Japanese Last Name Meanings | Rank 2,501 to 3,000

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RankLast NameMeaning
2501Wakana(若菜)若 meaning young, if, perhaps, possibly, low number, immature./ 菜 meaning vegetable, side dish, greens.
2502Iwanami(岩波)岩 meaning boulder, rock, cliff./ 波 meaning waves, billows, Poland.
2503Shono(庄野)庄 meaning level, in the country, manor, village, hamlet./ 野 meaning plains, field, rustic, civilian life.
2504Shiroyama(城山)城 meaning castle./ 山 meaning mountain.
2505Ii(伊井)伊 meaning Italy, that one./ 井 meaning well, well crib, town, community.
2506Nagashima(永嶋)永 meaning eternity, long, lengthy./ 嶋 meaning island.
2507Tsukiyama(築山)築 meaning fabricate, build, construct./ 山 meaning mountain.
2508Namba(南波)南 meaning south./ 波 meaning waves, billows, Poland.
2509Niimi(新見)新 meaning new./ 見 meaning see, hopes, chances, idea, opinion, look at, visible.
2510Yoshitani(吉谷)吉 meaning good luck, joy, congratulations./ 谷 meaning valley.
2511Matsumori(松森)松 meaning pine tree./ 森 meaning forest, woods.
2512Komine(小峯)小 meaning little, small./ 峯 meaning peak, summit.
2513Kaburagi(鏑木)鏑 meaning arrowhead./ 木 meaning tree, wood.
2514Takarada(宝田)宝 meaning treasure, wealth, valuables./ 田 meaning rice field, rice paddy.
2515Tokumoto(徳本)徳 meaning benevolence, virtue, goodness, commanding respect./ 本 meaning book, present, main, origin, true, real, counter for long cylindrical things.
2516Saika(雑賀)雑 meaning miscellaneous./ 賀 meaning congratulations, joy.
2517Tago(田子)田 meaning rice field, rice paddy./ 子 meaning child, sign of the rat, 11PM-1AM, first sign of Chinese zodiac.
2518Nobe(野辺)野 meaning plains, field, rustic, civilian life./ 辺 meaning environs, boundary, border, vicinity.
2519Imafuku(今福)今 meaning now./ 福 meaning blessing, fortune, luck, wealth.
2520Nagahara(長原)長 meaning long, leader, superior, senior./ 原 meaning meadow, original, primitive, field, plain, prairie, tundra, wilderness.
2521Wakiyama(脇山)脇 meaning armpit, the other way, another place, flank, supporting role./ 山 meaning mountain.
2522Uekusa(植草)植 meaning plant./ 草 meaning grass, weeds, herbs, pasture, write, draft.
2523Awata(粟田)粟 meaning millet./ 田 meaning rice field, rice paddy.
2524Takezaki(竹崎)竹 meaning bamboo./ 崎 meaning promontory, cape, spit.
2525Hashimura(橋村)橋 meaning bridge./ 村 meaning village, town.
2526Takane(高根)高 meaning tall, high, expensive./ 根 meaning root, radical, head (pimple).
2527Okuma(大隈)大 meaning large, big./ 隈 meaning corner, nook, recess.
2528Osaka(逢坂)逢 meaning meeting, tryst, date, rendezvous./ 坂 meaning slope, incline, hill.
2529Tanabe(田邊)田 meaning rice field, rice paddy./ 邊 meaning edge, margin, side, border.
2530Kasugai(春日井)春 meaning springtime, spring (season)./ 日 meaning day, sun, Japan, counter for days./ 井 meaning well, well crib, town, community.
2531Morito(森藤)森 meaning forest, woods./ 藤 meaning wisteria.
2532Narimatsu(成松)成 meaning turn into, become, get, grow, elapse, reach./ 松 meaning pine tree.
2533Yanagihashi(柳橋)柳 meaning willow./ 橋 meaning bridge.
2534Niinuma(新沼)新 meaning new./ 沼 meaning marsh, lake, bog, swamp, pond.
2535Tahira(田平)田 meaning rice field, rice paddy./ 平 meaning even, flat, peace.
2536Motoda(元田)元 meaning beginning, former time, origin./ 田 meaning rice field, rice paddy.
2537Mitsuoka(光岡)光 meaning ray, light./ 岡 meaning mount, hill, knoll.
2538Yajima(谷島)谷 meaning valley./ 島 meaning island.
2539Ikejiri(池尻)池 meaning pond, cistern, pool, reservoir./ 尻 meaning buttocks, hips, butt, rear.
2540Numajiri(沼尻)沼 meaning marsh, lake, bog, swamp, pond./ 尻 meaning buttocks, hips, butt, rear.
2541Ujihara(氏原)氏 meaning family name, surname, clan./ 原 meaning meadow, original, primitive, field, plain, prairie, tundra, wilderness.
2542Tachi(館)館 meaning building, mansion, large building, palace.
2543Kanie(蟹江)蟹 meaning crab./ 江 meaning creek, inlet, bay.
2544Seko(瀬古)瀬 meaning rapids, current, torrent, shallows, shoal./ 古 meaning old.
2545Tomizuka(富塚)富 meaning wealth, enrich, abundant./ 塚 meaning hillock, mound.
2546Namatame(生田目)生 meaning life, genuine, birth./ 田 meaning rice field, rice paddy./ 目 meaning eye, class, look, insight, experience, care, favor.
2547Nakatake(中武)中 meaning in, inside, middle, mean, center./ 武 meaning warrior, military, chivalry, arms.
2548Sagae(寒河江)寒 meaning cold./ 河 meaning river./ 江 meaning creek, inlet, bay.
2549Chubachi(中鉢)中 meaning in, inside, middle, mean, center./ 鉢 meaning bowl, rice tub, pot, crown.
2550Akiya(秋谷)秋 meaning autumn./ 谷 meaning valley.
2551Kidokoro(城所)城 meaning castle./ 所 meaning place, extent.
2552Wako(若生)若 meaning young, if, perhaps, possibly, low number, immature./ 生 meaning life, genuine, birth.
2553Takafuji(高藤)高 meaning tall, high, expensive./ 藤 meaning wisteria.
2554Nozue(野末)野 meaning plains, field, rustic, civilian life./ 末 meaning end, close, tip, powder, posterity.
2555Tachiki(立木)立 meaning stand up, rise, set up, erect./ 木 meaning tree, wood.
2556Sasaya(笹谷)笹 meaning bamboo grass, (kokuji)./ 谷 meaning valley.
2557Kurachi(倉地)倉 meaning godown, warehouse, storehouse, cellar, treasury./ 地 meaning ground, earth.
2558Sasakura(笹倉)笹 meaning bamboo grass, (kokuji)./ 倉 meaning godown, warehouse, storehouse, cellar, treasury.
2559Nishikata(西方)西 meaning west, Spain./ 方 meaning direction, person, alternative.
2560Nakaya(中矢)中 meaning in, inside, middle, mean, center./ 矢 meaning dart, arrow.
2561Zama(座間)座 meaning squat, seat, cushion, gathering, sit./ 間 meaning interval, space.
2562Ibuki(伊吹)伊 meaning Italy, that one./ 吹 meaning blow, breathe, puff, emit, smoke.
2563Seko(世古)世 meaning generation, world, society, public./ 古 meaning old.
2564Tsukioka(月岡)月 meaning month, moon./ 岡 meaning mount, hill, knoll.
2565Ebina(海老名)海 meaning sea, ocean./ 老 meaning old man, old age, grow old./ 名 meaning name, noted, distinguished, reputation.
