Japanese Last Name Meanings | Rank 8,001 to 8,500

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RankLast NameMeaning
8001Nagato(長渡)長 meaning long, leader, superior, senior./ 渡 meaning transit, ford, ferry, cross, import, deliver, diameter, migrate.
8002Tateda(館田)館 meaning building, mansion, large building, palace./ 田 meaning rice field, rice paddy.
8003Miyamaru(宮丸)宮 meaning Shinto shrine, constellations, palace, princess./ 丸 meaning round, full (month), perfection, -ship, pills, make round, roll up, curl up, seduce, explain away.
8004Ichinoseki(一関)一 meaning one, one radical (no.1)./ 関 meaning connection, barrier, gateway, involve, concerning.
8005Ori(大利)大 meaning large, big./ 利 meaning profit, advantage, benefit.
8006Uefuji(上藤)上 meaning above, up./ 藤 meaning wisteria.
8007Tamotsu(保)保 meaning protect, guarantee, keep, preserve, sustain, support.
8008Yanagino(柳野)柳 meaning willow./ 野 meaning plains, field, rustic, civilian life.
8009Sakamoto(阪元)阪 meaning heights, slope./ 元 meaning beginning, former time, origin.
8010Nakamiya(中宮)中 meaning in, inside, middle, mean, center./ 宮 meaning Shinto shrine, constellations, palace, princess.
8011Nazuka(名塚)名 meaning name, noted, distinguished, reputation./ 塚 meaning hillock, mound.
8012Tanami(田波)田 meaning rice field, rice paddy./ 波 meaning waves, billows, Poland.
8013Omagari(尾曲)尾 meaning tail, end, counter for fish, lower slope of mountain./ 曲 meaning bend, music, melody, composition, pleasure, injustice, fault, curve, crooked, perverse, lean.
8014Pekin(北京)北 meaning north./ 京 meaning capital, 10**16.
8015Oga(大鋸)大 meaning large, big./ 鋸 meaning saw (cuts wood).
8016Koshizuka(越塚)越 meaning surpass, cross over, move to, exceed, Vietnam./ 塚 meaning hillock, mound.
8017Okina(翁)翁 meaning venerable old man.
8018Noba(野場)野 meaning plains, field, rustic, civilian life./ 場 meaning location, place.
8019Kaneshi(兼次)兼 meaning concurrently, and, beforehand, in advance./ 次 meaning next, order, sequence.
8020Morisada(森貞)森 meaning forest, woods./ 貞 meaning upright, chastity, constancy, righteousness.
8021Fukuyo(福与)福 meaning blessing, fortune, luck, wealth./ 与 meaning bestow, participate in, give, award, impart, provide, cause, gift, godsend.
8022Akado(赤土)赤 meaning red./ 土 meaning soil, earth, ground, Turkey.
8023Hijioka(肱岡)肱 meaning ability, talent, elbow, arm./ 岡 meaning mount, hill, knoll.
8024Yoshiizumi(吉泉)吉 meaning good luck, joy, congratulations./ 泉 meaning spring, fountain.
8025Takeshi(武士)武 meaning warrior, military, chivalry, arms./ 士 meaning gentleman, scholar, samurai, samurai radical (no. 33).
8026Kageura(影浦)影 meaning shadow, silhouette, phantom./ 浦 meaning bay, creek, inlet, gulf, beach, seacoast.
8027Odan(大段)大 meaning large, big./ 段 meaning grade, steps, stairs.
8028Yokohari(横張)横 meaning sideways, side, horizontal, width, woof, unreasonable, perverse./ 張 meaning lengthen, counter for bows & stringed instruments, stretch, spread, put up (tent).
8029Fukunaga(福長)福 meaning blessing, fortune, luck, wealth./ 長 meaning long, leader, superior, senior.
8030Miyaji(宮司)宮 meaning Shinto shrine, constellations, palace, princess./ 司 meaning director, official, govt office, rule, administer.
8031Sobu(蘇武)蘇 meaning be resuscitated, revived, perilla, shiso./ 武 meaning warrior, military, chivalry, arms.
8032Takasato(高里)高 meaning tall, high, expensive./ 里 meaning ri, village, parent's home, league.
8033Nishiuma(西馬)西 meaning west, Spain./ 馬 meaning horse.
8034Kawanago(川中子)川 meaning stream, river, river or three-stroke river radical (no. 47)./ 中 meaning in, inside, middle, mean, center./ 子 meaning child, sign of the rat, 11PM-1AM, first sign of Chinese zodiac.
8035Odagi(小田木)小 meaning little, small./ 田 meaning rice field, rice paddy./ 木 meaning tree, wood.
8036Yofu(養父)養 meaning foster, bring up, rear, develop, nurture./ 父 meaning father.
8037Funaki(舩木)舩 meaning boat, ship, vessel./ 木 meaning tree, wood.
8038Morisako(森迫)森 meaning forest, woods./ 迫 meaning urge, force, imminent, spur on.
8039Kagoshima(鹿児島)鹿 meaning deer./ 児 meaning newborn babe, child, young of animals./ 島 meaning island.
8040Zaha(座波)座 meaning squat, seat, cushion, gathering, sit./ 波 meaning waves, billows, Poland.
8041Kaede(楓)楓 meaning maple.
8042Kigoshi(木越)木 meaning tree, wood./ 越 meaning surpass, cross over, move to, exceed, Vietnam.
8043Kiku(菊)菊 meaning chrysanthemum.
8044Ikawa(猪川)猪 meaning boar./ 川 meaning stream, river, river or three-stroke river radical (no. 47).
8045Tara(多良)多 meaning many, frequent, much./ 良 meaning good, pleasing, skilled.
8046Nobukawa(信川)信 meaning faith, truth, fidelity, trust./ 川 meaning stream, river, river or three-stroke river radical (no. 47).
8047Tasato(田里)田 meaning rice field, rice paddy./ 里 meaning ri, village, parent's home, league.
8048Nakaminami(中南)中 meaning in, inside, middle, mean, center./ 南 meaning south.
8049Wakimoto(脇元)脇 meaning armpit, the other way, another place, flank, supporting role./ 元 meaning beginning, former time, origin.
8050Ioku(井奥)井 meaning well, well crib, town, community./ 奥 meaning heart, interior.
8051Arikawa(蟻川)蟻 meaning ant./ 川 meaning stream, river, river or three-stroke river radical (no. 47).
8052Kikegawa(亀卦川)亀 meaning tortoise, turtle./ 卦 meaning a divination sign./ 川 meaning stream, river, river or three-stroke river radical (no. 47).
8053Kawae(川江)川 meaning stream, river, river or three-stroke river radical (no. 47)./ 江 meaning creek, inlet, bay.
8054Shimakawa(嶋川)嶋 meaning island./ 川 meaning stream, river, river or three-stroke river radical (no. 47).
8055Uchinuma(内沼)内 meaning inside, within, between, among, house, home./ 沼 meaning marsh, lake, bog, swamp, pond.
8056Tamogami(田母神)田 meaning rice field, rice paddy./ 母 meaning mother./ 神 meaning gods, mind, soul.
8057Hosozawa(細沢)細 meaning dainty, get thin, taper, slender, narrow, detailed, precise./ 沢 meaning swamp, marsh, brilliance, grace.
8058Yanaka(家中)家 meaning house, home, family, professional, expert, performer./ 中 meaning in, inside, middle, mean, center.
8059Komuta(小牟田)小 meaning little, small./ 牟 meaning pupil (eye), moo (cow sound)./ 田 meaning rice field, rice paddy.
8060Fujiike(藤池)藤 meaning wisteria./ 池 meaning pond, cistern, pool, reservoir.
8061Umekita(梅北)梅 meaning plum./ 北 meaning north.
8062Uesako(上迫)上 meaning above, up./ 迫 meaning urge, force, imminent, spur on.
