Japanese Last Name Meanings | Rank 8,501 to 9,000

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RankLast NameMeaning
8501Kunimura(国村)国 meaning country./ 村 meaning village, town.
8502Fujimiya(藤宮)藤 meaning wisteria./ 宮 meaning Shinto shrine, constellations, palace, princess.
8503Yageta(八下田)八 meaning eight, eight radical (no. 12)./ 下 meaning below, down, descend, give, low, inferior./ 田 meaning rice field, rice paddy.
8504Tsubakiyama(椿山)椿 meaning camellia./ 山 meaning mountain.
8505Hagiyama(萩山)萩 meaning bush clover./ 山 meaning mountain.
8506Tomotsune(友常)友 meaning friend./ 常 meaning usual, ordinary, normal, common, regular, continually, always, long-lasting.
8507Hine(日根)日 meaning day, sun, Japan, counter for days./ 根 meaning root, radical, head (pimple).
8508Shigenari(重成)重 meaning heavy, important, esteem, respect, heap up, pile up, nest of boxes, -fold./ 成 meaning turn into, become, get, grow, elapse, reach.
8509Kakuchi(角地)角 meaning angle, corner, square, horn, antlers./ 地 meaning ground, earth.
8510Tsukinoki(槻木)槻 meaning Zelkova tree./ 木 meaning tree, wood.
8511Rikuta(陸田)陸 meaning land, six./ 田 meaning rice field, rice paddy.
8512Kajizuka(梶塚)梶 meaning sculling oar./ 塚 meaning hillock, mound.
8513Hisamori(久森)久 meaning long time, old story./ 森 meaning forest, woods.
8514Izumisawa(泉澤)泉 meaning spring, fountain./ 澤 meaning swamp.
8515Kusaka(草加)草 meaning grass, weeds, herbs, pasture, write, draft./ 加 meaning add, addition, increase, join, include, Canada.
8516Iryo(井料)井 meaning well, well crib, town, community./ 料 meaning fee, materials.
8517Nakaba(中場)中 meaning in, inside, middle, mean, center./ 場 meaning location, place.
8518Kowatari(古渡)古 meaning old./ 渡 meaning transit, ford, ferry, cross, import, deliver, diameter, migrate.
8519Amikura(網倉)網 meaning netting, network./ 倉 meaning godown, warehouse, storehouse, cellar, treasury.
8520Kunimoto(國本)國 meaning country./ 本 meaning book, present, main, origin, true, real, counter for long cylindrical things.
8521Mizobuchi(溝淵)溝 meaning gutter, ditch, sewer, drain, 10**32./ 淵 meaning abyss, edge, deep pool, the depths.
8522Yoshifuku(吉福)吉 meaning good luck, joy, congratulations./ 福 meaning blessing, fortune, luck, wealth.
8523Wani(和仁)和 meaning harmony, Japanese style, peace, soften, Japan./ 仁 meaning humanity, virtue, benevolence, charity, man, kernel.
8524Daidoji(大道寺)大 meaning large, big./ 道 meaning road-way, street, district, journey, course, moral, teachings./ 寺 meaning Buddhist temple.
8525Kurashina(倉品)倉 meaning godown, warehouse, storehouse, cellar, treasury./ 品 meaning goods, refinement, dignity, article, counter for meal courses.
8526Okumiya(奥宮)奥 meaning heart, interior./ 宮 meaning Shinto shrine, constellations, palace, princess.
8527Sanui(讃井)讃 meaning praise, title on a picture./ 井 meaning well, well crib, town, community.
8528Kawazumi(川住)川 meaning stream, river, river or three-stroke river radical (no. 47)./ 住 meaning dwell, reside, live, inhabit.
8529Kinuta(絹田)絹 meaning silk./ 田 meaning rice field, rice paddy.
8530Kadoguchi(角口)角 meaning angle, corner, square, horn, antlers./ 口 meaning mouth.
8531Irimajiri(入交)入 meaning enter, insert./ 交 meaning mingle, mixing, association, coming & going.
8532Shioji(塩地)塩 meaning salt./ 地 meaning ground, earth.
8533Moriura(森浦)森 meaning forest, woods./ 浦 meaning bay, creek, inlet, gulf, beach, seacoast.
8534Magariyama(曲山)曲 meaning bend, music, melody, composition, pleasure, injustice, fault, curve, crooked, perverse, lean./ 山 meaning mountain.
8535Magata(真方)真 meaning true, reality, Buddhist sect./ 方 meaning direction, person, alternative.
8536Oride(折出)折 meaning fold, break, fracture, bend, yield, submit./ 出 meaning exit, leave, go out, come out, put out, protrude.
8537Amita(網田)網 meaning netting, network./ 田 meaning rice field, rice paddy.
8538Hamauchi(浜内)浜 meaning seacoast, beach, seashore./ 内 meaning inside, within, between, among, house, home.
8539Kabata(椛田)椛 meaning autumn foliage, birch, maple, (kokuji)./ 田 meaning rice field, rice paddy.
8540Koishi(古石)古 meaning old./ 石 meaning stone.
8541Oyachi(大谷内)大 meaning large, big./ 谷 meaning valley./ 内 meaning inside, within, between, among, house, home.
8542Yoshisaka(吉坂)吉 meaning good luck, joy, congratulations./ 坂 meaning slope, incline, hill.
8543Shimao(島尾)島 meaning island./ 尾 meaning tail, end, counter for fish, lower slope of mountain.
8544Tsunokake(角掛)角 meaning angle, corner, square, horn, antlers./ 掛 meaning hang, suspend, depend, arrive at, tax, pour.
8545Fuyuki(冬木)冬 meaning winter./ 木 meaning tree, wood.
8546Kunichika(国近)国 meaning country./ 近 meaning near, early, akin, tantamount.
8547Ishiwari(石割)石 meaning stone./ 割 meaning proportion, comparatively, divide, cut, separate, split.
8548Kuratsu(倉津)倉 meaning godown, warehouse, storehouse, cellar, treasury./ 津 meaning haven, port, harbor, ferry.
8549Miake(三明)三 meaning three./ 明 meaning bright, light.
8550Yamoto(八本)八 meaning eight, eight radical (no. 12)./ 本 meaning book, present, main, origin, true, real, counter for long cylindrical things.
8551Kitasaka(北坂)北 meaning north./ 坂 meaning slope, incline, hill.
8552Yatsuzuka(八束)八 meaning eight, eight radical (no. 12)./ 束 meaning bundle, sheaf, ream, tie in bundles, govern, manage, control.
8553Kokumai(国米)国 meaning country./ 米 meaning rice, USA, metre.
8554Asuka(飛鳥)飛 meaning fly, skip (pages), scatter./ 鳥 meaning bird, chicken.
8555Gogami(後上)後 meaning behind, back, later./ 上 meaning above, up.
8556Kanehisa(金久)金 meaning gold./ 久 meaning long time, old story.
8557Iwanabe(岩辺)岩 meaning boulder, rock, cliff./ 辺 meaning environs, boundary, border, vicinity.
8558Yanashima(梁島)梁 meaning weir, fish trap, beam, girder./ 島 meaning island.
8559Kotaki(小瀧)小 meaning little, small./ 瀧 meaning waterfall, rapids, cascade.
8560Yagata(矢形)矢 meaning dart, arrow./ 形 meaning shape, form, style.
8561Kosuge(小管)小 meaning little, small./ 管 meaning pipe, tube, wind instrument, drunken talk, control, jurisdiction.
8562Matano(又野)又 meaning or again, furthermore, on the other hand./ 野 meaning plains, field, rustic, civilian life.
8563Magome(馬籠)馬 meaning horse./ 籠 meaning basket, devote oneself, seclude oneself, cage, coop, implied.
8564Asanome(浅野目)浅 meaning shallow, superficial, frivolous, wretched, shameful./ 野 meaning plains, field, rustic, civilian life./ 目 meaning eye, class, look, insight, experience, care, favor.