2566Inokuchi(猪口)猪 meaning boar./ 口 meaning mouth.
2567Uchikoshi(打越)打 meaning strike, hit, knock, pound, dozen./ 越 meaning surpass, cross over, move to, exceed, Vietnam.
2568Kakazu(嘉数)嘉 meaning applaud, praise, esteem, happy, auspicious./ 数 meaning number, strength, fate, law, figures.
2569Ino(稲生)稲 meaning rice plant./ 生 meaning life, genuine, birth.
2570Hanashiro(花城)花 meaning flower./ 城 meaning castle.
2571Funayama(舟山)舟 meaning boat, ship./ 山 meaning mountain.
2572Okutaira(奧平)奧 meaning heart, interior./ 平 meaning even, flat, peace.
2573Aonuma(青沼)青 meaning blue, green./ 沼 meaning marsh, lake, bog, swamp, pond.
2574Koitabashi(小板橋)小 meaning little, small./ 板 meaning plank, board, plate, stage./ 橋 meaning bridge.
2575Umetani(梅谷)梅 meaning plum./ 谷 meaning valley.
2576Takaesu(高江洲)高 meaning tall, high, expensive./ 江 meaning creek, inlet, bay./ 洲 meaning continent, sandbar, island, country.
2577Horiike(堀池)堀 meaning ditch, moat, canal./ 池 meaning pond, cistern, pool, reservoir.
2578Enokida(榎田)榎 meaning lotus tree, nettle tree, hackberry./ 田 meaning rice field, rice paddy.
2579Sunohara(春原)春 meaning springtime, spring (season)./ 原 meaning meadow, original, primitive, field, plain, prairie, tundra, wilderness.
2580Domon(土門)土 meaning soil, earth, ground, Turkey./ 門 meaning gate, counter for cannons.
2581Kawatsu(川津)川 meaning stream, river, river or three-stroke river radical (no. 47)./ 津 meaning haven, port, harbor, ferry.
2582Tokudome(徳留)徳 meaning benevolence, virtue, goodness, commanding respect./ 留 meaning detain, fasten, halt, stop.
2583Kuzuhara(葛原)葛 meaning arrowroot, kudzu./ 原 meaning meadow, original, primitive, field, plain, prairie, tundra, wilderness.
2584Tateno(舘野)舘 meaning mansion, large building, palace./ 野 meaning plains, field, rustic, civilian life.
2585Hagio(萩尾)萩 meaning bush clover./ 尾 meaning tail, end, counter for fish, lower slope of mountain.
2586Katsu(勝)勝 meaning victory, win, prevail, excel.
2587Yagisawa(八木沢)八 meaning eight, eight radical (no. 12)./ 木 meaning tree, wood./ 沢 meaning swamp, marsh, brilliance, grace.
2588Ikemura(池村)池 meaning pond, cistern, pool, reservoir./ 村 meaning village, town.
2589Mizushima(水嶋)水 meaning water./ 嶋 meaning island.
2590Yao(八尾)八 meaning eight, eight radical (no. 12)./ 尾 meaning tail, end, counter for fish, lower slope of mountain.
2591Asahi(旭)旭 meaning rising sun, morning sun.
2592Komukai(小向)小 meaning little, small./ 向 meaning yonder, facing, beyond, confront, defy, tend toward, approach.
2593Gima(儀間)儀 meaning ceremony, rule, affair, case, a matter./ 間 meaning interval, space.
2594Mitarai(御手洗)御 meaning honorable, manipulate, govern./ 手 meaning hand./ 洗 meaning wash, inquire into, probe.
2595Echigo(越後)越 meaning surpass, cross over, move to, exceed, Vietnam./ 後 meaning behind, back, later.
2596Koishi(小石)小 meaning little, small./ 石 meaning stone.
2597Sato(里)里 meaning ri, village, parent's home, league.
2598Tazawa(田澤)田 meaning rice field, rice paddy./ 澤 meaning swamp.
2599Kakigi(柿木)柿 meaning persimmon./ 木 meaning tree, wood.
2600Chibana(知花)知 meaning know, wisdom./ 花 meaning flower.
2601Narahara(楢原)楢 meaning oak./ 原 meaning meadow, original, primitive, field, plain, prairie, tundra, wilderness.
2602Ushioda(潮田)潮 meaning tide, salt water, opportunity./ 田 meaning rice field, rice paddy.
2603Yokokura(横倉)横 meaning sideways, side, horizontal, width, woof, unreasonable, perverse./ 倉 meaning godown, warehouse, storehouse, cellar, treasury.
2604Chonan(長南)長 meaning long, leader, superior, senior./ 南 meaning south.
2605Shirane(白根)白 meaning white./ 根 meaning root, radical, head (pimple).
2606Numakura(沼倉)沼 meaning marsh, lake, bog, swamp, pond./ 倉 meaning godown, warehouse, storehouse, cellar, treasury.
2607Demizu(出水)出 meaning exit, leave, go out, come out, put out, protrude./ 水 meaning water.
2608Ariyama(有山)有 meaning possess, have, exist, happen, occur, approx./ 山 meaning mountain.
2609Komura(古村)古 meaning old./ 村 meaning village, town.
2610Iriyama(入山)入 meaning enter, insert./ 山 meaning mountain.
2611Tomikawa(富川)富 meaning wealth, enrich, abundant./ 川 meaning stream, river, river or three-stroke river radical (no. 47).
2612Onizawa(鬼沢)鬼 meaning ghost, devil./ 沢 meaning swamp, marsh, brilliance, grace.
2613Tomatsu(戸松)戸 meaning door, counter for houses, door radical (no. 63)./ 松 meaning pine tree.
2614Inatomi(稲富)稲 meaning rice plant./ 富 meaning wealth, enrich, abundant.
2615Sannomiya(三宮)三 meaning three./ 宮 meaning Shinto shrine, constellations, palace, princess.
2616Takedomi(武富)武 meaning warrior, military, chivalry, arms./ 富 meaning wealth, enrich, abundant.
2617Koguchi(高口)高 meaning tall, high, expensive./ 口 meaning mouth.
2618Murofushi(室伏)室 meaning room, apartment, chamber, greenhouse, cellar./ 伏 meaning prostrated, bend down, bow, cover, lay (pipes).
2619Akada(赤田)赤 meaning red./ 田 meaning rice field, rice paddy.
2620Sawaki(沢木)沢 meaning swamp, marsh, brilliance, grace./ 木 meaning tree, wood.
2621Maru(丸)丸 meaning round, full (month), perfection, -ship, pills, make round, roll up, curl up, seduce, explain away.
2622Hashino(橋野)橋 meaning bridge./ 野 meaning plains, field, rustic, civilian life.
2623Chiku(知久)知 meaning know, wisdom./ 久 meaning long time, old story.
2624Miyazono(宮園)宮 meaning Shinto shrine, constellations, palace, princess./ 園 meaning park, garden, yard, farm.
2625Ikai(猪飼)猪 meaning boar./ 飼 meaning domesticate, raise, keep, feed.
2626Koketsu(纐纈)纐 meaning tie-dyeing, (kokuji)./ 纈 meaning tie-dyeing, purblind.
2627Takezawa(竹澤)竹 meaning bamboo./ 澤 meaning swamp.
2628Kurasawa(倉沢)倉 meaning godown, warehouse, storehouse, cellar, treasury./ 沢 meaning swamp, marsh, brilliance, grace.
2629Kaneuchi(金内)金 meaning gold./ 内 meaning inside, within, between, among, house, home.
