Japanese Last Names Starting With Letter I


Pronunciation doesn't always fix name meaning in Japanese. Meaning depends on other elements . More>>


I(井)4011井 meaning well, well crib, town, community.
Iba(伊庭)3654伊 meaning Italy, that one./ 庭 meaning courtyard, garden, yard.
Iba(井場)6660井 meaning well, well crib, town, community./ 場 meaning location, place.
Iba(射場)3919射 meaning shoot, shine into, onto, archery./ 場 meaning location, place.
Ibaraki(茨木)2001茨 meaning briar, thorn./ 木 meaning tree, wood.
Ibata(井端)5480井 meaning well, well crib, town, community./ 端 meaning edge, origin, end, point, border, verge, cape.
Ibata(井畑)5279井 meaning well, well crib, town, community./ 畑 meaning farm, field, garden, one's specialty, (kokuji).
Ibayashi(伊林)7715伊 meaning Italy, that one./ 林 meaning grove, forest.
Ibayashi(井林)8623井 meaning well, well crib, town, community./ 林 meaning grove, forest.
Ibe(伊部)3719伊 meaning Italy, that one./ 部 meaning section, bureau, dept, class, copy, part, portion, counter for copies of a newspaper or magazine.
Ibe(井部)6200井 meaning well, well crib, town, community./ 部 meaning section, bureau, dept, class, copy, part, portion, counter for copies of a newspaper or magazine.
Ibe(井辺)9263井 meaning well, well crib, town, community./ 辺 meaning environs, boundary, border, vicinity.
Ibi(衣斐)6400衣 meaning garment, clothes, dressing./ 斐 meaning beautiful, patterned.
Ibori(井堀)7324井 meaning well, well crib, town, community./ 堀 meaning ditch, moat, canal.
Ibuka(伊深)8718伊 meaning Italy, that one./ 深 meaning deep, heighten, intensify, strengthen.
Ibuka(井深)6441井 meaning well, well crib, town, community./ 深 meaning deep, heighten, intensify, strengthen.
Ibuki(伊吹)2562伊 meaning Italy, that one./ 吹 meaning blow, breathe, puff, emit, smoke.
Ibusuki(指宿)5369指 meaning finger, point to, indicate, put into, play (chess), measure (ruler)./ 宿 meaning inn, lodging, relay station, dwell, lodge, be pregnant, home, dwelling.
Ichiba(一場)5562一 meaning one, one radical (no.1)./ 場 meaning location, place.
Ichiba(市場)3188市 meaning market, city, town./ 場 meaning location, place.
Ichida(市田)1909市 meaning market, city, town./ 田 meaning rice field, rice paddy.
Ichige(市毛)3128市 meaning market, city, town./ 毛 meaning fur, hair, feather, down.
Ichigo(市古)9288市 meaning market, city, town./ 古 meaning old.
Ichihara(一原)9500一 meaning one, one radical (no.1)./ 原 meaning meadow, original, primitive, field, plain, prairie, tundra, wilderness.
Ichihara(市原)619市 meaning market, city, town./ 原 meaning meadow, original, primitive, field, plain, prairie, tundra, wilderness.
Ichihashi(一橋)8616一 meaning one, one radical (no.1)./ 橋 meaning bridge.
Ichihashi(市橋)1373市 meaning market, city, town./ 橋 meaning bridge.
Ichii(一井)4400一 meaning one, one radical (no.1)./ 井 meaning well, well crib, town, community.
Ichii(市井)5415市 meaning market, city, town./ 井 meaning well, well crib, town, community.
Ichijo(一条)3056一 meaning one, one radical (no.1)./ 条 meaning article, clause, item, stripe, streak.
Ichijo(一條)3798一 meaning one, one radical (no.1)./ 條 meaning article, ray of light.
Ichikawa(一川)8792一 meaning one, one radical (no.1)./ 川 meaning stream, river, river or three-stroke river radical (no. 47).
Ichikawa(市川)101市 meaning market, city, town./ 川 meaning stream, river, river or three-stroke river radical (no. 47).
Ichiki(市木)7360市 meaning market, city, town./ 木 meaning tree, wood.
Ichiki(市来)2767市 meaning market, city, town./ 来 meaning come, due, next, cause, become.
Ichikura(一倉)8145一 meaning one, one radical (no.1)./ 倉 meaning godown, warehouse, storehouse, cellar, treasury.
Ichikura(市倉)7504市 meaning market, city, town./ 倉 meaning godown, warehouse, storehouse, cellar, treasury.
Ichimaru(一丸)5171一 meaning one, one radical (no.1)./ 丸 meaning round, full (month), perfection, -ship, pills, make round, roll up, curl up, seduce, explain away.
Ichimaru(市丸)3398市 meaning market, city, town./ 丸 meaning round, full (month), perfection, -ship, pills, make round, roll up, curl up, seduce, explain away.
Ichimi(一見)9732一 meaning one, one radical (no.1)./ 見 meaning see, hopes, chances, idea, opinion, look at, visible.
Ichimiya(一宮)2820一 meaning one, one radical (no.1)./ 宮 meaning Shinto shrine, constellations, palace, princess.
Ichimori(一森)8412一 meaning one, one radical (no.1)./ 森 meaning forest, woods.
Ichimoto(市本)9956市 meaning market, city, town./ 本 meaning book, present, main, origin, true, real, counter for long cylindrical things.
Ichimura(一村)5837一 meaning one, one radical (no.1)./ 村 meaning village, town.
Ichimura(市村)579市 meaning market, city, town./ 村 meaning village, town.
Ichinari(市成)8485市 meaning market, city, town./ 成 meaning turn into, become, get, grow, elapse, reach.
Ichino(一野)9827一 meaning one, one radical (no.1)./ 野 meaning plains, field, rustic, civilian life.
Ichino(市野)1870市 meaning market, city, town./ 野 meaning plains, field, rustic, civilian life.
Ichinohe(一戸)1671一 meaning one, one radical (no.1)./ 戸 meaning door, counter for houses, door radical (no. 63).
Ichinomiya(一ノ宮)6666一 meaning one, one radical (no.1)./ ノ meaning / 宮 meaning Shinto shrine, constellations, palace, princess.
Ichinose(一ノ瀬)1405一 meaning one, one radical (no.1)./ ノ meaning / 瀬 meaning rapids, current, torrent, shallows, shoal.
Ichinose(一瀬)1649一 meaning one, one radical (no.1)./ 瀬 meaning rapids, current, torrent, shallows, shoal.
Ichinose(一之瀬)4882一 meaning one, one radical (no.1)./ 之 meaning of, this./ 瀬 meaning rapids, current, torrent, shallows, shoal.
Ichinose(市瀬)2930市 meaning market, city, town./ 瀬 meaning rapids, current, torrent, shallows, shoal.
Ichinose(市之瀬)6869市 meaning market, city, town./ 之 meaning of, this./ 瀬 meaning rapids, current, torrent, shallows, shoal.
Ichinose(市野瀬)9778市 meaning market, city, town./ 野 meaning plains, field, rustic, civilian life./ 瀬 meaning rapids, current, torrent, shallows, shoal.
Ichinoseki(一関)8004一 meaning one, one radical (no.1)./ 関 meaning connection, barrier, gateway, involve, concerning.
Ichioka(一岡)9467一 meaning one, one radical (no.1)./ 岡 meaning mount, hill, knoll.
Ichioka(市岡)2320市 meaning market, city, town./ 岡 meaning mount, hill, knoll.
Ichisawa(市沢)6682市 meaning market, city, town./ 沢 meaning swamp, marsh, brilliance, grace.
Ichishima(市島)7227市 meaning market, city, town./ 島 meaning island.
Ichitani(一谷)7412一 meaning one, one radical (no.1)./ 谷 meaning valley.
Ichitsubo(市坪)9041市 meaning market, city, town./ 坪 meaning two-mat area, approx. thirty-six sq ft.
Ichitsuka(市塚)7932市 meaning market, city, town./ 塚 meaning hillock, mound.
Ichiyama(一山)7191一 meaning one, one radical (no.1)./ 山 meaning mountain.
Ichiyama(市山)3786市 meaning market, city, town./ 山 meaning mountain.
Ichiyanagi(一柳)2018一 meaning one, one radical (no.1)./ 柳 meaning willow.
Ida(伊田)2852伊 meaning Italy, that one./ 田 meaning rice field, rice paddy.
Ida(井田)665井 meaning well, well crib, town, community./ 田 meaning rice field, rice paddy.
Ida(猪田)4795猪 meaning boar./ 田 meaning rice field, rice paddy.
Idaka(井高)7054井 meaning well, well crib, town, community./ 高 meaning tall, high, expensive.
Ide(井手)545井 meaning well, well crib, town, community./ 手 meaning hand.
Ide(井出)552井 meaning well, well crib, town, community./ 出 meaning exit, leave, go out, come out, put out, protrude.
Ideguchi(井手口)3661井 meaning well, well crib, town, community./ 手 meaning hand./ 口 meaning mouth.
Idehara(出原)2720出 meaning exit, leave, go out, come out, put out, protrude./ 原 meaning meadow, original, primitive, field, plain, prairie, tundra, wilderness.
Idei(出井)2286出 meaning exit, leave, go out, come out, put out, protrude./ 井 meaning well, well crib, town, community.
Idei(出射)8277出 meaning exit, leave, go out, come out, put out, protrude./ 射 meaning shoot, shine into, onto, archery.
Idemoto(出本)9709出 meaning exit, leave, go out, come out, put out, protrude./ 本 meaning book, present, main, origin, true, real, counter for long cylindrical things.
Ideno(出野)3508出 meaning exit, leave, go out, come out, put out, protrude./ 野 meaning plains, field, rustic, civilian life.
Ideo(井手尾)9083井 meaning well, well crib, town, community./ 手 meaning hand./ 尾 meaning tail, end, counter for fish, lower slope of mountain.
Ideta(出田)2982出 meaning exit, leave, go out, come out, put out, protrude./ 田 meaning rice field, rice paddy.
Ideue(井手上)4650井 meaning well, well crib, town, community./ 手 meaning hand./ 上 meaning above, up.
Ideura(出浦)5022出 meaning exit, leave, go out, come out, put out, protrude./ 浦 meaning bay, creek, inlet, gulf, beach, seacoast.
