, assist.Boy
Sosuke宗佑宗 is religion, sect, denomination, main point, origin, essence. / 佑 is help, assist.Boy
Sosuke奏輔奏 is play music, speak to a ruler, complete. / 輔 is help.Boy
Sosuke湊介湊 is port, harbor. / 介 is jammed in, shellfish, mediate, concern oneself with.Boy
Sota颯太颯 is sudden, quick, sound of the wind. / 太 is plump, thick, big around.Boy
Sota壮太壮 is robust, manhood, prosperity. / 太 is plump, thick, big around.Boy
Sota颯汰颯 is sudden, quick, sound of the wind. / 汰 is washing, sieving, filtering, weeding out, luxury.Boy
Sota聡太聡 is wise, fast learner. / 太 is plump, thick, big around.Boy
Sota創太創 is genesis, wound, injury, hurt, start, originate. / 太 is plump, thick, big around.Boy
Sota颯大颯 is sudden, quick, sound of the wind. / 大 is large, big.Boy
Sota蒼太蒼 is blue, pale. / 太 is plump, thick, big around.Boy
Sota奏太奏 is play music, speak to a ruler, complete. / 太 is plump, thick, big around.Boy
Sota壮汰壮 is robust, manhood, prosperity. / 汰 is washing, sieving, filtering, weeding out, luxury.Boy
Sota蒼大蒼 is blue, pale. / 大 is large, big.Boy
Sota奏汰奏 is play music, speak to a ruler, complete. / 汰 is washing, sieving, filtering, weeding out, luxury.Boy
Sota蒼汰蒼 is blue, pale. / 汰 is washing, sieving, filtering, weeding out, luxury.Boy
Sota爽太爽 is refreshing, bracing, resonant, sweet, clear. / 太 is plump, thick, big around.Boy
Sota奏多奏 is play music, speak to a ruler, complete. / 多 is many, frequent, much.Boy
Sota湊太湊 is port, harbor. / 太 is plump, thick, big around.Boy
Sota蒼天蒼 is blue, pale. / 天 is heavens, sky, imperial.Boy
Sota湊大湊 is port, harbor. / 大 is large, big.Boy
Sotaro颯太郎颯 is sudden, quick, sound of the wind. / 太 is plump, thick, big around. / 郎 is son, counter for sons.Boy
Soto奏斗奏 is play music, speak to a ruler, complete. / 斗 is Big Dipper, ten sho (vol), sake dipper, dots and cross radical (no. 68).Boy
Subaru翼 is wing, plane, flank.Boy
Subaru昂 is rise.Boy
Subaru昴 is the Pleiades.Boy
Sugu直 is straightaway, honesty, frankness, fix, repair.Boy
Sugure勝 is victory, win, prevail, excel.Boy
Suguru優 is tenderness, excel, surpass, actor, superiority, gentleness.Boy
Suguru俊 is sagacious, genius, excellence.Boy
Suguru卓 is eminent, table, desk, high.Boy
Suguru賢 is intelligent, wise, wisdom, cleverness.Boy
Suguru豪 is overpowering, great, powerful, excelling, Australia.Boy
Suguru勝 is victory, win, prevail, excel.Boy
Suguru秀 is excel, excellence, beauty, surpass.Boy
Sukai青空青 is blue, green. / 空 is empty, sky, void, vacant, vacuum.Boy
Suke佑 is help, assist.Boy
Sukeya佑哉佑 is help, assist. / 哉 is how, what, alas, question mark, exclamation mark.Boy
Sumihira純平純 is genuine, purity, innocence, net (profit). / 平 is even, flat, peace.Boy
Sumikazu純一純 is genuine, purity, innocence, net (profit). / 一 is one, one radical (no.1).Boy
Sumiya純也純 is genuine, purity, innocence, net (profit). / 也 is to be (classical).Boy
Sunao淳 is pure.Boy
Sunao純 is genuine, purity, innocence, net (profit).Boy
Sunao真 is true, reality, Buddhist sect.Boy
Sunao惇 is sincere, kind, considerate.Boy
Sunao直 is straightaway, honesty, frankness, fix, repair.Boy
Sunao廉 is bargain, reason, charge, suspicion, point, account, purity, honest, low price, cheap, rested, contented, peaceful.Boy
Sunao直生直 is straightaway, honesty, frankness, fix, repair. / 生 is life, genuine, birth.Boy
Susumu将 is leader, commander, general, admiral, or, and again, soon, from now on, just about.Boy
Susumu歩 is walk, counter for steps.Boy
Susumu奨 is exhort, urge, encourage.Boy
Susumu侑 is urge to eat.Boy
Susumu一 is one, one radical (no.1).Boy
Suu涼 is refreshing, nice and cool.Boy
Suu崇 is adore, respect, revere, worship.Boy
Suyama和人和 is harmony, Japanese style, peace, soften, Japan. / 人 is person.Boy
Suzu涼 is refreshing, nice and cool.Boy
Suzuki淳平淳 is pure. / 平 is even, flat, peace.Boy


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