2630Hirako(平子)平 meaning even, flat, peace./ 子 meaning child, sign of the rat, 11PM-1AM, first sign of Chinese zodiac.
2631Sugasawa(菅沢)菅 meaning sedge./ 沢 meaning swamp, marsh, brilliance, grace.
2632Nanri(南里)南 meaning south./ 里 meaning ri, village, parent's home, league.
2633Nishiumi(西海)西 meaning west, Spain./ 海 meaning sea, ocean.
2634Asaka(浅賀)浅 meaning shallow, superficial, frivolous, wretched, shameful./ 賀 meaning congratulations, joy.
2635Takama(高間)高 meaning tall, high, expensive./ 間 meaning interval, space.
2636Nakagoshi(中越)中 meaning in, inside, middle, mean, center./ 越 meaning surpass, cross over, move to, exceed, Vietnam.
2637Komagata(駒形)駒 meaning pony, horse, colt./ 形 meaning shape, form, style.
2638Shirota(代田)代 meaning substitute, change, convert, replace, period, age, counter for decades of ages, eras, etc., generation, charge, rate, fee./ 田 meaning rice field, rice paddy.
2639Masuoka(増岡)増 meaning increase, add, augment, gain, promote./ 岡 meaning mount, hill, knoll.
2640Kuronuma(黒沼)黒 meaning black./ 沼 meaning marsh, lake, bog, swamp, pond.
2641Saigo(西郷)西 meaning west, Spain./ 郷 meaning home town, village, native place, district.
2642Hamano(濱野)濱 meaning beach, sea coast, river bank./ 野 meaning plains, field, rustic, civilian life.
2643Onozato(小野里)小 meaning little, small./ 野 meaning plains, field, rustic, civilian life./ 里 meaning ri, village, parent's home, league.
2644Sasao(笹尾)笹 meaning bamboo grass, (kokuji)./ 尾 meaning tail, end, counter for fish, lower slope of mountain.
2645Shirayama(白山)白 meaning white./ 山 meaning mountain.
2646Itani(井谷)井 meaning well, well crib, town, community./ 谷 meaning valley.
2647Hanamoto(花本)花 meaning flower./ 本 meaning book, present, main, origin, true, real, counter for long cylindrical things.
2648Kagawa(加川)加 meaning add, addition, increase, join, include, Canada./ 川 meaning stream, river, river or three-stroke river radical (no. 47).
2649Tomari(泊)泊 meaning overnight stay, put up at, ride at anchor.
2650Hamachi(浜地)浜 meaning seacoast, beach, seashore./ 地 meaning ground, earth.
2651Yokose(横瀬)横 meaning sideways, side, horizontal, width, woof, unreasonable, perverse./ 瀬 meaning rapids, current, torrent, shallows, shoal.
2652Hanawa(花輪)花 meaning flower./ 輪 meaning wheel, ring, circle, link, loop, counter for wheels and flowers.
2653Itokawa(糸川)糸 meaning thread./ 川 meaning stream, river, river or three-stroke river radical (no. 47).
2654Ikezaki(池崎)池 meaning pond, cistern, pool, reservoir./ 崎 meaning promontory, cape, spit.
2655Kamohara(蒲原)蒲 meaning bullrush, flag, cattail./ 原 meaning meadow, original, primitive, field, plain, prairie, tundra, wilderness.
2656Ikeguchi(池口)池 meaning pond, cistern, pool, reservoir./ 口 meaning mouth.
2657Kozuma(上妻)上 meaning above, up./ 妻 meaning wife, spouse.
2658Tosa(土佐)土 meaning soil, earth, ground, Turkey./ 佐 meaning assistant, help.
2659Maki(槙)槙 meaning twig, ornamental evergreen.
2660Tosaka(登坂)登 meaning ascend, climb up./ 坂 meaning slope, incline, hill.
2661Nishimoto(西元)西 meaning west, Spain./ 元 meaning beginning, former time, origin.
2662Maruno(丸野)丸 meaning round, full (month), perfection, -ship, pills, make round, roll up, curl up, seduce, explain away./ 野 meaning plains, field, rustic, civilian life.
2663Yokotsuka(横塚)横 meaning sideways, side, horizontal, width, woof, unreasonable, perverse./ 塚 meaning hillock, mound.
2664Ogawa(尾川)尾 meaning tail, end, counter for fish, lower slope of mountain./ 川 meaning stream, river, river or three-stroke river radical (no. 47).
2665Niida(新井田)新 meaning new./ 井 meaning well, well crib, town, community./ 田 meaning rice field, rice paddy.
2666Hosogai(細貝)細 meaning dainty, get thin, taper, slender, narrow, detailed, precise./ 貝 meaning shellfish.
2667Moriki(森木)森 meaning forest, woods./ 木 meaning tree, wood.
2668Kozono(小園)小 meaning little, small./ 園 meaning park, garden, yard, farm.
2669Serizawa(芹澤)芹 meaning parsley./ 澤 meaning swamp.
2670Kaji(鍛治)鍛 meaning forge, discipline, train./ 治 meaning reign, be at peace, calm down, subdue, quell, govt, cure, heal, rule, conserve.
2671Ishitobi(石飛)石 meaning stone./ 飛 meaning fly, skip (pages), scatter.
2672Akino(秋野)秋 meaning autumn./ 野 meaning plains, field, rustic, civilian life.
2673Hamabe(浜辺)浜 meaning seacoast, beach, seashore./ 辺 meaning environs, boundary, border, vicinity.
2674Sera(世良)世 meaning generation, world, society, public./ 良 meaning good, pleasing, skilled.
2675Omine(大嶺)大 meaning large, big./ 嶺 meaning peak, summit.
2676Inoshita(井下)井 meaning well, well crib, town, community./ 下 meaning below, down, descend, give, low, inferior.
2677Tsuruya(鶴谷)鶴 meaning crane, stork./ 谷 meaning valley.
2678Kemmochi(剣持)剣 meaning sabre, sword, blade, clock hand./ 持 meaning hold, have.
2679Hanazawa(花沢)花 meaning flower./ 沢 meaning swamp, marsh, brilliance, grace.
2680Kuriki(栗城)栗 meaning chestnut./ 城 meaning castle.
2681Kaizuka(貝塚)貝 meaning shellfish./ 塚 meaning hillock, mound.
2682Sakita(崎田)崎 meaning promontory, cape, spit./ 田 meaning rice field, rice paddy.
2683Hatano(秦野)秦 meaning Manchu dynasty, name given to naturalized foreigners./ 野 meaning plains, field, rustic, civilian life.
2684Kamoshita(鴨下)鴨 meaning wild duck, easy mark./ 下 meaning below, down, descend, give, low, inferior.
2685Hayasaki(早崎)早 meaning early, fast./ 崎 meaning promontory, cape, spit.
2686Tsujioka(辻岡)辻 meaning crossing, crossroad, street corners, (kokuji)./ 岡 meaning mount, hill, knoll.
2687Yuyama(湯山)湯 meaning hot water, bath, hot spring./ 山 meaning mountain.
2688Shoda(庄田)庄 meaning level, in the country, manor, village, hamlet./ 田 meaning rice field, rice paddy.
2689Morikami(森上)森 meaning forest, woods./ 上 meaning above, up.
2690Takino(滝野)滝 meaning waterfall, rapids, cascade./ 野 meaning plains, field, rustic, civilian life.
2691Shino(篠)篠 meaning bamboo grass.
2692Tsumuraya(円谷)円 meaning circle, yen, round./ 谷 meaning valley.