Ido(井戸)1291井 meaning well, well crib, town, community./ 戸 meaning door, counter for houses, door radical (no. 63).
Ido(井土)5646井 meaning well, well crib, town, community./ 土 meaning soil, earth, ground, Turkey.
Ido(井門)6029井 meaning well, well crib, town, community./ 門 meaning gate, counter for cannons.
Idogawa(井戸川)5033井 meaning well, well crib, town, community./ 戸 meaning door, counter for houses, door radical (no. 63)./ 川 meaning stream, river, river or three-stroke river radical (no. 47).
Idomoto(井戸本)7362井 meaning well, well crib, town, community./ 戸 meaning door, counter for houses, door radical (no. 63)./ 本 meaning book, present, main, origin, true, real, counter for long cylindrical things.
Ieda(家田)2283家 meaning house, home, family, professional, expert, performer./ 田 meaning rice field, rice paddy.
Iehara(家原)9586家 meaning house, home, family, professional, expert, performer./ 原 meaning meadow, original, primitive, field, plain, prairie, tundra, wilderness.
Ieiri(家入)5129家 meaning house, home, family, professional, expert, performer./ 入 meaning enter, insert.
Ieki(家城)5889家 meaning house, home, family, professional, expert, performer./ 城 meaning castle.
Iemoto(家本)7081家 meaning house, home, family, professional, expert, performer./ 本 meaning book, present, main, origin, true, real, counter for long cylindrical things.
Iemura(家村)4267家 meaning house, home, family, professional, expert, performer./ 村 meaning village, town.
Ienaga(家永)5240家 meaning house, home, family, professional, expert, performer./ 永 meaning eternity, long, lengthy.
Iesaki(家崎)8781家 meaning house, home, family, professional, expert, performer./ 崎 meaning promontory, cape, spit.
Ifuku(伊福)7178伊 meaning Italy, that one./ 福 meaning blessing, fortune, luck, wealth.
Ifuku(井福)8139井 meaning well, well crib, town, community./ 福 meaning blessing, fortune, luck, wealth.
Iga(伊賀)1710伊 meaning Italy, that one./ 賀 meaning congratulations, joy.
Igaki(井垣)4469井 meaning well, well crib, town, community./ 垣 meaning hedge, fence, wall.
Igami(伊神)4421伊 meaning Italy, that one./ 神 meaning gods, mind, soul.
Igarashi(五十嵐)118五 meaning five./ 十 meaning ten./ 嵐 meaning storm, tempest.
Igari(猪狩)1314猪 meaning boar./ 狩 meaning hunt, raid, gather.
Igata(井形)5545井 meaning well, well crib, town, community./ 形 meaning shape, form, style.
Igaue(伊賀上)8248伊 meaning Italy, that one./ 賀 meaning congratulations, joy./ 上 meaning above, up.
Igawa(井川)744井 meaning well, well crib, town, community./ 川 meaning stream, river, river or three-stroke river radical (no. 47).
Igei(伊芸)5095伊 meaning Italy, that one./ 芸 meaning technique, art, craft, performance, acting, trick, stunt.
Igeta(井下田)8653井 meaning well, well crib, town, community./ 下 meaning below, down, descend, give, low, inferior./ 田 meaning rice field, rice paddy.
Igeta(井桁)4261井 meaning well, well crib, town, community./ 桁 meaning beam, girder, spar, unit or column (accounting).
Iguchi(井口)347井 meaning well, well crib, town, community./ 口 meaning mouth.
Igura(伊倉)4537伊 meaning Italy, that one./ 倉 meaning godown, warehouse, storehouse, cellar, treasury.
Igusa(井草)4849井 meaning well, well crib, town, community./ 草 meaning grass, weeds, herbs, pasture, write, draft.
Iha(伊波)1460伊 meaning Italy, that one./ 波 meaning waves, billows, Poland.
Ihara(庵原)6197庵 meaning hermitage, retreat./ 原 meaning meadow, original, primitive, field, plain, prairie, tundra, wilderness.
Ihara(伊原)1493伊 meaning Italy, that one./ 原 meaning meadow, original, primitive, field, plain, prairie, tundra, wilderness.
Ihara(井原)842井 meaning well, well crib, town, community./ 原 meaning meadow, original, primitive, field, plain, prairie, tundra, wilderness.
Ihashi(伊橋)5809伊 meaning Italy, that one./ 橋 meaning bridge.
Ii(伊井)2505伊 meaning Italy, that one./ 井 meaning well, well crib, town, community.
Ii(井伊)3583井 meaning well, well crib, town, community./ 伊 meaning Italy, that one.
Iiboshi(飯干)3329飯 meaning meal, boiled rice./ 干 meaning dry, parch, ebb, recede, interfere, intercede.
Iida(飯田)112飯 meaning meal, boiled rice./ 田 meaning rice field, rice paddy.
Iidaka(飯高)3112飯 meaning meal, boiled rice./ 高 meaning tall, high, expensive.
Iihama(飯浜)8310飯 meaning meal, boiled rice./ 浜 meaning seacoast, beach, seashore.
Iihara(飯原)6042飯 meaning meal, boiled rice./ 原 meaning meadow, original, primitive, field, plain, prairie, tundra, wilderness.
Iihoshi(飯星)7858飯 meaning meal, boiled rice./ 星 meaning star, spot, dot, mark.
Iijima(飯島)271飯 meaning meal, boiled rice./ 島 meaning island.
Iijima(飯嶋)2899飯 meaning meal, boiled rice./ 嶋 meaning island.
Iikawa(飯川)5140飯 meaning meal, boiled rice./ 川 meaning stream, river, river or three-stroke river radical (no. 47).
Iikubo(飯窪)9554飯 meaning meal, boiled rice./ 窪 meaning depression, cave in, sink, become hollow.
Iikura(飯倉)4434飯 meaning meal, boiled rice./ 倉 meaning godown, warehouse, storehouse, cellar, treasury.
Iima(飯間)7127飯 meaning meal, boiled rice./ 間 meaning interval, space.
Iimori(飯森)3792飯 meaning meal, boiled rice./ 森 meaning forest, woods.
Iimori(飯盛)4667飯 meaning meal, boiled rice./ 盛 meaning boom, prosper, copulate.
Iimura(飯村)1159飯 meaning meal, boiled rice./ 村 meaning village, town.
Iimuro(飯室)4994飯 meaning meal, boiled rice./ 室 meaning room, apartment, chamber, greenhouse, cellar.
Iino(飯野)623飯 meaning meal, boiled rice./ 野 meaning plains, field, rustic, civilian life.
Iinuma(飯沼)1280飯 meaning meal, boiled rice./ 沼 meaning marsh, lake, bog, swamp, pond.
Iio(飯尾)1612飯 meaning meal, boiled rice./ 尾 meaning tail, end, counter for fish, lower slope of mountain.
Iioka(飯岡)2756飯 meaning meal, boiled rice./ 岡 meaning mount, hill, knoll.
Iisaka(飯坂)4644飯 meaning meal, boiled rice./ 坂 meaning slope, incline, hill.
Iitani(飯谷)9362飯 meaning meal, boiled rice./ 谷 meaning valley.
Iiwasaki(岩﨑)1627岩 meaning boulder, rock, cliff./ 﨑 meaning point、point、head、ness、cape、headland、foreland、head、promontory.
Iiyama(飯山)1768飯 meaning meal, boiled rice./ 山 meaning mountain.
Iiyoshi(飯吉)7447飯 meaning meal, boiled rice./ 吉 meaning good luck, joy, congratulations.
Iizasa(飯笹)9920飯 meaning meal, boiled rice./ 笹 meaning bamboo grass, (kokuji).
Iizawa(飯沢)3601飯 meaning meal, boiled rice./ 沢 meaning swamp, marsh, brilliance, grace.
Iizawa(飯澤)8622飯 meaning meal, boiled rice./ 澤 meaning swamp.
Iizuka(飯塚)240飯 meaning meal, boiled rice./ 塚 meaning hillock, mound.
Iizumi(飯泉)2252飯 meaning meal, boiled rice./ 泉 meaning spring, fountain.
Ijichi(伊地知)2702伊 meaning Italy, that one./ 地 meaning ground, earth./ 知 meaning know, wisdom.
Ijima(井島)3904井 meaning well, well crib, town, community./ 島 meaning island.
Ijima(井嶋)8413井 meaning well, well crib, town, community./ 嶋 meaning island.
Ijiri(井尻)3320井 meaning well, well crib, town, community./ 尻 meaning buttocks, hips, butt, rear.
Ijiro(居城)9541居 meaning reside, to be, exist, live with./ 城 meaning castle.
Iju(伊集)5556伊 meaning Italy, that one./ 集 meaning gather, meet, congregate, swarm, flock.
Ijuin(伊集院)4145伊 meaning Italy, that one./ 集 meaning gather, meet, congregate, swarm, flock./ 院 meaning Inst., institution, temple, mansion, school.
Ikada(筏)9503筏 meaning raft.
Ikai(猪飼)2625猪 meaning boar./ 飼 meaning domesticate, raise, keep, feed.
Ikami(井神)9520井 meaning well, well crib, town, community./ 神 meaning gods, mind, soul.
Ikari(井狩)8341井 meaning well, well crib, town, community./ 狩 meaning hunt, raid, gather.
Ikari(五十里)6985五 meaning five./ 十 meaning ten./ 里 meaning ri, village, parent's home, league.
Ikari(碇)3330碇 meaning anchor, grapnel.
Ikariya(碇谷)9480碇 meaning anchor, grapnel./ 谷 meaning valley.
Ikawa(伊川)4484伊 meaning Italy, that one./ 川 meaning stream, river, river or three-stroke river radical (no. 47).
Ikawa(居川)8449居 meaning reside, to be, exist, live with./ 川 meaning stream, river, river or three-stroke river radical (no. 47).
Ikawa(猪川)8044猪 meaning boar./ 川 meaning stream, river, river or three-stroke river radical (no. 47).
Ike(池)2195池 meaning pond, cistern, pool, reservoir.
Ikebe(池部)3944池 meaning pond, cistern, pool, reservoir./ 部 meaning section, bureau, dept, class, copy, part, portion, counter for copies of a newspaper or magazine.