8565Iwao(巌)巌 meaning rock, crag, boulder.
8566Kamise(上瀬)上 meaning above, up./ 瀬 meaning rapids, current, torrent, shallows, shoal.
8567Shinozawa(篠澤)篠 meaning bamboo grass./ 澤 meaning swamp.
8568Imuta(伊牟田)伊 meaning Italy, that one./ 牟 meaning pupil (eye), moo (cow sound)./ 田 meaning rice field, rice paddy.
8569Nawa(縄)縄 meaning straw rope, cord.
8570Fukutoku(福徳)福 meaning blessing, fortune, luck, wealth./ 徳 meaning benevolence, virtue, goodness, commanding respect.
8571Sugawara(管原)管 meaning pipe, tube, wind instrument, drunken talk, control, jurisdiction./ 原 meaning meadow, original, primitive, field, plain, prairie, tundra, wilderness.
8572Takemi(竹見)竹 meaning bamboo./ 見 meaning see, hopes, chances, idea, opinion, look at, visible.
8573Matsukane(松金)松 meaning pine tree./ 金 meaning gold.
8574Notake(野竹)野 meaning plains, field, rustic, civilian life./ 竹 meaning bamboo.
8575Tagaki(田垣)田 meaning rice field, rice paddy./ 垣 meaning hedge, fence, wall.
8576Furuto(古戸)古 meaning old./ 戸 meaning door, counter for houses, door radical (no. 63).
8577Toyoshi(豊吉)豊 meaning bountiful, excellent, rich./ 吉 meaning good luck, joy, congratulations.
8578Kurisawa(栗沢)栗 meaning chestnut./ 沢 meaning swamp, marsh, brilliance, grace.
8579Wakasaki(若崎)若 meaning young, if, perhaps, possibly, low number, immature./ 崎 meaning promontory, cape, spit.
8580Mandokoro(政所)政 meaning politics, government./ 所 meaning place, extent.
8581Zayasu(座安)座 meaning squat, seat, cushion, gathering, sit./ 安 meaning relax, cheap, low, quiet, rested, contented, peaceful.
8582Hirotani(廣谷)廣 meaning broad, wide, spacious./ 谷 meaning valley.
8583Tsukada(束田)束 meaning bundle, sheaf, ream, tie in bundles, govern, manage, control./ 田 meaning rice field, rice paddy.
8584Imaishi(今石)今 meaning now./ 石 meaning stone.
8585Kanaishi(金石)金 meaning gold./ 石 meaning stone.
8586Harima(張間)張 meaning lengthen, counter for bows & stringed instruments, stretch, spread, put up (tent)./ 間 meaning interval, space.
8587Ozora(大空)大 meaning large, big./ 空 meaning empty, sky, void, vacant, vacuum.
8588Nishizu(西津)西 meaning west, Spain./ 津 meaning haven, port, harbor, ferry.
8589Jinguji(神宮寺)神 meaning gods, mind, soul./ 宮 meaning Shinto shrine, constellations, palace, princess./ 寺 meaning Buddhist temple.
8590Itamura(板村)板 meaning plank, board, plate, stage./ 村 meaning village, town.
8591Fujiwara(富士原)富 meaning wealth, enrich, abundant./ 士 meaning gentleman, scholar, samurai, samurai radical (no. 33)./ 原 meaning meadow, original, primitive, field, plain, prairie, tundra, wilderness.
8592Maruchi(丸地)丸 meaning round, full (month), perfection, -ship, pills, make round, roll up, curl up, seduce, explain away./ 地 meaning ground, earth.
8593Kanemori(兼森)兼 meaning concurrently, and, beforehand, in advance./ 森 meaning forest, woods.
8594Ishinaka(石中)石 meaning stone./ 中 meaning in, inside, middle, mean, center.
8595Imakiire(今給黎)今 meaning now./ 給 meaning salary, wage, gift, allow, grant, bestow on./ 黎 meaning dark, black, many.
8596Nagashio(長塩)長 meaning long, leader, superior, senior./ 塩 meaning salt.
8597Katchi(甲地)甲 meaning armor, high (voice), A grade, first class, former, instep, carapace./ 地 meaning ground, earth.
8598Shiomi(潮見)潮 meaning tide, salt water, opportunity./ 見 meaning see, hopes, chances, idea, opinion, look at, visible.
8599Isozumi(五十棲)五 meaning five./ 十 meaning ten./ 棲 meaning live, dwell.
8600Hayama(早山)早 meaning early, fast./ 山 meaning mountain.
8601Kosemura(小瀬村)小 meaning little, small./ 瀬 meaning rapids, current, torrent, shallows, shoal./ 村 meaning village, town.
8602Habuta(羽太)羽 meaning feathers, counter for birds, rabbits./ 太 meaning plump, thick, big around.
8603Oyu(大湯)大 meaning large, big./ 湯 meaning hot water, bath, hot spring.
8604Shirakami(白上)白 meaning white./ 上 meaning above, up.
8605Imaida(今井田)今 meaning now./ 井 meaning well, well crib, town, community./ 田 meaning rice field, rice paddy.
8606Sawabe(沢部)沢 meaning swamp, marsh, brilliance, grace./ 部 meaning section, bureau, dept, class, copy, part, portion, counter for copies of a newspaper or magazine.
8607Tomino(冨野)冨 meaning enrich, wealthy, abundant./ 野 meaning plains, field, rustic, civilian life.
8608Isowa(磯和)磯 meaning seashore, beach./ 和 meaning harmony, Japanese style, peace, soften, Japan.
8609Daigo(大郷)大 meaning large, big./ 郷 meaning home town, village, native place, district.
8610Kamijo(上城)上 meaning above, up./ 城 meaning castle.
8611Shibusawa(渋澤)渋 meaning astringent, hesitate, reluctant, have diarrhea./ 澤 meaning swamp.
8612Tajimi(多治見)多 meaning many, frequent, much./ 治 meaning reign, be at peace, calm down, subdue, quell, govt, cure, heal, rule, conserve./ 見 meaning see, hopes, chances, idea, opinion, look at, visible.
8613Uramatsu(浦松)浦 meaning bay, creek, inlet, gulf, beach, seacoast./ 松 meaning pine tree.
8614Tomiie(富家)富 meaning wealth, enrich, abundant./ 家 meaning house, home, family, professional, expert, performer.
8615Kagami(加々見)加 meaning add, addition, increase, join, include, Canada./ 々 meaning iteration mark./ 見 meaning see, hopes, chances, idea, opinion, look at, visible.
8616Ichihashi(一橋)一 meaning one, one radical (no.1)./ 橋 meaning bridge.
8617Yaeo(八重尾)八 meaning eight, eight radical (no. 12)./ 重 meaning heavy, important, esteem, respect, heap up, pile up, nest of boxes, -fold./ 尾 meaning tail, end, counter for fish, lower slope of mountain.
8618Ashizuka(芦塚)芦 meaning reed, bullrush./ 塚 meaning hillock, mound.
8619Jomura(城村)城 meaning castle./ 村 meaning village, town.
8620Kosone(小曾根)小 meaning little, small./ 曾 meaning once, before, formerly, ever, never, ex-./ 根 meaning root, radical, head (pimple).
8621Hirai(平位)平 meaning even, flat, peace./ 位 meaning rank, grade, throne, crown, about, some.
8622Iizawa(飯澤)飯 meaning meal, boiled rice./ 澤 meaning swamp.
8623Ibayashi(井林)井 meaning well, well crib, town, community./ 林 meaning grove, forest.
8624Mase(真瀬)真 meaning true, reality, Buddhist sect./ 瀬 meaning rapids, current, torrent, shallows, shoal.
8625Motozono(本園)本 meaning book, present, main, origin, true, real, counter for long cylindrical things./ 園 meaning park, garden, yard, farm.