2693Nishibayashi(西林)西 meaning west, Spain./ 林 meaning grove, forest.
2694Ogane(大金)大 meaning large, big./ 金 meaning gold.
2695Sezaki(瀬崎)瀬 meaning rapids, current, torrent, shallows, shoal./ 崎 meaning promontory, cape, spit.
2696Nishihira(西平)西 meaning west, Spain./ 平 meaning even, flat, peace.
2697Sado(佐渡)佐 meaning assistant, help./ 渡 meaning transit, ford, ferry, cross, import, deliver, diameter, migrate.
2698Takehana(竹花)竹 meaning bamboo./ 花 meaning flower.
2699Fuke(福家)福 meaning blessing, fortune, luck, wealth./ 家 meaning house, home, family, professional, expert, performer.
2700Hosoki(細木)細 meaning dainty, get thin, taper, slender, narrow, detailed, precise./ 木 meaning tree, wood.
2701Harigae(張替)張 meaning lengthen, counter for bows & stringed instruments, stretch, spread, put up (tent)./ 替 meaning exchange, spare, substitute, per-.
2702Ijichi(伊地知)伊 meaning Italy, that one./ 地 meaning ground, earth./ 知 meaning know, wisdom.
2703Sasanuma(笹沼)笹 meaning bamboo grass, (kokuji)./ 沼 meaning marsh, lake, bog, swamp, pond.
2704Kuge(久下)久 meaning long time, old story./ 下 meaning below, down, descend, give, low, inferior.
2705Umebayashi(梅林)梅 meaning plum./ 林 meaning grove, forest.
2706Horiba(堀場)堀 meaning ditch, moat, canal./ 場 meaning location, place.
2707Takizawa(瀧澤)瀧 meaning waterfall, rapids, cascade./ 澤 meaning swamp.
2708Sugishita(杉下)杉 meaning cedar, cryptomeria./ 下 meaning below, down, descend, give, low, inferior.
2709Kezuka(毛塚)毛 meaning fur, hair, feather, down./ 塚 meaning hillock, mound.
2710Shimojo(下条)下 meaning below, down, descend, give, low, inferior./ 条 meaning article, clause, item, stripe, streak.
2711Koriyama(郡山)郡 meaning county, district./ 山 meaning mountain.
2712Yamasawa(山沢)山 meaning mountain./ 沢 meaning swamp, marsh, brilliance, grace.
2713Inai(稲井)稲 meaning rice plant./ 井 meaning well, well crib, town, community.
2714Kamekawa(亀川)亀 meaning tortoise, turtle./ 川 meaning stream, river, river or three-stroke river radical (no. 47).
2715Tanada(棚田)棚 meaning shelf, ledge, rack, mount, mantle, trellis./ 田 meaning rice field, rice paddy.
2716Jingu(神宮)神 meaning gods, mind, soul./ 宮 meaning Shinto shrine, constellations, palace, princess.
2717Okajima(岡嶋)岡 meaning mount, hill, knoll./ 嶋 meaning island.
2718Akutagawa(芥川)芥 meaning mustard, rape, dust, trash, rubbish./ 川 meaning stream, river, river or three-stroke river radical (no. 47).
2719Sueda(末田)末 meaning end, close, tip, powder, posterity./ 田 meaning rice field, rice paddy.
2720Idehara(出原)出 meaning exit, leave, go out, come out, put out, protrude./ 原 meaning meadow, original, primitive, field, plain, prairie, tundra, wilderness.
2721Kadoi(門井)門 meaning gate, counter for cannons./ 井 meaning well, well crib, town, community.
2722Mizuma(水間)水 meaning water./ 間 meaning interval, space.
2723Isokawa(五十川)五 meaning five./ 十 meaning ten./ 川 meaning stream, river, river or three-stroke river radical (no. 47).
2724Nabeta(鍋田)鍋 meaning pot, pan, kettle./ 田 meaning rice field, rice paddy.
2725Azuma(吾妻)吾 meaning I, my, our, one's own./ 妻 meaning wife, spouse.
2726Takeguchi(竹口)竹 meaning bamboo./ 口 meaning mouth.
2727Umeyama(梅山)梅 meaning plum./ 山 meaning mountain.
2728Tanigaki(谷垣)谷 meaning valley./ 垣 meaning hedge, fence, wall.
2729Koda(香田)香 meaning incense, smell, perfume./ 田 meaning rice field, rice paddy.
2730Saita(斉田)斉 meaning adjusted, alike, equal, similar variety of./ 田 meaning rice field, rice paddy.
2731Higaki(檜垣)檜 meaning Japanese cypress./ 垣 meaning hedge, fence, wall.
2732Sugii(杉井)杉 meaning cedar, cryptomeria./ 井 meaning well, well crib, town, community.
2733Nawata(縄田)縄 meaning straw rope, cord./ 田 meaning rice field, rice paddy.
2734Kuhara(久原)久 meaning long time, old story./ 原 meaning meadow, original, primitive, field, plain, prairie, tundra, wilderness.
2735Tachihara(立原)立 meaning stand up, rise, set up, erect./ 原 meaning meadow, original, primitive, field, plain, prairie, tundra, wilderness.
2736Hagiya(萩谷)萩 meaning bush clover./ 谷 meaning valley.
2737Komiyama(込山)込 meaning crowded, mixture, in bulk, included, (kokuji)./ 山 meaning mountain.
2738Kozuki(上月)上 meaning above, up./ 月 meaning month, moon.
2739Anazawa(穴沢)穴 meaning hole, aperture, slit, cave, den./ 沢 meaning swamp, marsh, brilliance, grace.
2740Ebihara(蛯原)蛯 meaning shrimp, (kokuji)./ 原 meaning meadow, original, primitive, field, plain, prairie, tundra, wilderness.
2741Kitta(橘田)橘 meaning mandarin orange./ 田 meaning rice field, rice paddy.
2742Hisanaga(久永)久 meaning long time, old story./ 永 meaning eternity, long, lengthy.
2743Kurono(黒野)黒 meaning black./ 野 meaning plains, field, rustic, civilian life.
2744Araki(新木)新 meaning new./ 木 meaning tree, wood.
2745Asaumi(浅海)浅 meaning shallow, superficial, frivolous, wretched, shameful./ 海 meaning sea, ocean.
2746Uchima(内間)内 meaning inside, within, between, among, house, home./ 間 meaning interval, space.
2747Sunahara(砂原)砂 meaning sand./ 原 meaning meadow, original, primitive, field, plain, prairie, tundra, wilderness.
2748Yamabe(山部)山 meaning mountain./ 部 meaning section, bureau, dept, class, copy, part, portion, counter for copies of a newspaper or magazine.
2749Goya(呉屋)呉 meaning give, do something for, kingdom of Wu./ 屋 meaning roof, house, shop, dealer, seller.
2750Zaitsu(財津)財 meaning property, money, wealth, assets./ 津 meaning haven, port, harbor, ferry.
2751Arisaka(有坂)有 meaning possess, have, exist, happen, occur, approx./ 坂 meaning slope, incline, hill.
2752Mima(美馬)美 meaning beauty, beautiful./ 馬 meaning horse.
2753Yokobori(横堀)横 meaning sideways, side, horizontal, width, woof, unreasonable, perverse./ 堀 meaning ditch, moat, canal.
2754Yagura(矢倉)矢 meaning dart, arrow./ 倉 meaning godown, warehouse, storehouse, cellar, treasury.
2755Kawate(川手)川 meaning stream, river, river or three-stroke river radical (no. 47)./ 手 meaning hand.