Ikebe(池辺)2203池 meaning pond, cistern, pool, reservoir./ 辺 meaning environs, boundary, border, vicinity.
Ikebuchi(池淵)8246池 meaning pond, cistern, pool, reservoir./ 淵 meaning abyss, edge, deep pool, the depths.
Ikebuchi(池渕)7325池 meaning pond, cistern, pool, reservoir./ 渕 meaning edge.
Ikeda(池田)23池 meaning pond, cistern, pool, reservoir./ 田 meaning rice field, rice paddy.
Ikedo(池戸)2990池 meaning pond, cistern, pool, reservoir./ 戸 meaning door, counter for houses, door radical (no. 63).
Ikegame(池亀)3641池 meaning pond, cistern, pool, reservoir./ 亀 meaning tortoise, turtle.
Ikegami(池上)453池 meaning pond, cistern, pool, reservoir./ 上 meaning above, up.
Ikegawa(池川)3283池 meaning pond, cistern, pool, reservoir./ 川 meaning stream, river, river or three-stroke river radical (no. 47).
Ikegawa(池側)6315池 meaning pond, cistern, pool, reservoir./ 側 meaning side, lean, oppose, regret.
Ikegaya(池ケ谷)3211池 meaning pond, cistern, pool, reservoir./ ケ meaning / 谷 meaning valley.
Ikeguchi(池口)2656池 meaning pond, cistern, pool, reservoir./ 口 meaning mouth.
Ikehara(池原)1585池 meaning pond, cistern, pool, reservoir./ 原 meaning meadow, original, primitive, field, plain, prairie, tundra, wilderness.
Ikehata(池端)2377池 meaning pond, cistern, pool, reservoir./ 端 meaning edge, origin, end, point, border, verge, cape.
Ikehata(池畑)3630池 meaning pond, cistern, pool, reservoir./ 畑 meaning farm, field, garden, one's specialty, (kokuji).
Ikehata(池畠)9505池 meaning pond, cistern, pool, reservoir./ 畠 meaning field, farm, garden, (kokuji).
Ikei(伊計)7761伊 meaning Italy, that one./ 計 meaning plot, plan, scheme, measure.
Ikei(池井)7167池 meaning pond, cistern, pool, reservoir./ 井 meaning well, well crib, town, community.
Ikejima(池島)3131池 meaning pond, cistern, pool, reservoir./ 島 meaning island.
Ikejima(池嶋)7058池 meaning pond, cistern, pool, reservoir./ 嶋 meaning island.
Ikejiri(池尻)2539池 meaning pond, cistern, pool, reservoir./ 尻 meaning buttocks, hips, butt, rear.
Ikema(池間)3739池 meaning pond, cistern, pool, reservoir./ 間 meaning interval, space.
Ikematsu(池松)3545池 meaning pond, cistern, pool, reservoir./ 松 meaning pine tree.
Ikemi(池見)6191池 meaning pond, cistern, pool, reservoir./ 見 meaning see, hopes, chances, idea, opinion, look at, visible.
Ikemiya(池宮)5794池 meaning pond, cistern, pool, reservoir./ 宮 meaning Shinto shrine, constellations, palace, princess.
Ikemiyagi(池宮城)8189池 meaning pond, cistern, pool, reservoir./ 宮 meaning Shinto shrine, constellations, palace, princess./ 城 meaning castle.
Ikemizu(池水)6573池 meaning pond, cistern, pool, reservoir./ 水 meaning water.
Ikemori(池森)6198池 meaning pond, cistern, pool, reservoir./ 森 meaning forest, woods.
Ikemoto(池元)5689池 meaning pond, cistern, pool, reservoir./ 元 meaning beginning, former time, origin.
Ikemoto(池本)864池 meaning pond, cistern, pool, reservoir./ 本 meaning book, present, main, origin, true, real, counter for long cylindrical things.
Ikemura(池村)2588池 meaning pond, cistern, pool, reservoir./ 村 meaning village, town.
Ikenaga(池永)1570池 meaning pond, cistern, pool, reservoir./ 永 meaning eternity, long, lengthy.
Ikenishi(池西)8173池 meaning pond, cistern, pool, reservoir./ 西 meaning west, Spain.
Ikeno(池野)1388池 meaning pond, cistern, pool, reservoir./ 野 meaning plains, field, rustic, civilian life.
Ikenoue(池ノ上)9150池 meaning pond, cistern, pool, reservoir./ ノ meaning / 上 meaning above, up.
Ikenoue(池之上)5084池 meaning pond, cistern, pool, reservoir./ 之 meaning of, this./ 上 meaning above, up.
Ikenoya(池ノ谷)7917池 meaning pond, cistern, pool, reservoir./ ノ meaning / 谷 meaning valley.
Ikeo(池尾)5219池 meaning pond, cistern, pool, reservoir./ 尾 meaning tail, end, counter for fish, lower slope of mountain.
Ikeoka(池岡)8727池 meaning pond, cistern, pool, reservoir./ 岡 meaning mount, hill, knoll.
Ikeshita(池下)3268池 meaning pond, cistern, pool, reservoir./ 下 meaning below, down, descend, give, low, inferior.
Ikesue(池末)5670池 meaning pond, cistern, pool, reservoir./ 末 meaning end, close, tip, powder, posterity.
Ikeuchi(池内)821池 meaning pond, cistern, pool, reservoir./ 内 meaning inside, within, between, among, house, home.
Ikeura(池浦)4230池 meaning pond, cistern, pool, reservoir./ 浦 meaning bay, creek, inlet, gulf, beach, seacoast.
Ikewaki(池脇)9424池 meaning pond, cistern, pool, reservoir./ 脇 meaning armpit, the other way, another place, flank, supporting role.
Ikeya(池谷)871池 meaning pond, cistern, pool, reservoir./ 谷 meaning valley.
Ikeyama(池山)2970池 meaning pond, cistern, pool, reservoir./ 山 meaning mountain.
Ikezaki(池崎)2654池 meaning pond, cistern, pool, reservoir./ 崎 meaning promontory, cape, spit.
Ikezawa(生沢)6541生 meaning life, genuine, birth./ 沢 meaning swamp, marsh, brilliance, grace.
Ikezawa(生澤)9509生 meaning life, genuine, birth./ 澤 meaning swamp.
Ikezawa(池沢)2182池 meaning pond, cistern, pool, reservoir./ 沢 meaning swamp, marsh, brilliance, grace.
Ikezawa(池澤)3779池 meaning pond, cistern, pool, reservoir./ 澤 meaning swamp.
Ikezoe(池添)4249池 meaning pond, cistern, pool, reservoir./ 添 meaning annexed, accompany, marry, suit, meet, satisfy, attach, append, garnish, imitate.
Ikezu(池津)9326池 meaning pond, cistern, pool, reservoir./ 津 meaning haven, port, harbor, ferry.
Iki(伊木)6433伊 meaning Italy, that one./ 木 meaning tree, wood.
Iki(壱岐)3758壱 meaning one (in documents)./ 岐 meaning branch off, fork in road, scene, arena, theater.
Ikki(一木)2418一 meaning one, one radical (no.1)./ 木 meaning tree, wood.
Ikoma(生駒)1316生 meaning life, genuine, birth./ 駒 meaning pony, horse, colt.
Ikoshi(井越)9599井 meaning well, well crib, town, community./ 越 meaning surpass, cross over, move to, exceed, Vietnam.
Ikuina(生稲)7786生 meaning life, genuine, birth./ 稲 meaning rice plant.
Ikuma(伊熊)5428伊 meaning Italy, that one./ 熊 meaning bear.
Ikuma(井熊)7160井 meaning well, well crib, town, community./ 熊 meaning bear.
Ikuma(生熊)7478生 meaning life, genuine, birth./ 熊 meaning bear.
Ikumi(伊久美)8462伊 meaning Italy, that one./ 久 meaning long time, old story./ 美 meaning beauty, beautiful.
Ikuno(生野)2434生 meaning life, genuine, birth./ 野 meaning plains, field, rustic, civilian life.
Ikura(井倉)7281井 meaning well, well crib, town, community./ 倉 meaning godown, warehouse, storehouse, cellar, treasury.
Ikushima(幾島)7987幾 meaning how many, how much, how far, how long, some, several./ 島 meaning island.
Ikushima(生島)3105生 meaning life, genuine, birth./ 島 meaning island.
Ikushima(生嶋)6046生 meaning life, genuine, birth./ 嶋 meaning island.
Ikuta(幾田)6416幾 meaning how many, how much, how far, how long, some, several./ 田 meaning rice field, rice paddy.
Ikuta(生田)739生 meaning life, genuine, birth./ 田 meaning rice field, rice paddy.
Ikuyama(生山)7431生 meaning life, genuine, birth./ 山 meaning mountain.
Imabayashi(今林)3151今 meaning now./ 林 meaning grove, forest.
Imabeppu(今別府)5382今 meaning now./ 別 meaning separate, branch off, diverge, fork, another, extra, specially./ 府 meaning borough, urban prefecture, govt office, representative body, storehouse.
Imachi(井町)5969井 meaning well, well crib, town, community./ 町 meaning town, village, block, street.
Imada(今田)675今 meaning now./ 田 meaning rice field, rice paddy.
Imade(今出)5139今 meaning now./ 出 meaning exit, leave, go out, come out, put out, protrude.
Imae(今江)5072今 meaning now./ 江 meaning creek, inlet, bay.
Imaeda(今枝)1831今 meaning now./ 枝 meaning bough, branch, twig, limb, counter for branches.
Imafuku(今福)2519今 meaning now./ 福 meaning blessing, fortune, luck, wealth.
Imagawa(今川)1010今 meaning now./ 川 meaning stream, river, river or three-stroke river radical (no. 47).
Imahara(今原)9079今 meaning now./ 原 meaning meadow, original, primitive, field, plain, prairie, tundra, wilderness.
Imahashi(今橋)3354今 meaning now./ 橋 meaning bridge.
Imahori(今堀)4195今 meaning now./ 堀 meaning ditch, moat, canal.
Imai(今井)75今 meaning now./ 井 meaning well, well crib, town, community.
Imaichi(今市)8457今 meaning now./ 市 meaning market, city, town.