8063Nago(名護)名 meaning name, noted, distinguished, reputation./ 護 meaning safeguard, protect.
8064Oashi(大芦)大 meaning large, big./ 芦 meaning reed, bullrush.
8065Kogai(小貝)小 meaning little, small./ 貝 meaning shellfish.
8066Tsunaki(綱木)綱 meaning hawser, class (genus), rope, cord, cable./ 木 meaning tree, wood.
8067Owashi(大鷲)大 meaning large, big./ 鷲 meaning eagle.
8068Matsukuma(松熊)松 meaning pine tree./ 熊 meaning bear.
8069Madono(真殿)真 meaning true, reality, Buddhist sect./ 殿 meaning Mr., hall, mansion, palace, temple, lord.
8070Mizoshiri(溝尻)溝 meaning gutter, ditch, sewer, drain, 10**32./ 尻 meaning buttocks, hips, butt, rear.
8071Kohei(公平)公 meaning public, prince, official, governmental./ 平 meaning even, flat, peace.
8072Kakuo(角尾)角 meaning angle, corner, square, horn, antlers./ 尾 meaning tail, end, counter for fish, lower slope of mountain.
8073Kakazu(賀数)賀 meaning congratulations, joy./ 数 meaning number, strength, fate, law, figures.
8074Tomie(冨江)冨 meaning enrich, wealthy, abundant./ 江 meaning creek, inlet, bay.
8075Nakamura(中邨)中 meaning in, inside, middle, mean, center./ 邨 meaning village, hamlet, rustic.
8076Takeo(武尾)武 meaning warrior, military, chivalry, arms./ 尾 meaning tail, end, counter for fish, lower slope of mountain.
8077Mato(間藤)間 meaning interval, space./ 藤 meaning wisteria.
8078Inazuka(稲塚)稲 meaning rice plant./ 塚 meaning hillock, mound.
8079Terasaki(寺﨑)寺 meaning Buddhist temple./ 﨑 meaning point、point、head、ness、cape、headland、foreland、head、promontory.
8080Shiohata(塩畑)塩 meaning salt./ 畑 meaning farm, field, garden, one's specialty, (kokuji).
8081Sunano(砂野)砂 meaning sand./ 野 meaning plains, field, rustic, civilian life.
8082Ujigawa(宇治川)宇 meaning eaves, roof, house, heaven./ 治 meaning reign, be at peace, calm down, subdue, quell, govt, cure, heal, rule, conserve./ 川 meaning stream, river, river or three-stroke river radical (no. 47).
8083Yuno(湯野)湯 meaning hot water, bath, hot spring./ 野 meaning plains, field, rustic, civilian life.
8084Sakita(先田)先 meaning before, ahead, previous, future, precedence./ 田 meaning rice field, rice paddy.
8085Kashio(柏尾)柏 meaning oak, cypress./ 尾 meaning tail, end, counter for fish, lower slope of mountain.
8086Tasaka(田阪)田 meaning rice field, rice paddy./ 阪 meaning heights, slope.
8087Tsukawaki(塚脇)塚 meaning hillock, mound./ 脇 meaning armpit, the other way, another place, flank, supporting role.
8088Yamabuki(山吹)山 meaning mountain./ 吹 meaning blow, breathe, puff, emit, smoke.
8089Saito(西東)西 meaning west, Spain./ 東 meaning east.
8090Den(田)田 meaning rice field, rice paddy.
8091Kurikawa(栗川)栗 meaning chestnut./ 川 meaning stream, river, river or three-stroke river radical (no. 47).
8092Komorita(小森田)小 meaning little, small./ 森 meaning forest, woods./ 田 meaning rice field, rice paddy.
8093Oyobe(及部)及 meaning reach out, exert, exercise, cause./ 部 meaning section, bureau, dept, class, copy, part, portion, counter for copies of a newspaper or magazine.
8094Komae(小前)小 meaning little, small./ 前 meaning in front, before.
8095Inoue(猪上)猪 meaning boar./ 上 meaning above, up.
8096Yasutome(安留)安 meaning relax, cheap, low, quiet, rested, contented, peaceful./ 留 meaning detain, fasten, halt, stop.
8097Kitaichi(北市)北 meaning north./ 市 meaning market, city, town.
8098Araya(荒屋)荒 meaning laid waste, rough, rude, wild./ 屋 meaning roof, house, shop, dealer, seller.
8099Asako(浅古)浅 meaning shallow, superficial, frivolous, wretched, shameful./ 古 meaning old.
8100Kado(嘉戸)嘉 meaning applaud, praise, esteem, happy, auspicious./ 戸 meaning door, counter for houses, door radical (no. 63).
8101Matsuzoe(松添)松 meaning pine tree./ 添 meaning annexed, accompany, marry, suit, meet, satisfy, attach, append, garnish, imitate.
8102Kakefuda(掛札)掛 meaning hang, suspend, depend, arrive at, tax, pour./ 札 meaning tag, paper money, counter for bonds, placard, bid.
8103Okuoka(奥岡)奥 meaning heart, interior./ 岡 meaning mount, hill, knoll.
8104Itani(伊谷)伊 meaning Italy, that one./ 谷 meaning valley.
8105Shiohama(塩浜)塩 meaning salt./ 浜 meaning seacoast, beach, seashore.
8106Hirochi(広内)広 meaning wide, broad, spacious./ 内 meaning inside, within, between, among, house, home.
8107Kuwagaki(桑垣)桑 meaning mulberry./ 垣 meaning hedge, fence, wall.
8108Kakitani(垣谷)垣 meaning hedge, fence, wall./ 谷 meaning valley.
8109Kagata(利田)利 meaning profit, advantage, benefit./ 田 meaning rice field, rice paddy.
8110Aomatsu(青松)青 meaning blue, green./ 松 meaning pine tree.
8111Hokari(保苅)保 meaning protect, guarantee, keep, preserve, sustain, support./ 苅 meaning cutting (grass).
8112Shimojima(下嶋)下 meaning below, down, descend, give, low, inferior./ 嶋 meaning island.
8113Fuchida(淵田)淵 meaning abyss, edge, deep pool, the depths./ 田 meaning rice field, rice paddy.
8114Shinojima(篠島)篠 meaning bamboo grass./ 島 meaning island.
8115Kemuriyama(煙山)煙 meaning smoke./ 山 meaning mountain.
8116Komino(小美濃)小 meaning little, small./ 美 meaning beauty, beautiful./ 濃 meaning concentrated, thick, dark, undiluted.
8117Uemae(上前)上 meaning above, up./ 前 meaning in front, before.
8118Taga(田賀)田 meaning rice field, rice paddy./ 賀 meaning congratulations, joy.
8119Amakasu(甘粕)甘 meaning sweet, coax, pamper, be content, sugary./ 粕 meaning scrap, waste.
8120Katto(甲藤)甲 meaning armor, high (voice), A grade, first class, former, instep, carapace./ 藤 meaning wisteria.
8121Mitobe(三戸部)三 meaning three./ 戸 meaning door, counter for houses, door radical (no. 63)./ 部 meaning section, bureau, dept, class, copy, part, portion, counter for copies of a newspaper or magazine.
8122Suzui(鈴井)鈴 meaning small bell, buzzer./ 井 meaning well, well crib, town, community.
8123Ueda(上枝)上 meaning above, up./ 枝 meaning bough, branch, twig, limb, counter for branches.
8124Gakuhari(覚張)覚 meaning memorize, learn, remember, awake, sober up./ 張 meaning lengthen, counter for bows & stringed instruments, stretch, spread, put up (tent).
8125Moro(毛呂)毛 meaning fur, hair, feather, down./ 呂 meaning spine, backbone.
8126Togami(砥上)砥 meaning whetstone, grindstone./ 上 meaning above, up.
8127Kurotsu(黒津)黒 meaning black./ 津 meaning haven, port, harbor, ferry.