8626Oshikata(押方)押 meaning push, stop, check, subdue, attach, seize, weight, shove, press, seal, do in spite of./ 方 meaning direction, person, alternative.
8627Hinago(日名子)日 meaning day, sun, Japan, counter for days./ 名 meaning name, noted, distinguished, reputation./ 子 meaning child, sign of the rat, 11PM-1AM, first sign of Chinese zodiac.
8628Sango(山後)山 meaning mountain./ 後 meaning behind, back, later.
8629Iwana(岩名)岩 meaning boulder, rock, cliff./ 名 meaning name, noted, distinguished, reputation.
8630Inoha(伊野波)伊 meaning Italy, that one./ 野 meaning plains, field, rustic, civilian life./ 波 meaning waves, billows, Poland.
8631Hosomura(細村)細 meaning dainty, get thin, taper, slender, narrow, detailed, precise./ 村 meaning village, town.
8632Moizumi(茂泉)茂 meaning overgrown, grow thick, be luxuriant./ 泉 meaning spring, fountain.
8633Maruo(円尾)円 meaning circle, yen, round./ 尾 meaning tail, end, counter for fish, lower slope of mountain.
8634Kaiya(貝谷)貝 meaning shellfish./ 谷 meaning valley.
8635Todate(外館)外 meaning outside./ 館 meaning building, mansion, large building, palace.
8636Nakamaru(仲丸)仲 meaning go-between, relationship./ 丸 meaning round, full (month), perfection, -ship, pills, make round, roll up, curl up, seduce, explain away.
8637Myoga(明賀)明 meaning bright, light./ 賀 meaning congratulations, joy.
8638Chiwata(千綿)千 meaning thousand./ 綿 meaning cotton.
8639Towata(砥綿)砥 meaning whetstone, grindstone./ 綿 meaning cotton.
8640Urushido(漆戸)漆 meaning lacquer, varnish, seven./ 戸 meaning door, counter for houses, door radical (no. 63).
8641Kanaeda(金枝)金 meaning gold./ 枝 meaning bough, branch, twig, limb, counter for branches.
8642Kogame(小亀)小 meaning little, small./ 亀 meaning tortoise, turtle.
8643Tsushida(津志田)津 meaning haven, port, harbor, ferry./ 志 meaning intention, plan, resolve, aspire, motive, hopes, shilling./ 田 meaning rice field, rice paddy.
8644Hatano(畠野)畠 meaning field, farm, garden, (kokuji)./ 野 meaning plains, field, rustic, civilian life.
8645Tome(當銘)當 meaning bear, accept, undertake, just./ 銘 meaning inscription, signature (of artisan).
8646Motohara(本原)本 meaning book, present, main, origin, true, real, counter for long cylindrical things./ 原 meaning meadow, original, primitive, field, plain, prairie, tundra, wilderness.
8647Akeyama(明山)明 meaning bright, light./ 山 meaning mountain.
8648Mokudai(目代)目 meaning eye, class, look, insight, experience, care, favor./ 代 meaning substitute, change, convert, replace, period, age, counter for decades of ages, eras, etc., generation, charge, rate, fee.
8649Yarita(鑓田)鑓 meaning spear, javelin, (kokuji)./ 田 meaning rice field, rice paddy.
8650Dambara(檀原)檀 meaning cedar, sandlewood, spindle tree./ 原 meaning meadow, original, primitive, field, plain, prairie, tundra, wilderness.
8651Hachisu(蜂巣)蜂 meaning bee, wasp, hornet./ 巣 meaning nest, rookery, hive, cobweb, den.
8652Orio(折尾)折 meaning fold, break, fracture, bend, yield, submit./ 尾 meaning tail, end, counter for fish, lower slope of mountain.
8653Igeta(井下田)井 meaning well, well crib, town, community./ 下 meaning below, down, descend, give, low, inferior./ 田 meaning rice field, rice paddy.
8654Kijima(喜島)喜 meaning rejoice, take pleasure in./ 島 meaning island.
8655Tawaratsumida(俵積田)俵 meaning bag, bale, sack, counter for bags./ 積 meaning volume, product (x*y), acreage, contents, pile up, stack, load, amass./ 田 meaning rice field, rice paddy.
8656Nishimine(西峯)西 meaning west, Spain./ 峯 meaning peak, summit.
8657Ayuha(阿由葉)阿 meaning Africa, flatter, fawn upon, corner, nook, recess./ 由 meaning wherefore, a reason./ 葉 meaning leaf, plane, lobe, needle, blade, spear, counter for flat things, fragment, piece.
8658Itamochi(板持)板 meaning plank, board, plate, stage./ 持 meaning hold, have.
8659Koichi(小市)小 meaning little, small./ 市 meaning market, city, town.
8660Someda(染田)染 meaning dye, color, paint, stain, print./ 田 meaning rice field, rice paddy.
8661Tachinami(立浪)立 meaning stand up, rise, set up, erect./ 浪 meaning wandering, waves, billows, reckless, unrestrained.
8662Tomohara(友原)友 meaning friend./ 原 meaning meadow, original, primitive, field, plain, prairie, tundra, wilderness.
8663Tateda(舘田)舘 meaning mansion, large building, palace./ 田 meaning rice field, rice paddy.
8664Miyato(宮戸)宮 meaning Shinto shrine, constellations, palace, princess./ 戸 meaning door, counter for houses, door radical (no. 63).
8665Sunazuka(砂塚)砂 meaning sand./ 塚 meaning hillock, mound.
8666Numai(沼井)沼 meaning marsh, lake, bog, swamp, pond./ 井 meaning well, well crib, town, community.
8667Arito(有藤)有 meaning possess, have, exist, happen, occur, approx./ 藤 meaning wisteria.
8668Nakahata(中畠)中 meaning in, inside, middle, mean, center./ 畠 meaning field, farm, garden, (kokuji).
8669Sakon(佐近)佐 meaning assistant, help./ 近 meaning near, early, akin, tantamount.
8670Natsumi(夏見)夏 meaning summer./ 見 meaning see, hopes, chances, idea, opinion, look at, visible.
8671Shizume(鎮目)鎮 meaning tranquilize, ancient peace-preservation centers./ 目 meaning eye, class, look, insight, experience, care, favor.
8672Kazari(文)文 meaning sentence, literature, style, art, decoration, figures, plan, literary radical (no. 67).
8673Tomoda(共田)共 meaning together, both, neither, all, and, alike, with./ 田 meaning rice field, rice paddy.
8674Hirohata(廣畑)廣 meaning broad, wide, spacious./ 畑 meaning farm, field, garden, one's specialty, (kokuji).
8675Morikuni(森国)森 meaning forest, woods./ 国 meaning country.
8676Ishiwada(石和田)石 meaning stone./ 和 meaning harmony, Japanese style, peace, soften, Japan./ 田 meaning rice field, rice paddy.
8677Tomaru(外丸)外 meaning outside./ 丸 meaning round, full (month), perfection, -ship, pills, make round, roll up, curl up, seduce, explain away.
8678Harashina(原科)原 meaning meadow, original, primitive, field, plain, prairie, tundra, wilderness./ 科 meaning department, course, section.
8679Murono(室野)室 meaning room, apartment, chamber, greenhouse, cellar./ 野 meaning plains, field, rustic, civilian life.
8680Kushima(久嶋)久 meaning long time, old story./ 嶋 meaning island.
8681Arichi(有地)有 meaning possess, have, exist, happen, occur, approx./ 地 meaning ground, earth.
8682Mihara(見原)見 meaning see, hopes, chances, idea, opinion, look at, visible./ 原 meaning meadow, original, primitive, field, plain, prairie, tundra, wilderness.
8683Deto(出戸)出 meaning exit, leave, go out, come out, put out, protrude./ 戸 meaning door, counter for houses, door radical (no. 63).
8684Itoigawa(糸魚川)糸 meaning thread./ 魚 meaning fish./ 川 meaning stream, river, river or three-stroke river radical (no. 47).