Imaida(今井田)8605今 meaning now./ 井 meaning well, well crib, town, community./ 田 meaning rice field, rice paddy.
Imaishi(今石)8584今 meaning now./ 石 meaning stone.
Imaizumi(今泉)498今 meaning now./ 泉 meaning spring, fountain.
Imaki(今木)6811今 meaning now./ 木 meaning tree, wood.
Imakiire(今給黎)8595今 meaning now./ 給 meaning salary, wage, gift, allow, grant, bestow on./ 黎 meaning dark, black, many.
Imakita(今北)5379今 meaning now./ 北 meaning north.
Imakura(今倉)9423今 meaning now./ 倉 meaning godown, warehouse, storehouse, cellar, treasury.
Imamatsu(今松)9727今 meaning now./ 松 meaning pine tree.
Imamichi(今道)6726今 meaning now./ 道 meaning road-way, street, district, journey, course, moral, teachings.
Imamiya(今宮)5060今 meaning now./ 宮 meaning Shinto shrine, constellations, palace, princess.
Imamoto(今本)3528今 meaning now./ 本 meaning book, present, main, origin, true, real, counter for long cylindrical things.
Imamura(今村)221今 meaning now./ 村 meaning village, town.
Imanaga(今永)5607今 meaning now./ 永 meaning eternity, long, lengthy.
Imanaka(今中)2076今 meaning now./ 中 meaning in, inside, middle, mean, center.
Imanaka(今仲)9602今 meaning now./ 仲 meaning go-between, relationship.
Imanari(今成)3400今 meaning now./ 成 meaning turn into, become, get, grow, elapse, reach.
Imanishi(今西)731今 meaning now./ 西 meaning west, Spain.
Imao(今尾)4439今 meaning now./ 尾 meaning tail, end, counter for fish, lower slope of mountain.
Imaoka(今岡)1590今 meaning now./ 岡 meaning mount, hill, knoll.
Imasaka(今坂)4423今 meaning now./ 坂 meaning slope, incline, hill.
Imasaki(今崎)5136今 meaning now./ 崎 meaning promontory, cape, spit.
Imase(今瀬)5952今 meaning now./ 瀬 meaning rapids, current, torrent, shallows, shoal.
Imashiro(今城)2885今 meaning now./ 城 meaning castle.
Imatani(今谷)6365今 meaning now./ 谷 meaning valley.
Imatomi(今富)8186今 meaning now./ 富 meaning wealth, enrich, abundant.
Imawaka(今若)9939今 meaning now./ 若 meaning young, if, perhaps, possibly, low number, immature.
Imayama(今山)6296今 meaning now./ 山 meaning mountain.
Imayoshi(今吉)3788今 meaning now./ 吉 meaning good luck, joy, congratulations.
Imazato(今里)2855今 meaning now./ 里 meaning ri, village, parent's home, league.
Imazawa(今沢)6592今 meaning now./ 沢 meaning swamp, marsh, brilliance, grace.
Imazawa(今澤)9379今 meaning now./ 澤 meaning swamp.
Imazeki(今関)1967今 meaning now./ 関 meaning connection, barrier, gateway, involve, concerning.
Imazu(今津)1817今 meaning now./ 津 meaning haven, port, harbor, ferry.
Imori(伊森)9018伊 meaning Italy, that one./ 森 meaning forest, woods.
Imoto(井元)2367井 meaning well, well crib, town, community./ 元 meaning beginning, former time, origin.
Imoto(井本)908井 meaning well, well crib, town, community./ 本 meaning book, present, main, origin, true, real, counter for long cylindrical things.
Imura(伊村)6242伊 meaning Italy, that one./ 村 meaning village, town.
Imura(井村)950井 meaning well, well crib, town, community./ 村 meaning village, town.
Imura(居村)6891居 meaning reside, to be, exist, live with./ 村 meaning village, town.
Imuta(伊牟田)8568伊 meaning Italy, that one./ 牟 meaning pupil (eye), moo (cow sound)./ 田 meaning rice field, rice paddy.
In(因)8828因 meaning cause, factor, be associated with, depend on, be limited to.
Ina(伊奈)2403伊 meaning Italy, that one./ 奈 meaning Nara, what?.
Ina(稲)6701稲 meaning rice plant.
Inaba(稲場)3370稲 meaning rice plant./ 場 meaning location, place.
Inaba(稲葉)294稲 meaning rice plant./ 葉 meaning leaf, plane, lobe, needle, blade, spear, counter for flat things, fragment, piece.
Inaba(因幡)5103因 meaning cause, factor, be associated with, depend on, be limited to./ 幡 meaning flag.
Inabe(稲辺)7374稲 meaning rice plant./ 辺 meaning environs, boundary, border, vicinity.
Inada(稲田)421稲 meaning rice plant./ 田 meaning rice field, rice paddy.
Inadome(稲留)5107稲 meaning rice plant./ 留 meaning detain, fasten, halt, stop.
Inafuku(稲福)3605稲 meaning rice plant./ 福 meaning blessing, fortune, luck, wealth.
Inagaki(稲垣)266稲 meaning rice plant./ 垣 meaning hedge, fence, wall.
Inagawa(稲川)1557稲 meaning rice plant./ 川 meaning stream, river, river or three-stroke river radical (no. 47).
Inage(稲毛)2293稲 meaning rice plant./ 毛 meaning fur, hair, feather, down.
Inagi(稲木)3226稲 meaning rice plant./ 木 meaning tree, wood.
Inago(稲子)9667稲 meaning rice plant./ 子 meaning child, sign of the rat, 11PM-1AM, first sign of Chinese zodiac.
Inaguma(稲熊)4018稲 meaning rice plant./ 熊 meaning bear.
Inahara(稲原)5386稲 meaning rice plant./ 原 meaning meadow, original, primitive, field, plain, prairie, tundra, wilderness.
Inahashi(稲橋)7831稲 meaning rice plant./ 橋 meaning bridge.
Inai(稲井)2713稲 meaning rice plant./ 井 meaning well, well crib, town, community.
Inaishi(稲石)6564稲 meaning rice plant./ 石 meaning stone.
Inaji(稲次)8758稲 meaning rice plant./ 次 meaning next, order, sequence.
Inamasu(稲益)5762稲 meaning rice plant./ 益 meaning benefit, gain, profit, advantage.
Inami(井波)4978井 meaning well, well crib, town, community./ 波 meaning waves, billows, Poland.
Inami(稲見)1900稲 meaning rice plant./ 見 meaning see, hopes, chances, idea, opinion, look at, visible.
Inamine(稲嶺)3960稲 meaning rice plant./ 嶺 meaning peak, summit.
Inamori(稲森)2857稲 meaning rice plant./ 森 meaning forest, woods.
Inamoto(稲元)7088稲 meaning rice plant./ 元 meaning beginning, former time, origin.
Inamoto(稲本)2020稲 meaning rice plant./ 本 meaning book, present, main, origin, true, real, counter for long cylindrical things.
Inamura(稲村)1130稲 meaning rice plant./ 村 meaning village, town.
Inano(稲野)5963稲 meaning rice plant./ 野 meaning plains, field, rustic, civilian life.
Inanobe(稲野辺)7329稲 meaning rice plant./ 野 meaning plains, field, rustic, civilian life./ 辺 meaning environs, boundary, border, vicinity.
Inao(稲尾)6974稲 meaning rice plant./ 尾 meaning tail, end, counter for fish, lower slope of mountain.
Inaoka(稲岡)2168稲 meaning rice plant./ 岡 meaning mount, hill, knoll.
Inari(稲荷)6917稲 meaning rice plant./ 荷 meaning baggage, shoulder-pole load, bear (a burden), shoulder (a gun), load, cargo, freight.
Inatani(稲谷)6223稲 meaning rice plant./ 谷 meaning valley.
Inatomi(稲富)2614稲 meaning rice plant./ 富 meaning wealth, enrich, abundant.
Inatomi(稲冨)8347稲 meaning rice plant./ 冨 meaning enrich, wealthy, abundant.
Inatsugu(稲継)8420稲 meaning rice plant./ 継 meaning inherit, succeed, continue, patch, graft (tree).
Inayama(稲山)3420稲 meaning rice plant./ 山 meaning mountain.
Inayoshi(稲吉)2247稲 meaning rice plant./ 吉 meaning good luck, joy, congratulations.
Inazaki(稲崎)7815稲 meaning rice plant./ 崎 meaning promontory, cape, spit.
Inazawa(稲沢)3980稲 meaning rice plant./ 沢 meaning swamp, marsh, brilliance, grace.
Inazawa(稲澤)9960稲 meaning rice plant./ 澤 meaning swamp.
Inazu(稲津)4970稲 meaning rice plant./ 津 meaning haven, port, harbor, ferry.
Inazuka(稲塚)8078稲 meaning rice plant./ 塚 meaning hillock, mound.
Inazuki(稲月)7553稲 meaning rice plant./ 月 meaning month, moon.
Inazumi(稲積)7092稲 meaning rice plant./ 積 meaning volume, product (x*y), acreage, contents, pile up, stack, load, amass.
Inden(位田)4959位 meaning rank, grade, throne, crown, about, some./ 田 meaning rice field, rice paddy.
Indo(印藤)6540印 meaning stamp, seal, mark, imprint, symbol, emblem, trademark, evidence, souvenir, India./ 藤 meaning wisteria.
Indo(犬童)4629犬 meaning dog./ 童 meaning juvenile, child.
Inenaga(稲永)4216稲 meaning rice plant./ 永 meaning eternity, long, lengthy.
Innami(印南)3075印 meaning stamp, seal, mark, imprint, symbol, emblem, trademark, evidence, souvenir, India./ 南 meaning south.
Ino(伊能)3976伊 meaning Italy, that one./ 能 meaning ability, talent, skill, capacity.
Ino(伊野)3530伊 meaning Italy, that one./ 野 meaning plains, field, rustic, civilian life.
Ino(井野)1583井 meaning well, well crib, town, community./ 野 meaning plains, field, rustic, civilian life.
Ino(稲生)2569稲 meaning rice plant./ 生 meaning life, genuine, birth.
Ino(猪)9356猪 meaning boar.
Ino(猪尾)9135猪 meaning boar./ 尾 meaning tail, end, counter for fish, lower slope of mountain.