2756Iioka(飯岡)飯 meaning meal, boiled rice./ 岡 meaning mount, hill, knoll.
2757Ashikawa(芦川)芦 meaning reed, bullrush./ 川 meaning stream, river, river or three-stroke river radical (no. 47).
2758Miyamori(宮森)宮 meaning Shinto shrine, constellations, palace, princess./ 森 meaning forest, woods.
2759Hoshiba(干場)干 meaning dry, parch, ebb, recede, interfere, intercede./ 場 meaning location, place.
2760Tobaru(桃原)桃 meaning peach./ 原 meaning meadow, original, primitive, field, plain, prairie, tundra, wilderness.
2761Isoyama(磯山)磯 meaning seashore, beach./ 山 meaning mountain.
2762Akiba(秋庭)秋 meaning autumn./ 庭 meaning courtyard, garden, yard.
2763Umekawa(梅川)梅 meaning plum./ 川 meaning stream, river, river or three-stroke river radical (no. 47).
2764Shimaoka(島岡)島 meaning island./ 岡 meaning mount, hill, knoll.
2765Kawanabe(川鍋)川 meaning stream, river, river or three-stroke river radical (no. 47)./ 鍋 meaning pot, pan, kettle.
2766Harigai(針谷)針 meaning needle, pin, staple, stinger./ 谷 meaning valley.
2767Ichiki(市来)市 meaning market, city, town./ 来 meaning come, due, next, cause, become.
2768Okura(大蔵)大 meaning large, big./ 蔵 meaning storehouse, hide, own, have, possess.
2769Kamagata(鎌形)鎌 meaning sickle, scythe, trick./ 形 meaning shape, form, style.
2770Karasawa(柄沢)柄 meaning design, pattern, build, nature, character, handle, crank, grip, knob, shaft./ 沢 meaning swamp, marsh, brilliance, grace.
2771Motoyama(元山)元 meaning beginning, former time, origin./ 山 meaning mountain.
2772Iwayama(岩山)岩 meaning boulder, rock, cliff./ 山 meaning mountain.
2773Mitsuzuka(三塚)三 meaning three./ 塚 meaning hillock, mound.
2774Shibuta(渋田)渋 meaning astringent, hesitate, reluctant, have diarrhea./ 田 meaning rice field, rice paddy.
2775Konaka(小中)小 meaning little, small./ 中 meaning in, inside, middle, mean, center.
2776Kagami(鏡)鏡 meaning mirror, speculum, barrel-head, round rice-cake offering.
2777Sonoda(薗田)薗 meaning garden, yard, farm./ 田 meaning rice field, rice paddy.
2778Isobe(磯辺)磯 meaning seashore, beach./ 辺 meaning environs, boundary, border, vicinity.
2779Yuhara(湯原)湯 meaning hot water, bath, hot spring./ 原 meaning meadow, original, primitive, field, plain, prairie, tundra, wilderness.
2780Chuman(中馬)中 meaning in, inside, middle, mean, center./ 馬 meaning horse.
2781Itano(板野)板 meaning plank, board, plate, stage./ 野 meaning plains, field, rustic, civilian life.
2782Natsui(夏井)夏 meaning summer./ 井 meaning well, well crib, town, community.
2783Wakahara(若原)若 meaning young, if, perhaps, possibly, low number, immature./ 原 meaning meadow, original, primitive, field, plain, prairie, tundra, wilderness.
2784Katsuki(勝木)勝 meaning victory, win, prevail, excel./ 木 meaning tree, wood.
2785Sengoku(仙石)仙 meaning hermit, wizard, cent./ 石 meaning stone.
2786Toshima(戸島)戸 meaning door, counter for houses, door radical (no. 63)./ 島 meaning island.
2787Shibahara(芝原)芝 meaning turf, lawn./ 原 meaning meadow, original, primitive, field, plain, prairie, tundra, wilderness.
2788Murasaki(村崎)村 meaning village, town./ 崎 meaning promontory, cape, spit.
2789Iwami(石見)石 meaning stone./ 見 meaning see, hopes, chances, idea, opinion, look at, visible.
2790Kibe(木部)木 meaning tree, wood./ 部 meaning section, bureau, dept, class, copy, part, portion, counter for copies of a newspaper or magazine.
2791Masukawa(増川)増 meaning increase, add, augment, gain, promote./ 川 meaning stream, river, river or three-stroke river radical (no. 47).
2792Shimamoto(嶋本)嶋 meaning island./ 本 meaning book, present, main, origin, true, real, counter for long cylindrical things.
2793Tobari(戸張)戸 meaning door, counter for houses, door radical (no. 63)./ 張 meaning lengthen, counter for bows & stringed instruments, stretch, spread, put up (tent).
2794Kumashiro(神代)神 meaning gods, mind, soul./ 代 meaning substitute, change, convert, replace, period, age, counter for decades of ages, eras, etc., generation, charge, rate, fee.
2795Konagaya(小長谷)小 meaning little, small./ 長 meaning long, leader, superior, senior./ 谷 meaning valley.
2796Takashita(高下)高 meaning tall, high, expensive./ 下 meaning below, down, descend, give, low, inferior.
2797Tsuneda(常田)常 meaning usual, ordinary, normal, common, regular, continually, always, long-lasting./ 田 meaning rice field, rice paddy.
2798Takabe(高部)高 meaning tall, high, expensive./ 部 meaning section, bureau, dept, class, copy, part, portion, counter for copies of a newspaper or magazine.
2799Kariya(苅谷)苅 meaning cutting (grass)./ 谷 meaning valley.
2800Onaga(翁長)翁 meaning venerable old man./ 長 meaning long, leader, superior, senior.
2801Kusuki(楠木)楠 meaning camphor tree./ 木 meaning tree, wood.
2802Yomogida(蓬田)蓬 meaning sagebrush, wormwood, mugwort./ 田 meaning rice field, rice paddy.
2803Kunihiro(国広)国 meaning country./ 広 meaning wide, broad, spacious.
2804Itokazu(糸数)糸 meaning thread./ 数 meaning number, strength, fate, law, figures.
2805Hamana(浜名)浜 meaning seacoast, beach, seashore./ 名 meaning name, noted, distinguished, reputation.
2806Kariya(仮屋)仮 meaning sham, temporary, interim, assumed (name), informal./ 屋 meaning roof, house, shop, dealer, seller.
2807Mizuhara(水原)水 meaning water./ 原 meaning meadow, original, primitive, field, plain, prairie, tundra, wilderness.
2808Sekizawa(関沢)関 meaning connection, barrier, gateway, involve, concerning./ 沢 meaning swamp, marsh, brilliance, grace.
2809Arao(荒尾)荒 meaning laid waste, rough, rude, wild./ 尾 meaning tail, end, counter for fish, lower slope of mountain.
2810Takatori(高取)高 meaning tall, high, expensive./ 取 meaning take, fetch, take up.
2811Kamiya(紙谷)紙 meaning paper./ 谷 meaning valley.
2812Iwahori(岩堀)岩 meaning boulder, rock, cliff./ 堀 meaning ditch, moat, canal.
2813Shigeno(重野)重 meaning heavy, important, esteem, respect, heap up, pile up, nest of boxes, -fold./ 野 meaning plains, field, rustic, civilian life.
2814Shimane(島根)島 meaning island./ 根 meaning root, radical, head (pimple).
2815Shigemura(重村)重 meaning heavy, important, esteem, respect, heap up, pile up, nest of boxes, -fold./ 村 meaning village, town.