8685Mikuni(三國)三 meaning three./ 國 meaning country.
8686Asami(阿佐美)阿 meaning Africa, flatter, fawn upon, corner, nook, recess./ 佐 meaning assistant, help./ 美 meaning beauty, beautiful.
8687Hamade(浜出)浜 meaning seacoast, beach, seashore./ 出 meaning exit, leave, go out, come out, put out, protrude.
8688Shiozaki(汐崎)汐 meaning eventide, tide, salt water, opportunity./ 崎 meaning promontory, cape, spit.
8689Oiji(生地)生 meaning life, genuine, birth./ 地 meaning ground, earth.
8690Takushima(宅島)宅 meaning home, house, residence, our house, my husband./ 島 meaning island.
8691Tao(垰)垰 meaning mountain pass, ancient kuni, low ground, (kokuji).
8692Atsugi(厚木)厚 meaning thick, heavy, rich, kind, cordial, brazen, shameless./ 木 meaning tree, wood.
8693Sawafuji(沢藤)沢 meaning swamp, marsh, brilliance, grace./ 藤 meaning wisteria.
8694Kawaoka(河岡)河 meaning river./ 岡 meaning mount, hill, knoll.
8695Tsuge(津下)津 meaning haven, port, harbor, ferry./ 下 meaning below, down, descend, give, low, inferior.
8696Tagata(田方)田 meaning rice field, rice paddy./ 方 meaning direction, person, alternative.
8697Tatebayashi(館林)館 meaning building, mansion, large building, palace./ 林 meaning grove, forest.
8698Tomochika(友近)友 meaning friend./ 近 meaning near, early, akin, tantamount.
8699Busujima(毒島)毒 meaning poison, virus, venom, germ, harm, injury, spite./ 島 meaning island.
8700Tachiwana(立和名)立 meaning stand up, rise, set up, erect./ 和 meaning harmony, Japanese style, peace, soften, Japan./ 名 meaning name, noted, distinguished, reputation.
8701Tsuneishi(常石)常 meaning usual, ordinary, normal, common, regular, continually, always, long-lasting./ 石 meaning stone.
8702Hanaka(花香)花 meaning flower./ 香 meaning incense, smell, perfume.
8703Myo(明)明 meaning bright, light.
8704Sasakura(篠倉)篠 meaning bamboo grass./ 倉 meaning godown, warehouse, storehouse, cellar, treasury.
8705Hidai(比田井)比 meaning compare, race, ratio, Philippines./ 田 meaning rice field, rice paddy./ 井 meaning well, well crib, town, community.
8706Yukino(雪野)雪 meaning snow./ 野 meaning plains, field, rustic, civilian life.
8707Matsutomo(松友)松 meaning pine tree./ 友 meaning friend.
8708Manago(真名子)真 meaning true, reality, Buddhist sect./ 名 meaning name, noted, distinguished, reputation./ 子 meaning child, sign of the rat, 11PM-1AM, first sign of Chinese zodiac.
8709Sumimoto(炭本)炭 meaning charcoal, coal./ 本 meaning book, present, main, origin, true, real, counter for long cylindrical things.
8710Kaya(嘉屋)嘉 meaning applaud, praise, esteem, happy, auspicious./ 屋 meaning roof, house, shop, dealer, seller.
8711Niibo(新穂)新 meaning new./ 穂 meaning ear, ear (grain), head, crest (wave).
8712Fusato(冨里)冨 meaning enrich, wealthy, abundant./ 里 meaning ri, village, parent's home, league.
8713Sugito(杉藤)杉 meaning cedar, cryptomeria./ 藤 meaning wisteria.
8714Shikiji(敷地)敷 meaning spread, pave, sit, promulgate./ 地 meaning ground, earth.
8715Natsukawa(夏川)夏 meaning summer./ 川 meaning stream, river, river or three-stroke river radical (no. 47).
8716Honke(本家)本 meaning book, present, main, origin, true, real, counter for long cylindrical things./ 家 meaning house, home, family, professional, expert, performer.
8717Noshiro(野城)野 meaning plains, field, rustic, civilian life./ 城 meaning castle.
8718Ibuka(伊深)伊 meaning Italy, that one./ 深 meaning deep, heighten, intensify, strengthen.
8719Yadori(宿里)宿 meaning inn, lodging, relay station, dwell, lodge, be pregnant, home, dwelling./ 里 meaning ri, village, parent's home, league.
8720Kuranari(倉成)倉 meaning godown, warehouse, storehouse, cellar, treasury./ 成 meaning turn into, become, get, grow, elapse, reach.
8721Kutsuzawa(沓澤)沓 meaning shoes, boots./ 澤 meaning swamp.
8722Nomizo(野溝)野 meaning plains, field, rustic, civilian life./ 溝 meaning gutter, ditch, sewer, drain, 10**32.
8723Kita(木多)木 meaning tree, wood./ 多 meaning many, frequent, much.
8724Sugimachi(杉町)杉 meaning cedar, cryptomeria./ 町 meaning town, village, block, street.
8725Funakoshi(舩越)舩 meaning boat, ship, vessel./ 越 meaning surpass, cross over, move to, exceed, Vietnam.
8726Rikihisa(力久)力 meaning power, strength, strong, strain, bear up, exert./ 久 meaning long time, old story.
8727Ikeoka(池岡)池 meaning pond, cistern, pool, reservoir./ 岡 meaning mount, hill, knoll.
8728Torigata(鳥潟)鳥 meaning bird, chicken./ 潟 meaning lagoon.
8729Takemiya(武宮)武 meaning warrior, military, chivalry, arms./ 宮 meaning Shinto shrine, constellations, palace, princess.
8730Motohashi(元橋)元 meaning beginning, former time, origin./ 橋 meaning bridge.
8731Muroki(室木)室 meaning room, apartment, chamber, greenhouse, cellar./ 木 meaning tree, wood.
8732Takanaka(高仲)高 meaning tall, high, expensive./ 仲 meaning go-between, relationship.
8733Maruishi(丸石)丸 meaning round, full (month), perfection, -ship, pills, make round, roll up, curl up, seduce, explain away./ 石 meaning stone.
8734Kinno(金納)金 meaning gold./ 納 meaning settlement, obtain, reap, pay, supply, store.
8735Kowaki(小脇)小 meaning little, small./ 脇 meaning armpit, the other way, another place, flank, supporting role.
8736Kamimoto(紙本)紙 meaning paper./ 本 meaning book, present, main, origin, true, real, counter for long cylindrical things.
8737Momoi(百井)百 meaning hundred./ 井 meaning well, well crib, town, community.
8738Maita(舞田)舞 meaning dance, flit, circle, wheel./ 田 meaning rice field, rice paddy.
8739Shikita(敷田)敷 meaning spread, pave, sit, promulgate./ 田 meaning rice field, rice paddy.
8740Akehi(明比)明 meaning bright, light./ 比 meaning compare, race, ratio, Philippines.
8741Hiei(日永)日 meaning day, sun, Japan, counter for days./ 永 meaning eternity, long, lengthy.
8742Mitake(三竹)三 meaning three./ 竹 meaning bamboo.
8743Sugisaki(杉﨑)杉 meaning cedar, cryptomeria./ 﨑 meaning point、point、head、ness、cape、headland、foreland、head、promontory.
8744Urase(浦瀬)浦 meaning bay, creek, inlet, gulf, beach, seacoast./ 瀬 meaning rapids, current, torrent, shallows, shoal.
8745Yonahara(与那原)与 meaning bestow, participate in, give, award, impart, provide, cause, gift, godsend./ 那 meaning what?./ 原 meaning meadow, original, primitive, field, plain, prairie, tundra, wilderness.
8746Furushima(古嶋)古 meaning old./ 嶋 meaning island.
8747Tagami(田神)田 meaning rice field, rice paddy./ 神 meaning gods, mind, soul.