8128Sasabuchi(笹渕)笹 meaning bamboo grass, (kokuji)./ 渕 meaning edge.
8129Kanemitsu(兼光)兼 meaning concurrently, and, beforehand, in advance./ 光 meaning ray, light.
8130Miyanaka(宮中)宮 meaning Shinto shrine, constellations, palace, princess./ 中 meaning in, inside, middle, mean, center.
8131Tokumori(徳森)徳 meaning benevolence, virtue, goodness, commanding respect./ 森 meaning forest, woods.
8132Zukeyama(瑞慶山)瑞 meaning congratulations./ 慶 meaning jubilation, congratulate, rejoice, be happy./ 山 meaning mountain.
8133Nishimi(西見)西 meaning west, Spain./ 見 meaning see, hopes, chances, idea, opinion, look at, visible.
8134Ito(井東)井 meaning well, well crib, town, community./ 東 meaning east.
8135Unemoto(畝本)畝 meaning furrow, thirty tsubo, ridge, rib./ 本 meaning book, present, main, origin, true, real, counter for long cylindrical things.
8136Hiwatashi(日渡)日 meaning day, sun, Japan, counter for days./ 渡 meaning transit, ford, ferry, cross, import, deliver, diameter, migrate.
8137Ebisui(戎井)戎 meaning warrior, arms, barbarian, Ainu./ 井 meaning well, well crib, town, community.
8138Akasu(赤須)赤 meaning red./ 須 meaning ought, by all means, necessarily.
8139Ifuku(井福)井 meaning well, well crib, town, community./ 福 meaning blessing, fortune, luck, wealth.
8140Takanaka(高中)高 meaning tall, high, expensive./ 中 meaning in, inside, middle, mean, center.
8141Arae(新江)新 meaning new./ 江 meaning creek, inlet, bay.
8142Kohiyama(小桧山)小 meaning little, small./ 桧 meaning Japanese cypress./ 山 meaning mountain.
8143Miyasaka(宮阪)宮 meaning Shinto shrine, constellations, palace, princess./ 阪 meaning heights, slope.
8144Hokari(穂刈)穂 meaning ear, ear (grain), head, crest (wave)./ 刈 meaning reap, cut, clip, trim, prune.
8145Ichikura(一倉)一 meaning one, one radical (no.1)./ 倉 meaning godown, warehouse, storehouse, cellar, treasury.
8146Hachisu(蜂須)蜂 meaning bee, wasp, hornet./ 須 meaning ought, by all means, necessarily.
8147Masamoto(正本)正 meaning correct, justice, righteous, 10**40./ 本 meaning book, present, main, origin, true, real, counter for long cylindrical things.
8148Shio(塩)塩 meaning salt.
8149Yamori(矢守)矢 meaning dart, arrow./ 守 meaning guard, protect, defend, obey.
8150Motoike(本池)本 meaning book, present, main, origin, true, real, counter for long cylindrical things./ 池 meaning pond, cistern, pool, reservoir.
8151Tsubuku(津布久)津 meaning haven, port, harbor, ferry./ 布 meaning linen, cloth, spread, distribute./ 久 meaning long time, old story.
8152Sakanaka(阪中)阪 meaning heights, slope./ 中 meaning in, inside, middle, mean, center.
8153Konaka(小仲)小 meaning little, small./ 仲 meaning go-between, relationship.
8154Toyama(登山)登 meaning ascend, climb up./ 山 meaning mountain.
8155Machiya(町谷)町 meaning town, village, block, street./ 谷 meaning valley.
8156Sugao(菅尾)菅 meaning sedge./ 尾 meaning tail, end, counter for fish, lower slope of mountain.
8157Morikawa(盛川)盛 meaning boom, prosper, copulate./ 川 meaning stream, river, river or three-stroke river radical (no. 47).
8158Funyu(船生)船 meaning ship, boat./ 生 meaning life, genuine, birth.
8159Uenosono(上之園)上 meaning above, up./ 之 meaning of, this./ 園 meaning park, garden, yard, farm.
8160Kawaragi(河原木)河 meaning river./ 原 meaning meadow, original, primitive, field, plain, prairie, tundra, wilderness./ 木 meaning tree, wood.
8161Morikawa(守川)守 meaning guard, protect, defend, obey./ 川 meaning stream, river, river or three-stroke river radical (no. 47).
8162Chikaishi(近石)近 meaning near, early, akin, tantamount./ 石 meaning stone.
8163Hozaki(保崎)保 meaning protect, guarantee, keep, preserve, sustain, support./ 崎 meaning promontory, cape, spit.
8164Koyama(甲山)甲 meaning armor, high (voice), A grade, first class, former, instep, carapace./ 山 meaning mountain.
8165Oikawa(追川)追 meaning chase, drive away, follow, pursue, meanwhile./ 川 meaning stream, river, river or three-stroke river radical (no. 47).
8166Katsuya(勝矢)勝 meaning victory, win, prevail, excel./ 矢 meaning dart, arrow.
8167Naruki(成木)成 meaning turn into, become, get, grow, elapse, reach./ 木 meaning tree, wood.
8168Irei(伊禮)伊 meaning Italy, that one./ 禮 meaning social custom, manners, courtesy, rites.
8169Kasamoto(笠本)笠 meaning bamboo hat, one's influence./ 本 meaning book, present, main, origin, true, real, counter for long cylindrical things.
8170Betsui(別井)別 meaning separate, branch off, diverge, fork, another, extra, specially./ 井 meaning well, well crib, town, community.
8171Kaido(海道)海 meaning sea, ocean./ 道 meaning road-way, street, district, journey, course, moral, teachings.
8172Takako(高子)高 meaning tall, high, expensive./ 子 meaning child, sign of the rat, 11PM-1AM, first sign of Chinese zodiac.
8173Ikenishi(池西)池 meaning pond, cistern, pool, reservoir./ 西 meaning west, Spain.
8174Kirisawa(桐沢)桐 meaning paulownia./ 沢 meaning swamp, marsh, brilliance, grace.
8175Dai(代)代 meaning substitute, change, convert, replace, period, age, counter for decades of ages, eras, etc., generation, charge, rate, fee.
8176Koshinuma(越沼)越 meaning surpass, cross over, move to, exceed, Vietnam./ 沼 meaning marsh, lake, bog, swamp, pond.
8177Shiro(城尾)城 meaning castle./ 尾 meaning tail, end, counter for fish, lower slope of mountain.
8178Sumoto(須本)須 meaning ought, by all means, necessarily./ 本 meaning book, present, main, origin, true, real, counter for long cylindrical things.
8179Morosawa(諸沢)諸 meaning various, many, several, together./ 沢 meaning swamp, marsh, brilliance, grace.
8180Hamachi(濱地)濱 meaning beach, sea coast, river bank./ 地 meaning ground, earth.
8181Tamamoto(玉元)玉 meaning jewel, ball./ 元 meaning beginning, former time, origin.
8182Hajima(羽島)羽 meaning feathers, counter for birds, rabbits./ 島 meaning island.
8183Shimosako(下迫)下 meaning below, down, descend, give, low, inferior./ 迫 meaning urge, force, imminent, spur on.
8184Kawakita(川喜田)川 meaning stream, river, river or three-stroke river radical (no. 47)./ 喜 meaning rejoice, take pleasure in./ 田 meaning rice field, rice paddy.
8185Kunito(国藤)国 meaning country./ 藤 meaning wisteria.
8186Imatomi(今富)今 meaning now./ 富 meaning wealth, enrich, abundant.
8187Akeno(明野)明 meaning bright, light./ 野 meaning plains, field, rustic, civilian life.
8188Awane(粟根)粟 meaning millet./ 根 meaning root, radical, head (pimple).
8189Ikemiyagi(池宮城)池 meaning pond, cistern, pool, reservoir./ 宮 meaning Shinto shrine, constellations, palace, princess./ 城 meaning castle.