2816Awaji(淡路)淡 meaning thin, faint, pale, fleeting./ 路 meaning path, route, road, distance.
2817Fujinami(藤浪)藤 meaning wisteria./ 浪 meaning wandering, waves, billows, reckless, unrestrained.
2818Amma(安間)安 meaning relax, cheap, low, quiet, rested, contented, peaceful./ 間 meaning interval, space.
2819Sugio(杉尾)杉 meaning cedar, cryptomeria./ 尾 meaning tail, end, counter for fish, lower slope of mountain.
2820Ichimiya(一宮)一 meaning one, one radical (no.1)./ 宮 meaning Shinto shrine, constellations, palace, princess.
2821Uenaka(上中)上 meaning above, up./ 中 meaning in, inside, middle, mean, center.
2822Tonomura(外村)外 meaning outside./ 村 meaning village, town.
2823Tanahara(棚原)棚 meaning shelf, ledge, rack, mount, mantle, trellis./ 原 meaning meadow, original, primitive, field, plain, prairie, tundra, wilderness.
2824Anzai(安斉)安 meaning relax, cheap, low, quiet, rested, contented, peaceful./ 斉 meaning adjusted, alike, equal, similar variety of.
2825Kitazume(北爪)北 meaning north./ 爪 meaning claw, nail, talon.
2826Mano(間野)間 meaning interval, space./ 野 meaning plains, field, rustic, civilian life.
2827Miyamoto(宮元)宮 meaning Shinto shrine, constellations, palace, princess./ 元 meaning beginning, former time, origin.
2828Itoga(糸賀)糸 meaning thread./ 賀 meaning congratulations, joy.
2829Hoshiyama(星山)星 meaning star, spot, dot, mark./ 山 meaning mountain.
2830Yamazato(山里)山 meaning mountain./ 里 meaning ri, village, parent's home, league.
2831Ishido(石堂)石 meaning stone./ 堂 meaning public chamber, hall.
2832Fukuzawa(福澤)福 meaning blessing, fortune, luck, wealth./ 澤 meaning swamp.
2833Muroka(室岡)室 meaning room, apartment, chamber, greenhouse, cellar./ 岡 meaning mount, hill, knoll.
2834Kosaka(小阪)小 meaning little, small./ 阪 meaning heights, slope.
2835Wakamiya(若宮)若 meaning young, if, perhaps, possibly, low number, immature./ 宮 meaning Shinto shrine, constellations, palace, princess.
2836Hachisuka(蜂須賀)蜂 meaning bee, wasp, hornet./ 須 meaning ought, by all means, necessarily./ 賀 meaning congratulations, joy.
2837Tokuhara(徳原)徳 meaning benevolence, virtue, goodness, commanding respect./ 原 meaning meadow, original, primitive, field, plain, prairie, tundra, wilderness.
2838Oyagi(大八木)大 meaning large, big./ 八 meaning eight, eight radical (no. 12)./ 木 meaning tree, wood.
2839Manaka(間中)間 meaning interval, space./ 中 meaning in, inside, middle, mean, center.
2840Tamano(玉野)玉 meaning jewel, ball./ 野 meaning plains, field, rustic, civilian life.
2841Togashi(冨樫)冨 meaning enrich, wealthy, abundant./ 樫 meaning evergreen oak, (kokuji).
2842Mizuki(水木)水 meaning water./ 木 meaning tree, wood.
2843Komiyama(小見山)小 meaning little, small./ 見 meaning see, hopes, chances, idea, opinion, look at, visible./ 山 meaning mountain.
2844Miyaji(宮路)宮 meaning Shinto shrine, constellations, palace, princess./ 路 meaning path, route, road, distance.
2845Yamafuji(山藤)山 meaning mountain./ 藤 meaning wisteria.
2846Koshimizu(小清水)小 meaning little, small./ 清 meaning pure, purify, cleanse, exorcise, Manchu dynasty./ 水 meaning water.
2847Demura(出村)出 meaning exit, leave, go out, come out, put out, protrude./ 村 meaning village, town.
2848Domoto(堂本)堂 meaning public chamber, hall./ 本 meaning book, present, main, origin, true, real, counter for long cylindrical things.
2849Takamizawa(高見沢)高 meaning tall, high, expensive./ 見 meaning see, hopes, chances, idea, opinion, look at, visible./ 沢 meaning swamp, marsh, brilliance, grace.
2850Kusumi(久住)久 meaning long time, old story./ 住 meaning dwell, reside, live, inhabit.
2851Tsunoi(角井)角 meaning angle, corner, square, horn, antlers./ 井 meaning well, well crib, town, community.
2852Ida(伊田)伊 meaning Italy, that one./ 田 meaning rice field, rice paddy.
2853Tsuzuki(都筑)都 meaning metropolis, capital, all, everything./ 筑 meaning an ancient musical instrument.
2854Ebata(江端)江 meaning creek, inlet, bay./ 端 meaning edge, origin, end, point, border, verge, cape.
2855Imazato(今里)今 meaning now./ 里 meaning ri, village, parent's home, league.
2856Kitamura(喜多村)喜 meaning rejoice, take pleasure in./ 多 meaning many, frequent, much./ 村 meaning village, town.
2857Inamori(稲森)稲 meaning rice plant./ 森 meaning forest, woods.
2858Kawanami(川浪)川 meaning stream, river, river or three-stroke river radical (no. 47)./ 浪 meaning wandering, waves, billows, reckless, unrestrained.
2859Tanabe(田邉)田 meaning rice field, rice paddy./ 邉 meaning edge, margin, side, border.
2860Shiozawa(塩澤)塩 meaning salt./ 澤 meaning swamp.
2861Kikutani(菊谷)菊 meaning chrysanthemum./ 谷 meaning valley.
2862Michiue(道上)道 meaning road-way, street, district, journey, course, moral, teachings./ 上 meaning above, up.
2863Yuki(幸)幸 meaning happiness, blessing, fortune.
2864Tsuzaki(津崎)津 meaning haven, port, harbor, ferry./ 崎 meaning promontory, cape, spit.
2865Uezato(上里)上 meaning above, up./ 里 meaning ri, village, parent's home, league.
2866Tsuyama(津山)津 meaning haven, port, harbor, ferry./ 山 meaning mountain.
2867Kuroishi(黒石)黒 meaning black./ 石 meaning stone.
2868Yokoshima(横島)横 meaning sideways, side, horizontal, width, woof, unreasonable, perverse./ 島 meaning island.
2869Ueshima(上嶋)上 meaning above, up./ 嶋 meaning island.
2870Ebata(江幡)江 meaning creek, inlet, bay./ 幡 meaning flag.
2871Goto(五藤)五 meaning five./ 藤 meaning wisteria.
2872Yamaga(山賀)山 meaning mountain./ 賀 meaning congratulations, joy.
2873Yokosuka(横須賀)横 meaning sideways, side, horizontal, width, woof, unreasonable, perverse./ 須 meaning ought, by all means, necessarily./ 賀 meaning congratulations, joy.
2874Shibagaki(柴垣)柴 meaning brush, firewood./ 垣 meaning hedge, fence, wall.
2875Yasukochi(安河内)安 meaning relax, cheap, low, quiet, rested, contented, peaceful./ 河 meaning river./ 内 meaning inside, within, between, among, house, home.
2876Nukui(貫井)貫 meaning pierce, 8 1/3lbs, penetrate, brace./ 井 meaning well, well crib, town, community.
2877Tatsuta(立田)立 meaning stand up, rise, set up, erect./ 田 meaning rice field, rice paddy.
