Sports Themed Baby Names


Here are Japanese names, which come from Sports.


Aya(亜矢)亜 is Asia, rank next, come after, -ous. / 矢 is dart, arrow.Girl
Ayu(愛弓)愛 is love, affection, favourite. / 弓 is bow, bow (archery, violin).Girl
Ayumi(愛弓)愛 is love, affection, favourite. / 弓 is bow, bow (archery, violin).Girl
Ayumi(亜弓)亜 is Asia, rank next, come after, -ous. / 弓 is bow, bow (archery, violin).Girl
Hana(早苗)早 is early, fast. / 苗 is seedling, sapling, shoot.Girl
Hanae(早苗)早 is early, fast. / 苗 is seedling, sapling, shoot.Girl
Mayu(真弓)真 is true, reality, Buddhist sect. / 弓 is bow, bow (archery, violin).Girl
Mayu(愛弓)愛 is love, affection, favourite. / 弓 is bow, bow (archery, violin).Girl
Mayumi(真弓)真 is true, reality, Buddhist sect. / 弓 is bow, bow (archery, violin).Girl
Mayumi(愛弓)愛 is love, affection, favourite. / 弓 is bow, bow (archery, violin).Girl
Nae(早苗)早 is early, fast. / 苗 is seedling, sapling, shoot.Girl
Saki(早紀)早 is early, fast. / 紀 is chronicle, account, narrative, history, annals, geologic period.Girl
Saki(早希)早 is early, fast. / 希 is hope, beg, request, pray, beseech, Greece, dilute (acid), rare, few, phenomenal.Girl
Sana(早苗)早 is early, fast. / 苗 is seedling, sapling, shoot.Girl
Sanae(早苗)早 is early, fast. / 苗 is seedling, sapling, shoot.Girl
Saori(早織)早 is early, fast. / 織 is weave, fabric.Girl
Urara(愛弓)愛 is love, affection, favourite. / 弓 is bow, bow (archery, violin).Girl
Fuu(颯)颯 is sudden, quick, sound of the wind.Boy
Fuuto(颯斗)颯 is sudden, quick, sound of the wind. / 斗 is Big Dipper, ten sho (vol), sake dipper, dots and cross radical (no. 68).Boy
Haruka(颯斗)颯 is sudden, quick, sound of the wind. / 斗 is Big Dipper, ten sho (vol), sake dipper, dots and cross radical (no. 68).Boy
Haya(隼)隼 is falcon.Boy
Hayao(駿)駿 is a good horse, speed, a fast person.Boy
Hayashi(駿)駿 is a good horse, speed, a fast person.Boy
Hayashi(隼)隼 is falcon.Boy
Hayata(颯太)颯 is sudden, quick, sound of the wind. / 太 is plump, thick, big around.Boy
Hayata(隼大)隼 is falcon. / 大 is large, big.Boy
Hayate(隼)隼 is falcon.Boy
Hayate(颯)颯 is sudden, quick, sound of the wind.Boy
Hayato(隼人)隼 is falcon. / 人 is person.Boy
Hayato(隼)隼 is falcon.Boy
Hayato(颯)颯 is sudden, quick, sound of the wind.Boy
Hayato(隼斗)隼 is falcon. / 斗 is Big Dipper, ten sho (vol), sake dipper, dots and cross radical (no. 68).Boy
Hayato(颯人)颯 is sudden, quick, sound of the wind. / 人 is person.Boy
Hayato(颯斗)颯 is sudden, quick, sound of the wind. / 斗 is Big Dipper, ten sho (vol), sake dipper, dots and cross radical (no. 68).Boy
Hayato(颯大)颯 is sudden, quick, sound of the wind. / 大 is large, big.Boy
Hayato(隼大)隼 is falcon. / 大 is large, big.Boy
Hayato(隼翔)隼 is falcon. / 翔 is soar, fly.Boy
Hayato(颯士)颯 is sudden, quick, sound of the wind. / 士 is gentleman, scholar, samurai, samurai radical (no. 33).Boy
Hayato(颯一)颯 is sudden, quick, sound of the wind. / 一 is one, one radical (no.1).Boy
Hayuma(颯真)颯 is sudden, quick, sound of the wind. / 真 is true, reality, Buddhist sect.Boy
Ibuki(一颯)一 is one, one radical (no.1). / 颯 is sudden, quick, sound of the wind.Boy
Itsa(一颯)一 is one, one radical (no.1). / 颯 is sudden, quick, sound of the wind.Boy
Jin(迅)迅 is swift, fast.Boy
Jun(隼)隼 is falcon.Boy