8190Monai(毛内)毛 meaning fur, hair, feather, down./ 内 meaning inside, within, between, among, house, home.
8191Goko(郷古)郷 meaning home town, village, native place, district./ 古 meaning old.
8192Arahata(荒幡)荒 meaning laid waste, rough, rude, wild./ 幡 meaning flag.
8193Kayano(栢野)栢 meaning oak./ 野 meaning plains, field, rustic, civilian life.
8194Minezaki(峰崎)峰 meaning summit, peak./ 崎 meaning promontory, cape, spit.
8195Iwamitsu(岩満)岩 meaning boulder, rock, cliff./ 満 meaning full, fullness, enough, satisfy.
8196Jige(地下)地 meaning ground, earth./ 下 meaning below, down, descend, give, low, inferior.
8197Tone(戸根)戸 meaning door, counter for houses, door radical (no. 63)./ 根 meaning root, radical, head (pimple).
8198Edamoto(枝元)枝 meaning bough, branch, twig, limb, counter for branches./ 元 meaning beginning, former time, origin.
8199Dogami(堂上)堂 meaning public chamber, hall./ 上 meaning above, up.
8200Ogue(小久江)小 meaning little, small./ 久 meaning long time, old story./ 江 meaning creek, inlet, bay.
8201Mukainakano(向中野)向 meaning yonder, facing, beyond, confront, defy, tend toward, approach./ 中 meaning in, inside, middle, mean, center./ 野 meaning plains, field, rustic, civilian life.
8202Orimoto(織本)織 meaning weave, fabric./ 本 meaning book, present, main, origin, true, real, counter for long cylindrical things.
8203Yoshiie(吉家)吉 meaning good luck, joy, congratulations./ 家 meaning house, home, family, professional, expert, performer.
8204Yodo(淀)淀 meaning pool, eddy.
8205Kodate(小館)小 meaning little, small./ 館 meaning building, mansion, large building, palace.
8206Jokura(城倉)城 meaning castle./ 倉 meaning godown, warehouse, storehouse, cellar, treasury.
8207Kishiyama(岸山)岸 meaning beach./ 山 meaning mountain.
8208Arauchi(荒内)荒 meaning laid waste, rough, rude, wild./ 内 meaning inside, within, between, among, house, home.
8209Ankai(安海)安 meaning relax, cheap, low, quiet, rested, contented, peaceful./ 海 meaning sea, ocean.
8210Shonai(庄内)庄 meaning level, in the country, manor, village, hamlet./ 内 meaning inside, within, between, among, house, home.
8211Mamizuka(馬見塚)馬 meaning horse./ 見 meaning see, hopes, chances, idea, opinion, look at, visible./ 塚 meaning hillock, mound.
8212Chinda(珍田)珍 meaning rare, curious, strange./ 田 meaning rice field, rice paddy.
8213Izuishi(出石)出 meaning exit, leave, go out, come out, put out, protrude./ 石 meaning stone.
8214Utada(歌田)歌 meaning song, sing./ 田 meaning rice field, rice paddy.
8215Oyamatsu(親松)親 meaning parent, intimacy, relative, familiarity, dealer (cards)./ 松 meaning pine tree.
8216Narai(奈良井)奈 meaning Nara, what?./ 良 meaning good, pleasing, skilled./ 井 meaning well, well crib, town, community.
8217Murabe(村部)村 meaning village, town./ 部 meaning section, bureau, dept, class, copy, part, portion, counter for copies of a newspaper or magazine.
8218Kotoge(小峠)小 meaning little, small./ 峠 meaning mountain peak, mountain pass, climax, crest, (kokuji).
8219Shimomiya(下宮)下 meaning below, down, descend, give, low, inferior./ 宮 meaning Shinto shrine, constellations, palace, princess.
8220Kochiyama(河内山)河 meaning river./ 内 meaning inside, within, between, among, house, home./ 山 meaning mountain.
8221Kamoto(嘉本)嘉 meaning applaud, praise, esteem, happy, auspicious./ 本 meaning book, present, main, origin, true, real, counter for long cylindrical things.
8222Togo(藤後)藤 meaning wisteria./ 後 meaning behind, back, later.
8223Suto(数藤)数 meaning number, strength, fate, law, figures./ 藤 meaning wisteria.
8224Sekiba(関場)関 meaning connection, barrier, gateway, involve, concerning./ 場 meaning location, place.
8225Morikawa(森河)森 meaning forest, woods./ 河 meaning river.
8226Taniura(谷浦)谷 meaning valley./ 浦 meaning bay, creek, inlet, gulf, beach, seacoast.
8227Akikawa(秋川)秋 meaning autumn./ 川 meaning stream, river, river or three-stroke river radical (no. 47).
8228Nerome(根路銘)根 meaning root, radical, head (pimple)./ 路 meaning path, route, road, distance./ 銘 meaning inscription, signature (of artisan).
8229Tateyama(竪山)竪 meaning length, height, warp./ 山 meaning mountain.
8230Takaue(高上)高 meaning tall, high, expensive./ 上 meaning above, up.
8231Isogai(礒貝)礒 meaning rock, beach, shore./ 貝 meaning shellfish.
8232Takashino(高篠)高 meaning tall, high, expensive./ 篠 meaning bamboo grass.
8233Umikawa(海川)海 meaning sea, ocean./ 川 meaning stream, river, river or three-stroke river radical (no. 47).
8234Kawa(河)河 meaning river.
8235Iwaisako(祝迫)祝 meaning celebrate, congratulate./ 迫 meaning urge, force, imminent, spur on.
8236Tetaka(樋高)樋 meaning water pipe, gutter, downspout, conduit./ 高 meaning tall, high, expensive.
8237Wago(和合)和 meaning harmony, Japanese style, peace, soften, Japan./ 合 meaning fit, suit, join, 0.1.
8238Suzuyama(鈴山)鈴 meaning small bell, buzzer./ 山 meaning mountain.
8239Mansho(満生)満 meaning full, fullness, enough, satisfy./ 生 meaning life, genuine, birth.
8240Takushi(沢岻)沢 meaning swamp, marsh, brilliance, grace./ 岻 meaning name of a mountain.
8241Yorimitsu(依光)依 meaning reliant, depend on, consequently, therefore, due to./ 光 meaning ray, light.
8242Uchiike(内池)内 meaning inside, within, between, among, house, home./ 池 meaning pond, cistern, pool, reservoir.
8243Mitome(見留)見 meaning see, hopes, chances, idea, opinion, look at, visible./ 留 meaning detain, fasten, halt, stop.
8244Mishiba(三柴)三 meaning three./ 柴 meaning brush, firewood.
8245Sekiuchi(関内)関 meaning connection, barrier, gateway, involve, concerning./ 内 meaning inside, within, between, among, house, home.
8246Ikebuchi(池淵)池 meaning pond, cistern, pool, reservoir./ 淵 meaning abyss, edge, deep pool, the depths.
8247Todate(外舘)外 meaning outside./ 舘 meaning mansion, large building, palace.
8248Igaue(伊賀上)伊 meaning Italy, that one./ 賀 meaning congratulations, joy./ 上 meaning above, up.
8249Ajima(安嶋)安 meaning relax, cheap, low, quiet, rested, contented, peaceful./ 嶋 meaning island.
8250Bizen(備前)備 meaning equip, provision, preparation./ 前 meaning in front, before.
8251Uesawa(上澤)上 meaning above, up./ 澤 meaning swamp.
8252Setsuda(説田)説 meaning opinion, theory, explanation, rumor./ 田 meaning rice field, rice paddy.
8253Saikawa(才川)才 meaning genius, years old, cubic shaku./ 川 meaning stream, river, river or three-stroke river radical (no. 47).
8254Mikata(三方)三 meaning three./ 方 meaning direction, person, alternative.
8255Konda(紺田)紺 meaning dark blue, navy./ 田 meaning rice field, rice paddy.