2878Ozono(大園)大 meaning large, big./ 園 meaning park, garden, yard, farm.
2879Kon(近)近 meaning near, early, akin, tantamount.
2880Iriguchi(入口)入 meaning enter, insert./ 口 meaning mouth.
2881Shimoda(霜田)霜 meaning frost./ 田 meaning rice field, rice paddy.
2882Sugo(菅生)菅 meaning sedge./ 生 meaning life, genuine, birth.
2883Hanatani(花谷)花 meaning flower./ 谷 meaning valley.
2884Kanehira(兼平)兼 meaning concurrently, and, beforehand, in advance./ 平 meaning even, flat, peace.
2885Imashiro(今城)今 meaning now./ 城 meaning castle.
2886Kamogawa(鴨川)鴨 meaning wild duck, easy mark./ 川 meaning stream, river, river or three-stroke river radical (no. 47).
2887Hosoya(細矢)細 meaning dainty, get thin, taper, slender, narrow, detailed, precise./ 矢 meaning dart, arrow.
2888Kabashima(椛島)椛 meaning autumn foliage, birch, maple, (kokuji)./ 島 meaning island.
2889Shinjo(新庄)新 meaning new./ 庄 meaning level, in the country, manor, village, hamlet.
2890Kunitake(国武)国 meaning country./ 武 meaning warrior, military, chivalry, arms.
2891Odaka(尾高)尾 meaning tail, end, counter for fish, lower slope of mountain./ 高 meaning tall, high, expensive.
2892Abiru(阿比留)阿 meaning Africa, flatter, fawn upon, corner, nook, recess./ 比 meaning compare, race, ratio, Philippines./ 留 meaning detain, fasten, halt, stop.
2893Kashimoto(樫本)樫 meaning evergreen oak, (kokuji)./ 本 meaning book, present, main, origin, true, real, counter for long cylindrical things.
2894Tokura(戸倉)戸 meaning door, counter for houses, door radical (no. 63)./ 倉 meaning godown, warehouse, storehouse, cellar, treasury.
2895Kaminaga(神長)神 meaning gods, mind, soul./ 長 meaning long, leader, superior, senior.
2896Murashima(村島)村 meaning village, town./ 島 meaning island.
2897Minamoto(源)源 meaning source, origin.
2898Futakawa(二川)二 meaning two, two radical (no. 7)./ 川 meaning stream, river, river or three-stroke river radical (no. 47).
2899Iijima(飯嶋)飯 meaning meal, boiled rice./ 嶋 meaning island.
2900Takaya(高屋)高 meaning tall, high, expensive./ 屋 meaning roof, house, shop, dealer, seller.
2901Kora(小浦)小 meaning little, small./ 浦 meaning bay, creek, inlet, gulf, beach, seacoast.
2902Moriyama(守山)守 meaning guard, protect, defend, obey./ 山 meaning mountain.
2903Kawasumi(川澄)川 meaning stream, river, river or three-stroke river radical (no. 47)./ 澄 meaning lucidity, be clear, clear, clarify, settle, strain, look grave.
2904Minoda(蓑田)蓑 meaning straw raincoat./ 田 meaning rice field, rice paddy.
2905Nakasuji(中筋)中 meaning in, inside, middle, mean, center./ 筋 meaning muscle, sinew, tendon, fiber, plot, plan, descent.
2906Hari(張)張 meaning lengthen, counter for bows & stringed instruments, stretch, spread, put up (tent).
2907Ishido(石戸)石 meaning stone./ 戸 meaning door, counter for houses, door radical (no. 63).
2908Uehira(上平)上 meaning above, up./ 平 meaning even, flat, peace.
2909Ueyama(植山)植 meaning plant./ 山 meaning mountain.
2910Kusuhara(楠原)楠 meaning camphor tree./ 原 meaning meadow, original, primitive, field, plain, prairie, tundra, wilderness.
2911Sawabe(沢辺)沢 meaning swamp, marsh, brilliance, grace./ 辺 meaning environs, boundary, border, vicinity.
2912Nakadai(中台)中 meaning in, inside, middle, mean, center./ 台 meaning pedestal, a stand, counter for machines and vehicles.
2913Arase(荒瀬)荒 meaning laid waste, rough, rude, wild./ 瀬 meaning rapids, current, torrent, shallows, shoal.
2914Fujiu(藤生)藤 meaning wisteria./ 生 meaning life, genuine, birth.
2915Umakoshi(馬越)馬 meaning horse./ 越 meaning surpass, cross over, move to, exceed, Vietnam.
2916Shibukawa(渋川)渋 meaning astringent, hesitate, reluctant, have diarrhea./ 川 meaning stream, river, river or three-stroke river radical (no. 47).
2917Moriya(森屋)森 meaning forest, woods./ 屋 meaning roof, house, shop, dealer, seller.
2918Akagi(赤城)赤 meaning red./ 城 meaning castle.
2919Kubodera(久保寺)久 meaning long time, old story./ 保 meaning protect, guarantee, keep, preserve, sustain, support./ 寺 meaning Buddhist temple.
2920Uezu(上江洲)上 meaning above, up./ 江 meaning creek, inlet, bay./ 洲 meaning continent, sandbar, island, country.
2921Katsuragawa(桂川)桂 meaning Japanese Judas-tree, cinnamon tree./ 川 meaning stream, river, river or three-stroke river radical (no. 47).
2922Kabeya(壁谷)壁 meaning wall, lining (stomach), fence./ 谷 meaning valley.
2923Niitsu(新津)新 meaning new./ 津 meaning haven, port, harbor, ferry.
2924Takimoto(瀧本)瀧 meaning waterfall, rapids, cascade./ 本 meaning book, present, main, origin, true, real, counter for long cylindrical things.
2925Yoshiura(吉浦)吉 meaning good luck, joy, congratulations./ 浦 meaning bay, creek, inlet, gulf, beach, seacoast.
2926Nasu(奈須)奈 meaning Nara, what?./ 須 meaning ought, by all means, necessarily.
2927Nagaishi(永石)永 meaning eternity, long, lengthy./ 石 meaning stone.
2928Shimoka(下岡)下 meaning below, down, descend, give, low, inferior./ 岡 meaning mount, hill, knoll.
2929Akanuma(赤沼)赤 meaning red./ 沼 meaning marsh, lake, bog, swamp, pond.
2930Ichinose(市瀬)市 meaning market, city, town./ 瀬 meaning rapids, current, torrent, shallows, shoal.
2931Arisawa(有沢)有 meaning possess, have, exist, happen, occur, approx./ 沢 meaning swamp, marsh, brilliance, grace.
2932Kawabe(川部)川 meaning stream, river, river or three-stroke river radical (no. 47)./ 部 meaning section, bureau, dept, class, copy, part, portion, counter for copies of a newspaper or magazine.
2933Hashimoto(橋元)橋 meaning bridge./ 元 meaning beginning, former time, origin.
2934Kaneki(金木)金 meaning gold./ 木 meaning tree, wood.
2935Miyatani(宮谷)宮 meaning Shinto shrine, constellations, palace, princess./ 谷 meaning valley.
2936Yokozeki(横関)横 meaning sideways, side, horizontal, width, woof, unreasonable, perverse./ 関 meaning connection, barrier, gateway, involve, concerning.
2937Senzaki(先崎)先 meaning before, ahead, previous, future, precedence./ 崎 meaning promontory, cape, spit.
2938Fujimaru(藤丸)藤 meaning wisteria./ 丸 meaning round, full (month), perfection, -ship, pills, make round, roll up, curl up, seduce, explain away.