Ino(猪野)1584猪 meaning boar./ 野 meaning plains, field, rustic, civilian life.
Inoguchi(井野口)6826井 meaning well, well crib, town, community./ 野 meaning plains, field, rustic, civilian life./ 口 meaning mouth.
Inoha(伊野波)8630伊 meaning Italy, that one./ 野 meaning plains, field, rustic, civilian life./ 波 meaning waves, billows, Poland.
Inohana(猪鼻)6526猪 meaning boar./ 鼻 meaning nose, snout.
Inohara(猪原)2391猪 meaning boar./ 原 meaning meadow, original, primitive, field, plain, prairie, tundra, wilderness.
Inoi(猪井)8362猪 meaning boar./ 井 meaning well, well crib, town, community.
Inoka(猪岡)6553猪 meaning boar./ 岡 meaning mount, hill, knoll.
Inoki(猪木)6356猪 meaning boar./ 木 meaning tree, wood.
Inoko(猪子)5054猪 meaning boar./ 子 meaning child, sign of the rat, 11PM-1AM, first sign of Chinese zodiac.
Inokoshi(猪越)8804猪 meaning boar./ 越 meaning surpass, cross over, move to, exceed, Vietnam.
Inokuchi(井ノ口)3063井 meaning well, well crib, town, community./ ノ meaning / 口 meaning mouth.
Inokuchi(井之口)9777井 meaning well, well crib, town, community./ 之 meaning of, this./ 口 meaning mouth.
Inokuchi(猪口)2566猪 meaning boar./ 口 meaning mouth.
Inokuma(猪熊)3352猪 meaning boar./ 熊 meaning bear.
Inomata(猪股)967猪 meaning boar./ 股 meaning thigh, crotch.
Inomata(猪俣)1292猪 meaning boar./ 俣 meaning crotch, thigh, groin, (kokuji).
Inomata(猪又)2354猪 meaning boar./ 又 meaning or again, furthermore, on the other hand.
Inomoto(猪本)6919猪 meaning boar./ 本 meaning book, present, main, origin, true, real, counter for long cylindrical things.
Inose(猪瀬)1681猪 meaning boar./ 瀬 meaning rapids, current, torrent, shallows, shoal.
Inoshima(猪島)9448猪 meaning boar./ 島 meaning island.
Inoshita(井下)2676井 meaning well, well crib, town, community./ 下 meaning below, down, descend, give, low, inferior.
Inotani(猪谷)6445猪 meaning boar./ 谷 meaning valley.
Inotsume(猪爪)5772猪 meaning boar./ 爪 meaning claw, nail, talon.
Inoue(井ノ上)4950井 meaning well, well crib, town, community./ ノ meaning / 上 meaning above, up.
Inoue(井上)16井 meaning well, well crib, town, community./ 上 meaning above, up.
Inoue(井之上)4406井 meaning well, well crib, town, community./ 之 meaning of, this./ 上 meaning above, up.
Inoue(猪上)8095猪 meaning boar./ 上 meaning above, up.
Inubushi(犬伏)4388犬 meaning dog./ 伏 meaning prostrated, bend down, bow, cover, lay (pipes).
Inui(乾)697乾 meaning drought, dry, dessicate, drink up, heaven, emperor.
Inui(犬井)9949犬 meaning dog./ 井 meaning well, well crib, town, community.
Inukai(犬飼)1209犬 meaning dog./ 飼 meaning domesticate, raise, keep, feed.
Inuma(井沼)9869井 meaning well, well crib, town, community./ 沼 meaning marsh, lake, bog, swamp, pond.
Inumaru(犬丸)5913犬 meaning dog./ 丸 meaning round, full (month), perfection, -ship, pills, make round, roll up, curl up, seduce, explain away.
Inuyama(犬山)6533犬 meaning dog./ 山 meaning mountain.
Inuzuka(犬塚)1409犬 meaning dog./ 塚 meaning hillock, mound.
Io(井尾)7414井 meaning well, well crib, town, community./ 尾 meaning tail, end, counter for fish, lower slope of mountain.
Ioka(井岡)3607井 meaning well, well crib, town, community./ 岡 meaning mount, hill, knoll.
Iokawa(五百川)8374五 meaning five./ 百 meaning hundred./ 川 meaning stream, river, river or three-stroke river radical (no. 47).
Ioku(井奥)8050井 meaning well, well crib, town, community./ 奥 meaning heart, interior.
Iori(庵)9357庵 meaning hermitage, retreat.
Ioroi(五百蔵)7031五 meaning five./ 百 meaning hundred./ 蔵 meaning storehouse, hide, own, have, possess.
Irabu(伊良部)7665伊 meaning Italy, that one./ 良 meaning good, pleasing, skilled./ 部 meaning section, bureau, dept, class, copy, part, portion, counter for copies of a newspaper or magazine.
Irago(五十子)9623五 meaning five./ 十 meaning ten./ 子 meaning child, sign of the rat, 11PM-1AM, first sign of Chinese zodiac.
Iraha(伊良波)5695伊 meaning Italy, that one./ 良 meaning good, pleasing, skilled./ 波 meaning waves, billows, Poland.
Iramina(伊良皆)7862伊 meaning Italy, that one./ 良 meaning good, pleasing, skilled./ 皆 meaning all, everything.
Irei(伊礼)3148伊 meaning Italy, that one./ 礼 meaning salute, bow, ceremony, thanks, remuneration.
Irei(伊禮)8168伊 meaning Italy, that one./ 禮 meaning social custom, manners, courtesy, rites.
Iribe(入部)5336入 meaning enter, insert./ 部 meaning section, bureau, dept, class, copy, part, portion, counter for copies of a newspaper or magazine.
Irie(入江)434入 meaning enter, insert./ 江 meaning creek, inlet, bay.
Irifune(入船)5787入 meaning enter, insert./ 船 meaning ship, boat.
Iriguchi(入口)2880入 meaning enter, insert./ 口 meaning mouth.
Irii(入井)8776入 meaning enter, insert./ 井 meaning well, well crib, town, community.
Irikawa(入川)7706入 meaning enter, insert./ 川 meaning stream, river, river or three-stroke river radical (no. 47).
Irikura(入倉)3978入 meaning enter, insert./ 倉 meaning godown, warehouse, storehouse, cellar, treasury.
Irimajiri(入交)8531入 meaning enter, insert./ 交 meaning mingle, mixing, association, coming & going.
Irimura(入村)9527入 meaning enter, insert./ 村 meaning village, town.
Irino(入野)3743入 meaning enter, insert./ 野 meaning plains, field, rustic, civilian life.
Irisa(入佐)6320入 meaning enter, insert./ 佐 meaning assistant, help.
Irisawa(入沢)2346入 meaning enter, insert./ 沢 meaning swamp, marsh, brilliance, grace.
Irisawa(入澤)3997入 meaning enter, insert./ 澤 meaning swamp.
Irita(入田)6271入 meaning enter, insert./ 田 meaning rice field, rice paddy.
Iritani(入谷)3022入 meaning enter, insert./ 谷 meaning valley.
Iriuchijima(入内島)7851入 meaning enter, insert./ 内 meaning inside, within, between, among, house, home./ 島 meaning island.
Iriyama(入山)2610入 meaning enter, insert./ 山 meaning mountain.
Irokawa(色川)5205色 meaning color./ 川 meaning stream, river, river or three-stroke river radical (no. 47).
Iryo(井料)8516井 meaning well, well crib, town, community./ 料 meaning fee, materials.
Isa(伊佐)1661伊 meaning Italy, that one./ 佐 meaning assistant, help.
Isago(砂金)5032砂 meaning sand./ 金 meaning gold.
Isaji(伊佐治)4290伊 meaning Italy, that one./ 佐 meaning assistant, help./ 治 meaning reign, be at peace, calm down, subdue, quell, govt, cure, heal, rule, conserve.
Isaji(伊佐地)7574伊 meaning Italy, that one./ 佐 meaning assistant, help./ 地 meaning ground, earth.
Isaka(伊坂)4765伊 meaning Italy, that one./ 坂 meaning slope, incline, hill.
Isaka(井坂)1422井 meaning well, well crib, town, community./ 坂 meaning slope, incline, hill.
Isaka(井阪)4758井 meaning well, well crib, town, community./ 阪 meaning heights, slope.
Isami(勇)4747勇 meaning courage, cheer up, be in high spirits, bravery, heroism.
Isayama(諌山)4490諌 meaning admonish, dissuade./ 山 meaning mountain.
Isayama(諫山)4067諫 meaning admonish, dissuade./ 山 meaning mountain.
Ise(伊瀬)7428伊 meaning Italy, that one./ 瀬 meaning rapids, current, torrent, shallows, shoal.
Ise(伊勢)1262伊 meaning Italy, that one./ 勢 meaning forces, energy, military strength.
Iseda(伊勢田)4017伊 meaning Italy, that one./ 勢 meaning forces, energy, military strength./ 田 meaning rice field, rice paddy.
Iseki(伊関)4991伊 meaning Italy, that one./ 関 meaning connection, barrier, gateway, involve, concerning.
Iseki(井関)1505井 meaning well, well crib, town, community./ 関 meaning connection, barrier, gateway, involve, concerning.
Iseki(井石)9401井 meaning well, well crib, town, community./ 石 meaning stone.
Iseri(井芹)5414井 meaning well, well crib, town, community./ 芹 meaning parsley.
Iseya(伊勢谷)5283伊 meaning Italy, that one./ 勢 meaning forces, energy, military strength./ 谷 meaning valley.
Isezaki(伊勢崎)7386伊 meaning Italy, that one./ 勢 meaning forces, energy, military strength./ 崎 meaning promontory, cape, spit.
Ishi(石)6616石 meaning stone.
Ishiai(石合)7505石 meaning stone./ 合 meaning fit, suit, join, 0.1.
Ishiba(石場)6285石 meaning stone./ 場 meaning location, place.
Ishibashi(石橋)176石 meaning stone./ 橋 meaning bridge.
Ishibe(石部)3262石 meaning stone./ 部 meaning section, bureau, dept, class, copy, part, portion, counter for copies of a newspaper or magazine.
Ishibiki(石引)8334石 meaning stone./ 引 meaning pull, tug, jerk, admit, install, quote, refer to.