8256Teruchi(照内)照 meaning illuminate, shine, compare, bashful./ 内 meaning inside, within, between, among, house, home.
8257Uemi(上見)上 meaning above, up./ 見 meaning see, hopes, chances, idea, opinion, look at, visible.
8258Mizushiri(水尻)水 meaning water./ 尻 meaning buttocks, hips, butt, rear.
8259Enami(江波)江 meaning creek, inlet, bay./ 波 meaning waves, billows, Poland.
8260Furuhata(古幡)古 meaning old./ 幡 meaning flag.
8261Yoneshige(米重)米 meaning rice, USA, metre./ 重 meaning heavy, important, esteem, respect, heap up, pile up, nest of boxes, -fold.
8262Senaga(瀬長)瀬 meaning rapids, current, torrent, shallows, shoal./ 長 meaning long, leader, superior, senior.
8263Keta(気田)気 meaning spirit, mind, air, atmosphere, mood./ 田 meaning rice field, rice paddy.
8264Toguchi(渡具知)渡 meaning transit, ford, ferry, cross, import, deliver, diameter, migrate./ 具 meaning tool, utensil, means, possess, ingredients, counter for armor, suits, sets of furniture./ 知 meaning know, wisdom.
8265Nakadate(中舘)中 meaning in, inside, middle, mean, center./ 舘 meaning mansion, large building, palace.
8266Kumoi(雲井)雲 meaning cloud./ 井 meaning well, well crib, town, community.
8267Tsujishita(辻下)辻 meaning crossing, crossroad, street corners, (kokuji)./ 下 meaning below, down, descend, give, low, inferior.
8268Miho(三保)三 meaning three./ 保 meaning protect, guarantee, keep, preserve, sustain, support.
8269Aizawa(愛沢)愛 meaning love, affection, favourite./ 沢 meaning swamp, marsh, brilliance, grace.
8270Moto(許)許 meaning permit, approve.
8271Kunieda(國枝)國 meaning country./ 枝 meaning bough, branch, twig, limb, counter for branches.
8272Muromachi(室町)室 meaning room, apartment, chamber, greenhouse, cellar./ 町 meaning town, village, block, street.
8273Nogaki(野垣)野 meaning plains, field, rustic, civilian life./ 垣 meaning hedge, fence, wall.
8274Otoshi(大歳)大 meaning large, big./ 歳 meaning year-end, age, occasion, opportunity.
8275Fushitani(伏谷)伏 meaning prostrated, bend down, bow, cover, lay (pipes)./ 谷 meaning valley.
8276Hatomi(羽富)羽 meaning feathers, counter for birds, rabbits./ 富 meaning wealth, enrich, abundant.
8277Idei(出射)出 meaning exit, leave, go out, come out, put out, protrude./ 射 meaning shoot, shine into, onto, archery.
8278Mitsuishi(三ツ石)三 meaning three./ ツ meaning / 石 meaning stone.
8279Futawatari(二渡)二 meaning two, two radical (no. 7)./ 渡 meaning transit, ford, ferry, cross, import, deliver, diameter, migrate.
8280Matsusue(松末)松 meaning pine tree./ 末 meaning end, close, tip, powder, posterity.
8281Kamiunten(上運天)上 meaning above, up./ 運 meaning carry, luck, destiny, fate, lot, transport, progress, advance./ 天 meaning heavens, sky, imperial.
8282Mameda(豆田)豆 meaning beans, pea, midget./ 田 meaning rice field, rice paddy.
8283Wakaume(若梅)若 meaning young, if, perhaps, possibly, low number, immature./ 梅 meaning plum.
8284Kitazume(北詰)北 meaning north./ 詰 meaning packed, close, pressed, reprove, rebuke, blame.
8285Kurosaki(黒﨑)黒 meaning black./ 﨑 meaning point、point、head、ness、cape、headland、foreland、head、promontory.
8286Harima(播摩)播 meaning plant, sow./ 摩 meaning chafe, rub, polish, grind, scrape.
8287Saisho(最所)最 meaning utmost, most, extreme./ 所 meaning place, extent.
8288Kimiwada(君和田)君 meaning mister, you, ruler, male name suffix./ 和 meaning harmony, Japanese style, peace, soften, Japan./ 田 meaning rice field, rice paddy.
8289Shiragaki(白垣)白 meaning white./ 垣 meaning hedge, fence, wall.
8290Oitate(追立)追 meaning chase, drive away, follow, pursue, meanwhile./ 立 meaning stand up, rise, set up, erect.
8291Kobanawa(小塙)小 meaning little, small./ 塙 meaning projecting tableland or mountain.
8292Omiya(近江谷)近 meaning near, early, akin, tantamount./ 江 meaning creek, inlet, bay./ 谷 meaning valley.
8293Takato(高頭)高 meaning tall, high, expensive./ 頭 meaning head, counter for large animals.
8294Ametani(飴谷)飴 meaning rice jelly, candy./ 谷 meaning valley.
8295Kitaori(北折)北 meaning north./ 折 meaning fold, break, fracture, bend, yield, submit.
8296Morisada(森定)森 meaning forest, woods./ 定 meaning determine, fix, establish, decide.
8297Tsuga(津賀)津 meaning haven, port, harbor, ferry./ 賀 meaning congratulations, joy.
8298Shigetome(重留)重 meaning heavy, important, esteem, respect, heap up, pile up, nest of boxes, -fold./ 留 meaning detain, fasten, halt, stop.
8299Kanaiwa(金岩)金 meaning gold./ 岩 meaning boulder, rock, cliff.
8300Tsukiyama(月山)月 meaning month, moon./ 山 meaning mountain.
8301Hosoka(細岡)細 meaning dainty, get thin, taper, slender, narrow, detailed, precise./ 岡 meaning mount, hill, knoll.
8302Kotsugai(小番)小 meaning little, small./ 番 meaning turn, number in a series.
8303Mineyama(峯山)峯 meaning peak, summit./ 山 meaning mountain.
8304Kuboyama(窪山)窪 meaning depression, cave in, sink, become hollow./ 山 meaning mountain.
8305Shiwa(志和)志 meaning intention, plan, resolve, aspire, motive, hopes, shilling./ 和 meaning harmony, Japanese style, peace, soften, Japan.
8306Kanehisa(兼久)兼 meaning concurrently, and, beforehand, in advance./ 久 meaning long time, old story.
8307Barada(茨田)茨 meaning briar, thorn./ 田 meaning rice field, rice paddy.
8308Morine(森根)森 meaning forest, woods./ 根 meaning root, radical, head (pimple).
8309Wayama(和山)和 meaning harmony, Japanese style, peace, soften, Japan./ 山 meaning mountain.
8310Iihama(飯浜)飯 meaning meal, boiled rice./ 浜 meaning seacoast, beach, seashore.
8311Saiki(齊木)齊 meaning alike, equal, similar, Saito./ 木 meaning tree, wood.
8312Sunochi(簾内)簾 meaning bamboo screen, rattan blind./ 内 meaning inside, within, between, among, house, home.
8313Nabara(名原)名 meaning name, noted, distinguished, reputation./ 原 meaning meadow, original, primitive, field, plain, prairie, tundra, wilderness.
8314Temmyo(天明)天 meaning heavens, sky, imperial./ 明 meaning bright, light.
8315Sugita(椙田)椙 meaning Japanese cedar, cryptomeria, (kokuji)./ 田 meaning rice field, rice paddy.
8316Uneme(采女)采 meaning dice, form, appearance, take, gather, coloring./ 女 meaning woman, female.
8317Naramoto(楢本)楢 meaning oak./ 本 meaning book, present, main, origin, true, real, counter for long cylindrical things.
8318Fuchi(淵)淵 meaning abyss, edge, deep pool, the depths.
8319Makio(槙尾)槙 meaning twig, ornamental evergreen./ 尾 meaning tail, end, counter for fish, lower slope of mountain.