2939Masuda(舛田)舛 meaning dancing radical (no. 136)./ 田 meaning rice field, rice paddy.
2940Kubo(窪)窪 meaning depression, cave in, sink, become hollow.
2941Nanjo(南條)南 meaning south./ 條 meaning article, ray of light.
2942Uchida(打田)打 meaning strike, hit, knock, pound, dozen./ 田 meaning rice field, rice paddy.
2943Urabe(卜部)卜 meaning divining, fortune-telling, divination or katakana to radical (no. 25)./ 部 meaning section, bureau, dept, class, copy, part, portion, counter for copies of a newspaper or magazine.
2944Fujinaka(藤中)藤 meaning wisteria./ 中 meaning in, inside, middle, mean, center.
2945Yanai(箭内)箭 meaning arrow./ 内 meaning inside, within, between, among, house, home.
2946Hamamoto(濱本)濱 meaning beach, sea coast, river bank./ 本 meaning book, present, main, origin, true, real, counter for long cylindrical things.
2947Numao(沼尾)沼 meaning marsh, lake, bog, swamp, pond./ 尾 meaning tail, end, counter for fish, lower slope of mountain.
2948Akase(赤瀬)赤 meaning red./ 瀬 meaning rapids, current, torrent, shallows, shoal.
2949Motokawa(本川)本 meaning book, present, main, origin, true, real, counter for long cylindrical things./ 川 meaning stream, river, river or three-stroke river radical (no. 47).
2950Yakuwa(八鍬)八 meaning eight, eight radical (no. 12)./ 鍬 meaning hoe with long blade at acute angle.
2951Nishibori(西堀)西 meaning west, Spain./ 堀 meaning ditch, moat, canal.
2952Munakata(棟方)棟 meaning ridgepole, ridge./ 方 meaning direction, person, alternative.
2953Yamagata(山縣)山 meaning mountain./ 縣 meaning county, district, subdivision.
2954Shibano(芝野)芝 meaning turf, lawn./ 野 meaning plains, field, rustic, civilian life.
2955Suizu(水津)水 meaning water./ 津 meaning haven, port, harbor, ferry.
2956Wakui(和久井)和 meaning harmony, Japanese style, peace, soften, Japan./ 久 meaning long time, old story./ 井 meaning well, well crib, town, community.
2957Osamura(長村)長 meaning long, leader, superior, senior./ 村 meaning village, town.
2958Nakaie(中家)中 meaning in, inside, middle, mean, center./ 家 meaning house, home, family, professional, expert, performer.
2959Teraguchi(寺口)寺 meaning Buddhist temple./ 口 meaning mouth.
2960Shibuya(澁谷)澁 meaning astringent, harsh, uneven, rough./ 谷 meaning valley.
2961Shirahata(白幡)白 meaning white./ 幡 meaning flag.
2962Yasutomi(安富)安 meaning relax, cheap, low, quiet, rested, contented, peaceful./ 富 meaning wealth, enrich, abundant.
2963Anraku(安楽)安 meaning relax, cheap, low, quiet, rested, contented, peaceful./ 楽 meaning music, comfort, ease.
2964Shimojima(下島)下 meaning below, down, descend, give, low, inferior./ 島 meaning island.
2965Masuo(増尾)増 meaning increase, add, augment, gain, promote./ 尾 meaning tail, end, counter for fish, lower slope of mountain.
2966Takahira(高平)高 meaning tall, high, expensive./ 平 meaning even, flat, peace.
2967Yamamichi(山道)山 meaning mountain./ 道 meaning road-way, street, district, journey, course, moral, teachings.
2968Sekihara(関原)関 meaning connection, barrier, gateway, involve, concerning./ 原 meaning meadow, original, primitive, field, plain, prairie, tundra, wilderness.
2969Mitsuishi(三石)三 meaning three./ 石 meaning stone.
2970Ikeyama(池山)池 meaning pond, cistern, pool, reservoir./ 山 meaning mountain.
2971Kanke(菅家)菅 meaning sedge./ 家 meaning house, home, family, professional, expert, performer.
2972Otake(大嶽)大 meaning large, big./ 嶽 meaning peak.
2973Mitsuda(満田)満 meaning full, fullness, enough, satisfy./ 田 meaning rice field, rice paddy.
2974Shigemoto(重本)重 meaning heavy, important, esteem, respect, heap up, pile up, nest of boxes, -fold./ 本 meaning book, present, main, origin, true, real, counter for long cylindrical things.
2975Takii(滝井)滝 meaning waterfall, rapids, cascade./ 井 meaning well, well crib, town, community.
2976Aburatani(油谷)油 meaning oil, fat./ 谷 meaning valley.
2977Takashina(高階)高 meaning tall, high, expensive./ 階 meaning storey, stair, counter for storeys of a building.
2978Kaito(海藤)海 meaning sea, ocean./ 藤 meaning wisteria.
2979Matsudo(松戸)松 meaning pine tree./ 戸 meaning door, counter for houses, door radical (no. 63).
2980Kaji(加治)加 meaning add, addition, increase, join, include, Canada./ 治 meaning reign, be at peace, calm down, subdue, quell, govt, cure, heal, rule, conserve.
2981Kiriya(桐谷)桐 meaning paulownia./ 谷 meaning valley.
2982Ideta(出田)出 meaning exit, leave, go out, come out, put out, protrude./ 田 meaning rice field, rice paddy.
2983Ajima(安島)安 meaning relax, cheap, low, quiet, rested, contented, peaceful./ 島 meaning island.
2984Kuriki(栗木)栗 meaning chestnut./ 木 meaning tree, wood.
2985Jitsukawa(実川)実 meaning reality, truth./ 川 meaning stream, river, river or three-stroke river radical (no. 47).
2986Sawazaki(沢崎)沢 meaning swamp, marsh, brilliance, grace./ 崎 meaning promontory, cape, spit.
2987Tarui(樽井)樽 meaning barrel, cask, keg./ 井 meaning well, well crib, town, community.
2988Hironaka(広中)広 meaning wide, broad, spacious./ 中 meaning in, inside, middle, mean, center.
2989Kami(上)上 meaning above, up.
2990Ikedo(池戸)池 meaning pond, cistern, pool, reservoir./ 戸 meaning door, counter for houses, door radical (no. 63).
2991Kawarasaki(河原崎)河 meaning river./ 原 meaning meadow, original, primitive, field, plain, prairie, tundra, wilderness./ 崎 meaning promontory, cape, spit.
2992Fukushige(福重)福 meaning blessing, fortune, luck, wealth./ 重 meaning heavy, important, esteem, respect, heap up, pile up, nest of boxes, -fold.
2993Oketani(桶谷)桶 meaning tub, bucket./ 谷 meaning valley.
2994Hane(羽根)羽 meaning feathers, counter for birds, rabbits./ 根 meaning root, radical, head (pimple).
2995Sogawa(十川)十 meaning ten./ 川 meaning stream, river, river or three-stroke river radical (no. 47).
2996Karaki(唐木)唐 meaning T'ang, China, foreign./ 木 meaning tree, wood.
2997Kunimatsu(国松)国 meaning country./ 松 meaning pine tree.
2998Motoya(本谷)本 meaning book, present, main, origin, true, real, counter for long cylindrical things./ 谷 meaning valley.
2999Arasaki(新崎)新 meaning new./ 崎 meaning promontory, cape, spit.
3000Nashimoto(梨本)梨 meaning pear tree./ 本 meaning book, present, main, origin, true, real, counter for long cylindrical things.

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