8748Nagado(長堂)長 meaning long, leader, superior, senior./ 堂 meaning public chamber, hall.
8749Kanemaki(印牧)印 meaning stamp, seal, mark, imprint, symbol, emblem, trademark, evidence, souvenir, India./ 牧 meaning breed, care for, shepherd, feed, pasture.
8750Kimachi(来海)来 meaning come, due, next, cause, become./ 海 meaning sea, ocean.
8751Shimojima(霜島)霜 meaning frost./ 島 meaning island.
8752Itoman(糸満)糸 meaning thread./ 満 meaning full, fullness, enough, satisfy.
8753Izumida(和泉田)和 meaning harmony, Japanese style, peace, soften, Japan./ 泉 meaning spring, fountain./ 田 meaning rice field, rice paddy.
8754Orino(折野)折 meaning fold, break, fracture, bend, yield, submit./ 野 meaning plains, field, rustic, civilian life.
8755Uwabe(上部)上 meaning above, up./ 部 meaning section, bureau, dept, class, copy, part, portion, counter for copies of a newspaper or magazine.
8756Kurayama(倉山)倉 meaning godown, warehouse, storehouse, cellar, treasury./ 山 meaning mountain.
8757Serata(世良田)世 meaning generation, world, society, public./ 良 meaning good, pleasing, skilled./ 田 meaning rice field, rice paddy.
8758Inaji(稲次)稲 meaning rice plant./ 次 meaning next, order, sequence.
8759Suemasu(末益)末 meaning end, close, tip, powder, posterity./ 益 meaning benefit, gain, profit, advantage.
8760Tomatsuri(戸祭)戸 meaning door, counter for houses, door radical (no. 63)./ 祭 meaning ritual, offer prayers, celebrate, deify, enshrine, worship.
8761Niida(新居田)新 meaning new./ 居 meaning reside, to be, exist, live with./ 田 meaning rice field, rice paddy.
8762Dezawa(出沢)出 meaning exit, leave, go out, come out, put out, protrude./ 沢 meaning swamp, marsh, brilliance, grace.
8763Gommori(権守)権 meaning authority, power, rights./ 守 meaning guard, protect, defend, obey.
8764Tomoyasu(友安)友 meaning friend./ 安 meaning relax, cheap, low, quiet, rested, contented, peaceful.
8765Machii(待井)待 meaning wait, depend on./ 井 meaning well, well crib, town, community.
8766Yasueda(安枝)安 meaning relax, cheap, low, quiet, rested, contented, peaceful./ 枝 meaning bough, branch, twig, limb, counter for branches.
8767Atsumi(厚海)厚 meaning thick, heavy, rich, kind, cordial, brazen, shameless./ 海 meaning sea, ocean.
8768Hikage(日影)日 meaning day, sun, Japan, counter for days./ 影 meaning shadow, silhouette, phantom.
8769Shirasu(白数)白 meaning white./ 数 meaning number, strength, fate, law, figures.
8770Kushi(久志)久 meaning long time, old story./ 志 meaning intention, plan, resolve, aspire, motive, hopes, shilling.
8771Mizunashi(水梨)水 meaning water./ 梨 meaning pear tree.
8772Shizuku(雫)雫 meaning drop, trickle, dripping, (kokuji).
8773Suekawa(末川)末 meaning end, close, tip, powder, posterity./ 川 meaning stream, river, river or three-stroke river radical (no. 47).
8774Kobuchi(河渕)河 meaning river./ 渕 meaning edge.
8775Kuroda(畔田)畔 meaning paddy ridge, levee./ 田 meaning rice field, rice paddy.
8776Irii(入井)入 meaning enter, insert./ 井 meaning well, well crib, town, community.
8777Naiki(内記)内 meaning inside, within, between, among, house, home./ 記 meaning scribe, account, narrative.
8778Ogai(大貝)大 meaning large, big./ 貝 meaning shellfish.
8779Takaizumi(高泉)高 meaning tall, high, expensive./ 泉 meaning spring, fountain.
8780Wada(和多)和 meaning harmony, Japanese style, peace, soften, Japan./ 多 meaning many, frequent, much.
8781Iesaki(家崎)家 meaning house, home, family, professional, expert, performer./ 崎 meaning promontory, cape, spit.
8782Tensaka(天坂)天 meaning heavens, sky, imperial./ 坂 meaning slope, incline, hill.
8783Kondo(金銅)金 meaning gold./ 銅 meaning copper.
8784Satoi(里井)里 meaning ri, village, parent's home, league./ 井 meaning well, well crib, town, community.
8785Ishisaka(石阪)石 meaning stone./ 阪 meaning heights, slope.
8786Takanohashi(鷹箸)鷹 meaning hawk./ 箸 meaning chopsticks.
8787Nishigaito(西垣内)西 meaning west, Spain./ 垣 meaning hedge, fence, wall./ 内 meaning inside, within, between, among, house, home.
8788Chazono(茶園)茶 meaning tea./ 園 meaning park, garden, yard, farm.
8789Shiraga(白髪)白 meaning white./ 髪 meaning hair of the head.
8790Keida(慶田)慶 meaning jubilation, congratulate, rejoice, be happy./ 田 meaning rice field, rice paddy.
8791Kadoka(門岡)門 meaning gate, counter for cannons./ 岡 meaning mount, hill, knoll.
8792Ichikawa(一川)一 meaning one, one radical (no.1)./ 川 meaning stream, river, river or three-stroke river radical (no. 47).
8793Hakoyama(箱山)箱 meaning box, chest, case, bin, railway car./ 山 meaning mountain.
8794Sawahata(沢畠)沢 meaning swamp, marsh, brilliance, grace./ 畠 meaning field, farm, garden, (kokuji).
8795Nagino(梛野)梛 meaning type of tall evergreen tree./ 野 meaning plains, field, rustic, civilian life.
8796Iwaida(岩井田)岩 meaning boulder, rock, cliff./ 井 meaning well, well crib, town, community./ 田 meaning rice field, rice paddy.
8797Namimatsu(並松)並 meaning row, and, besides, as well as, line up, rank with, rival, equal./ 松 meaning pine tree.
8798Funami(舟見)舟 meaning boat, ship./ 見 meaning see, hopes, chances, idea, opinion, look at, visible.
8799Asaga(朝賀)朝 meaning morning, dynasty, regime, epoch, period, (North) Korea./ 賀 meaning congratulations, joy.
8800Dazai(太宰)太 meaning plump, thick, big around./ 宰 meaning superintend, manager, rule.
8801Sadamatsu(定松)定 meaning determine, fix, establish, decide./ 松 meaning pine tree.
8802Hanajima(花嶋)花 meaning flower./ 嶋 meaning island.
8803Aga(阿賀)阿 meaning Africa, flatter, fawn upon, corner, nook, recess./ 賀 meaning congratulations, joy.
8804Inokoshi(猪越)猪 meaning boar./ 越 meaning surpass, cross over, move to, exceed, Vietnam.
8805Mitsuya(三ツ谷)三 meaning three./ ツ meaning / 谷 meaning valley.
8806Kawamata(川真田)川 meaning stream, river, river or three-stroke river radical (no. 47)./ 真 meaning true, reality, Buddhist sect./ 田 meaning rice field, rice paddy.
8807Oyanagi(小栁)小 meaning little, small./ 栁 meaning .
8808Fukashiro(深代)深 meaning deep, heighten, intensify, strengthen./ 代 meaning substitute, change, convert, replace, period, age, counter for decades of ages, eras, etc., generation, charge, rate, fee.
8809Yasunari(安成)安 meaning relax, cheap, low, quiet, rested, contented, peaceful./ 成 meaning turn into, become, get, grow, elapse, reach.
8810Nikai(二階)二 meaning two, two radical (no. 7)./ 階 meaning storey, stair, counter for storeys of a building.
8811Buma(武馬)武 meaning warrior, military, chivalry, arms./ 馬 meaning horse.