Ishida(石田)59石 meaning stone./ 田 meaning rice field, rice paddy.
Ishide(石出)5168石 meaning stone./ 出 meaning exit, leave, go out, come out, put out, protrude.
Ishido(石戸)2907石 meaning stone./ 戸 meaning door, counter for houses, door radical (no. 63).
Ishido(石動)9501石 meaning stone./ 動 meaning move, motion, change, confusion, shift, shake.
Ishido(石堂)2831石 meaning stone./ 堂 meaning public chamber, hall.
Ishiga(石賀)6124石 meaning stone./ 賀 meaning congratulations, joy.
Ishigaki(石垣)661石 meaning stone./ 垣 meaning hedge, fence, wall.
Ishigame(石亀)6924石 meaning stone./ 亀 meaning tortoise, turtle.
Ishigami(石上)1342石 meaning stone./ 上 meaning above, up.
Ishigami(石神)1547石 meaning stone./ 神 meaning gods, mind, soul.
Ishige(石毛)1249石 meaning stone./ 毛 meaning fur, hair, feather, down.
Ishigooka(石郷岡)4687石 meaning stone./ 郷 meaning home town, village, native place, district./ 岡 meaning mount, hill, knoll.
Ishiguchi(石口)5146石 meaning stone./ 口 meaning mouth.
Ishigure(石榑)7019石 meaning stone./ 榑 meaning unbarked lumber.
Ishiguri(石栗)5441石 meaning stone./ 栗 meaning chestnut.
Ishiguro(石黒)367石 meaning stone./ 黒 meaning black.
Ishihama(石浜)3723石 meaning stone./ 浜 meaning seacoast, beach, seashore.
Ishihara(石原)141石 meaning stone./ 原 meaning meadow, original, primitive, field, plain, prairie, tundra, wilderness.
Ishihata(石畑)7902石 meaning stone./ 畑 meaning farm, field, garden, one's specialty, (kokuji).
Ishii(石井)29石 meaning stone./ 井 meaning well, well crib, town, community.
Ishii(石居)6210石 meaning stone./ 居 meaning reside, to be, exist, live with.
Ishiji(石地)9516石 meaning stone./ 地 meaning ground, earth.
Ishijima(石島)1630石 meaning stone./ 島 meaning island.
Ishijima(石嶋)4429石 meaning stone./ 嶋 meaning island.
Ishikawa(石河)3107石 meaning stone./ 河 meaning river.
Ishikawa(石川)26石 meaning stone./ 川 meaning stream, river, river or three-stroke river radical (no. 47).
Ishiki(伊敷)4852伊 meaning Italy, that one./ 敷 meaning spread, pave, sit, promulgate.
Ishiki(石木)7622石 meaning stone./ 木 meaning tree, wood.
Ishikura(石倉)913石 meaning stone./ 倉 meaning godown, warehouse, storehouse, cellar, treasury.
Ishima(石間)4778石 meaning stone./ 間 meaning interval, space.
Ishimaru(石丸)696石 meaning stone./ 丸 meaning round, full (month), perfection, -ship, pills, make round, roll up, curl up, seduce, explain away.
Ishimatsu(石松)2032石 meaning stone./ 松 meaning pine tree.
Ishimine(伊志嶺)6582伊 meaning Italy, that one./ 志 meaning intention, plan, resolve, aspire, motive, hopes, shilling./ 嶺 meaning peak, summit.
Ishimine(石嶺)5368石 meaning stone./ 嶺 meaning peak, summit.
Ishimitsu(石光)7310石 meaning stone./ 光 meaning ray, light.
Ishimizu(石水)6991石 meaning stone./ 水 meaning water.
Ishimoda(石母田)9658石 meaning stone./ 母 meaning mother./ 田 meaning rice field, rice paddy.
Ishimori(石森)1576石 meaning stone./ 森 meaning forest, woods.
Ishimoto(石元)4593石 meaning stone./ 元 meaning beginning, former time, origin.
Ishimoto(石本)718石 meaning stone./ 本 meaning book, present, main, origin, true, real, counter for long cylindrical things.
Ishimura(石村)1109石 meaning stone./ 村 meaning village, town.
Ishinabe(石鍋)4501石 meaning stone./ 鍋 meaning pot, pan, kettle.
Ishinaka(石中)8594石 meaning stone./ 中 meaning in, inside, middle, mean, center.
Ishino(石野)892石 meaning stone./ 野 meaning plains, field, rustic, civilian life.
Ishinoda(石野田)9775石 meaning stone./ 野 meaning plains, field, rustic, civilian life./ 田 meaning rice field, rice paddy.
Ishio(石尾)4307石 meaning stone./ 尾 meaning tail, end, counter for fish, lower slope of mountain.
Ishioka(石岡)1098石 meaning stone./ 岡 meaning mount, hill, knoll.
Ishisaka(石阪)8785石 meaning stone./ 阪 meaning heights, slope.
Ishisaki(石﨑)4780石 meaning stone./ 﨑 meaning point、point、head、ness、cape、headland、foreland、head、promontory.
Ishishita(石下)5580石 meaning stone./ 下 meaning below, down, descend, give, low, inferior.
Ishitaka(石高)8835石 meaning stone./ 高 meaning tall, high, expensive.
Ishitani(石谷)1759石 meaning stone./ 谷 meaning valley.
Ishitobi(石飛)2671石 meaning stone./ 飛 meaning fly, skip (pages), scatter.
Ishitoya(石戸谷)4481石 meaning stone./ 戸 meaning door, counter for houses, door radical (no. 63)./ 谷 meaning valley.
Ishitsubo(石坪)9420石 meaning stone./ 坪 meaning two-mat area, approx. thirty-six sq ft.
Ishiuchi(石内)4592石 meaning stone./ 内 meaning inside, within, between, among, house, home.
Ishiura(石浦)5558石 meaning stone./ 浦 meaning bay, creek, inlet, gulf, beach, seacoast.
Ishiwa(石和)6938石 meaning stone./ 和 meaning harmony, Japanese style, peace, soften, Japan.
Ishiwada(石和田)8676石 meaning stone./ 和 meaning harmony, Japanese style, peace, soften, Japan./ 田 meaning rice field, rice paddy.
Ishiwaki(石脇)7660石 meaning stone./ 脇 meaning armpit, the other way, another place, flank, supporting role.
Ishiwari(石割)8547石 meaning stone./ 割 meaning proportion, comparatively, divide, cut, separate, split.
Ishiwata(石渡)621石 meaning stone./ 渡 meaning transit, ford, ferry, cross, import, deliver, diameter, migrate.
Ishiwata(石綿)3646石 meaning stone./ 綿 meaning cotton.
Ishiyama(石山)451石 meaning stone./ 山 meaning mountain.
Ishizaka(石坂)789石 meaning stone./ 坂 meaning slope, incline, hill.
Ishizaki(石崎)449石 meaning stone./ 崎 meaning promontory, cape, spit.
Ishizawa(石沢)1048石 meaning stone./ 沢 meaning swamp, marsh, brilliance, grace.
Ishizawa(石澤)2269石 meaning stone./ 澤 meaning swamp.
Ishizeki(石関)3177石 meaning stone./ 関 meaning connection, barrier, gateway, involve, concerning.
Ishizone(石曽根)9052石 meaning stone./ 曽 meaning formerly, once, before, ever, never, ex-./ 根 meaning root, radical, head (pimple).
Ishizu(石津)1371石 meaning stone./ 津 meaning haven, port, harbor, ferry.
Ishizuka(石塚)275石 meaning stone./ 塚 meaning hillock, mound.
Ishizuki(石月)6698石 meaning stone./ 月 meaning month, moon.
Ishizuki(石附)5322石 meaning stone./ 附 meaning affixed, attach, refer to, append.
Ishizumi(石角)7855石 meaning stone./ 角 meaning angle, corner, square, horn, antlers.
Iso(磯)1395磯 meaning seashore, beach.
Iso(礒)6381礒 meaning rock, beach, shore.
Isobe(磯部)506磯 meaning seashore, beach./ 部 meaning section, bureau, dept, class, copy, part, portion, counter for copies of a newspaper or magazine.
Isobe(磯辺)2778磯 meaning seashore, beach./ 辺 meaning environs, boundary, border, vicinity.
Isobe(礒部)3561礒 meaning rock, beach, shore./ 部 meaning section, bureau, dept, class, copy, part, portion, counter for copies of a newspaper or magazine.
Isobe(礒辺)8381礒 meaning rock, beach, shore./ 辺 meaning environs, boundary, border, vicinity.
Isoda(磯田)1210磯 meaning seashore, beach./ 田 meaning rice field, rice paddy.
Isoda(礒田)4350礒 meaning rock, beach, shore./ 田 meaning rice field, rice paddy.
Isoe(磯江)7336磯 meaning seashore, beach./ 江 meaning creek, inlet, bay.
Isogai(磯貝)1113磯 meaning seashore, beach./ 貝 meaning shellfish.
Isogai(礒貝)8231礒 meaning rock, beach, shore./ 貝 meaning shellfish.
Isogai(礒谷)7766礒 meaning rock, beach, shore./ 谷 meaning valley.
Isogami(磯上)7639磯 meaning seashore, beach./ 上 meaning above, up.
Isoguchi(磯口)9418磯 meaning seashore, beach./ 口 meaning mouth.
Isohata(五十畑)4875五 meaning five./ 十 meaning ten./ 畑 meaning farm, field, garden, one's specialty, (kokuji).
Isoi(磯井)8866磯 meaning seashore, beach./ 井 meaning well, well crib, town, community.
Isojima(磯島)5309磯 meaning seashore, beach./ 島 meaning island.
Isokawa(磯川)4651磯 meaning seashore, beach./ 川 meaning stream, river, river or three-stroke river radical (no. 47).
Isokawa(五十川)2723五 meaning five./ 十 meaning ten./ 川 meaning stream, river, river or three-stroke river radical (no. 47).
Isomae(磯前)9210磯 meaning seashore, beach./ 前 meaning in front, before.
Isomoto(磯本)5036磯 meaning seashore, beach./ 本 meaning book, present, main, origin, true, real, counter for long cylindrical things.
Isomura(磯村)1396磯 meaning seashore, beach./ 村 meaning village, town.