Kazuto(一颯)一 is one, one radical (no.1). / 颯 is sudden, quick, sound of the wind.Boy
Rikuto(颯斗)颯 is sudden, quick, sound of the wind. / 斗 is Big Dipper, ten sho (vol), sake dipper, dots and cross radical (no. 68).Boy
Rui(塁)塁 is bases, fort, rampart, walls, base(ball).Boy
Ryu(颯)颯 is sudden, quick, sound of the wind.Boy
Ryuya(竜矢)竜 is dragon, imperial. / 矢 is dart, arrow.Boy
Satsuma(颯馬)颯 is sudden, quick, sound of the wind. / 馬 is horse.Boy
Satsuto(颯斗)颯 is sudden, quick, sound of the wind. / 斗 is Big Dipper, ten sho (vol), sake dipper, dots and cross radical (no. 68).Boy
Seiya(聖矢)聖 is holy, saint, sage, master, priest. / 矢 is dart, arrow.Boy
Shu(駿)駿 is a good horse, speed, a fast person.Boy
Shun(駿)駿 is a good horse, speed, a fast person.Boy
Shun(隼)隼 is falcon.Boy
Shunichi(駿一)駿 is a good horse, speed, a fast person. / 一 is one, one radical (no.1).Boy
Shunji(隼士)隼 is falcon. / 士 is gentleman, scholar, samurai, samurai radical (no. 33).Boy
Shunpei(駿平)駿 is a good horse, speed, a fast person. / 平 is even, flat, peace.Boy
Shunsuke(駿介)駿 is a good horse, speed, a fast person. / 介 is jammed in, shellfish, mediate, concern oneself with.Boy
Shunsuke(駿佑)駿 is a good horse, speed, a fast person. / 佑 is help, assist.Boy
Shunsuke(隼輔)隼 is falcon. / 輔 is help.Boy
Shunsuke(駿輔)駿 is a good horse, speed, a fast person. / 輔 is help.Boy
Shunta(駿太)駿 is a good horse, speed, a fast person. / 太 is plump, thick, big around.Boy
Shunta(隼大)隼 is falcon. / 大 is large, big.Boy
Shuntaro(駿太郎)駿 is a good horse, speed, a fast person. / 太 is plump, thick, big around. / 郎 is son, counter for sons.Boy
Shunto(駿斗)駿 is a good horse, speed, a fast person. / 斗 is Big Dipper, ten sho (vol), sake dipper, dots and cross radical (no. 68).Boy
Shunya(隼也)隼 is falcon. / 也 is to be (classical).Boy
Shunya(駿也)駿 is a good horse, speed, a fast person. / 也 is to be (classical).Boy
So(颯)颯 is sudden, quick, sound of the wind.Boy
Soma(颯馬)颯 is sudden, quick, sound of the wind. / 馬 is horse.Boy
Soma(颯真)颯 is sudden, quick, sound of the wind. / 真 is true, reality, Buddhist sect.Boy
Sonata(颯)颯 is sudden, quick, sound of the wind.Boy
Sora(颯)颯 is sudden, quick, sound of the wind.Boy
Sora(颯良)颯 is sudden, quick, sound of the wind. / 良 is good, pleasing, skilled.Boy
Soshi(颯志)颯 is sudden, quick, sound of the wind. / 志 is intention, plan, resolve, aspire, motive, hopes, shilling.Boy
Sosuke(颯介)颯 is sudden, quick, sound of the wind. / 介 is jammed in, shellfish, mediate, concern oneself with.Boy
Sosuke(颯佑)颯 is sudden, quick, sound of the wind. / 佑 is help, assist.Boy
Sota(颯太)颯 is sudden, quick, sound of the wind. / 太 is plump, thick, big around.Boy
Sota(颯汰)颯 is sudden, quick, sound of the wind. / 汰 is washing, sieving, filtering, weeding out, luxury.Boy
Sota(颯大)颯 is sudden, quick, sound of the wind. / 大 is large, big.Boy
Sotaro(颯太郎)颯 is sudden, quick, sound of the wind. / 太 is plump, thick, big around. / 郎 is son, counter for sons.Boy
Takuya(拓矢)拓 is clear (the land), open, break up (land). / 矢 is dart, arrow.Boy
Takuya(卓矢)卓 is eminent, table, desk, high. / 矢 is dart, arrow.Boy
Tatsuya(達矢)達 is accomplished, reach, arrive, attain. / 矢 is dart, arrow.Boy
Toshi(駿)駿 is a good horse, speed, a fast person.Boy


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