8812Iwatsuki(岩槻)岩 meaning boulder, rock, cliff./ 槻 meaning Zelkova tree.
8813Uegaki(上柿)上 meaning above, up./ 柿 meaning persimmon.
8814Kyomasu(京増)京 meaning capital, 10**16./ 増 meaning increase, add, augment, gain, promote.
8815Senokuchi(瀬之口)瀬 meaning rapids, current, torrent, shallows, shoal./ 之 meaning of, this./ 口 meaning mouth.
8816Hosogaya(細萱)細 meaning dainty, get thin, taper, slender, narrow, detailed, precise./ 萱 meaning miscanthus reed.
8817Manda(萬田)萬 meaning ten thousand, 10,000./ 田 meaning rice field, rice paddy.
8818Kikutsugi(菊次)菊 meaning chrysanthemum./ 次 meaning next, order, sequence.
8819Sugane(菅根)菅 meaning sedge./ 根 meaning root, radical, head (pimple).
8820Omino(小美野)小 meaning little, small./ 美 meaning beauty, beautiful./ 野 meaning plains, field, rustic, civilian life.
8821Kamasaki(釜崎)釜 meaning kettle, cauldron, iron pot./ 崎 meaning promontory, cape, spit.
8822Hagawa(羽川)羽 meaning feathers, counter for birds, rabbits./ 川 meaning stream, river, river or three-stroke river radical (no. 47).
8823Sada(定)定 meaning determine, fix, establish, decide.
8824Asaishi(浅石)浅 meaning shallow, superficial, frivolous, wretched, shameful./ 石 meaning stone.
8825Yasuyama(安山)安 meaning relax, cheap, low, quiet, rested, contented, peaceful./ 山 meaning mountain.
8826Namiki(双木)双 meaning pair, set, comparison, counter for pairs./ 木 meaning tree, wood.
8827Kuwahata(桑波田)桑 meaning mulberry./ 波 meaning waves, billows, Poland./ 田 meaning rice field, rice paddy.
8828In(因)因 meaning cause, factor, be associated with, depend on, be limited to.
8829Hamasaka(浜坂)浜 meaning seacoast, beach, seashore./ 坂 meaning slope, incline, hill.
8830Uehashi(上橋)上 meaning above, up./ 橋 meaning bridge.
8831Miyazoe(宮副)宮 meaning Shinto shrine, constellations, palace, princess./ 副 meaning vice-, assistant, aide, duplicate, copy.
8832Ureshino(嬉野)嬉 meaning glad, pleased, rejoice./ 野 meaning plains, field, rustic, civilian life.
8833Sawairi(沢入)沢 meaning swamp, marsh, brilliance, grace./ 入 meaning enter, insert.
8834Torita(鳥田)鳥 meaning bird, chicken./ 田 meaning rice field, rice paddy.
8835Ishitaka(石高)石 meaning stone./ 高 meaning tall, high, expensive.
8836Gondai(権代)権 meaning authority, power, rights./ 代 meaning substitute, change, convert, replace, period, age, counter for decades of ages, eras, etc., generation, charge, rate, fee.
8837Tozawa(兎沢)兎 meaning rabbit, hare./ 沢 meaning swamp, marsh, brilliance, grace.
8838Mukaihata(向畑)向 meaning yonder, facing, beyond, confront, defy, tend toward, approach./ 畑 meaning farm, field, garden, one's specialty, (kokuji).
8839Hando(半藤)半 meaning half, middle, odd number, semi-, part-./ 藤 meaning wisteria.
8840Takekuma(武隈)武 meaning warrior, military, chivalry, arms./ 隈 meaning corner, nook, recess.
8841Tsuchino(土野)土 meaning soil, earth, ground, Turkey./ 野 meaning plains, field, rustic, civilian life.
8842Yanagimoto(柳元)柳 meaning willow./ 元 meaning beginning, former time, origin.
8843Kusumi(久須美)久 meaning long time, old story./ 須 meaning ought, by all means, necessarily./ 美 meaning beauty, beautiful.
8844Moronaga(諸永)諸 meaning various, many, several, together./ 永 meaning eternity, long, lengthy.
8845Tomishige(富重)富 meaning wealth, enrich, abundant./ 重 meaning heavy, important, esteem, respect, heap up, pile up, nest of boxes, -fold.
8846Bise(備瀬)備 meaning equip, provision, preparation./ 瀬 meaning rapids, current, torrent, shallows, shoal.
8847Zushi(厨子)厨 meaning kitchen./ 子 meaning child, sign of the rat, 11PM-1AM, first sign of Chinese zodiac.
8848Tambara(丹原)丹 meaning rust-colored, red, red lead, pills, sincerity./ 原 meaning meadow, original, primitive, field, plain, prairie, tundra, wilderness.
8849Higashihira(東平)東 meaning east./ 平 meaning even, flat, peace.
8850Hayama(巴山)巴 meaning comma-design./ 山 meaning mountain.
8851Minoda(簑田)簑 meaning a coat raincoat./ 田 meaning rice field, rice paddy.
8852Kogusuri(小薬)小 meaning little, small./ 薬 meaning medicine, chemical, enamel, gunpowder, benefit.
8853Kanemura(兼村)兼 meaning concurrently, and, beforehand, in advance./ 村 meaning village, town.
8854Aiba(相庭)相 meaning inter-, mutual, together, each other, minister of state, councillor, aspect, phase, physiognomy./ 庭 meaning courtyard, garden, yard.
8855Tanamura(棚村)棚 meaning shelf, ledge, rack, mount, mantle, trellis./ 村 meaning village, town.
8856Nishikata(西形)西 meaning west, Spain./ 形 meaning shape, form, style.
8857Nukaya(糠谷)糠 meaning rice bran./ 谷 meaning valley.
8858Fuchiwaki(淵脇)淵 meaning abyss, edge, deep pool, the depths./ 脇 meaning armpit, the other way, another place, flank, supporting role.
8859Mitsuishi(光石)光 meaning ray, light./ 石 meaning stone.
8860Nakadate(中館)中 meaning in, inside, middle, mean, center./ 館 meaning building, mansion, large building, palace.
8861Yokoka(横岡)横 meaning sideways, side, horizontal, width, woof, unreasonable, perverse./ 岡 meaning mount, hill, knoll.
8862Tomosada(友定)友 meaning friend./ 定 meaning determine, fix, establish, decide.
8863Kine(木根)木 meaning tree, wood./ 根 meaning root, radical, head (pimple).
8864Oshiki(押木)押 meaning push, stop, check, subdue, attach, seize, weight, shove, press, seal, do in spite of./ 木 meaning tree, wood.
8865Kessoku(結束)結 meaning tie, bind, contract, join, organize, do up hair, fasten./ 束 meaning bundle, sheaf, ream, tie in bundles, govern, manage, control.
8866Isoi(磯井)磯 meaning seashore, beach./ 井 meaning well, well crib, town, community.
8867Yamahashi(山橋)山 meaning mountain./ 橋 meaning bridge.
8868Shinano(信濃)信 meaning faith, truth, fidelity, trust./ 濃 meaning concentrated, thick, dark, undiluted.
8869Oshimo(大霜)大 meaning large, big./ 霜 meaning frost.
8870Shubo(酒房)酒 meaning sake, alcohol./ 房 meaning tassel, tuft, fringe, bunch, lock (hair), segment (orange), house, room.
8871Kawasumi(河澄)河 meaning river./ 澄 meaning lucidity, be clear, clear, clarify, settle, strain, look grave.
8872Takachio(高知尾)高 meaning tall, high, expensive./ 知 meaning know, wisdom./ 尾 meaning tail, end, counter for fish, lower slope of mountain.
8873Omi(尾見)尾 meaning tail, end, counter for fish, lower slope of mountain./ 見 meaning see, hopes, chances, idea, opinion, look at, visible.