8320Seno(瀬野尾)瀬 meaning rapids, current, torrent, shallows, shoal./ 野 meaning plains, field, rustic, civilian life./ 尾 meaning tail, end, counter for fish, lower slope of mountain.
8321Munemasa(宗政)宗 meaning religion, sect, denomination, main point, origin, essence./ 政 meaning politics, government.
8322Kikawada(木川田)木 meaning tree, wood./ 川 meaning stream, river, river or three-stroke river radical (no. 47)./ 田 meaning rice field, rice paddy.
8323Shimayama(島山)島 meaning island./ 山 meaning mountain.
8324Uchikoba(内木場)内 meaning inside, within, between, among, house, home./ 木 meaning tree, wood./ 場 meaning location, place.
8325Togano(栂野)栂 meaning hemlock, (kokuji)./ 野 meaning plains, field, rustic, civilian life.
8326Minemoto(峯本)峯 meaning peak, summit./ 本 meaning book, present, main, origin, true, real, counter for long cylindrical things.
8327Hamajima(濱島)濱 meaning beach, sea coast, river bank./ 島 meaning island.
8328Asa(阿佐)阿 meaning Africa, flatter, fawn upon, corner, nook, recess./ 佐 meaning assistant, help.
8329Ezuka(江塚)江 meaning creek, inlet, bay./ 塚 meaning hillock, mound.
8330Sei(瀬井)瀬 meaning rapids, current, torrent, shallows, shoal./ 井 meaning well, well crib, town, community.
8331Wako(和光)和 meaning harmony, Japanese style, peace, soften, Japan./ 光 meaning ray, light.
8332Momoki(桃木)桃 meaning peach./ 木 meaning tree, wood.
8333Yamayoshi(山吉)山 meaning mountain./ 吉 meaning good luck, joy, congratulations.
8334Ishibiki(石引)石 meaning stone./ 引 meaning pull, tug, jerk, admit, install, quote, refer to.
8335Ogushi(大櫛)大 meaning large, big./ 櫛 meaning comb.
8336Totsu(戸津)戸 meaning door, counter for houses, door radical (no. 63)./ 津 meaning haven, port, harbor, ferry.
8337Minohara(簑原)簑 meaning a coat raincoat./ 原 meaning meadow, original, primitive, field, plain, prairie, tundra, wilderness.
8338Sakuragawa(桜川)桜 meaning cherry./ 川 meaning stream, river, river or three-stroke river radical (no. 47).
8339Nibe(仁部)仁 meaning humanity, virtue, benevolence, charity, man, kernel./ 部 meaning section, bureau, dept, class, copy, part, portion, counter for copies of a newspaper or magazine.
8340Tokuhira(徳平)徳 meaning benevolence, virtue, goodness, commanding respect./ 平 meaning even, flat, peace.
8341Ikari(井狩)井 meaning well, well crib, town, community./ 狩 meaning hunt, raid, gather.
8342Koriki(高力)高 meaning tall, high, expensive./ 力 meaning power, strength, strong, strain, bear up, exert.
8343Okunuki(奥貫)奥 meaning heart, interior./ 貫 meaning pierce, 8 1/3lbs, penetrate, brace.
8344Kitajo(北城)北 meaning north./ 城 meaning castle.
8345Yanagisako(柳迫)柳 meaning willow./ 迫 meaning urge, force, imminent, spur on.
8346Sekishita(関下)関 meaning connection, barrier, gateway, involve, concerning./ 下 meaning below, down, descend, give, low, inferior.
8347Inatomi(稲冨)稲 meaning rice plant./ 冨 meaning enrich, wealthy, abundant.
8348Tomine(遠峰)遠 meaning distant, far./ 峰 meaning summit, peak.
8349Matsue(松栄)松 meaning pine tree./ 栄 meaning flourish, prosperity, honor, glory, splendor.
8350Kurashige(倉茂)倉 meaning godown, warehouse, storehouse, cellar, treasury./ 茂 meaning overgrown, grow thick, be luxuriant.
8351Fushida(伏田)伏 meaning prostrated, bend down, bow, cover, lay (pipes)./ 田 meaning rice field, rice paddy.
8352Momotani(桃谷)桃 meaning peach./ 谷 meaning valley.
8353Warabi(蕨)蕨 meaning bracken, fernbrake.
8354Goromaru(五郎丸)五 meaning five./ 郎 meaning son, counter for sons./ 丸 meaning round, full (month), perfection, -ship, pills, make round, roll up, curl up, seduce, explain away.
8355Haitani(灰谷)灰 meaning ashes, puckery juice, cremate./ 谷 meaning valley.
8356Sakasegawa(逆瀬川)逆 meaning inverted, reverse, opposite, wicked./ 瀬 meaning rapids, current, torrent, shallows, shoal./ 川 meaning stream, river, river or three-stroke river radical (no. 47).
8357Urago(浦郷)浦 meaning bay, creek, inlet, gulf, beach, seacoast./ 郷 meaning home town, village, native place, district.
8358Honji(本地)本 meaning book, present, main, origin, true, real, counter for long cylindrical things./ 地 meaning ground, earth.
8359Sakatoku(酒徳)酒 meaning sake, alcohol./ 徳 meaning benevolence, virtue, goodness, commanding respect.
8360Natsuda(夏田)夏 meaning summer./ 田 meaning rice field, rice paddy.
8361Nakabe(中部)中 meaning in, inside, middle, mean, center./ 部 meaning section, bureau, dept, class, copy, part, portion, counter for copies of a newspaper or magazine.
8362Inoi(猪井)猪 meaning boar./ 井 meaning well, well crib, town, community.
8363Shimomori(下森)下 meaning below, down, descend, give, low, inferior./ 森 meaning forest, woods.
8364Shinki(信貴)信 meaning faith, truth, fidelity, trust./ 貴 meaning precious, value, prize, esteem, honor.
8365Shingyoji(新行内)新 meaning new./ 行 meaning going, journey, carry out, conduct, act, line, row, bank./ 内 meaning inside, within, between, among, house, home.
8366Nishimuro(西室)西 meaning west, Spain./ 室 meaning room, apartment, chamber, greenhouse, cellar.
8367Kidokoro(木所)木 meaning tree, wood./ 所 meaning place, extent.
8368Mamada(真々田)真 meaning true, reality, Buddhist sect./ 々 meaning iteration mark./ 田 meaning rice field, rice paddy.
8369Wanibe(鰐部)鰐 meaning alligator, crocodile./ 部 meaning section, bureau, dept, class, copy, part, portion, counter for copies of a newspaper or magazine.
8370Ae(阿江)阿 meaning Africa, flatter, fawn upon, corner, nook, recess./ 江 meaning creek, inlet, bay.
8371Daiguji(大宮司)大 meaning large, big./ 宮 meaning Shinto shrine, constellations, palace, princess./ 司 meaning director, official, govt office, rule, administer.
8372Haga(羽下)羽 meaning feathers, counter for birds, rabbits./ 下 meaning below, down, descend, give, low, inferior.
8373Hatao(畑尾)畑 meaning farm, field, garden, one's specialty, (kokuji)./ 尾 meaning tail, end, counter for fish, lower slope of mountain.
8374Iokawa(五百川)五 meaning five./ 百 meaning hundred./ 川 meaning stream, river, river or three-stroke river radical (no. 47).
8375Sesoko(瀬底)瀬 meaning rapids, current, torrent, shallows, shoal./ 底 meaning bottom, sole, depth, bottom price, base, kind, sort.
8376Wakairo(若色)若 meaning young, if, perhaps, possibly, low number, immature./ 色 meaning color.
8377Suenobu(末延)末 meaning end, close, tip, powder, posterity./ 延 meaning prolong, stretching.
8378Michinaka(道中)道 meaning road-way, street, district, journey, course, moral, teachings./ 中 meaning in, inside, middle, mean, center.