Isomura(礒村)9975礒 meaning rock, beach, shore./ 村 meaning village, town.
Isono(磯野)896磯 meaning seashore, beach./ 野 meaning plains, field, rustic, civilian life.
Isono(礒野)3799礒 meaning rock, beach, shore./ 野 meaning plains, field, rustic, civilian life.
Isotani(磯谷)2189磯 meaning seashore, beach./ 谷 meaning valley.
Isowa(磯和)8608磯 meaning seashore, beach./ 和 meaning harmony, Japanese style, peace, soften, Japan.
Isoyama(磯山)2761磯 meaning seashore, beach./ 山 meaning mountain.
Isozaki(磯崎)963磯 meaning seashore, beach./ 崎 meaning promontory, cape, spit.
Isozaki(礒崎)6286礒 meaning rock, beach, shore./ 崎 meaning promontory, cape, spit.
Isozumi(五十棲)8599五 meaning five./ 十 meaning ten./ 棲 meaning live, dwell.
Isshiki(一色)1706一 meaning one, one radical (no.1)./ 色 meaning color.
Itaba(板場)8904板 meaning plank, board, plate, stage./ 場 meaning location, place.
Itabashi(板橋)787板 meaning plank, board, plate, stage./ 橋 meaning bridge.
Itagaki(板垣)628板 meaning plank, board, plate, stage./ 垣 meaning hedge, fence, wall.
Itahara(板原)9797板 meaning plank, board, plate, stage./ 原 meaning meadow, original, primitive, field, plain, prairie, tundra, wilderness.
Itai(板井)2079板 meaning plank, board, plate, stage./ 井 meaning well, well crib, town, community.
Itakura(板倉)654板 meaning plank, board, plate, stage./ 倉 meaning godown, warehouse, storehouse, cellar, treasury.
Itami(伊丹)1668伊 meaning Italy, that one./ 丹 meaning rust-colored, red, red lead, pills, sincerity.
Itamochi(板持)8658板 meaning plank, board, plate, stage./ 持 meaning hold, have.
Itamoto(板本)7530板 meaning plank, board, plate, stage./ 本 meaning book, present, main, origin, true, real, counter for long cylindrical things.
Itamura(板村)8590板 meaning plank, board, plate, stage./ 村 meaning village, town.
Itani(伊谷)8104伊 meaning Italy, that one./ 谷 meaning valley.
Itani(井谷)2646井 meaning well, well crib, town, community./ 谷 meaning valley.
Itano(板野)2781板 meaning plank, board, plate, stage./ 野 meaning plains, field, rustic, civilian life.
Itasaka(板坂)4110板 meaning plank, board, plate, stage./ 坂 meaning slope, incline, hill.
Itashiki(板敷)7241板 meaning plank, board, plate, stage./ 敷 meaning spread, pave, sit, promulgate.
Itatsu(板津)3986板 meaning plank, board, plate, stage./ 津 meaning haven, port, harbor, ferry.
Itaya(板屋)6866板 meaning plank, board, plate, stage./ 屋 meaning roof, house, shop, dealer, seller.
Itaya(板谷)1267板 meaning plank, board, plate, stage./ 谷 meaning valley.
Itayama(板山)5561板 meaning plank, board, plate, stage./ 山 meaning mountain.
Itazaki(板崎)9233板 meaning plank, board, plate, stage./ 崎 meaning promontory, cape, spit.
Ito(伊東)189伊 meaning Italy, that one./ 東 meaning east.
Ito(伊藤)5伊 meaning Italy, that one./ 藤 meaning wisteria.
Ito(井東)8134井 meaning well, well crib, town, community./ 東 meaning east.
Ito(井藤)1968井 meaning well, well crib, town, community./ 藤 meaning wisteria.
Itoda(井戸田)4693井 meaning well, well crib, town, community./ 戸 meaning door, counter for houses, door radical (no. 63)./ 田 meaning rice field, rice paddy.
Itoda(糸田)6793糸 meaning thread./ 田 meaning rice field, rice paddy.
Itoga(糸賀)2828糸 meaning thread./ 賀 meaning congratulations, joy.
Itohara(糸原)7124糸 meaning thread./ 原 meaning meadow, original, primitive, field, plain, prairie, tundra, wilderness.
Itohiya(糸日谷)9245糸 meaning thread./ 日 meaning day, sun, Japan, counter for days./ 谷 meaning valley.
Itoi(糸井)1500糸 meaning thread./ 井 meaning well, well crib, town, community.
Itoigawa(糸魚川)8684糸 meaning thread./ 魚 meaning fish./ 川 meaning stream, river, river or three-stroke river radical (no. 47).
Itokawa(糸川)2653糸 meaning thread./ 川 meaning stream, river, river or three-stroke river radical (no. 47).
Itokazu(糸数)2804糸 meaning thread./ 数 meaning number, strength, fate, law, figures.
Itoman(糸満)8752糸 meaning thread./ 満 meaning full, fullness, enough, satisfy.
Itonaga(糸永)4209糸 meaning thread./ 永 meaning eternity, long, lengthy.
Itose(糸瀬)6155糸 meaning thread./ 瀬 meaning rapids, current, torrent, shallows, shoal.
Itosu(糸洲)8989糸 meaning thread./ 洲 meaning continent, sandbar, island, country.
Itotani(糸谷)7260糸 meaning thread./ 谷 meaning valley.
Itoyama(糸山)3459糸 meaning thread./ 山 meaning mountain.
Itsukaichi(五日市)6577五 meaning five./ 日 meaning day, sun, Japan, counter for days./ 市 meaning market, city, town.
Iuchi(井内)1916井 meaning well, well crib, town, community./ 内 meaning inside, within, between, among, house, home.
Iura(井浦)3443井 meaning well, well crib, town, community./ 浦 meaning bay, creek, inlet, gulf, beach, seacoast.
Iwa(岩)7817岩 meaning boulder, rock, cliff.
Iwabe(岩部)5051岩 meaning boulder, rock, cliff./ 部 meaning section, bureau, dept, class, copy, part, portion, counter for copies of a newspaper or magazine.
Iwabuchi(岩淵)1723岩 meaning boulder, rock, cliff./ 淵 meaning abyss, edge, deep pool, the depths.
Iwabuchi(岩渕)756岩 meaning boulder, rock, cliff./ 渕 meaning edge.
Iwadare(岩垂)6584岩 meaning boulder, rock, cliff./ 垂 meaning droop, suspend, hang, slouch.
Iwadate(岩館)4928岩 meaning boulder, rock, cliff./ 館 meaning building, mansion, large building, palace.
Iwadate(岩舘)6748岩 meaning boulder, rock, cliff./ 舘 meaning mansion, large building, palace.
Iwadate(岩楯)5484岩 meaning boulder, rock, cliff./ 楯 meaning shield, buckler, pretext.
Iwade(岩出)4357岩 meaning boulder, rock, cliff./ 出 meaning exit, leave, go out, come out, put out, protrude.
Iwafuji(岩藤)5130岩 meaning boulder, rock, cliff./ 藤 meaning wisteria.
Iwafune(岩船)6858岩 meaning boulder, rock, cliff./ 船 meaning ship, boat.
Iwagaki(岩垣)6423岩 meaning boulder, rock, cliff./ 垣 meaning hedge, fence, wall.
Iwagami(岩上)1540岩 meaning boulder, rock, cliff./ 上 meaning above, up.
Iwaguchi(岩口)5644岩 meaning boulder, rock, cliff./ 口 meaning mouth.
Iwahana(岩花)9941岩 meaning boulder, rock, cliff./ 花 meaning flower.
Iwahana(岩鼻)9305岩 meaning boulder, rock, cliff./ 鼻 meaning nose, snout.
Iwahara(岩原)2265岩 meaning boulder, rock, cliff./ 原 meaning meadow, original, primitive, field, plain, prairie, tundra, wilderness.
Iwahashi(岩橋)1242岩 meaning boulder, rock, cliff./ 橋 meaning bridge.
Iwahori(岩堀)2812岩 meaning boulder, rock, cliff./ 堀 meaning ditch, moat, canal.
Iwai(岩井)304岩 meaning boulder, rock, cliff./ 井 meaning well, well crib, town, community.
Iwai(祝)5529祝 meaning celebrate, congratulate.
Iwaida(岩井田)8796岩 meaning boulder, rock, cliff./ 井 meaning well, well crib, town, community./ 田 meaning rice field, rice paddy.
Iwaisako(祝迫)8235祝 meaning celebrate, congratulate./ 迫 meaning urge, force, imminent, spur on.
Iwaizumi(岩泉)7130岩 meaning boulder, rock, cliff./ 泉 meaning spring, fountain.
Iwakabe(岩壁)9793岩 meaning boulder, rock, cliff./ 壁 meaning wall, lining (stomach), fence.
Iwakawa(岩川)1964岩 meaning boulder, rock, cliff./ 川 meaning stream, river, river or three-stroke river radical (no. 47).
Iwaki(井脇)9287井 meaning well, well crib, town, community./ 脇 meaning armpit, the other way, another place, flank, supporting role.
Iwaki(岩城)814岩 meaning boulder, rock, cliff./ 城 meaning castle.
Iwaki(岩木)2249岩 meaning boulder, rock, cliff./ 木 meaning tree, wood.
Iwakiri(岩切)1363岩 meaning boulder, rock, cliff./ 切 meaning cut, cutoff, be sharp.
Iwakoshi(岩越)5011岩 meaning boulder, rock, cliff./ 越 meaning surpass, cross over, move to, exceed, Vietnam.
Iwakuma(岩熊)7832岩 meaning boulder, rock, cliff./ 熊 meaning bear.
Iwakuma(岩隈)9469岩 meaning boulder, rock, cliff./ 隈 meaning corner, nook, recess.
Iwakura(岩倉)1581岩 meaning boulder, rock, cliff./ 倉 meaning godown, warehouse, storehouse, cellar, treasury.
Iwama(岩間)757岩 meaning boulder, rock, cliff./ 間 meaning interval, space.
Iwamaru(岩丸)5599岩 meaning boulder, rock, cliff./ 丸 meaning round, full (month), perfection, -ship, pills, make round, roll up, curl up, seduce, explain away.
Iwamasa(岩政)9301岩 meaning boulder, rock, cliff./ 政 meaning politics, government.