8874Nakaigawa(中井川)中 meaning in, inside, middle, mean, center./ 井 meaning well, well crib, town, community./ 川 meaning stream, river, river or three-stroke river radical (no. 47).
8875Shojima(庄島)庄 meaning level, in the country, manor, village, hamlet./ 島 meaning island.
8876Nakakuma(中熊)中 meaning in, inside, middle, mean, center./ 熊 meaning bear.
8877Kayashima(茅島)茅 meaning miscanthus reed./ 島 meaning island.
8878Kaetsu(嘉悦)嘉 meaning applaud, praise, esteem, happy, auspicious./ 悦 meaning ecstasy, joy, rapture.
8879Funase(船瀬)船 meaning ship, boat./ 瀬 meaning rapids, current, torrent, shallows, shoal.
8880Enami(江南)江 meaning creek, inlet, bay./ 南 meaning south.
8881Kyo(京)京 meaning capital, 10**16.
8882Makioka(牧岡)牧 meaning breed, care for, shepherd, feed, pasture./ 岡 meaning mount, hill, knoll.
8883Fukutsuka(福塚)福 meaning blessing, fortune, luck, wealth./ 塚 meaning hillock, mound.
8884Tokai(渡海)渡 meaning transit, ford, ferry, cross, import, deliver, diameter, migrate./ 海 meaning sea, ocean.
8885Sumita(澄田)澄 meaning lucidity, be clear, clear, clarify, settle, strain, look grave./ 田 meaning rice field, rice paddy.
8886Nakatsuji(仲辻)仲 meaning go-between, relationship./ 辻 meaning crossing, crossroad, street corners, (kokuji).
8887Tsunoda(津野田)津 meaning haven, port, harbor, ferry./ 野 meaning plains, field, rustic, civilian life./ 田 meaning rice field, rice paddy.
8888Susuki(須々木)須 meaning ought, by all means, necessarily./ 々 meaning iteration mark./ 木 meaning tree, wood.
8889Sakurayama(桜山)桜 meaning cherry./ 山 meaning mountain.
8890Kawarabayashi(河原林)河 meaning river./ 原 meaning meadow, original, primitive, field, plain, prairie, tundra, wilderness./ 林 meaning grove, forest.
8891Tachiya(立谷)立 meaning stand up, rise, set up, erect./ 谷 meaning valley.
8892Sasama(笹間)笹 meaning bamboo grass, (kokuji)./ 間 meaning interval, space.
8893Karikomi(刈込)刈 meaning reap, cut, clip, trim, prune./ 込 meaning crowded, mixture, in bulk, included, (kokuji).
8894Mochidome(持留)持 meaning hold, have./ 留 meaning detain, fasten, halt, stop.
8895Nagamitsu(長光)長 meaning long, leader, superior, senior./ 光 meaning ray, light.
8896Aka(阿嘉)阿 meaning Africa, flatter, fawn upon, corner, nook, recess./ 嘉 meaning applaud, praise, esteem, happy, auspicious.
8897Hamamichi(浜道)浜 meaning seacoast, beach, seashore./ 道 meaning road-way, street, district, journey, course, moral, teachings.
8898Hachiyama(八山)八 meaning eight, eight radical (no. 12)./ 山 meaning mountain.
8899Nakashige(中重)中 meaning in, inside, middle, mean, center./ 重 meaning heavy, important, esteem, respect, heap up, pile up, nest of boxes, -fold.
8900Yagami(八神)八 meaning eight, eight radical (no. 12)./ 神 meaning gods, mind, soul.
8901Tsubochi(壷内)壷 meaning jar, pot, hinge knuckle, one's aim./ 内 meaning inside, within, between, among, house, home.
8902Dorin(道林)道 meaning road-way, street, district, journey, course, moral, teachings./ 林 meaning grove, forest.
8903Shimokura(下倉)下 meaning below, down, descend, give, low, inferior./ 倉 meaning godown, warehouse, storehouse, cellar, treasury.
8904Itaba(板場)板 meaning plank, board, plate, stage./ 場 meaning location, place.
8905Mizowaki(溝脇)溝 meaning gutter, ditch, sewer, drain, 10**32./ 脇 meaning armpit, the other way, another place, flank, supporting role.
8906Arima(有間)有 meaning possess, have, exist, happen, occur, approx./ 間 meaning interval, space.
8907Mashio(真尾)真 meaning true, reality, Buddhist sect./ 尾 meaning tail, end, counter for fish, lower slope of mountain.
8908Okubayashi(奥林)奥 meaning heart, interior./ 林 meaning grove, forest.
8909Funakawa(舟川)舟 meaning boat, ship./ 川 meaning stream, river, river or three-stroke river radical (no. 47).
8910Uchiya(打矢)打 meaning strike, hit, knock, pound, dozen./ 矢 meaning dart, arrow.
8911Kurotobi(黒飛)黒 meaning black./ 飛 meaning fly, skip (pages), scatter.
8912Hitani(日谷)日 meaning day, sun, Japan, counter for days./ 谷 meaning valley.
8913Nakasugi(中杉)中 meaning in, inside, middle, mean, center./ 杉 meaning cedar, cryptomeria.
8914Nagaya(永冶)永 meaning eternity, long, lengthy./ 冶 meaning melting, smelting.
8915Kariya(仮谷)仮 meaning sham, temporary, interim, assumed (name), informal./ 谷 meaning valley.
8916Kuniyoshi(國吉)國 meaning country./ 吉 meaning good luck, joy, congratulations.
8917Tanemoto(種本)種 meaning species, kind, class, variety, seed./ 本 meaning book, present, main, origin, true, real, counter for long cylindrical things.
8918Sakae(坂江)坂 meaning slope, incline, hill./ 江 meaning creek, inlet, bay.
8919Okusako(奥迫)奥 meaning heart, interior./ 迫 meaning urge, force, imminent, spur on.
8920Arisue(有末)有 meaning possess, have, exist, happen, occur, approx./ 末 meaning end, close, tip, powder, posterity.
8921Oshima(大嶌)大 meaning large, big./ 嶌 meaning island.
8922Koshiyama(腰山)腰 meaning loins, hips, waist, low wainscoting./ 山 meaning mountain.
8923Nagamune(長棟)長 meaning long, leader, superior, senior./ 棟 meaning ridgepole, ridge.
8924Mikado(三門)三 meaning three./ 門 meaning gate, counter for cannons.
8925Nishido(西戸)西 meaning west, Spain./ 戸 meaning door, counter for houses, door radical (no. 63).
8926Sadamoto(定本)定 meaning determine, fix, establish, decide./ 本 meaning book, present, main, origin, true, real, counter for long cylindrical things.
8927Owashi(尾鷲)尾 meaning tail, end, counter for fish, lower slope of mountain./ 鷲 meaning eagle.
8928Nonogawa(野々川)野 meaning plains, field, rustic, civilian life./ 々 meaning iteration mark./ 川 meaning stream, river, river or three-stroke river radical (no. 47).
8929Yao(八百)八 meaning eight, eight radical (no. 12)./ 百 meaning hundred.
8930Sakakura(阪倉)阪 meaning heights, slope./ 倉 meaning godown, warehouse, storehouse, cellar, treasury.
8931Kasada(笠田)笠 meaning bamboo hat, one's influence./ 田 meaning rice field, rice paddy.
8932Kamiie(上家)上 meaning above, up./ 家 meaning house, home, family, professional, expert, performer.
8933Kanameda(要田)要 meaning need, main point, essence, pivot, key to./ 田 meaning rice field, rice paddy.
8934Hagiri(羽切)羽 meaning feathers, counter for birds, rabbits./ 切 meaning cut, cutoff, be sharp.
8935Sakaiya(境谷)境 meaning boundary, border, region./ 谷 meaning valley.
8936Sunaba(砂場)砂 meaning sand./ 場 meaning location, place.
8937Samoto(佐本)佐 meaning assistant, help./ 本 meaning book, present, main, origin, true, real, counter for long cylindrical things.