8379Yanada(梁田)梁 meaning weir, fish trap, beam, girder./ 田 meaning rice field, rice paddy.
8380Komatsu(幸松)幸 meaning happiness, blessing, fortune./ 松 meaning pine tree.
8381Isobe(礒辺)礒 meaning rock, beach, shore./ 辺 meaning environs, boundary, border, vicinity.
8382Nikawadori(荷川取)荷 meaning baggage, shoulder-pole load, bear (a burden), shoulder (a gun), load, cargo, freight./ 川 meaning stream, river, river or three-stroke river radical (no. 47)./ 取 meaning take, fetch, take up.
8383Maruyama(圓山)圓 meaning yen, circle, round./ 山 meaning mountain.
8384Shinya(新矢)新 meaning new./ 矢 meaning dart, arrow.
8385Tanibuchi(谷渕)谷 meaning valley./ 渕 meaning edge.
8386Sekiwa(関和)関 meaning connection, barrier, gateway, involve, concerning./ 和 meaning harmony, Japanese style, peace, soften, Japan.
8387Tongu(頓宮)頓 meaning suddenly, immediately, in a hurry, arrange, stay in place, bow, kowtow./ 宮 meaning Shinto shrine, constellations, palace, princess.
8388Kiji(木地)木 meaning tree, wood./ 地 meaning ground, earth.
8389Mitsui(満井)満 meaning full, fullness, enough, satisfy./ 井 meaning well, well crib, town, community.
8390Narushima(成嶋)成 meaning turn into, become, get, grow, elapse, reach./ 嶋 meaning island.
8391Karoji(唐牛)唐 meaning T'ang, China, foreign./ 牛 meaning cow.
8392Kanome(鹿目)鹿 meaning deer./ 目 meaning eye, class, look, insight, experience, care, favor.
8393Yasukawa(保川)保 meaning protect, guarantee, keep, preserve, sustain, support./ 川 meaning stream, river, river or three-stroke river radical (no. 47).
8394Hobo(保母)保 meaning protect, guarantee, keep, preserve, sustain, support./ 母 meaning mother.
8395Kiyoi(清井)清 meaning pure, purify, cleanse, exorcise, Manchu dynasty./ 井 meaning well, well crib, town, community.
8396Mugita(麦田)麦 meaning barley, wheat./ 田 meaning rice field, rice paddy.
8397Minabe(三鍋)三 meaning three./ 鍋 meaning pot, pan, kettle.
8398Ataka(安高)安 meaning relax, cheap, low, quiet, rested, contented, peaceful./ 高 meaning tall, high, expensive.
8399Nitabaru(仁田原)仁 meaning humanity, virtue, benevolence, charity, man, kernel./ 田 meaning rice field, rice paddy./ 原 meaning meadow, original, primitive, field, plain, prairie, tundra, wilderness.
8400Takegaki(竹垣)竹 meaning bamboo./ 垣 meaning hedge, fence, wall.
8401Oshibe(押部)押 meaning push, stop, check, subdue, attach, seize, weight, shove, press, seal, do in spite of./ 部 meaning section, bureau, dept, class, copy, part, portion, counter for copies of a newspaper or magazine.
8402Kawabata(河畑)河 meaning river./ 畑 meaning farm, field, garden, one's specialty, (kokuji).
8403Sadamori(貞森)貞 meaning upright, chastity, constancy, righteousness./ 森 meaning forest, woods.
8404Ushizawa(牛沢)牛 meaning cow./ 沢 meaning swamp, marsh, brilliance, grace.
8405Maezono(前薗)前 meaning in front, before./ 薗 meaning garden, yard, farm.
8406Wakatake(若竹)若 meaning young, if, perhaps, possibly, low number, immature./ 竹 meaning bamboo.
8407Ryuzaki(龍崎)龍 meaning dragon, imperial./ 崎 meaning promontory, cape, spit.
8408Unozawa(宇野沢)宇 meaning eaves, roof, house, heaven./ 野 meaning plains, field, rustic, civilian life./ 沢 meaning swamp, marsh, brilliance, grace.
8409Den(伝)伝 meaning transmit, go along, walk along, follow, report, communicate, legend, tradition.
8410Hisaka(日坂)日 meaning day, sun, Japan, counter for days./ 坂 meaning slope, incline, hill.
8411Shikama(志鎌)志 meaning intention, plan, resolve, aspire, motive, hopes, shilling./ 鎌 meaning sickle, scythe, trick.
8412Ichimori(一森)一 meaning one, one radical (no.1)./ 森 meaning forest, woods.
8413Ijima(井嶋)井 meaning well, well crib, town, community./ 嶋 meaning island.
8414Tsukikawa(月川)月 meaning month, moon./ 川 meaning stream, river, river or three-stroke river radical (no. 47).
8415Ashina(芦名)芦 meaning reed, bullrush./ 名 meaning name, noted, distinguished, reputation.
8416Funahara(船原)船 meaning ship, boat./ 原 meaning meadow, original, primitive, field, plain, prairie, tundra, wilderness.
8417Higashizono(東園)東 meaning east./ 園 meaning park, garden, yard, farm.
8418Ushirosako(後迫)後 meaning behind, back, later./ 迫 meaning urge, force, imminent, spur on.
8419Shimamori(島森)島 meaning island./ 森 meaning forest, woods.
8420Inatsugu(稲継)稲 meaning rice plant./ 継 meaning inherit, succeed, continue, patch, graft (tree).
8421Suemune(末宗)末 meaning end, close, tip, powder, posterity./ 宗 meaning religion, sect, denomination, main point, origin, essence.
8422Matsunae(松苗)松 meaning pine tree./ 苗 meaning seedling, sapling, shoot.
8423Chiwaki(千脇)千 meaning thousand./ 脇 meaning armpit, the other way, another place, flank, supporting role.
8424Taminato(田港)田 meaning rice field, rice paddy./ 港 meaning harbor.
8425Hirabae(平生)平 meaning even, flat, peace./ 生 meaning life, genuine, birth.
8426Bonkohara(盆子原)盆 meaning basin, lantern festival, tray./ 子 meaning child, sign of the rat, 11PM-1AM, first sign of Chinese zodiac./ 原 meaning meadow, original, primitive, field, plain, prairie, tundra, wilderness.
8427Shinokawa(篠川)篠 meaning bamboo grass./ 川 meaning stream, river, river or three-stroke river radical (no. 47).
8428Nomachi(野町)野 meaning plains, field, rustic, civilian life./ 町 meaning town, village, block, street.
8429Miyamichi(宮道)宮 meaning Shinto shrine, constellations, palace, princess./ 道 meaning road-way, street, district, journey, course, moral, teachings.
8430Yoshiba(吉場)吉 meaning good luck, joy, congratulations./ 場 meaning location, place.
8431Kuwatani(桑谷)桑 meaning mulberry./ 谷 meaning valley.
8432Kanto(関東)関 meaning connection, barrier, gateway, involve, concerning./ 東 meaning east.
8433Takai(高居)高 meaning tall, high, expensive./ 居 meaning reside, to be, exist, live with.
8434Ohiro(大広)大 meaning large, big./ 広 meaning wide, broad, spacious.
8435Yokomakura(横枕)横 meaning sideways, side, horizontal, width, woof, unreasonable, perverse./ 枕 meaning pillow.
8436Koganezawa(小金澤)小 meaning little, small./ 金 meaning gold./ 澤 meaning swamp.
8437Kugizaki(釘崎)釘 meaning nail, tack, peg./ 崎 meaning promontory, cape, spit.
8438Osaki(小﨑)小 meaning little, small./ 﨑 meaning point、point、head、ness、cape、headland、foreland、head、promontory.
8439Nigorikawa(濁川)濁 meaning voiced, uncleanness, wrong, nigori, impurity./ 川 meaning stream, river, river or three-stroke river radical (no. 47).
8440Kudeken(久手堅)久 meaning long time, old story./ 手 meaning hand./ 堅 meaning strict, hard, solid, tough, tight, reliable.