Iwamatsu(岩松)2323岩 meaning boulder, rock, cliff./ 松 meaning pine tree.
Iwami(岩見)1323岩 meaning boulder, rock, cliff./ 見 meaning see, hopes, chances, idea, opinion, look at, visible.
Iwami(石見)2789石 meaning stone./ 見 meaning see, hopes, chances, idea, opinion, look at, visible.
Iwamitsu(岩満)8195岩 meaning boulder, rock, cliff./ 満 meaning full, fullness, enough, satisfy.
Iwamori(岩森)5435岩 meaning boulder, rock, cliff./ 森 meaning forest, woods.
Iwamoto(岩元)1333岩 meaning boulder, rock, cliff./ 元 meaning beginning, former time, origin.
Iwamoto(岩本)177岩 meaning boulder, rock, cliff./ 本 meaning book, present, main, origin, true, real, counter for long cylindrical things.
Iwamura(岩村)1000岩 meaning boulder, rock, cliff./ 村 meaning village, town.
Iwamuro(岩室)4966岩 meaning boulder, rock, cliff./ 室 meaning room, apartment, chamber, greenhouse, cellar.
Iwana(岩名)8629岩 meaning boulder, rock, cliff./ 名 meaning name, noted, distinguished, reputation.
Iwanabe(岩辺)8557岩 meaning boulder, rock, cliff./ 辺 meaning environs, boundary, border, vicinity.
Iwanaga(岩永)686岩 meaning boulder, rock, cliff./ 永 meaning eternity, long, lengthy.
Iwanaka(岩中)7394岩 meaning boulder, rock, cliff./ 中 meaning in, inside, middle, mean, center.
Iwanami(岩波)2502岩 meaning boulder, rock, cliff./ 波 meaning waves, billows, Poland.
Iwanami(岩浪)5105岩 meaning boulder, rock, cliff./ 浪 meaning wandering, waves, billows, reckless, unrestrained.
Iwanari(岩成)7426岩 meaning boulder, rock, cliff./ 成 meaning turn into, become, get, grow, elapse, reach.
Iwane(岩根)2472岩 meaning boulder, rock, cliff./ 根 meaning root, radical, head (pimple).
Iwanishi(岩西)9740岩 meaning boulder, rock, cliff./ 西 meaning west, Spain.
Iwano(岩野)1313岩 meaning boulder, rock, cliff./ 野 meaning plains, field, rustic, civilian life.
Iwao(巌)8565巌 meaning rock, crag, boulder.
Iwao(岩男)4358岩 meaning boulder, rock, cliff./ 男 meaning male.
Iwao(岩尾)1760岩 meaning boulder, rock, cliff./ 尾 meaning tail, end, counter for fish, lower slope of mountain.
Iwaoka(岩岡)3050岩 meaning boulder, rock, cliff./ 岡 meaning mount, hill, knoll.
Iwasa(岩佐)638岩 meaning boulder, rock, cliff./ 佐 meaning assistant, help.
Iwasa(岩浅)5852岩 meaning boulder, rock, cliff./ 浅 meaning shallow, superficial, frivolous, wretched, shameful.
Iwasaka(岩坂)3891岩 meaning boulder, rock, cliff./ 坂 meaning slope, incline, hill.
Iwasaki(岩崎)93岩 meaning boulder, rock, cliff./ 崎 meaning promontory, cape, spit.
Iwasawa(岩沢)1212岩 meaning boulder, rock, cliff./ 沢 meaning swamp, marsh, brilliance, grace.
Iwasawa(岩澤)2078岩 meaning boulder, rock, cliff./ 澤 meaning swamp.
Iwase(岩瀬)448岩 meaning boulder, rock, cliff./ 瀬 meaning rapids, current, torrent, shallows, shoal.
Iwashige(岩重)7014岩 meaning boulder, rock, cliff./ 重 meaning heavy, important, esteem, respect, heap up, pile up, nest of boxes, -fold.
Iwashima(岩島)3910岩 meaning boulder, rock, cliff./ 島 meaning island.
Iwashima(岩嶋)9606岩 meaning boulder, rock, cliff./ 嶋 meaning island.
Iwashita(岩下)542岩 meaning boulder, rock, cliff./ 下 meaning below, down, descend, give, low, inferior.
Iwata(岩田)127岩 meaning boulder, rock, cliff./ 田 meaning rice field, rice paddy.
Iwatake(岩竹)8963岩 meaning boulder, rock, cliff./ 竹 meaning bamboo.
Iwatani(岩谷)968岩 meaning boulder, rock, cliff./ 谷 meaning valley.
Iwatate(岩立)4697岩 meaning boulder, rock, cliff./ 立 meaning stand up, rise, set up, erect.
Iwato(岩戸)4440岩 meaning boulder, rock, cliff./ 戸 meaning door, counter for houses, door radical (no. 63).
Iwatsu(岩津)6596岩 meaning boulder, rock, cliff./ 津 meaning haven, port, harbor, ferry.
Iwatsubo(岩坪)4896岩 meaning boulder, rock, cliff./ 坪 meaning two-mat area, approx. thirty-six sq ft.
Iwatsuka(岩塚)7385岩 meaning boulder, rock, cliff./ 塚 meaning hillock, mound.
Iwatsuki(岩月)2321岩 meaning boulder, rock, cliff./ 月 meaning month, moon.
Iwatsuki(岩槻)8812岩 meaning boulder, rock, cliff./ 槻 meaning Zelkova tree.
Iwatsuki(岩附)5934岩 meaning boulder, rock, cliff./ 附 meaning affixed, attach, refer to, append.
Iwauchi(岩内)6662岩 meaning boulder, rock, cliff./ 内 meaning inside, within, between, among, house, home.
Iwawaki(岩脇)4083岩 meaning boulder, rock, cliff./ 脇 meaning armpit, the other way, another place, flank, supporting role.
Iwaya(岩屋)5243岩 meaning boulder, rock, cliff./ 屋 meaning roof, house, shop, dealer, seller.
Iwayama(岩山)2772岩 meaning boulder, rock, cliff./ 山 meaning mountain.
Iyama(伊山)6818伊 meaning Italy, that one./ 山 meaning mountain.
Iyama(井山)3709井 meaning well, well crib, town, community./ 山 meaning mountain.
Iyama(猪山)8961猪 meaning boar./ 山 meaning mountain.
Iyoda(伊予田)7643伊 meaning Italy, that one./ 予 meaning beforehand, previous, myself, I./ 田 meaning rice field, rice paddy.
Iyoda(伊与田)3965伊 meaning Italy, that one./ 与 meaning bestow, participate in, give, award, impart, provide, cause, gift, godsend./ 田 meaning rice field, rice paddy.
Iyori(伊従)9988伊 meaning Italy, that one./ 従 meaning accompany, obey, submit to, comply, follow, secondary, incidental, subordinate.
Izaki(伊崎)4060伊 meaning Italy, that one./ 崎 meaning promontory, cape, spit.
Izaki(井崎)3167井 meaning well, well crib, town, community./ 崎 meaning promontory, cape, spit.
Izaki(猪崎)9733猪 meaning boar./ 崎 meaning promontory, cape, spit.
Izawa(伊沢)1241伊 meaning Italy, that one./ 沢 meaning swamp, marsh, brilliance, grace.
Izawa(伊澤)2329伊 meaning Italy, that one./ 澤 meaning swamp.
Izawa(井沢)1186井 meaning well, well crib, town, community./ 沢 meaning swamp, marsh, brilliance, grace.
Izawa(井澤)2276井 meaning well, well crib, town, community./ 澤 meaning swamp.
Izena(伊是名)7790伊 meaning Italy, that one./ 是 meaning just so, this, right, justice./ 名 meaning name, noted, distinguished, reputation.
Izu(伊豆)4147伊 meaning Italy, that one./ 豆 meaning beans, pea, midget.
Izuhara(泉原)7104泉 meaning spring, fountain./ 原 meaning meadow, original, primitive, field, plain, prairie, tundra, wilderness.
Izui(泉井)7279泉 meaning spring, fountain./ 井 meaning well, well crib, town, community.
Izuishi(出石)8213出 meaning exit, leave, go out, come out, put out, protrude./ 石 meaning stone.
Izuka(井塚)7479井 meaning well, well crib, town, community./ 塚 meaning hillock, mound.
Izuka(猪塚)9404猪 meaning boar./ 塚 meaning hillock, mound.
Izumi(泉)321泉 meaning spring, fountain.
Izumi(和泉)673和 meaning harmony, Japanese style, peace, soften, Japan./ 泉 meaning spring, fountain.
Izumida(泉田)1859泉 meaning spring, fountain./ 田 meaning rice field, rice paddy.
Izumida(和泉田)8753和 meaning harmony, Japanese style, peace, soften, Japan./ 泉 meaning spring, fountain./ 田 meaning rice field, rice paddy.
Izumikawa(泉川)3306泉 meaning spring, fountain./ 川 meaning stream, river, river or three-stroke river radical (no. 47).
Izumino(泉野)7188泉 meaning spring, fountain./ 野 meaning plains, field, rustic, civilian life.
Izumisawa(泉沢)4661泉 meaning spring, fountain./ 沢 meaning swamp, marsh, brilliance, grace.
Izumisawa(泉澤)8514泉 meaning spring, fountain./ 澤 meaning swamp.
Izumitani(泉谷)1597泉 meaning spring, fountain./ 谷 meaning valley.
Izumiyama(泉山)3815泉 meaning spring, fountain./ 山 meaning mountain.
Izumo(出雲)3308出 meaning exit, leave, go out, come out, put out, protrude./ 雲 meaning cloud.
Izumoto(泉本)4756泉 meaning spring, fountain./ 本 meaning book, present, main, origin, true, real, counter for long cylindrical things.
Izuno(伊津野)7481伊 meaning Italy, that one./ 津 meaning haven, port, harbor, ferry./ 野 meaning plains, field, rustic, civilian life.
Izuta(伊豆田)7465伊 meaning Italy, that one./ 豆 meaning beans, pea, midget./ 田 meaning rice field, rice paddy.
Izutsu(井筒)2356井 meaning well, well crib, town, community./ 筒 meaning cylinder, pipe, tube, gun barrel, sleeve.

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