8938Nishino(西埜)西 meaning west, Spain./ 埜 meaning open country, field, wilderness.
8939Hatano(籏野)籏 meaning flag, banner./ 野 meaning plains, field, rustic, civilian life.
8940Satsukawa(薩川)薩 meaning salvation, Buddha./ 川 meaning stream, river, river or three-stroke river radical (no. 47).
8941Murachi(村地)村 meaning village, town./ 地 meaning ground, earth.
8942Matsuya(松矢)松 meaning pine tree./ 矢 meaning dart, arrow.
8943Yamatsu(山津)山 meaning mountain./ 津 meaning haven, port, harbor, ferry.
8944Masuzaki(増崎)増 meaning increase, add, augment, gain, promote./ 崎 meaning promontory, cape, spit.
8945Kozaki(幸崎)幸 meaning happiness, blessing, fortune./ 崎 meaning promontory, cape, spit.
8946Shiosaki(塩﨑)塩 meaning salt./ 﨑 meaning point、point、head、ness、cape、headland、foreland、head、promontory.
8947Saita(税田)税 meaning tax, duty./ 田 meaning rice field, rice paddy.
8948Ushiki(宇敷)宇 meaning eaves, roof, house, heaven./ 敷 meaning spread, pave, sit, promulgate.
8949Teradaira(寺平)寺 meaning Buddhist temple./ 平 meaning even, flat, peace.
8950Oroku(小禄)小 meaning little, small./ 禄 meaning fief, allowance, pension, grant, happiness.
8951Nomura(野邑)野 meaning plains, field, rustic, civilian life./ 邑 meaning village, rural community, right village radical (no. 163).
8952Yamaichi(山市)山 meaning mountain./ 市 meaning market, city, town.
8953Kabasawa(蒲沢)蒲 meaning bullrush, flag, cattail./ 沢 meaning swamp, marsh, brilliance, grace.
8954Yasugahira(安ケ平)安 meaning relax, cheap, low, quiet, rested, contented, peaceful./ ケ meaning / 平 meaning even, flat, peace.
8955Kikutake(菊竹)菊 meaning chrysanthemum./ 竹 meaning bamboo.
8956Uekama(上釜)上 meaning above, up./ 釜 meaning kettle, cauldron, iron pot.
8957Hoshimoto(星本)星 meaning star, spot, dot, mark./ 本 meaning book, present, main, origin, true, real, counter for long cylindrical things.
8958Fujita(冨士田)冨 meaning enrich, wealthy, abundant./ 士 meaning gentleman, scholar, samurai, samurai radical (no. 33)./ 田 meaning rice field, rice paddy.
8959Namizaki(浪崎)浪 meaning wandering, waves, billows, reckless, unrestrained./ 崎 meaning promontory, cape, spit.
8960Oe(小江)小 meaning little, small./ 江 meaning creek, inlet, bay.
8961Iyama(猪山)猪 meaning boar./ 山 meaning mountain.
8962Sumita(炭田)炭 meaning charcoal, coal./ 田 meaning rice field, rice paddy.
8963Iwatake(岩竹)岩 meaning boulder, rock, cliff./ 竹 meaning bamboo.
8964Sadamitsu(貞光)貞 meaning upright, chastity, constancy, righteousness./ 光 meaning ray, light.
8965Hatazaki(畑崎)畑 meaning farm, field, garden, one's specialty, (kokuji)./ 崎 meaning promontory, cape, spit.
8966Hinata(日当)日 meaning day, sun, Japan, counter for days./ 当 meaning hit, right, appropriate, himself.
8967Amagai(雨貝)雨 meaning rain./ 貝 meaning shellfish.
8968Michimata(道又)道 meaning road-way, street, district, journey, course, moral, teachings./ 又 meaning or again, furthermore, on the other hand.
8969Kurakane(倉金)倉 meaning godown, warehouse, storehouse, cellar, treasury./ 金 meaning gold.
8970Tobiyama(飛山)飛 meaning fly, skip (pages), scatter./ 山 meaning mountain.
8971Tsunenari(恒成)恒 meaning constancy, always./ 成 meaning turn into, become, get, grow, elapse, reach.
8972Minari(三成)三 meaning three./ 成 meaning turn into, become, get, grow, elapse, reach.
8973Sawame(沢目)沢 meaning swamp, marsh, brilliance, grace./ 目 meaning eye, class, look, insight, experience, care, favor.
8974Ai(藍)藍 meaning indigo.
8975Hiromoto(廣本)廣 meaning broad, wide, spacious./ 本 meaning book, present, main, origin, true, real, counter for long cylindrical things.
8976Shoji(正路)正 meaning correct, justice, righteous, 10**40./ 路 meaning path, route, road, distance.
8977Tawa(多和)多 meaning many, frequent, much./ 和 meaning harmony, Japanese style, peace, soften, Japan.
8978Makio(牧尾)牧 meaning breed, care for, shepherd, feed, pasture./ 尾 meaning tail, end, counter for fish, lower slope of mountain.
8979Seri(世利)世 meaning generation, world, society, public./ 利 meaning profit, advantage, benefit.
8980Fushihara(伏原)伏 meaning prostrated, bend down, bow, cover, lay (pipes)./ 原 meaning meadow, original, primitive, field, plain, prairie, tundra, wilderness.
8981Gocho(牛腸)牛 meaning cow./ 腸 meaning intestines, guts, bowels, viscera.
8982Okikura(沖倉)沖 meaning open sea, offing, rise high into sky./ 倉 meaning godown, warehouse, storehouse, cellar, treasury.
8983Hayashitani(林谷)林 meaning grove, forest./ 谷 meaning valley.
8984Yoshizuru(吉鶴)吉 meaning good luck, joy, congratulations./ 鶴 meaning crane, stork.
8985Yorioka(依岡)依 meaning reliant, depend on, consequently, therefore, due to./ 岡 meaning mount, hill, knoll.
8986Tsubuki(津吹)津 meaning haven, port, harbor, ferry./ 吹 meaning blow, breathe, puff, emit, smoke.
8987Yamochi(矢持)矢 meaning dart, arrow./ 持 meaning hold, have.
8988Ogisu(荻須)荻 meaning reed, rush./ 須 meaning ought, by all means, necessarily.
8989Itosu(糸洲)糸 meaning thread./ 洲 meaning continent, sandbar, island, country.
8990Kanesaka(兼坂)兼 meaning concurrently, and, beforehand, in advance./ 坂 meaning slope, incline, hill.
8991Tomonaga(朝永)朝 meaning morning, dynasty, regime, epoch, period, (North) Korea./ 永 meaning eternity, long, lengthy.
8992Haratake(原武)原 meaning meadow, original, primitive, field, plain, prairie, tundra, wilderness./ 武 meaning warrior, military, chivalry, arms.
8993Fujimagari(藤曲)藤 meaning wisteria./ 曲 meaning bend, music, melody, composition, pleasure, injustice, fault, curve, crooked, perverse, lean.
8994Kanematsu(金松)金 meaning gold./ 松 meaning pine tree.
8995Yabumoto(藪本)藪 meaning thicket, bush, underbrush, grove./ 本 meaning book, present, main, origin, true, real, counter for long cylindrical things.
8996Odo(大土)大 meaning large, big./ 土 meaning soil, earth, ground, Turkey.
8997Akimoto(穐本)穐 meaning autumn./ 本 meaning book, present, main, origin, true, real, counter for long cylindrical things.
8998Nukina(貫名)貫 meaning pierce, 8 1/3lbs, penetrate, brace./ 名 meaning name, noted, distinguished, reputation.
8999Yoshimine(吉峰)吉 meaning good luck, joy, congratulations./ 峰 meaning summit, peak.
9000Takazoe(高添)高 meaning tall, high, expensive./ 添 meaning annexed, accompany, marry, suit, meet, satisfy, attach, append, garnish, imitate.

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