8441Enokidani(榎谷)榎 meaning lotus tree, nettle tree, hackberry./ 谷 meaning valley.
8442Hasada(羽佐田)羽 meaning feathers, counter for birds, rabbits./ 佐 meaning assistant, help./ 田 meaning rice field, rice paddy.
8443Shimodate(下館)下 meaning below, down, descend, give, low, inferior./ 館 meaning building, mansion, large building, palace.
8444Kurogome(黒米)黒 meaning black./ 米 meaning rice, USA, metre.
8445Mano(眞野)眞 meaning truth, reality, Buddhist sect./ 野 meaning plains, field, rustic, civilian life.
8446Fukumi(福見)福 meaning blessing, fortune, luck, wealth./ 見 meaning see, hopes, chances, idea, opinion, look at, visible.
8447Yotsukura(四倉)四 meaning four./ 倉 meaning godown, warehouse, storehouse, cellar, treasury.
8448Konya(紺屋)紺 meaning dark blue, navy./ 屋 meaning roof, house, shop, dealer, seller.
8449Ikawa(居川)居 meaning reside, to be, exist, live with./ 川 meaning stream, river, river or three-stroke river radical (no. 47).
8450Kihara(鬼原)鬼 meaning ghost, devil./ 原 meaning meadow, original, primitive, field, plain, prairie, tundra, wilderness.
8451Nagasako(長迫)長 meaning long, leader, superior, senior./ 迫 meaning urge, force, imminent, spur on.
8452Aritomo(有友)有 meaning possess, have, exist, happen, occur, approx./ 友 meaning friend.
8453Hanzawa(榛沢)榛 meaning hazelnut, filbert./ 沢 meaning swamp, marsh, brilliance, grace.
8454Nakabo(中坊)中 meaning in, inside, middle, mean, center./ 坊 meaning boy, priest's residence, priest.
8455Sadamatsu(貞松)貞 meaning upright, chastity, constancy, righteousness./ 松 meaning pine tree.
8456Kyono(興野)興 meaning entertain, revive, retrieve, interest, pleasure./ 野 meaning plains, field, rustic, civilian life.
8457Imaichi(今市)今 meaning now./ 市 meaning market, city, town.
8458Tode(戸出)戸 meaning door, counter for houses, door radical (no. 63)./ 出 meaning exit, leave, go out, come out, put out, protrude.
8459Aizawa(合沢)合 meaning fit, suit, join, 0.1./ 沢 meaning swamp, marsh, brilliance, grace.
8460Yabuta(籔田)籔 meaning thicket, bush, underbrush, grove./ 田 meaning rice field, rice paddy.
8461Kubozono(久保園)久 meaning long time, old story./ 保 meaning protect, guarantee, keep, preserve, sustain, support./ 園 meaning park, garden, yard, farm.
8462Ikumi(伊久美)伊 meaning Italy, that one./ 久 meaning long time, old story./ 美 meaning beauty, beautiful.
8463Wano(和野)和 meaning harmony, Japanese style, peace, soften, Japan./ 野 meaning plains, field, rustic, civilian life.
8464Saki(崎)崎 meaning promontory, cape, spit.
8465Azukizawa(小豆沢)小 meaning little, small./ 豆 meaning beans, pea, midget./ 沢 meaning swamp, marsh, brilliance, grace.
8466Gambe(雁部)雁 meaning wild goose./ 部 meaning section, bureau, dept, class, copy, part, portion, counter for copies of a newspaper or magazine.
8467Miyakubo(宮久保)宮 meaning Shinto shrine, constellations, palace, princess./ 久 meaning long time, old story./ 保 meaning protect, guarantee, keep, preserve, sustain, support.
8468Hori(保利)保 meaning protect, guarantee, keep, preserve, sustain, support./ 利 meaning profit, advantage, benefit.
8469Takarada(財田)財 meaning property, money, wealth, assets./ 田 meaning rice field, rice paddy.
8470Washizawa(鷲沢)鷲 meaning eagle./ 沢 meaning swamp, marsh, brilliance, grace.
8471Utsunomiya(宇津宮)宇 meaning eaves, roof, house, heaven./ 津 meaning haven, port, harbor, ferry./ 宮 meaning Shinto shrine, constellations, palace, princess.
8472Uehata(上畠)上 meaning above, up./ 畠 meaning field, farm, garden, (kokuji).
8473Sebata(瀬端)瀬 meaning rapids, current, torrent, shallows, shoal./ 端 meaning edge, origin, end, point, border, verge, cape.
8474Kagita(鍵田)鍵 meaning key./ 田 meaning rice field, rice paddy.
8475Hasei(長谷井)長 meaning long, leader, superior, senior./ 谷 meaning valley./ 井 meaning well, well crib, town, community.
8476Yasaka(矢坂)矢 meaning dart, arrow./ 坂 meaning slope, incline, hill.
8477Fukikoshi(吹越)吹 meaning blow, breathe, puff, emit, smoke./ 越 meaning surpass, cross over, move to, exceed, Vietnam.
8478Kitamuki(北向)北 meaning north./ 向 meaning yonder, facing, beyond, confront, defy, tend toward, approach.
8479Etori(餌取)餌 meaning food, bait, prey, tempting profit./ 取 meaning take, fetch, take up.
8480Gemma(弦間)弦 meaning bowstring, chord, hypotenuse./ 間 meaning interval, space.
8481Noguchi(埜口)埜 meaning open country, field, wilderness./ 口 meaning mouth.
8482Uetake(上竹)上 meaning above, up./ 竹 meaning bamboo.
8483Ao(青)青 meaning blue, green.
8484Aburano(油野)油 meaning oil, fat./ 野 meaning plains, field, rustic, civilian life.
8485Ichinari(市成)市 meaning market, city, town./ 成 meaning turn into, become, get, grow, elapse, reach.
8486Sueno(末野)末 meaning end, close, tip, powder, posterity./ 野 meaning plains, field, rustic, civilian life.
8487Otowa(音羽)音 meaning sound, noise./ 羽 meaning feathers, counter for birds, rabbits.
8488Sanga(三箇)三 meaning three./ 箇 meaning counter for articles.
8489Takezawa(武澤)武 meaning warrior, military, chivalry, arms./ 澤 meaning swamp.
8490Tsutaya(蔦谷)蔦 meaning vine, ivy./ 谷 meaning valley.
8491Moriyoshi(森吉)森 meaning forest, woods./ 吉 meaning good luck, joy, congratulations.
8492Kaneko(兼古)兼 meaning concurrently, and, beforehand, in advance./ 古 meaning old.
8493Ujino(宇治野)宇 meaning eaves, roof, house, heaven./ 治 meaning reign, be at peace, calm down, subdue, quell, govt, cure, heal, rule, conserve./ 野 meaning plains, field, rustic, civilian life.
8494Nishizaki(西﨑)西 meaning west, Spain./ 﨑 meaning point、point、head、ness、cape、headland、foreland、head、promontory.
8495Tanikoshi(谷越)谷 meaning valley./ 越 meaning surpass, cross over, move to, exceed, Vietnam.
8496Nakanome(中目)中 meaning in, inside, middle, mean, center./ 目 meaning eye, class, look, insight, experience, care, favor.
8497Shibakawa(柴川)柴 meaning brush, firewood./ 川 meaning stream, river, river or three-stroke river radical (no. 47).
8498Yorikawa(寄川)寄 meaning draw near, stop in, bring near, gather, collect, send, forward./ 川 meaning stream, river, river or three-stroke river radical (no. 47).
8499Yabumoto(籔本)籔 meaning thicket, bush, underbrush, grove./ 本 meaning book, present, main, origin, true, real, counter for long cylindrical things.
8500Futatsumori(二ツ森)二 meaning two, two radical (no. 7)./ ツ meaning / 森 meaning forest, woods.

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